Know what I love? When I update and people review. Know what I don't? I check on the story to see that it's on the bottom of the page and other BETTER authors updated on the EXACT *flips table* SAME *Flips chair * DAY *attempts to flip batmobile but fails* Like I really don't update for like a century and then when I do people are just like "LETS UPDATE!" It's not a competition guys but I love when people notice my story and review! The only way they do is when it's noticeable (Sad face)

I will continue anyway! Also some of you took notice of my other story Disabled… it's really NOT my best work like AT ALL but I think I will be able to finish it for you guys :D So here you go, I don't own anything soooooo yeah!

Richard's POV

Wally shielded Dick from the debris before either of them could react properly to the explosion, throwing his body in front of the raven-haired teen. "Well, that's a bit much for a welcoming home." He breathed out into Wally's ear, very happy that his hero was finally here… "Wally, we need to get out of here." Wally shivered as he was backed into the bathroom backwards by said boyfriend. When they were out of the way of screaming people, Dick got out his carry-out and ripped the Nightwing suit out immediately stripping off his clothes and putting the costume on. "Well, Flash-boy? We got a world to save and as much as I like to see you ogling," Dick grabbed Wally's frozen form and crushed his lips against his in a very needy kiss, the hand that crumpled Wally's shirt in a very successful attempt to get him over because besides the wonderful trip back home, He missed Wally way too much for it to be healthy, " We need to save some lifes." He muttered before roughly pushing him away, winking in a sinister way before he put on the mask.

Wally was acting very very slow for a speedster… he pulled out the ring ( custom made from Barry when Wally turned 20) and changed into… drumroll… Kid flash! Nightwing smiled at seeing the lovely red hair pop out of the top, completely wind –blown which was just the way Richard loved it, but paused as he felt the tremble of a second explosion and then they were both gone, lost into the fight.

Nightwing scanned the area and saw that the people attacking… were all Gothamnites?! What the-

Boy wonder! Good to see you again!

As Nightwing Dodged Bane's charge, he managed the catch a glance of Artemis and the team… So apparently everyone wanted to greet him at the airport then? Now that's love right there! Nice to see you guys too… Did word get out that I was back in town? He kicked Riddler in the Face before he could get out any of his lame sayings out and proceeded to jump onto falling debris to get to higher ground. When he did, he saw that Wally was back to back with Megan fighting hand to hand combat ( Richard taught her well) and were they smiling? Cocky gingers.

Why was it always the cocky gingers?

Well maybe it's cocky gingers were the ones you grew up with?

God, Shut up Roy!

Ivy's spores were letting out it's deadly gas into the air dangerously close to Kalduar and Conner ( do they even react to the spores?) He threw expertly bird-a-rangs which caused them to split open and stop spreading the deadly gas into the air. But what he wasn't expecting to see was a bunch of mind-controlled police, men, women to spill out immediately on the ground. Hold on.

Mind- controlled?

Wally's POV

Wally was twitching nervously waiting on Richard to come out with the rest of the passengers ( It was flight 487, it's around the time Dick was supposed to be at and the Café ran out of Bagels to give him so where was he?) Get a grip. The plan is going to work, I mean….it has to work! If wally knew anything, it's that Dick loved to be in the mist of battle no matter what. Conner would often observe the way Robin's heart never quite calmed down until the mission was utterly done or cuddling with Wally. He admitted to being addicted to the thrill of Flying off of roofs, when he dodged villain's throws and countered them and mostly when he was sure he WON the battle. Hopefully thought this time, Wally and Richard could both win this time .

"Wally!" He heard an angel's voice calling out when he snapped his head to the sound and smiled brightly at his equally stunning even though Wally could tell he was asleep for most of the plane ride, as he walked up to meet Richard in an attempt hug because the explosion was supposed to go off in Three…Two…One…..One…. Jeezus, Can't Joker get anything rig-


There we go.

Wally threw himself in front of Richard, despise the fact that he knew none of the stones were going to hit them. Megan, You got all the people? All of the people are safe, Wally! Go ahead and start part two of the plan!

"Well, that's a bit much for a welcoming home.." He tried not to visibly shiver when Dick breathed into his ear and backed up to his touch when he pulled him back into the bathroom. Through all of the noise Wally couldn't hear what he said next but he was sure it was something about having to get out of here and Almost immediately Dick ripped open his suitcase and began to strip and Wally tried to do the same but when you see the one you love the most doing that, you tend to become frozen on the spot. "Well, Flash-boy? As much as I like to see you ogling," and then Dick grabbed his shirt and forwarded the two together in a very up close and personal liplock . It had the same feeling as their first kiss, rushed and inexperienced ( at least at one end) and curiosity nibbling very lightly at Dick's closed lips and then he was pushed off after Dick spoke in the kiss ( Wally didn't catch it. He was just wasn't listening today!) And they were gone. Lost into the Battle.


So, Wally the people will attack Nightwing at the same time and then you-

Shh… Spoilers.

Wally smirked as he faked threw Ivy against the wall, putting Megan back to back with him as the threw her mind-controlled 'volunteers' as some attempted to get the best of Megan, but she took Richard's lessons to MUCH consideration and now she could protect yourself mentally AND physically . NICE. Wally admired the way she defended herself and glanced to see Nightwing push himself off of the falling second level, a look of surprise wrote itself all over his face. Megan, setup the mind link so it reaches Everyone expect Nightwing. Wally thought as he saw Nightwing begin the half-heartedly fight since he didn't want to hurt the people. Already done. Go ahead Kid Flash.

Guys, I'm about to-

Harley, stop clinging to me! I want to see the kid flop up!

But Mr.J! We gotta stay in pos-

Riddle me this… Well actually does anyone have a video camera?

Cállate rompecabezas obsesionado perdedor!



"How's the damage look boy wonder?" Wally cockily said as he butted into Night wing's fight, slightly missing the escrima stick (bo-staff currently, Bruce made an upgrade to it after Tim challenged him to switch weapons and uhh, Dick didn't really forget how to use it which surprised the hell outta Tim as he was getting his head smashed into the wall) and bent his body back to dodge it and backfliped to a bunch of the sick police man before disarming them and using his fighting methods to push them into safety. "Well…. This wasn't at all what I was expected to coming back home but," Nightwing Punched the guy, and rolled himself across Wally's back to swing his leg over around the woman and lightly pushed into the floor with enough force to knock her out. Wally took his hand and laced it with his and helped him run across the people pushing them all to the ground. "I guess I couldn't imagine it any other way." Wally grabbed his opposite (Wally's left) shoulder, Wally's right arm with the hand still intertwined with his and bodies pressed slightly at the side and kissed Richard's shoulder. "Me either."

"Listen Nightwing, I want…I want to ask you something." Wally released Nightwing and spread slightly apart (back facing each other). "Shoot. Nothing like a conversation in the midst of battle." " Look, Nightwing.. I think that the last couple of years together were the best because of you," "Aww you charmer you. You wouldn't be able to tie your own shoes without me." Nightwing laughed out when he launched himself off of Wally's shoulders taking the man on himself. "Wait you're missing the poin-"

Hey flash boy! Wally grimaced when Harley's voice roared out in his head, I setup the SUUURRPPRRIISSEE! So make it quick with the proposal and you've got like 30 seconds before it happens. BYEE!

God, he knew something like this would happen! Ok, thirty seconds? Oh lord, what should he say? Refer to the First time they met? No, no too cliché…. Maybe when Wally asked him out on their first date ? No one does that! Nightwing was completely oblivious to Wally thinking hard on his words as he continued to fight the freaks, reveling in the sweet swooping sensation in his stomach. Wally stood still watching Nightwing fly over the opponents, entranced by the way he radiated off a sense of fun and child's play all while kicking the crap out of the people. Wally probably had about ten seconds before whatever Harley had planned would go off. Then a really nice feeling passed through Wally's body, kinda like he was floating on thin air and he just….did it. Grabbed the flying Nightwing and carefully taking him back to the ground with a very loving look on his face. "Wally? Wha-" He said quietly, but stopped when Wally held his hand and once again intertwined their fingers. With the opposite hand , Wally placed his fingers on his face.






"Marry me, beautiful."

A beautiful string of sparkling arrows flew above the couple leaving a trail of Glittering lights behind just to be met with Joker's Laughing gas, which made an enormous fireworks display appear in the sky. People in the background began cheering at the wonderful performance, and especially at how Megan used her mind powers to rebuild the destroyed section of the east wing. Wally didn't see them. And Dick didn't see them. Wally just saw the lights reflect off of the blue sapphires (from the lens-less mask) and watched the awe, utter , and complete surprise dance across Nightwing's face all while keeping his eyes trained on the confident emerald that were narrowed in a gleeful way. He proposed. H-He jus-st proposed-d to me! What do I do? What do I say? Yes? Are we ready? Wally waited until his saw both their faces were very nose-to-nose close before saying, " Nice, right?" He joked expecting a reply. "…I-I know yo-ou must be serious…., so….How the hell am I gonna say 'No' to this?!" Nightwing laughed out and connected both of their lips together, over and over repeating "Yes, Yes, Yes…."

For those that don't understand…. Well (heh) Wally planned the attack to occur when Dick arrived at the airport. I totally get the fact this would NEVER happen, even in the YJ universe but I thought it would be a nice factor for this story to get even more crazy than before soooooo yeah! Oh and no men, women or police guards were harmed (intentionally cough, cough ) in the making of this proposal!

Review so I can update faster! Come on~ I already have it written down and everything!