Hehe, I'm back? Please don't kill me for the cliffhanger in the last chapter. I'm very sorry, so I shall give you guys Link as a gift.

*throws Link at readers and runs away*

That's a fair trade, right? Anyways, I've been insanely busy. Three essays, seven lab reports, 12 analysises, a play, a break-up, and a panic attack have prevented this crap from being given to you lovely people. And yes, my pottymouth is back full-force. It's like I've been in hell!

Amusingly though, in my Euro class, we've spent time debating tortures. Debating which ones would be more painful. I went with the Choke Pear/Pear of Anguish, and the Judas Chair as my top two. Reviews for anyone who actually knows what those are.

Anyways, catch the references like Pokemon (if no one gets this, I'm going to die). And thanks to amberxgayle for giving me the temporary rights to one of her characters. Hopefully, she likes the scene. *winks and gets smacked by brother*

Read and Review!

Chapter 11: Spooky Ikana Hell Dream


Link woke to find himself in a desert. "The Gerudo Desert?" Link thought, squinting to see red flags in the distance. "How is that possible? We were in Ikana Canyon-"

"You of all people should know that anything is possible," a voice told him. The Hero of Twilight whirled around, struggling to see the owner of the voice through the sands.

"Who are you?" A giggle rang out somewhere behind him, causing the man to spin once again. No one was there.

"Don't you remember, Hero?" That time, the voice came from a different direction. Link sighed quietly, silently cursing the winds.

"I'm not interested in playing your games."

"But in playing Zelda's games?" An animalistic snarl escaped Link's throat as he drew his sword, a death glare distorting his features. "Oooh, did I strike a nerve? You miss her, Hero?"

"Come out and face me, you coward!"

"Turn around." Spinning, Link caught sight of the voice's owner, a young Gerudo woman dressed in blood red clothes. Her hands were clasped behind her back, while a cocky smirk was prominent on her face. She showed him her hands, between which was his floppy hat, "Missing something?"

"Who are you?" he began, gazing at her warily. She tossed him his hat, rolling her shoulders back as he caught it.



"I've used many names Link, some of which you already know. When?" Frowning at the woman, Link thought for a moment, his mind torn between humoring her and slicing her head off.

"Your true name, I guess. The first one, if that's easier."

"Ashia." She paused for a beat, before adding, "Of Hylia."

"Ashia," Link repeated, testing out the sound. For some reason, it seemed familiar, although he knew that he had never heard it before. At least not in this lifetime. "It's…familiar."

"It should be," Ashia replied, winking at him, only to receive a questioning look from the Hero. She grinned and waggled her eyebrows. After no change in his expression, she frowned, "You really don't remember any of it, do you? I guess Zaiten was right."

"Remember what?" Ashia smirked at him, and grabbed a fistful of his tunic. She pulled him to her, her smirk widening at his wide-eyed and embarrassed expression.

"This." She pressed her lips against his, hold eyes closed. Link found himself closing his eyes, and kissing back, forgetting himself in her taste: like Deku honey and Leever oil. Their tongues dueled, dancing like wild flames in the night. It wasn't like when he kissed Ilia, which was akin to a plant growing, slow and earthy, but filled with feelings better shown than told; or even when he kissed Zelda, which was all water-chaotic and breathtaking-loving really. Ashia kissed with a passion, with almost a fight. All too soon, in Link's opinion, Ashia pulled away. She was smiling slightly, "Remember now?"

A sudden rush of images filled his mind, so many flashing by him. Kokiri Forest, Saria, Navi, the quest through time-he found himself watching them, the Hero's memories. One of them stood out in particular:

""The Gerudo will attack from the west," Ashia said, pointing to an area on the map. "The Zora will fight from the east."

"The Gorons from the north, and the Kokiri from the south," the Hero agreed. "And I'll go save Zelda. Will you three-"

"Link," Ashia started, smiling sadly. "We have armies to manage, and people to look after. This is your fight, but I will never regret fighting beside you.""


"RUTO?" Zaiten paused, looking around the throne room in Zora Domain. His eyes met those of his reflection, prompting a slight wince from him. "Come on, I know you can hear me."

"You have lived a long time, Zaiten," a gentle voice told him. Zaiten didn't bother to look or turn towards it, as he stared into the water.

"Rutela, where is my sister?"

"Helping your fiancé," the Late Zora Queen replied. "You do remember the tasks the two of you were assigned?"

"She's done it before."

"Not in this life." Rutela studied him, frowning slightly. "What troubles you, my child?"

"My eyes." His voice was a mere murmur, barely heard by her.

"What about them?"

"LOOK AT MY EYES!" Zaiten screamed, lifting his head towards her. Rutela stumbled backwards in shock, earning a dark chuckle from the man. One of his irises was a demented, sinister, gold, while the other was the color of freshly spilled blood.


"I'm a monster, Rutela." Zaiten chuckled humorlessly at his statement, "Well, I always was. I'm an abomination, and this just seems to prove every last thing they said about me."

"Zaiten, I don't understand."

"Demon, fiend, bastard, atrocity, disgrace-and they didn't even know what the Goddesses had in store for me. It's so FUNNY how these things work." Zaiten slashed at the water in front of him, snarling quietly. "Laruto used to say that my heritage made me special-that my balanced soul was a divine gift. I'm not like the purified Hero of the Gods. I'm the furthest thing from him."

"You're not Ganondorf, Zaiten," Rutela reassured him. "You're a good man, a hero, a sage-"

"Am I?" Zaiten replied, looking down at his hand. "Look at this, my Queen. I was chosen to be the new King of Darkness."

Rutela silently covered her mouth with her hand as she realized what Zaiten was referring to. On his left hand, glowing with the strength of a thousand suns, was the Triforce of Power.

"It's like…a beacon of darkness." Zaiten paused, watching as the Triforce dimmed down. "The Hunter came to me with a deal not too long ago. If I agreed to house a fragment of a soul for him, he would remove the darkness tainting her soul. He warned me that if I continued to hide in the shadows, I would be taken over by them. Then I had the joy of being cursed."

"Whose soul is it?"

"What other soul is a demon fit to be a vessel of?" Zaiten shook his head at her. "It's dormant, but that doesn't mean that it won't wake up and fight."


"Orielle?" Iset began, furrowing her brow at the pink-haired soldier before her. "But you're not Hylian. What's with the, uh-how do I put this nicely-?"

"Don't start," was the short warning. Iset shrugged at her, before looking around her.

"Sheikah torture chambers, in the well I believe." She cocked an eyebrow at Orielle, who stared blankly at her. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Impa would be here, but I was demoted to being a psychic messenger for them."

"Psychic messenger, huh? The Sages must get their kicks from changing the races of their messengers. Seriously, can they do Zaiten next? I'd love to see him as a Deku Scrub. Just ima-"

"Focus Iset."

"Fine," the girl sighed. "I miss sarcastic-and-witty-you, Miss I-have-a-sword-in-my-ass. What's going on in Hyrule?"

"How the hell did you become a protector at fifteen?" Orielle snorted, before frowning again, "You're not in this realm."

"I know, I'm in Ikana. Doesn't Rauru-what?"

"That blast? That was a portal."

"Where's Zelda?" Orielle looked down at the bloodstained well floors in shame. "Where is she?"

"She sacrificed herself to save your group."

"It doesn't work like that," Iset replied, shaking her head. "A portal opening doesn't take a life."

"What do you think she did?" Orielle sighed. "Look, I don't have a funny quip for this, and neither does the order. We're breaking the seals, but it'll take us some time. Time you'll have to buy us."

"I don't know if I can do this."

"You have to. Or else you're dead."


Iset groaned as her eyes shot open. Jolting up, she ripped off her mask, crimson orbs meeting each of her companions' gazes. "Is everyone alright?"

"Yeah," Link replied, clutching the wolf mask in his hands.


"I'm…fine," the bluenette started, running a hand through his considerably less spiky locks. "Lark? Fang?"

"We are alright," Night Fang said, helping the others to their feet. Skylark stood by him, frowning. Link looked around, squinting in an attempt to see through the blowing sand.

"This is where I fought Twinmold," he stated, eyes wide. "I don't know how I know that, but I do."

"Zaity?" Skylark asked. "Where are we?"

"The Inferno," Iset answered before Zaiten could. "We're in hell."

AN: Dante is going to sue me. And seriously, I want all my reviewers to answer this, why is it that Link gets screwed over so often? In stories, in games, in TV shows, in references-in everything! Why?!

BTW, amberxgayle, we gotta have words...and colors...but mainly words.

Now people, go out and get me reviews and chimichangas! Aeri out!