I own Nothing

The spell backfired. Thanks to that idiot France for distracting him! Groaning England stood up coughing as he dusted himself off. Looking around he noticed something. Everything was a lot bigger. Gasping he ran to a mirror and screamed.

He was a kid! A little kid! Bloody hell that wanking git France! "France! Where are you!"

No one answered him and then he noticed something. This wasn't his potion room! This wasn't even his house! Where was he? Panicking he ran up the stairs as best as he could with his little feet and heard something on the TV. Running over to it he stood in from of it watching credits go up.

"What in the hell…?"

Freezing he looked over and standing there was America with a glass in his hand looking at him in shock. Awkwardly England opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Gasping he tried again but no words came out only little squeaks.

"How did you get in here little buddy?" America said walking forward and then looking around. "Where's your mom and dad?"

'Git! It's me!' but the only things that came out were more squeaks.

"Come on let's go find them."

With that, he was picked up and placed on his shoulders and they left the house. England held on because he was sure America would drop him. As he held on he wondered where he was taking him until they came to the police station.

"Hey, guys, look what I found! This kid wandered into my house. Anyone looking for a missing kid?"

"No. Leave him here and we'll call CPS and they'll send him to a foster home if no one claims him."

'You stupid git it's me!' England leaned down and stared into his eyes widely.

"Holy shi- never mind guys I know who kid this is, gotta go!"

Matthew looked at the child. "… France…?"

The child nodded and then tried to talk but couldn't get any words out and then taped his foot trying to figure out and then ran and got a piece of paper and pencil and started writing and handed him the note. Reading it over Matthew frowned.

"What am I going to do?"

Suddenly the phone went off. Taking it out he opened. "Alfred, you won't believe what happened… what? Him too? Sure, you guys can come over. Okay, bye. Alfred's on his way too with England."

"This is all your fault! If you hadn't snuck up on me then we wouldn't have gotten into this mess!" Arthur yelled when they got into the door.

"I didn't sneak up on you! You were taking too long to answer me!"

"I told you to wait! Don't you ever listen to you bloody frog?"

"For three hours? Mon Cher, you were inconsiderate!"

"Wait… you can understand me and I can understand you. Why can't the boys?"

They looked up and the two were talking, Matthew looking worried and Alfred frowning with his arms crossed. They talked a little bit more about what to do before Alfred's phone went off and he answered since it was his boss and soon Matthew's went off too.

They both left the room to talk to their bosses, leaving them alone. Arthur's stomach growled. He had refused to eat anything in Alfred's country but now he was starting to feel really hungry. When the two came back Matthew was dress in his light brown coat, gloves, and goggles and Alfred seemed to had brought a change in clothes because he was in his bomber jacket.

"We gotta go, you two stay here until we come back. Ready, Canada?"

"Yes. Please don't get into any trouble. Let's go, America."

It was almost ten when Francis and Arthur figured out that Alfred and Matthew probably weren't coming back that night. So, looking around at how big this house seemed to be they wandered around. The age they looked could be set to when they weren't firstborn. England was small with France a good head taller than him.

As they made it into the kitchen France stood on his toes to grab the handles and pulled it open. Lucky for them Matthew was always well supplied. Taking out a few things they were met with another problem.

"How are you going to cook?"

"I don't know…" Francis said. "I can't even reach the counter. I guess we can just eat some fruit… on the counter. Get on my shoulders. We can eat that I'm sure they'll be home soon."

So they eat the food and fell asleep on the run in front of the couch. The sound of a car driving up woke Francis up. Rubbing his eyes and cursing the body that made him feel like a child he stood up form using Arthur as a pillow and looked out the window.

Alfred and Matthew smiled to be laughing at something and they got out of the car. Looking back he sighed. Picking up Arthur as best he could he struggle to walk them to the door. When it opened both the brothers looked down.

"I thought it would have worn off by now," Alfred said hanging his jacket up.

Leaning down Matthew took Arthur. "Looks like it's going to take a long time, huh? Well, let's go to bed. We need to get up for a meeting tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah. Since the meetings in my country do you wanna drive there and we can stay at my house? Oh don't look worried, Francis it's just between America and Canada."

"A new ecosystem. Okay, let me pack some clothes then. Be right back."

The ride was long and awkward. Francis frowned as they drove. The two northern brothers seemed to be having fun talking about this and that and even busted out laughing at something that he was sure an inside joke. Sighing he looked at Arthur who had woken up and was frowning.

The car turned into a place and they looked out the window. "A store? Why are we at a store?"

"I don't know Mon Cher… they can't seem to understand us."

"Okay, kiddos, out ya go."

"What? Bloody hell are you going to leave us here!" Arthur screamed but was plucked out of the car. Matthew took Francis's hand and started to walk with his brother to the entrance of the store.

"This is awkward… I used to hold his hand and now he's holding mine!"

"At least you are not being carried, git!"

Matthew was laughing as Arthur struggled not to put in the basket of the cart. Alfred easily got him in and clicked the belt on and then pushed the basket to him.

"I'll get the clothes they'll be needing until they change back. You know what to get right?"

Still giggling Matthew nodded. "Yes, I'll meet you there in half an hour?"

"Sounds good… you coming with me Francis?" Alfred asked noticing the other country standing next to him.

Francis nodded. Like he was going to let Alfred pick out clothes he was going to wear! How insulting. He walked alongside Alfred and felt real… well, small. Spacing them a few feet apart and staying behind another few feet. It didn't help he had the body of a seven-year-old… and was a small one at that. He looked like a five. The older nations had stayed small as the younger ones seem to grow more.

As they walked on he felt like someone was looking at him. Looking to the side he saw a creepy looking man stare at him glaring he turned around and kept walking. Soon he heard footsteps behind him and looked back. That man was following them!

Still trying to ignore that man Francis walked a little closer to Alfred. The shoes got closer. Now he didn't want to admit it but he was a child at the moment and England's spell had a way of ripping one's nation strength away when this happened, which is why Arthur was easily forced into a basket seat.

Looking back a little he panicked. He had seen eyes like that before. The ones of monsters and damn this child body was reacting like a child would do. Tears threatened his eyes but he blinked them as his heart beat faster.

Soon it felt like the man was getting far to close. Taking in a deep breath he walked onward trying not to turn around. However, the feel of the predator made his lip tremble as tears fall unwillingly down his face. When the present was too great he grabbed Alfred's hand looking down not meeting the eyes of the other.

Alfred looked down surprised but took the hand and then noticed the man. "Can I help you?"

The voice that came out of Alfred's voice surprised him. That voice was deeper, with a threat and venom that said whoever better back away now. Looking up he frowned forgetting he was afraid and looked shocked. The sky eyes harden in a glare that sent shivers down his back and the look at his face clearly read murder.

The man said nothing and started to walk away but Alfred alerted the security guard. They stopped him and questioned him and then took him to the back to hold him until the police arrived.

"Fucking child molester. Are you okay? Hey, don't cry."

"I'm not crying!" Francis said but of course, Alfred couldn't understand him.

Something wiped away his tears and he saw the normal smile Alfred always wore. "There. Come one let's go."

Francis stared at the hand and then bit his lip. He could always claim he didn't remember anything later right? Surely Arthur was going to do the same. Taking the hand they walked to the clothes and he felt a lot better seeing the new fashions.

"I don't need a car seat!" Arthur said as Matthew put a booster seat and a toddler car seat in the basket.

"Let's see what else do children need…?"

"I'm not a child!"

"Blankets… maybe some kid snacks too." Matthew continued. "Would you like Apples or strawberry-banana?"

"Listen to me!"

Matthew looked over a few snacks and put some more in the cart. Arthur was fussy. Maybe this spell that made them children meant they couldn't remember their lives after childhood? It would make sense. Smiling he watched as Arthur glared away pouting.

Arthur felt like he was going to die of embarrassment. Something soft nuzzled his cheek. Looking at what it was he felt himself blush as he grabbed at the toy hugging it tightly, nuzzle the animal.

Smiling now that Arthur was distracted with a stuffed unicorn Matthew looked over some of the stuff. Since they had turned into kids he wasn't really sure what to get. Maybe he should get some kid blankets or something? Yes, just in case. Oh, he had to get pajamas for them too. Who knew how long the spell would last?

Once done he went to wait for his brother. Twenty minutes went by with no sign of them and Arthur started to get restless sitting down and was moving side to side and leaning forward. He felt bad they couldn't understand them but, Arthur really needed to stop messing with spells.

Another few minutes went by and he pushed the cart towards the little kids' clothes and stopped and stifled a laugh.

"Francis, I know you love clothes but that's about the fifty times you went into the changing room!" Alfred said as the child France walked into the room again.

"This is why you're late?"

"Hm? Hey, Mattie. Geez, this is taking forever. Oh and here, do you think these will fit, Arthur?"

"I'll try them on him. Come on Arthur. Let go of the unicorn. Let go. Let- oh fine, you can bring it."

"I can't believe they got me a toddler car seat…"

"At least you weren't hurried into buying clothes you didn't want."

"We spent three hours waiting for you!"

"And we spent twenty minutes trying to get you to let go of the toy before they tried clothes on you!"

They continued to bicker all the way to Alfred's house. They were still fighting when the car stopped and continued until the doors opened. Matthew helped Francis out and Alfred picked up Arthur and set him on the ground.

"They can use the guest room. Come on, let's go."

Had the room always been this big? Or this dark for that matter? Gulping a little, Francis suddenly became uncomfortable. Being in this body was brought back memories he had forgotten long ago. Those ages that passed so long ago now fresh in his mind.

Looking over he saw Arthur moving around in his sleep. He never did sleep well when they were children. Suddenly he rolled off the bed with a loud thud. For a moment nothing happened and then Arthur cried out loudly.

Getting off the bed he ran to check and see if he was alright. He had a bump on his head and was crying. Sighing he helped him up and took him over to the bathroom sink and wet a towel and pressed it to his head. This wasn't easy. He ended up standing on a large book to get to the sink.

Soon the door opened and in walked two tired nations. "What happened? Alfred yawned.

Matthew seemed to know and walked over to them and touched Arthur's head. "Did you roll off the bed?"

Francis nodded for Arthur, who seemed to think that falling off the bad was the most horrible thing to happen to him. Matthew picked him up.

"Al… do you think they even remember who they are?"

"I don't know. Maybe when they turned into kids their minds went back too. Hey, don't you have an old crib from when one yours was a baby?"

"Yeah, but it's too old. I'll run down to the store and get one."

"The bloody embarrassment…." Arthur groaned sadly.

The crib was comfortable. Low enough so he wouldn't get out and for some reason, Alfred bought one with little animals that went around! That idiot! When he got back to normal oh he was going to regret putting him through this-


Blinking, Arthur stood up and looked over at the blonde on the bed. "Francis? Are you still awake?"

The other nation didn't say anything and continued to sleep. As he sat down Arthur noticed he was frowning in his sleep. Almost like he was worried or angry, but couldn't tell which. Pouting he reached over to the stuffed unicorn Matthew had gotten him and hugged it.

It felt horrible to be stuck in a child's body again. every time something made a noise he jumped awake thinking it was one of his brothers. Sighing he laid back down and tried to force himself to sleep. Closing his eyes he started to drift off to sleep.



Looking up he saw the other looked like he was in pain. His face scrunched up and he was holding his stomach tightly and sweat was forming.

"Hey! Hey, you bloody git! Are you alright?" Arthur cried. "Wake up!"

Francis continued to groan in pain and then he let out a painful small cry and then startled up and was panting eyes wide as if he had seen something horrific. When his breath got back to normal he blinked and looked down.

"…Francis? Are you alright?" Arthur asked worriedly.

The other looked at him with a blank face. It was dark so he could barely see, but Francis gathered up all the sheets and blanket and started to drag them out of the room. When the other came back Arthur noticed the change in clothes and then Francis ripping off the bottom sheets and taking them away too.

Then he came back and pushed and pulled at the mattress until it toppled over and it was somewhat standing up. Francis made his way around it and Arthur heard something scrubbing and five minutes later Francis left the room and was gone for almost two hours.

When he did get back Arthur had fallen asleep but woke up to the sound of the mattress falling back on the bed with all the sheets and blankets. Green eyes looking out of the bars he saw Francis back in the other sleeping clothes and he climbed back into bed and covered himself, rolling away from Arthur.

"Are you okay?"

"Go to sleep." Came an angry soft voice.

Scooting back to his covers Arthur went back to lay down worried having trouble falling asleep.