Chucky grumbled "Where the hell am I? Disaster Zone?" Cars were in flames,and Chucky saw a Woman Fly out a window. "Woah." He said,Eyes wide,He saw a...Thing walking to him,It was about his Height,It had Big ears,Sharp teeth,It looked at him,and Chuck Said "Well,It's the Creature from the Fucking Black Lagoon" Chucky laughed and slashed it's throat,It had green blood. He laughed,and Seen More of them Going to a bar. "What the hell?" He said,raising an Eyebrow

One came out of the bar,It looked like the other,except it had a White Mohawk. It grumbled,oddly,Chucky understood it "Stupid Fucking Cheater" It said,There were Bodies strewn in the Street,Chucky said "What the fuck? What ARE You?" Stripe turned,and snarled at the doll,Chucky looked behind him,2 People were there. "Sorry Jack,Chucky's Back!" He threw a knife at Billy,who dodged,He got his knife out of the snow,and Noticed Stripe was gone,He heard Something,He felt an Arrow hit him

"Son of a bitch" He said,yanking the arrow from his shoulder,Stripe cackled,and Chucky growled. Stripe laughed,and ran,Chucky followed,holding his bleeding shoulder,He seen 2 headlights,from a Snow Plow,and at the wheel,Was a Cackling Stripe,Chucky dodged the snowplow,and The gremlin came at him with a chainsaw,Chucky pushed it back,and Pushed Stripe in some melted snow,Suddenly,It looked like Stripe's Back Broke out. More of those things crawled out.

Stripe grinned viciously,as His gremlins held Chucky down,Stripe raised a Buzzsaw over the hissing and cussing doll,and Sliced him in half,Blood Splattered on the gremlin,who chuckled viciously,and wiped the blood off,He threw Chucky's Body into a lake,and the Body sank to the bottom.