A/N: I finally updated! Go me! I have to say though that the updates will be very few and very far. It's extremely tough to write this one. It really is. But… They found Percy! Yay! Let's see what happens…

Also, They're speaking in Greek, but I'm not going to translate that so it's going to be Olde English.

Also also, I can't find a good enough translator so my Shakespearian speak (or whatever it's called) will be a bit rough. Think of it as Percy is still in there so his speaking isn't perfect.

Also also, I'm still leaving this on hiatus, but technically it's not.

Annabeth POV

"Trespassers!" Percy yelled. We stared at him in shock.

"Percy, don't you remember us?" I asked, whispering.

"Percy? Who beith this Percy of which you speak? Thy name is Perseus and thou art-" He turned towards me and stopped. His eyes widened as he stared at me and he whispered, "beautiful."

"W-what?" I asked confusedly. Percy reached down and tilted my head towards his.

"Thine eyes, like storm clouds raging across the sky." He gazed deeply into my eyes, "Thou art beautiful maiden."

I blushed, flattered, "Oh, thank you."

"Perseus!" We heard someone yell, "Perseus!"

Percy's eyes widened and he turned towards the others, "Stay hidden. I will draw him away."

Percy left and walked over to the man we saw earlier, "Father."

Our eyes widened at that. Father? What is he talking about?

"Perseus," the man said, "thou art yelling. What is thy problem?"

"Trespassers on our home." Percy said, "I chased them off."

"Thou art certain?" the man asked.

"Of course, Father. I would not lie to thee." Percy kept a straight face the whole time. The man seemed to study Percy before finally accepting his answer and turning back towards the cottage. He started walking towards it when he realized that Percy wasn't following.

"Perseus?" he asked, "What art thou doing? Come inside!"

"I want to be certain the trespassers art gone. I will only be a moment." The man stared at him again but then nodded and went inside. Percy stared at the cottage for a good three minutes before turning around and coming back to us.

"He is gone. Now, why art thou here?" he asked.

"We came for you, Percy." Thalia said. Percy stared at us confusedly.

"I do not know who this 'Percy' may be, but dost(1) thee mean I?" he asked.

"Yes, Percy. That is your name, and you are our friend. You were taken and they made you forget us. You don't actually live here." I said.

"This has been thy home since the dawn from which I was born. How dost I know thou art not lying?" Percy asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.

"I wouldn't lie to you." I said. Percy stared at me and then deflated.

"Father has been acting strange lately." Percy said, "More demanding."

"How so?" Thalia asked.

"He dost not act like he used to. More… angry." Percy said.

"Has he hurt you?" I asked almost angrily.

"You?" Percy asked.

"Sorry, thee. Has he hurt thee?" I asked. Percy looked down.

"Percy…us. Perseus?" Nico asked.

"He… he has been more… violent lately. He has hit me once or twice." Percy said quietly.

I growled and he looked at me questioningly.

"No one should ever hurt y- thou. Y- Thou art too nice."

Percy smiled at me, "Thank you, maiden."

"Come on." Grover said, "Let's get out of here before Hypatia comes back and sees us."

Percy hesitated but after thinking, nodded, "I will come. I dost not know why, but I trust thee."

"Always going with his gut." Nico muttered. We climbed out of the bushes and started quickly jogging away from the cottage.

"We can go to the woods." I said, "We can hide there until we figure out how to find Alexis."

"Alexis?" Percy asked, "Dost thou mean thy cousin Alexis?"

"Cousin?" Grover asked.

"Of course!" I exclaimed. They immediately shushed me, "Sorry. But as I was saying, Alexis is Hypatia's niece. Since Percy…us is Hypatia's 'son' and Alexis is Hypatia's niece, that would make Alexis Percy's cousin!"

"Can you take us to her?" Thalia asked. Percy nodded.

"Why don't we go in the morning?" Grover asked, yawning, "It's late and it has been a long day. We can go to the forest and get some sleep."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea." Nico said, also yawning, "It's been a long day."

"I will go with thee if the maiden goes." Percy stated. We looked at him weirdly as he smiled warmly at me. I blushed.

"Um… yes. That sounds like a good idea. Yeah, let's go." We carefully trekked through the now dark and quiet village and made it back to the woods. We found a large yet soft patch of grass and lied down on it except for Percy. Percy leaned against a tree with both of his swords out.

"I will keep watch in case of potential enemies." he said. We stared at him again before shrugging, too tired to be truly weirded out.

"G'night, Percy." I said.

"Have pleasant dreams, beautiful maiden." Percy whispered.

Percy started humming some old tune that I didn't recognize. The melody was so calming that I was out like a light in seconds. Today was such an adventurous day.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

A/N: I'm so sorry that this took so long. I wasn't sure how to write this. Anyways, I will update this, but it will be VERY VERY late. This isn't as popular or as easy to write. I apologize but it's the truth. Thank you for the support though! Review!

dost means do or does.

Also, if you guys have any advice on talking in Ye Olde English (or whatever it is), I'd really love it.

