CHAPTER 1- Yes, it is here! My sequel to Ghostly Problems! Thanks to WordNerb93 for giving me this idea!
I know you've been waiting for it, so I'll just add the disclaimer and go.
Now read, before you explode or something.
General POV
It was a sunny day in suburban Danville, and things were quite quiet, which was unusual for the area surrounding 2308 Maple Drive.
Ferb Fletcher was sitting on the fence very precariously in his infamous backyard when his friend Roberta walked up to him. "Hey Ferb," she said, jumping up onto the fence next to him and settling down comfortably.
Ferb looked up from the tiny machine he was fixing in his lap and gave the 15 year old a smile. He had only known Roberta a short time, but she was extremely nice, and Phineas liked her too, so she kept coming around.
"What's up?" the teen asked, examining her fingernails for a moment before looking over at Ferb. Ferb smiled and glanced up at the sky. Roberta snorted and poked his shoulder. "You tease," she muttered.
Ferb snickered and put down his machine, still not exactly sure what it was supposed to do. He looked up at Roberta and frowned. He reached over and tugged her flowered scarf down from her head. "Ferb!" the girl shrieked, yanking it back on.
Ferb shrugged and the action caused him to tumble off the fence onto the ground, landing with his nose mushed into the grass. He stood up carefully and dusted off his pants. Roberta hopped down after him and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know I don't like it when you take my scarf off," the girl mumbled.
Ferb sighed. "It doesn't look that bad, Roberta."
He gently pulled on the scarf again, revealing the tufts of scraggly brown hair scattered across the young girls head. Roberta's cheeks turned bright red in embarrassment and she shoved it back on. "Stop. Please, I don't like it down," Roberta whispered, looking at the grass.
"Come on, Roberta, Phineas and Isabella have seen it and they don't care. So what if you had cancer? It's not like you're the only one who does," Ferb pointed out softly.
Ferb briefly thought she'd be offended by the comment, but she just sighed. "I know. It's just weird. Can you leave it on?" she asked, looking at the boy.
Ferb nodded and looked up as the back gate opened and Isabella walked in with Ferb's girlfriend Holly (according to Phineas and Isabella; Ferb and Holly still weren't too sure on the whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing at their age). Both of them were chatting and wearing sunglasses to avoid the sun. Isabella glanced up and smiled. "Hey Ferb, hey Roberta. Whatcha doin?"
Ferb smiled and glanced at Roberta as Holly ran over to give him a hug. Roberta sighed, though she had a small smile on her face. "Ferb is trying to convince me that it's OK if I don't wear my scarf." She motioned to the piece of cloth.
Holly shrugged, her arm still around Ferb's shoulder. "Of course it is," she said. "We don't care if you're not wearing the scarf. And no one else is going to see you, so…yeah."
Isabella nodded in agreement and glanced around the yard. "Where's Phineas?" she asked, confused at not seeing the famous duo together.
Ferb jutted a thumb over his shoulder towards the house, and as if on cue, Phineas ran into the backyard with a piece of paper in his hands that looked suspiciously like a blueprint.
"Hey Ferb, I-oh, hi Isabella, Holly."
Roberta raised an eyebrow and Ferb coughed. Phineas blinked and pulled on his sunglasses. "Hey Roberta," he said nonchalantly. He smiled at the girl and then turned quickly to Ferb. "I found the blueprint!"
Isabella stepped forward. "For what? Can we help?" she asked.
Phineas grinned. "Sure! I found these cool blueprints online for metal detecting sandals, and I figured that there has got to be a lot of cool stuff in our backyard…or at least some of our disappearing inventions. I think we could make them in about 20 minutes or so…about the length of our usual montage."
Isabella rolled her eyes. "Come on. What song goes with metal detecting shoes?"
Phineas shrugged. "None, I guess. But there are some about metal detectors."
"Like what?" Holly asked.
Phineas smiled. "Glad you asked."
(OK, now go to YouTube and type in Metal Detector by They Might Be Giants. It is so random! I don't own the song. IDK, I can just see Phineas singing this)
Down at the shore there's a place where there's no one vacationing
There's just the sound of the call of the wild overcoming the fear of the unknown
And I've got something to help you understand
Something waiting there beneath the sand
My metal detector
Is with me all of the time
I'm the inspector over the mine
Look past the volleyball (look past the ball)
Look past the squawking gull (look past the gull)
Ignore the mountain of discarded falderal
'Cause I've got something to make you understand
Something hidden there underneath the land
My metal detector
is with me all of the time
I'm the inspector over the mine
Metal detector, watch it shine
every seashell has a story t-
"Phineas!" Candace cried from the house. Phineas stopped singing and looked over at her in surprise. "What?" he asked.
"First of all, no musical montages in the backyard," the girl said. "And second, why on earth are you singing a song about metal detectors on the beach when you're in the backyard?"
Phineas hesitated. "Well, there aren't any songs about metal detector footwear, and I didn't have any time to make one up this morning, so-"
"Wait," Candace said, holding her hands up. "Metal detecting footwear? You guys are so busted!"
She sped away from the door and the kids looked at each other. Suddenly, Candace poked her head back out. "Um, if you find my cell phone, can you let me know?" she asked sheepishly.
Phineas and Ferb snorted. "Sure thing, Candace," Phineas said, still chuckling.
Roberta shook her head and headed for the gate. She glanced back at Ferb and the others, who were already strapping their metal detectors to their feet. Montages really did make things go faster. Ferb glanced up and noticed her leaving. He raised an eyebrow.
"I have to go," Roberta said. She smiled. "See you later! Have fun with your shoes!"
With that, the teenage ghost walked through the gate and vanished just as Phineas looked up and commented, "Hey, where's Perry?"
The semi-aquatic mammal poked his head around the corner of the house to make sure none of the kids were watching. Realizing that they were focused on their new footwear, he jabbed his elbow onto the side of the house.
Perry grimaced as his elbow hit solid wood, and mentally yelling at himself, he stepped to the right a few inches. He hit the wall again, but much more lightly. Luckily, the door opened this time.
Perry stepped inside, but instead of walking into an elevator, he walked into thin air. He briefly spotted a sign that said ELEVATOR IN FOR REPAIR before he started falling.
Perry merely sighed and pulled the cord for his parachute. It was confined in the small space, but it still managed to slow his fall. He landed in his chair quite ungracefully and glared at Monogram.
The Major looked up from the book The Sea of Monsters and winced. "Sorry, Agent P. I forgot to tell you that we had to fix the elevator."
Perry rolled his eyes in exasperation and the Major smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. Anyway, Dr. Doofenshmirtz has been searching the internet and libraries all over the Tri-State area for information about ghosts. We have no idea what he's doing, but it probably isn't good. Get on it, Agent P!"
Perry saluted Monogram and hopped off his chair. He was about to head for his hover jet when he realized that if Dr. D really did have ghosts, than he would need to be prepared. He darted to the backyard and sighed when he realized that all the kids had their glasses.
Sudden inspiration struck him, and he slipped up to Candace's room and pulled her sunglasses off of their spot on her Ducky Mo-Mo plushy. He jumped out the window and back into his lair, avoiding the missing elevator this time.
He slid into his hover jet and headed for Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc., wondering what the heck Dr. D was doing. Ghosts had already given him serious problems, and he didn't need a repeat of the last time he had met an angry ghost.
Perry shuddered, pushed the thought of Scott out of his mind and continued forward, landing on the balcony of D.E.I in a matter of minutes. He jumped out into the main part of Dr. D's lab in a fighting stance and blinked in surprise.
All the lights were off, the shades were drawn, and there was no sign of Doofenshmirtz anywhere. Perry hesitated, then dropped his arms to his sides and walked inside a little more.
A cold hand grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. Perry let loose a punch and winced when Dr. D's voice yelled out "OW!"
He chattered an apology and sat down next to the scientist, who seemed to be cowering in fear.
"I have a major problem, Perry the Platypus," Doofenshmirtz said quietly.
Perry shivered and then blinked in surprise, turning sharply. Nothing was there…at least, nothing that he could see. He turned back to Doof and raised an eyebrow.
"I think that I have a ghost haunting me."
So, Chapter One of my sequel to Ghostly Problems. Let me know what you think!
And yes, The Sea of Monsters was a reference to PJO, which I don't own. It's also a reminder that I'm not done with my other story yet, so you should read it!
Sorry if I offended anyone with the cancer moment, about not caring. Got a cousin with cancer, and she's super chill about not having a scarf or wig or anything. And she DOES NOT accept sympathy.
Good? Bad? Hate it? Suggestions? Questions? Death Threats?
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