"Sammie, can you come here for a minute?" One of the residents called to me, and I sighed, putting the clip board down and walking away from the nurses station. I pulled out my phone, smiling at a text my husband had sent me, with him and his brother holding up their latest kill. I shook my head and pocketed it again, I was used to this type a thing, I had married a red neck after all.

I entered the room and gasped at what I saw. "What the hell?" I rushed forward to help the residents as they tried to hold down a ghastly looking woman, who was snapping and growling at them. "Dont let her bite or scratch you." I ordered them, but Kayla frowned.

"Too late for that shit. The crazy bitch tore into my arm!" She cried, holding up her arm that had three long, deep scratches running down it. They were seeping, and looked infected for only happening a few minutes ago.

We managed to subdue the woman and tie her to her bed, but suddenly we heard a scream in the hall. "What the fucks going on around here?" I frowned, running into the hallway and gasping as I watched two soldiers bust down the door and open fire on the nurses station.

"Girls!" I turned around to grab my residents and get us someplace safe, but they were on the ground, while two things in lab coats tore into them. "Shit!" I exclaimed, running across and into the other hall, grabbing a bag and stuffing as many medical supplies as I could in a bag, grabbing my keys and taking off down the stairs.

Somehow I managed to escape and make it to my car as things seemed to hit the fan. There were those things everywhere, screaming, crying, blood. I yanked my phone out of my pocket and locked my doors, peeling out of the parking lot. I called the house phone first, knowing he never really carried his cell phone. But it was busy.

"Shit." I cried, turning down a side street, knowing it would get me there faster. I dialed his cell, then his brothers, but all I got was a busy tone. "Piece of shit." I threw it on the seat next to me and got out of my car, leaving it running as I ran into the day care.

I was horrified immediately at the gore. "Tuck!" I screamed, smacking the teacher on the head, knocking her off the floor and off the kid she had been tearing into.

"TUCKER!" I screamed again, running to the back.

"Mommy!" I sighed and dropped to my knees immediately at the sight of my baby boy.

"Are you hurt? Did you get bit?" I asked frantically, checking his body for injuries. He shook his head no and I stood. "Come on baby, we have to go find daddy." I told him, picking him into my arms and starting to leave.

"Mommy, I hid cuz I was scareds." He told me, crying lightly and I kissed his head, stepping over the attendant that was now groaning on the floor. I took him out to the car, and was greeted again by the screams.

"I know baby, Mommy is so proud of you. I want you to get into your booster seat and buckle yourself up, okay? Can you be mama's big boy?" I asked him and he nodded. I put him in the back of my car, and shut his door. As soon as that happened it seemed like I was grabbed.

"Mother fucker!" I yelled, holding what used to be a teenager at arms length. I managed to push him off, and as he staggered towards me again, I grabbed a pipe that was laying at my feet and swung at him, smacking him right upside the head.

As soon as I took care of him, I jumped in the car and locked it. I had to find him. I had to make sure my family was together. Then I had to get the fuck out of Atlanta. I picked up my phone again, and started driving towards our home. Right outside the city. On our own little piece of land.

"Stay in here, dont unlock the doors for anyone except me. Do you understand Tucker?" I turned in my seat in the driveway.

"What about daddy?" He sniffled.

"Just me Tucker James. Do you hear me?" I asked and he nodded. I handed him my phone and told him to play angry birds to distract him. I didnt see his truck anywhere, not even his brothers motorcycle was there. So I knew they were off on their own, at least I hoped.

They could take care of themselves. I had no doubt about that. I had to take care of my son. That was my main goal at this point.

I grabbed three duffle bags. I stuffed clothes in one for Tuck, and the other for me, making sure to grab some camping and hunting gear that laid around our home. I wiped my eyes, praying he was okay, as I grabbed a picture of the two of us, then the three of us off the mantle and stuffed it in my bag.

I grabbed some of the paint that Daryl had left around and ripped pictures off the walls, immediately writing my message, so plainly he would never miss it if he were still alive.

[i]The Cabin, Tucker and I are safe. I love you, and I'll wait for you, forever. Sam.[/i]

Next I raided the cup boards, knowing I had to grab as many non perishables as possible. I grabbed the fruit I had literally bought yesterday and the water bottles. After grabbing his teddy bear, pillows and extra blankets and stuffing them all in the trunk I unlocked the door and got back in.

"Are we going to find Daddy and Uncle Merle?" Tucker asked and I sighed, running my hand through my hair as I shrugged my shoulders.

"I hope so baby, I really do." I told him, taking off to the cabin. I knew it was the safest place at the moment because it had no people there, and if anything, Daryl and Merle both might look there first.

(1 year later)

"I hate beans." Tucker rattled off in the living room. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, looking in to the back yard. I had fortified the place very well. If I didnt say so myself. "Beans on Monday. Beans on Tuesday. Beans on Wednesday. Beans on Thursday. Beans everyday!" I heard him scuffle around and I chuckled lightly. His drawl had gotten a little better because he wasnt around Daryl all the time, but it was still there.

"Ma!" He called from the front room. "Someones in the yard!" He sounded panicked. I quickly dropped the fruit and knife I was slicing and picked up my gun from the counter next to me and ran into the living room. The windows were boarded up, but I had a metal covering the door. I slid it shut and frowned at the figure waltzing through my front yard.

"Good fucking God. Tucker, go into your room and lock the door, dont leave unless I tell you." I told my now 5 year old son.

"Yes mama." He replied, picking up his plate and running upstairs.

I sighed, preparing myself for the worst as I opened the door. My gun was loaded but the safety was on. I had to make sure he wasnt infected before anything happened.

"Well you're certainly a sight for sore eyes, little girl." He called and I grinned.

"Last time I saw you, you had two hands. Whats goin on? You know you aint comin near here or my boy if you've been bit Merle." I told him and he grinned, shifting the bag he was carrying to his other arm.

"I got an infection, but not the one your thinkin, sister. The only infection I got is the love for you and my nephew in my heart." He grinned and I shook my head, running down the stairs and throwing myself into his arms, the tears finally bursting forward. "Its so good to see a familiar face." I told him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Uncle Merle!" I heard a shout from the house and I pulled away in time to see Tuck run out of the house.

"Tucker I told you to stay inside." I told him firmly and he threw himself into Merles arms. I picked up the bag and looked around.

"How'd you get past the gate?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"It was broke. And you better mind your mama little boy." He told Tucker walking into the house as I immediately froze, looking around. I had closed and locked it last time I went out for supplies.

That meant there could be walkers around, or worse. Humans with the worst intentions. I walked by my car, following them in and made sure the doors were still locked. Walking up the porch, I looked around one last time before walking in the house and locking the door behind me.