'Oh not here again!' thought Haruhi as the twins led her into the same restaurant they had taken her to the other night with the big fish take all around. They took her to the same booth right in front of the tank.
"Oh Haru-Chan you look so pretty!" said Hunny.
"Thanks," said Haruhi.
"Oh Daddy just love how beautiful his little girl looks!" said Tamaki.
'Again with this Daddy thing?' thought Haruhi as she took her seat in the middle of the booth.
"So how was your first day of your new job Haruhi?" asked Kyoya as he came and took a seat at the table as well.
"Oh, hi Kyoya," said Haruhi.
"Hello, so are you going to share?" asked Kyoya.
"Yeah Haru-Chan how was it?" asked Hunny eagerly.
"Well no offence or anything but a lot of the tanks seem a bit too full or too small, or both. Plus they're really dirty. I think some serious renovations and improvements need to be done," said Haruhi.
"Oh really it's that bad huh?" asked Hikaru.
"Hikaru," said Kaoru, "We hired her because we wanted someone to help us make the aquarium better and this is what she thinks we need to make it better. I'm sure we can work something out to do these kinds of things right?"
"I guess," said Hikaru.
"Princess, Princess," Haruhi groaned as she shifted her eyes back to the tank.
"What!" she asked through clenched teeth.
"We just wanted to thank for getting them to change food. It's great!" said the fish.
"You're welcome. Now could you please go away and leave me alone!" said Haruhi as softly as she could.
"So then that's a no?" asked Kaoru.
"What?" asked Haruhi.
"I asked you if you wanted to dance," said Kaoru.
"Oh sure," said Haruhi as she and Kaoru got out of the booth.
"Don't do anything with my daughter now Kaoru!" said Tamaki.
"Relax Boss, I'll take good care of her," said Kaoru.
"I should warn you I'm not much of a dancer," said Haruhi.
"It's okay, just follow my lead," said Kaoru. Haruhi could feel herself shiver at his touch.
Kaoru gently placed one of his hands on the small of the girls back once they reached the dance floor. Haruhi tried hard not to shiver at his touch and placed her hand on his shoulder. Her other hand was placed gently in his.
Kaoru could feel a slight tingle up his arm as his hand held hers. He smiled down at her and started to lead her with a basic simple side-to-side swing.
Haruhi rocked back and forth with him, a little surprised how similar dancing was for mermaids as it was for humans.
After a couple minutes of simply rocking Kaoru started to move his legs into a box step, and chuckled as Haruhi stepped on his foot.
"Sorry!" she apologized as she stepped on the same foot again.
Kaoru smiled and stopped for a moment. "Here, Let's try this." He says as he picks her up a little bit and places her feet on his, and held her closer to him.
Both of them blushed at the closeness and Haruhi looked at him confused. "What…?" Haruhi's voice trailed off not sure how to word the question right as he sighed, knowing what she was wanting to say.
"It's a simple dance technique used for beginner dancers, so they don't constantly step on their dance partners feet." He says to her with a playful yet shy smile.
Haruhi smiled back as she rested her head on his chest unconsciously and listened to his heartbeat. "Okay…" she says softly as they danced together.
Kaoru smiled at the moment they were having and rested his head on top of hers.
Finally the song ended and the two split apart and stared at the floor awkwardly.
"Um… Thank you for the dance" Haruhi said as she looked up and smiled at him.
Kaoru smiled back and rubbed the back of his head "Yeah, anytime" he says back as he mentally slapped himself for not coming up with something better.
Haruhi nodded as the two headed back to the table.
"Takashi, did you see that!" Hunny said looking at his cousin amazed.
Mori nodded looking at the small blonde.
"Kao-Chan and Haru-Chan almost looked like a couple right then!" Hunny exclaimed softly
Mori nodded as his gaze turned to the petite brunette girl laughing at the twins and their silly comments.
"No you're wrong!" said Tamaki, "My little girl is too little to be in a relationship!"
"More of this Father stuff?" asked Hikaru.
"Actually he does act a lot like your father doesn't he princess?" asked a fish behind her.
"What did I say about bothering me!" said Haruhi as softly as she could.
"Did you say something Haruhi?" asked Kyoya.
"Uh, no!" said Haruhi. She turned around and glared at the fish that were still swimming around her. "Do the fish always do this?"
"Well they don't normally flock to one person like this," said Kaoru looking at all of the fish swimming around behind her, "Are they making you uncomfortable?"
"A little," said Haruhi.
"Would you like to move?" asked Kaoru.
"No that's fine, I'll live with it," said Haruhi.
"He must really like you princess," said a fish.
"Great," said Haruhi.
"I wonder what your father would think of him," said another fish.
"Yeah I wonder," said Haruhi.
"What did you father say when you became human?"
"I'd think he'd be upset about you wanting to leave,"
"Yeah you're right," said Haruhi. Now that she thought about it, it had been at least two days since she had left the sea and became human. Yet the sea still seemed to be calm and collective. Whenever she was gone from her father for too long, it would at least get a bit rougher. But for some reason it was really calm.
'Why isn't dad upset about me being gone?' she thought, 'If I was gone for so long without an explanation, there would be a hurricane right now. I wonder what's going on. Does he even care anymore?'
"Haru-Chan, are you ok?" asked Hunny suddenly noticing her was upset.
"I was just thinking about something with my father," she said without thinking.
"Your father?" said Hikaru.
"You mean your real one?" asked Kaoru.
"Why isn't he looking for me?" asked Haruhi again without thinking.
"Haruhi are you remembering something?" asked Kaoru.
"My father, I remember he was really over protective of me and he'd come looking for me if I was gone for more then an hour at a time without him know where I was. But I don't think he's looking for me. Why isn't he looking for me?" said Haruhi. The guys all looked at each other not sure what to say.
"Well you did say there was a storm, maybe he got washed up on another shore and hasn't had a chance to come looking for you yet," said Kaoru finally.
"I, I guess," said Haruhi. How could she explain to them that her father was really the mermaid king that could control the ocean and make it really uncomfortable for anyone if he was upset?
... *In the ocean*
"Mmm, more oysters please," ordered 'Haruhi'.
"Here you are princess," said a maid handing her a whole bowl. 'Haruhi' ate them all greedily.
"Delicious," she said.
"I've never seen the princess have this much of an appetite before," said one of the maids.
"Well now I know how to eat like a princess all right!" snapped 'Haruhi'. Just then she saw another servant swimming past with a bowl of food.
"Is that for my father?" she asked.
"Why yes princess," said the servant.
"I'll take it to him then if you don't mind," said 'Haruhi' grabbing the bowl before anyone could stop her and swam off. She stopped half way there, making sure she was alone. She pulled out a vile and dumped it into the bowl of food.
"Yes this is just what I need to make this kingdom mine!" she said happily. "This poison will work slowly but efficiently enough to kill that stupid king and let me take over!"