Red Tape: Becoming Hokage

AN: This is my first foray into writing fan fiction rather than just reading, and given my current uni schedule it most likely will be a short one. I apologize in advanced for my slow updates, and the drabble which is likely to arise from my experimentation; the sort of authorship I cannot tolerate as a reader, but which I can only hope others will be more forgiving of.

This story is a result of self-reflection and the realisation that I wanted to contribute. I have always consumed in my world – it was about time I made something original. I urge others to consider this preposition – it is freeing.

Please excuse my spelling and grammar, which has never been a personal strength, as well as being sadly neglected by the Australian schooling system.

Chapter 1:

"WHAT" - the irritable Hokage roared.
"What do you mean Naruto can't become Hokage! You old fashioned, arrogant fools! How can you be so blind?" She slammed her hand on her reinforced desk to make a point. This new model didn't shatter.

"Calm down Tsunade," Koharu chided. "I can't believe I'm saying this - but the council agrees. Naruto is the best and only real candidate for the position of Hokage. But the law is the law."

"I'm the Hokage - surely I can overturn a stupid rule the council came up with," Tsunade yelled. "After all, Naruto's far past chuunin level."

"Tsunade!" Koharu growled. "You are still the leader of this village and the last remaining Sannin. You must be an example to all the villagers - how can we expect civility in the streets if you, the Hokage, break Konoha's laws!"

Tsunade reluctantly grumbled her agreement.

"Besides," Koharu continued. "It wasn't the council's law. It was your grandfather's".

"Oyaji's..." Tsunade whispered. Koharu inwardly smiled – that had finally gotten the old Hokage's attention; and she was old, Koharu kept reminding himself. No henge could hide the exhaustion in Tsunade's face, or the laboured way in which she now carried herself –unbefitting of a princess. Koharu knew that Tsunade would be delighted to get the responsibility of the village off her shoulders, almost as much as Naruto was excited to take them on himself. To think that the loud obnoxious kid of yesterday – a demon in fact - had become the fine ninja of today still baffled the old man.

Tsunade's words brought Koharu out of his reminiscing. "Very well then, if the law states Naruto must be at least a chuunin to became Hokage, then I decree he must sit the chuunin exams." Tsunade announced confidently. "After all we must respect the great laws of this village!"

"As you wish Hokage-sama," and with that Koharu bowed and left the room, barely able to hide his smirk and the skip in his step he hadn't had for decades. Everything was going to be just fine.

The fourth great ninja war had changed Naruto - of that there was no doubt. But no matter the horror and the pain or the triumph and the glory – something's were greater than that, with standing the tests of time and the torturing of the human psyche and never changing. Naruto thanked his lucky stars everyday that Ramen was one of them.

"Thanks Jii-San, that was delicious" grinned Naruto, as he noisily slurped up the broth of his fourth miso ramen.

"I'm glad I have the Rokudaime's compliments," commented Teiuchi, as he gazed at the young man before him. He couldn't help but smile at the achievements of his surrogate grandson. That his dream was finally here, acknowledge by the whole village as a hero, a leader and most importantly a friend. Tears welled in the corners of his eyes as he realized his blessed position of being the one that had held Naruto's friendship longer than almost anyone.

"I'm not Hokage yet Jii-san," Naruto replied. "Who knows what kind of crazy Hokage test their might be - dattebayo!" Little did Naruto know.


"Sakurrraaa" - the Hokage's voice echoed.

Wearily pushing open the door Sakura's trim figure slinked into the Hokage's office. "What do you need shishou?" She said eyeing the reinforced Hokage's desk. I wonder what we could use that for, she thought before mentally slapping herself.

"Get Naruto in here. I have important business to discuss with him."

"Right away sensei," Sakura smiled. She was happy for any excuse to see Naruto. How thing have changed, Sakura thought smiling inwardly.

Sakura new it was lunch time, and that Naruto had just returned from a mission. Not only would he have nothing in his kitchen, but he'd have plenty of cash to throw around as well. That meant only one thing - Ichiraku's.

Approaching the Ramen stall, she saw black and orange pants sticking out from underneath the curtains and immediately knew her deduction of Naruto's location was correct. As she pulled back the fabric and stuck her head into the stall she couldn't help but admire the man Naruto had become. Gone was his mostly orange and black outfit, replaced by one of mostly black with orange highlights down his sleeves and trouser legs. Sakura had to admit, it made him look like a ninja - and a sexy one at that, an internal voice added.

After the war, Naruto had told his friends that his father was the Yondaime. Naruto had expected gasps of astonishment and surprise, but most of his friends just nodded in approval, or congratulated him at finding out his heritage. The most animate response he got was an irritated Chojii tossing a few coins at Shikamaru who caught them with a smile. This shouldn't have really come as a surprise to Naruto, his longer hair and added height had truly made him a clone of Minato. If it wasn't for the Kyuubi's unique influence on his appearance one could be forgiven for questioning their sanity, and perhaps even the time period they were in.

"Yo, Sakura-chan, what are you staring at?" Naruto brought Sakura back to reality.

You – baka! She wanted to yell, but there was no way that was going to happen – as a ninja she had her emotions completely under control. Well at least she liked to think she did, as she stammered "No- Nothing – I wasn't staring," her cheeks becoming flushed. "Anyway, it's good to see you again – how was your last mission?"

"Ugh, nothing special – again. No action whatsoever, it was so borrrinnng. I know I'm still technically a gennin and all that, but at least baa-chan could give me something a bit more interesting then escort duty," Naruto complained.

"Baka! You were escorting a noble's daughter – it was a B rank! Anyway haven't you seen more than enough action the last few years?" Sakura jabbed good spiritedly, before realising that was not the right thing to say.

"Yeah," Naruto sighed, his blue eyes becoming distant – something's the war had changed.

"Come on, enough ramen, the Hokage needs you," Sakura quickly said, trying to drag Naruto away from his memories.

"Baa-chan needs me? Maybe it's finally about taking her job," Naruto exclaimed, punching his fist into the air, all traces of the pain in his eyes instantly disappearing.

Naruto scoffed down the rest of his bowl, in a display which made Sakura cringe. That's definitely a habit we're going to have to change, she thought to herself. Quickly paying up the blonde waved back at the stall "See you Jii-san, Sakura-chan," before taking off towards the Hokage tower in a burst of wind, shushining out of sight.

"Good morning baa-chan," Naruto chimed as he strode confidently through the doors to the Hokage's office. He didn't take the window this morning; after all he wanted to make a good impression – his promotion might depend on it.

"What took you so long gaki, and stop calling me baa-chan," Tsunade growled, as she through an obligatory box file at Naruto which he effortlessly dodged.

"Don't give me that, you know you like it," Naruto retorted. While she would never admit it Tsunade knew he was right. Naruto was the closest thing she had to family, apart from Shizune of course, and she would have been far more worried and angry if Naruto had stopped calling her 'baa-chan'. She understood that it was a term of endearment and a mutual recognition of family – a precious gift for a ninja – especially one of her age. Christ I can't believe I just admitted that, Tsunade thought I really must be getting old.

"Anyway, down to business Naruto. The council has agreed to support you as the new Hokage, and I, including all of the senior Jonnin, pledge their support to you as well."

The old Naruto would have been jumping around the Hokage's office at this news. But this new, mature Naruto simply nodded and smiled. The transition still shocked Tsunade sometimes.

"However," she continued, "there is a law which states that the Hokage must have minimum rank of chuunin – which you, at this stage, do not currently possess."

"Pfft, you know I could beat most, if not all of our jonnin baa-chan – can't you just ignore some silly old rule?"

"Quiet Naruto! These aren't just some silly old rules. They are the laws which make our great village function – as the next Hokage you should realise that!" Tsunade barked.

Naruto had never seen the Hokage get so animated about something like this before – it must have been something close to her heart. "Yes, Hokage-sama," Naruto stoically replied.

"That's better, you're not Hokage yet. As I was saying, as you are not yet of chuunin rank, you will be participating in the upcoming chuunin exams to be held here in Konoha again for the first time since the disaster almost seven years ago. As someone who claims they can beat most of our jonnin that should be no problem, right Naruto?" Tsunade smirked.

The look on Naruto's face was priceless; his jaw hanging open wide. To say he was shocked would have been the understatement of the year. If she had had a camera she could have sold this photo for millions to the local village tabloids – which had become quite a fan of Naruto's over the last few years. As Naruto just stood there Tsunade was worried she might have broken him.

"Err, Naruto?" she asked waving her hand in front of his face.

No response.

"Shizune! Get a stretcher in her and get Naruto to the hospital. If he's not back in the world of the living by the time he gets there give him a shot of adrenalin – that should wake him up."

Shizune stared at the old Hokage who was grinning far too happily for this time of day and sighed. Maybe they really did need a new Hokage – and soon.

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I should hopefully have a new chapter up in a week or two! All comments welcome!