20 years later...

A boy ran out of the Tortuga, about 12 years old, he had muddy blond hair with light blue eyes, "Trent! C'mon would ya! Our cousins are already out over there!"

A younger boy around 9 years old, came out. It was apparently Trent. He had brown hair with dark blue eyes, "Sorry Gabe, it's not my fault mom told me to wait for Marina!"

Gabe sighed, "Alright... then where is she?"

"I don't know, I thought she had already come out?" Trent said shrugging.

"Guess again." Gabe said with a smirk.

"Aw man! Where did she go then?" Trent said, bending over to look under the Tortuga. Sure enough, his 5 year old sister was sitting there playing with a doll, "Marina! Get out from under there!"

Marina, a little girl with deep blue eyes and very curly blonde hair, looked up and over at her brother, "Hiya!" she giggled.

"Marina c'mon! We're going to watch a herd of zebras remember?" Gabe said, also looking under the Tortuga, "You know, with Uncle Chris and his kids?"

Marina nodded and crawled over to them, "I remember. But, I don't want Darcy to get trampled by the striped horses..." she said holding up her doll.

Gabe groaned, "It'll be fine Marina, just put her in your pocket or something..."

Marina put the doll in one of her overall pockets, "She doesn't fit."

"Does it matter?" Trent asked, getting impatient.

Marina huffed, "Yes, it does!"

Gabe stuffed the doll more into her pocket, "There! She's in! Now can we go?"

Marina nodded and took her brother's hands, and they started across the African savanna, away from the Tortuga. They were all use to growing up in the wild by now, and knew everything they needed to know about the outdoors from their parents.

Soon, as they came closer to the watering hole where the herd of zebra were, a familiar jeep started driving towards them.

"Here comes the Createrra!" Trent said, a smile rising on his face.

The Createrra pulled over beside them, and the three familiar faces of their cousins smiled down at them.

"Cali, aren't you a little young to drive?" Gabe asked, staring up at one of the twins that was driving. Cali was 10 years old, and probably one of the smartest young girls you could meet. She had almost black hair and green eyes.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean I don't know how too." Cali replied.

Her twin brother Daniel nodded, "Yeah, anyway, dad said we could drive the Createrra around while we were waiting for you guys." He had chocolate brown hair, and green eyes, and a face full of freckles.

"Well, I had to wait on Trent-" Gabe started.

"And I had to wait on Marina-" Trent continued.

"And I had to use the bathroom, so deal with it..." Marina finished with a pout.

Benjamin, the eight year old boy with dark blond hair and light brown eyes, laughed and motioned with his hand, "Just hop in guys!"

And the three children of Martin and Laura (Kitty) Kratt did just that.

As they were driving closer and closer to the watering hole, Marina tapped Cali's shoulder and asked, "Um, where's Anna?"

Anna was Chris's youngest child, who was actually one year older then Marina and was Marina's best friend. Anna had light brown eyes and curly copper brown hair.

"She's with our dad, waiting for us." Cali replied, as she drove around the watering hole.

Everyone looked to the side, and watched in amazement as the many striped Zebras drunk and walked around on the other side of the water hole. Among them, Chris Kratt sat perched in a tree with his daughter, Anna. They were both watching, and soon noticed the group.

"Hey uncle Chris!" Trent shouted standing up and waving, "Hey Anna!"

Chris's eyes widened and he put a finger to his lips, motioning for them to be quiet otherwise the Zebra would get scared and run off.

But it was to late for that, the Zebra had already started to freak out a little, and they quickly stampeded... right towards the Createrra.

The kids screamed as the large Zebra herd ran around the Createrra, and some jumping over. One actually jumped over and kicked the front window causing it to crack.

"Anna, stay here!" Chris said quickly as he leaped from the tree, jumping onto the hood of the Createrra below, "Get down below and next to the seats! Quickly!" he ordered the children.

They all nodded, and went down quickly, trying to avoid all the leaping and running Zebra. In a matter of a few more seconds, the herd had past them.

Gabe got up slowly, and looked around, "That... was... AWESOME!" he said grinning.

"That's a funny way to look at it..." Chris said laughing, "But you all should be more careful... remember what me and Martin told you before?"

"Right... stay quiet around certain wild animals... sorry..." Trent said, embarrassed mostly.

"Daddy you left me in the tree!" Anna's pouting voice came from behind them.

"I'm coming honey! Hold on!" Chris said hoping of the hood and going over to the tree.

Suddenly Chris's creature pod beeped, and Martin's face appeared on the screen, "Hey bro... we have a Zach attack near the river!" Martin stated quickly.

"Be right there." Chris said, picking Anna up and heading over to the Createrra, "Oi, going from one place to the next..." Chris mumbled under his breath.

Cali scooted over as her father put Anna in the back, and he hoped in the front seat, "Buckle up guys; code triangle head..."

They all gasped, "Zach attack..." Trent muttered as he exchanged glances with Daniel.

Chris hit the gas and he quickly turned the Createrra around and sped off.

As they were riding, Marina looked to Chris, "Uncle Chris, when will Aunty Aviva make us creature power suits too?"

"Yeah! So we can fight the villains with you dad!" Benjamin said excitedly.

Chris smiled back, "When you're older."

"Aw... why do we have to wait?" Cali said in a pout.

"Because; My kids need to work on their animals knowledge, and my brother's kids need to work on their abilities..." Chris teased a little, as the Tortuga came into sight over the savanna, "Believe it or not," he started as he glanced back at Trent and Gabe, "You two can do greater things then you think..."

"How do you know?" Trent asked.

Chris smiled, "Well, it's a long story and we don't have time at the moment, but, let's just say; I know what the future holds."

SURPRISE! Didn't see this chapter coming, did ya? XD I got you GOOD!

Anyway, I just figured since some movies have an extra bit to the ending after the credits, why don't I do the same thing!

But, unless someone gives me a brilliant AMAZING idea for another chapter, this is THE END.

Review, or face the wrath!

Random Person; What wrath?

The wrath of SILVER! XD

Random Person; T-T Seriously?

Yeah seriously, now shoo! ^^