Pokémon: BW Grand Adventures
(This story consists of Pokémon; Sonic the Hedgehog; Mew-Mew Power (Tokyo Mew-Mew); and Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy. For details on Pokémon characters, etc., see .net. For non-Pokémon characters, etc., see .com or .com . Misty does not really travel through Unova with Ash in the anime. Some characters cannot be looked up on .com (or anything else) because they are the author(s) fan characters. To find out which is which, read the last written page(s). Some last names of characters are made up. As far as Mew-Mew Power/Tokyo Mew-Mew goes, it's written with the English terminology. Poké Virus I & II were lost as well as Pokémon: Shadow Battles I & II. They will not be remade, but will continue as these stories. This is a fan-fiction. The author(s) do not own any of these categories)
Chapter 1: Home Again
On an island not so far away form Driftveil City…
Our heroes were in a bit of a crisis that involved two legendary Pokémon: Thundurus and Tornadus.
Shortly after Thomas, Hannah, Chris, and Edd returned from Mystery Dungeon, they rushed to the island. Their friend, Brock, took another route in the dimensional tunnel to get home to Pewter City.
Our heroes and their Pokémon were:
Ash: (Some Pokémon may be with Professor Juniper) Pikachu, Oshawott, Tepig, Tranquill, Snivy, Scraggy, Roggenrola, Swadloon, Palpitoad
Misty: Azurill, Corsola, Gyarados, Politoed, Staryu, Starmie
Iris: Axew, Excadrill, Emolga
Cilan: Pansage, Dwebble, Stunfisk
Summer: Staraptor, Litwick
Ben: Ukulele Pichu, Latios, Darumaka, Roggenrola, Solosis
Hannah: Torchic, Panpour, Palpitoad, Altaria, Maractus, Starly
Thomas: Vileplume, Togekiss, Pansear, Dewott, Sawsbuck, Minccino
Edd (aka Double-D): Magnezone, Patrat, Archeops
Anyways, winds howled and lightning crashed!
"Guys!" a familiar voice called over to Ben and Summer. Thomas, Hannah, and Edd rushed over with Vileplume and Torchic.
"Trust me when I say you couldn't have picked a better time to get back. Someone disturbed the shrines of Tornadus and Thundurus," Summer informed them.