Author's Notes

*I just want to get all of this out of the way so readers don't have to bypass these notes at the beginning of every chapter. So, that means the disclaimer and notes listed below apply to every chapter of this story.*

Disclaimer: Characters belong to Marvel. Only the original ideas (plot, AU alterations to characters, etc.) contained within this work is the property of the author. No infringement is intended as this is a written for fun and without profitable gain.

Timeline-Universe: Taking place about a year after the first movie, this is envisioned as a third (don't know what term applies beyond sequel) movie. Based upon previews and articles on the second movie, I've assumed Nightcrawler's inclusion with the team and that Magneto is still imprisoned. There will be minor AU variations to some of the comic characters newly brought into the movie-verse.

Summary: "Experimentation on mutant's," Xavier had said, "It's not unheard of." Unheard of, no… In fact, someone wants to use the institute's students as test subjects… and more. Rogue struggles with becoming an X-Man with some of her peers. Logan comes back to the mansion and finds more connections to his past there than while he was gone. Introduces the Danger Room, the Morlocks, Marauders, Psylocke, Collossus, Illyana Gambit, Archangel, Beast, an AU Sinister, a really cool AU Doug, and more.

Marauders: This is a mismatch of such characters, so I'll give descriptions of them now. CHROME-secretes a liquid metal from his fingers that he can encase things with, harden into a shell, soften and disperse at will. STROBE-a firebrand mutant with an energy sheath composed of hot light, which she can direct into focused or widespread blasts. MALICE-a cruel and sadistic mind possessor, like a telepathic parasite. GAMBIT-(slightly AU)-a suave and adventurous thief of Creole decent. He has red on black eyes. He wears a brown leather duster and gloves (missing two fingers on each hand so he can use his primary power). He has three powers. One: change potential energy into kinetic energy, thus charging them to explode at various levels and times. Two: Charm power, which is more like a form of empathy that he can manipulate. Three: Kinesthetic sense (I believe first introduced into fan fictions by Valerie Jones in the Betrayal Arc) in which Gambit can see things by their motion and heat. It's not truly his eyesight, but rather a combination of his first two powers. SABRETOOTH, TOAD and MYSTIQUE are working as MARAUDERS too.

Morlocks: I'm only listing the ones with lines, because there are a lot of them. CALLISTO-their guardian-scarred, lanky, masculine woman with extremely heightened senses and who wears an eye-patch from previous battle wounds. CALIBAN-a gentle, peaceful, sensitive young man trapped inside a monstrous body with enhanced strength, the ability to detect other mutants and to project the emotions he is currently feeling onto others. LEECH-a friendly, outgoing, and considerate child with the uncontrollable ability to nullify the mutant powers of others within a relatively small proximity to him. MARROW-Sarah-is relatively young, treats most with hostility. She is a fighter and very intimidating. She has uncontrollable constant growth of her bones, which painfully protrude from all over her body… even her face. She will extract these bone protrusions and use them as effective weapons against her foes.

Format: This is in screenplay format and will stay as such. I will explain the format since it can be difficult to follow if you are used to reading film scripts. [1] There are not any prosy descriptions. [2] Scenes are laid out with very, very brief explanations of what is seen on screen and dialogue is given with hardly much explanation as to how it is being said (sadly, while crying, etc.). [3] Beware to those of you who are used to screenplays, alterations were made to accommodate some formatting losses for the transfer to HTML. *So do your best to follow. You should get used to it as you go.

Archive: The more the merrier. Just inform me first at [email protected].

Reviews: Please, please post reviews on They are very, very much welcome. I like to be publicly praised and critiqued. It can help other readers understand the story as well. I do accept feedback (praise or critique) via email too ([email protected]).

Acknowledgments: I take a lot of character history from the comics and other fan fictions, unless it absolutely clashes with the movie-verse. Fan fictions references are likely to come from Lori McDonald (specifically Looking at a Woman, and Thick as Thieves which is co-authored w/ Valerie Jones), Valerie Jones (co-authored Thick as Thieves, unfinished but unbelievably good Blind Sight, and the Betrayal arc), and Ruby Lis (End of Innocence and Scars).

Rated PG 13: This is a much less serious story than Callous or Seether and easily fits into the PG 13 range for films, but it is still intended for teens and adults. I've kept the maturity level at about that of the first movie, so that it flows from one to the next easily. There is some violence and some sexual innuendo, but they are light compared to my other stories. The focus is on the consequences of the actions, how they effect the character's lives, and not on the violence (etc.) itself.

X-Men: Redemption
By Randirogue



FOLLOW WOLVERINE as he rides a motorcycle through busy streets. CAPTION-Seattle, Washington-3 months following UN Summit.

FOLLOW WOLVERINE as he comes to a stop in view of an enormous theater. WOLVERINE pulls out a crumpled note and reads it. CLOSE UP of note.

Palace Theatre
Seatle, Washington
Seek and you shall find

(Voice Over [1])
Experimentation on mutants? It's not unheard of.

WOLOVERINE POV of theater. A limousine pulls up. A COUPLE dressed in formal black tie clothing step out. OPEN to include WOLVERINE pull up for a closer look. The COUPLE enter the theater, others, dressed in tuxes and similar formal wear mingle outside and enter as well. WOLVERINE shakes his head in disappointment, then speeds off angrily causing surprised reactions out of the people nearby.




OPEN on WARREN WORTHINGTON III, playboy and corporate multi-millionaire, enjoying the view of Central Park and beyond while sipping a glass of wine. CAPTION-Same night, New York City.

WARREN takes off his tuxedo jacket and lays it down. He looks around for possible witnesses, then removes his tux shirt and the bindings around his chest beneath. ANGLE on WARREN as he unfolds his beautiful, soft white wings, stretching as he opens them to full extension. He takes aloft and soars toward Central Park.




PLAGUE, a female mutant recently subjected to medical tortures, staggers toward the MORLOCKS, a community of mostly grossly disfigured mutants too obvious to blend in with society.

ANGLE BEHIND HER to her pursuers, the MARAUDERS, a mercenary group of mutants.

The Cajun was right. She's leading us right to the

Now we just gotta kill her so she'll release the virus.

He didn' say anyt'in' about killin' her. We just grab
de mutants an' take dem back.

Whatever you say, Cajun. You're the boss.

The others exchange knowing glances with each other.

(to himself)
Not after dis. Not any more.

ANGLE on PLAGUE as she reaches the MORLOCKS makeshift community. CALLISTO, CALIBAN, LEACH, AND MARROW come to PLAGUE'S help.

Plague! Where have you been?

I've been followed. I'm sure of it.



Mutants. All of them. And they're not nice.

Marrow, you and Leech take Plague to Healer and
stay there.

MARROW pulls two sharp bone protrusions from her back and readies to attack the intruders. More MORLOCKS join them.

Go on, Leech. I'll stay and help.

No, Sarah! Do as you're told.

MARROW, LEECH and PLAGUE go deeper into the tunnels.

Run little kiddies. Live as long as you can.

I said, no killin'!

Doesn't matter what you said. Strobe...

STROBE turns her power on the MORLOCKS. A hot white light fills the area completely. Several of the MORLOCKS are nearly blinded. GAMBIT tries to stop them, but MALICE possesses him, forcing him to attack as well. The MARAUDERS massacre the MORLOCKS. Very few can even make a stand.

ANGLE from above to view this grand fight which has spread out further into the park. ANGLE on WARREN as he flies by and notices the disturbance. He watches for a moment, sees the impending danger for the MORLOCKS and swoops down to help, joining the fight with the MORLOCKS against the MARAUDERS.




LEECH, MARROW, and PLAGUE are with HEALER who is tending to PLAGUE. HEALER (a decrepit old man who is surprisingly nimble) uses his restorative powers on PLAGUE hoping to cure the virus she carries, or at least put it into remission. In attempting to fight the disease, he learns it's purpose and it's definition.

You are dying. I can't... There is nothing I can do.
This disease that consumes you threatens to
consume us all. It will become airborne when you

Marrow, Leech, forget what Callisto said. Leave
this place. Help them if you can, but go now.

MARROW leaves reluctantly. LEECH remains a moment to hug her and say goodbye.

I heard of a place you go to when you die. Heaven.
You will be beautiful there. And no one will fear you.

LEECH leaves, catching up with MARROW.

You go too, Healer. Save yourself.

It is too late.

PLAGUE takes her last breath as she expels the air, CLOSE UP on the air, showing the virus escaping and enveloping HEALER and spreading beyond. The virus attacks from the expulsion of mutant powers. HEALER reacts by showing all the sickness he has taken from others, and since his powers do not work on himself, is consumed by them.




MARROW has been running with a warrior's ferocity with LEECH struggling to keep up and stops short. MARROW and LEECH POV. WARREN is high above them. His shredded and nearly amputated wings are drawn open and spiked to two trees. WARREN appears dead. PULL back to include MARROW and LEECH staring in awe.

An Angel? (Looks around, confused) But… but…

No… This isn't heaven. We aren't dead. Now, let's

CALLISTO, CALIBAN and GAMBIT, running full bore, sweep up MARROW and LEECH, and carry them away from the fast approaching blood thirsty MARAUDERS.


Continued in Act One

[1] Quoted from first X-Men movie.
[2] Gambit's French/New Orleans accent (th = d or t', -g & -t endings often dropped, etc.).