Hey guys! I working on my other story, but ! I decided that Wally hasn't really proposed to Robin much on Fanfiction at all, so I am changing that, by including Wally getting blessings, wally doing the proposal, the bachelor party AND THE WEDDING! OH GUEEZ, THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG RIDE, so hold on tight!

Wally loves Robin. And Nightwing.

Wally loves Boy wonder.

Wally loves Richard John Grayson.

With all His heart. Loved him so much he would die at Bat!Daddy's hands for him. Jump off a cliff, and run across the world for him. Make a fool out of himself in front of the league, just to see him smile. Anything and everything. So, when the angel decided to give himself to him (virginity for those who don't know), Wally couldn't be any happier. He loved his soft black hair. He loved his skin, his hands, lips and face. But, most of all he loved and could stare at forever were his beautiful eyes. Sky blue that was twinged with innocence (faked innocence. He now knew what robin was capable of. :3 ) Today, Nightwing was finally coming home. Today, Wally was going to make him permanently his. Today, Wally was proposing.

BUT, before Wally could even think about proposing, he knew he had a lot of people to collect acceptance, from. Some, not as nice as others.

The Wayne Mansion

Wally thought that he would pass out due to the scariness that radiated off the giant mansion. He was being escorted to the conference room (aka living room) by Alfred. At first the old Man had greeted him with a smiling face, but it looked pity was laced in his eyes. Wally began to shake as he met every single one of the Bat clan's faces.

Short much? It's okay it slowly starts to get better! I mean I hope .'