A/N: So here we are at last, at the end :( I hope everyone one enjoys my little epilogue, it's short but sweet, which is how I think all epilogues should be. I think I will try to write a sequal but it will take time since my job is very demanding of time (and believe me, they do NOT pay enough!). If you wanna stick with me that'd be great, because maybe we will finally get to see, *dramatic pause*, what a turian-human baby looks like! Who else thinks they should make a ME spin off just about that? No, I'm kidding, they won't ever do that...and it would be kind of silly...so we'll just have to write about it instead! Anyway, enjoy this little epilogue, thanks for all the reviews and those that have read my silly little story. I hope it was a fun story. So as always, read, review, and the most important thing, ENJOY!
The sound of the ocean lapping against the beach could be heard everywhere. It seemed to permeate into the ears of anyone within a mile radius of it. Garrus Vakarian was no exception; he enjoyed the sound of the ocean and the cool, salty breeze that drifted in with it. The subtle wind that washed in with the waves was a brief reprieve from the hot and humid atmosphere of the beach he was vacationing on. Hot and humid weren't that bad, they reminded him of Palaven—minus the mildly radioactive atmosphere. Except for that fact, Garrus felt like he could be sitting back on a beach on Palaven…although the plethora of green trees, strangely soft sand and shimmering blue ocean were slightly different from his home world.
Garrus watched as the waves lapped against the damp brown sand, beckoning him to go for a swim. For a second he entertained he idea of abandoning his spot on the soft sand and walking toward the water to dive in. However, the appearance of a woman rising from the sea halted his ideas of leaving his spot. He took in the sight of the familiar dark haired woman as she slowly made her way out of the water. His eyes eagerly examined her wet frame and the bare skin that was so plainly visible. She was scantily clad in what he had recently learned was called a bikini.
Mrs. Garrus Vakarian continued to walk toward him, a smile forming on her lips. She seemed incapable of keeping a straight face when she knew Garrus's eyes were watching her. It was something he knew and liked to take advantage of at times.
"Did you have a good swim?" Garrus asked playfully as Shepard continued to walk up from the shoreline to their little spot on the sand.
"It was delightful…you really should've joined me," Shepard mewed giving her wet hair a shake.
Garrus continued to watch her approach, fully taking in the curve of her hips; the swell of her breasts. It still slightly surprised him when he realized that he viewed her as sexually attractive. Before he'd gotten involved with Shepard, he'd never been one to appreciate a good looking human woman; he'd always been more into turian women. However, after he'd met Shepard he'd started to notice the attraction of human females…particularly Shepard's attractiveness. He'd been nervous of course and uncertain of what to do when they had first become lovers, but time had made him bolder. Now that human softness that he'd previously found boring and weak, was exciting and dangerously foreign. He loved everything about Shepard both physically and mentally.
Shepard made her way next to Garrus and plopped down next to him. She leaned her head against his thickly plated shoulder and sighed peacefully. Garrus wrapped an arm around her waist in response.
It had been a week since Garrus and Shepard had gotten married; a week of peaceful beach life. Just like they had talked about all those months ago before the final push, they were enjoying the drinks and living it up on a beach. They had both chosen an Earth beach, mainly because Palaven would pose problems to Shepard since it was radioactive and all. Shepard had suggested Thessia initially, but Garrus had opposed the idea. While Thessia was renowned for some of the most spectacular views and romantic locations, it wasn't exactly the hot spot it used to be due to the devastation left by the the Reapers. As a result of these conclusions Earth was selected; not because it hadn't been hit hard by the Reapers, but because there were several beach locations that had been restored to their former glory in the time since the Reapers.
"You think Hackett's digging up dirt on me as we live and breathe?" Shepard asked casually.
Garrus snorted and turned his head to face her. "He's probably up to something…the council, the Alliance—they all take you for granted. But let's not focus on that; this is our time to be away from all of that," Garrus paused briefly to give her a sly expression. "Besides, we've got ears on the inside…if they decide to make a move, we'll know about it before they do."
Shepard laughed at that and leaned away from Garrus to lay flat on her back. Garrus watched as she stretched out flat and closed her eyes against the glare of the sun. The droplets of water left over on her skin shimmered in the sun. Somewhere off in the distance a few seagulls were squawking.
"So…I've been wondering, have you decided if you're going to drop the 'Shepard' all together and go with Commander Vakarian?" Garrus asked as he ran one of his taloned fingers gently across Shepard's still damp abdomen.
Shivering slightly, Shepard answered, "I think I have to keep the 'Shepard' in there somewhere. No one knows me by my first name. In fact even when I've asked people to call me by my first name, they still call me Shepard."
"What'll it be then?" Garrus purred and continued to run his talon up along Shepard's flat stomach. He halted when he reached the lower edge of the top portion of her swim suit. His talon was just at the very end of the black fabric of Shepard's swim suit. If he moved it up any further, he could easily hook it underneath the center of the top and pull it off completely.
Shepard opened her eyes against the glare and gave Garrus a coy expression. "Well I was thinking of making it Alex Shepard-Vakarian…just so that all those that know me as Shepard don't get confused. Of course in the galactic legal sense, it's Alex Vakarian."
"The galactic legal sense?" Garrus repeated and teasingly pulled his talon away from Shepard's upper half only to trail it down to the hem line of her bikini bottoms.
"Yes," Shepard responded with a mischievous little grin on her face.
Leaning down closer to Shepard, so that his face was almost touching hers, he said, "I can deal with that."
Shepard was about to reach her hand up to his fringe and pull him down to meet her expectant mouth, when he abruptly pulled away both his head and hand and sat back up and gazed out at the ocean. Propping herself up on an elbow, Shepard gave Garrus a dejected look.
"Oh I'm sorry, I just got distracted by the satisfying thought of Kaiden having to call you Commander Vakarian," Garrus said innocently.
"You know that's never going to happen. Even if he went senile, he wouldn't call me that. You know, he doesn't really like you," Shepard teased wickedly.
"Really? And all this time I was under the impression that we were great friends," Garrus retorted with a coy twinkle in his eyes. Shepard gave Garrus a playful shove and then rose to a sitting position next to Garrus. They were quiet for a few moments and appeared content to just watch the ocean.
"What happens after this honeymoon?" Shepard asked quietly.
"I don't know…we play it like we always do I guess," Garrus replied softly and took Shepard's hand into his own. He marveled briefly at the way her skin had browned since they'd been spending time on the beach together. It was something he'd never really seen in any other species before.
Shepard turned to face Garrus, her blue eyes uncertain and questioning. "Do we play house? I don't really know how to. I've never done it before…don't think I'd be very good at it, honestly."
Garrus met Shepard's uncertain gaze with a confident one.
"You and I were never really cut out to just play house…sure we might become more domestic, but there will always be something dangerous lurking around the corner. And knowing you, that's the way you like it." Garrus leaned in to press his hard plated lips to her forehead in reassurance. Shepard smiled softly in return.
"I can deal with becoming slightly more domestic just as long as you're okay with that," Shepard stated and then paused briefly before continuing. "Maybe we'll even find out what a turian-human baby looks like." Her expression was devious as she repeated Garrus's words to her from long ago.
Laughing, Garrus replied, "Yes…perhaps we will find out. Wanna get started now?" Before she could respond Garrus pounced on her, nipping her collar bone and eliciting squeals and giggles of excitement from Shepard.
After a few minutes of fervent kisses and hands slipping and sliding everywhere, Shepard managed to speak.
"I love you, Garrus Vakarian," she whispered while gently stroking his face.
"I love you too, Mrs. Shepard-Vakarian," Garrus replied and kissed her.
The two embraced and after they'd spent some quiet, intimate time together they left the beach. They returned to the little bungalow they'd been staying in to thoroughly test turian-human genetic compatibility.
What the future held, neither of them was sure of, all they knew was that they would face it together.
The End.