Hello loves,

So here's another one of my OS i had written in french and guess what? I decided to translate it! It'll be a two shot because it's 5 AM and well i'm too tired to translate the whole thing right now lol but you'll have the second part tomorrow if of course you decide you liked it enough and would like to read the rest! So i'm actually too tired to talk as much as usual lol so just...

Get to reading!



Sex? Love?






Shyly, the first sun rays surfaced, going through the glass window to illuminate with a million different colors the room where a man and a woman slept peacefully.

Lazily, Hermione Granger opened her eyes, slowly getting used to the colorful light rays that seemed to caress her cheek. She looked around, for a moment forgetting how she had ended up in this bed that she knew so well and yet wasn't hers.

As a pale arm wrapped her waist from behind her, she smiled, finally remembering the ô so perverted frolics she and the man behind her had accomplished yet again the night before. There was nothing to complain about: sleeping with Draco Malfoy was by far the best decision she had ever made in her life. He brought out that perverted side of her she didn't even know she was hiding. And his performance… well she'd be damned if she ever found someone as amazing in bed as he was.

"Why ô why must you always wake up so bloody early?" she heard him grunt in her ear.

"Well… I was hoping I could abuse you one more time before the dreadful day ahead…"

Sighing heavily, he buried his face in her neck, smelling the lovely scent of her hair, all the while mumbling all types of incomprehensible words.

Her smile widening, she moved lazily to face that cold visage she somehow had grown accustomed to.

"Hermione…" he grumbled again, "Sleep a little bit more would you… And stop contemplating my beautiful face…"

"Have you ever heard of the word modesty?" she laughed, rolling her eyes at him. "Anyways, what are we doing tonight?"

"It's really impossible to find some sleep with you around, you know that!

Slowly, he opened his eyes, a small mischievous smile appearing on the corner of his slightly swollen lips as he pulled her to sit on his lap. After a long languorous kiss, he finally answered:

"I have no idea what we're doing tonight… Aren't you supposed to have dinner with mophead anyway?"

"His name is Ron you uneducated man… But yes I had effectively forgotten that small detail! I suppose you'll be sleeping with Adele the empty-headed mug face tonight then?"

"You really don't like her do you…" he said with that perennial grin of his.

"I never said I didn't like her, I don't even know the girl… It's just that I don't see what you find in her…"

"Exactly the same thing that attracts you to Weasel… Although I really can't see what that could be…"

With that, he got up, making his way to the bathroom, his butt cheeks following his every move smoothly. Wrapping the sheet quickly around her, Hermione hopped off the bed and ran after him.

Through the bathroom mirror, she stared back at those icy pupils before slowly removing the piece of fabric covering her naked body.

"If I were to die tomorrow I'm not sure what you would do… I know I'm irresistible but love, it's unhealthy to want me perpetually as you do…" He sneered, looking her up from head to toes still through the mirror.

"Well then just don't die tomorrow…" She smiled back perversely, stepping closer to him.

Without warning, he turned around quickly, lifting her effortlessly under her ass to place her on the sink. With a typical Malfoyish smirk, he ran his hand up her stomach, tracing small circles in between her breasts as she wrapped her legs around his waist. In a painfully slow gesture, he ran his tongue along her lips, feeling both of their breathing slow down. Leisurely, he traced the contours of her right breast, pinching the light pink nipple softly. Then suddenly, he penetrated her, taking a cunning pleasure in seeing the surprise in her eyes. Grabbing a handful of his hair, she pulled on it, moving her lips slowly against his long thrusts. Hungrily, he caught her lips with his, nibbling on them as they accelerated the rhythm.






Sitting at her desk behind a pile of parchments, Hermione was mumbling all types of incoherent words. Her hair up in a tight ponytail from which a few brown curls still escaped, her eyebrows furrowed to almost form a single line on her forehead, her head shaking in every direction, she looked almost like a demented patient of St Mungo's.

"Lorraine" she said without lifting her head when her door opened, "Could you bring me the files in Helene's office please?"

"Hermione, it's lunch time can't you take a break for a few minutes?" asked a shy voice.

"Oh it's you Ron… Sorry I thought it was Lorraine. And no I can't take a break, you have no idea how much work I have to finish up by the end of the week…" she muttered, still not taking the time to lift her head to greet Ron properly, which actually he found weird given the huge crush he know she had for him.

"Hum… I… I hum brought you flowers" He stuttered, putting the bouquet on her table.

"Thanks Ron… They're beautiful…"

"But you haven't even looked at them…" he said in a small voice.

"Yes but I know they're beautiful. Every bouquet you ever buy me is always beautiful." She answered briefly, sounding almost annoyed.

Perplexed as to why Hermione had been acting so differently recently, Ron stood there, watching her bustle through her papers. He didn't like bothering her when she was working. He debated for a long time whether or not to remind her of their dinner later until she finally lifted her head.

"We're still on for tonight right?" she asked, her voice devoid of any emotion.

"Huh… Yes, I thought you forgot."

"I didn't. So I'll meet you at my house at 7" she continued, turning her attention back to the many papers scattered about her desk.

"Ok I'll be there. See you later then."

"Yes… See you later."

Just like she didn't bother to pay attention to him when he walked into her office, she hadn't bothered to watch him leave either. For a moment, she wondered what was going on with her seeing as she was supposed to be hopelessly in love with Ron.

Her thoughts drifting away to the man she had been sleeping with for the past couple of months, she wondered how she would be able to stop seeing him if she ever married Ron. They were so different… Ron was sweet, he never confronted her about anything, he always agreed with her and didn't have much in common with her. Whereas Draco… Draco was a pain in the ass. He argued with her pretty much every day. He teased her to no end. He challenged her mentally and well she had to admit it… The sex with him was simply fantastic.

Sighing heavily, Hermione thought about all these many years she had wasted just waiting for Ron to ask her out. Was that really how a relationship worked? She wanted more from the boy with the ginger like hair but she was no longer sure if he would ever be able to give it to her.

Well perhaps when we get married things will change… she thought.

Once again, her office door was pushed open. But this time, from the very distinct smell of the cologne that filled up the room, she knew exactly who had come to disturb her. Smiling slyly, she kept working, pretending to not have heard the door.

"You know… I think I know you fairly well by now and so I can say with enough confidence that the cunning witch that you are heard me come in…"

"Oh really? You really think you know me now don't you Mr. Malfoy?" she asked, finally looking over to the man nonchalantly leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.

She felt a kind of joy just from seeing him there and she hadn't a clue why that was.

"Yes actually… And to prove that I do, I'm going to tell you three things I believe I am the only one to know about you… First, when you're worried about something, which might I point happens more often than not, you bite the inside of your left cheek.

She smiled, shaking her head as he elaborated:

"Second, you're terribly afraid of spiders…"

"Wait how do you even know that you creep?"

"Because you almost jumped out of your skinned that one day we saw a spider in front of your house. Of course miss superwoman tried to tell me it was nothing but I'm pretty observant so I caught your lie pretty easily."

"Whatever! You're not observant at all" she smiled, rolling her eyes at him. "Third?"

"Third, you hate your job and I still don't understand why you haven't found something else yet. Oh and fourth, you have a birth mark that resembles a monkey on your right ass cheek"

"Hey!" she laughed, getting up and walking to the middle of the room, "My birth mark does not look like a monkey! My mother always said it looked like a pretty little angel!"

"Well… I'm sorry to ruin your fairytale but your mother lied" He answered, now standing in front of her and looking down to her.

Without touching each other, they stood there for a few minutes simply looking into each other's eyes, each wearing the Malfoy trademark smirk. Finally, he bent down and kissed her for what seemed to be like a day.

"Hum… I thought we were supposed to avoid all contacts between us at work?" she asked after catching her breath as he brought his hand to her face to place one of her stubborn curls behind her ear.

"Are you complaining about my visit?" he asked playfully, still playing with her hair.

"How could I dare do such a thing!"

"That's what I thought..."

"Modesty! Look it up in a dictionary or something and you'll see you could use some in your life!" she said rolling her eyes, trying to hide a smile as he kissed her again.

"Do you have to go out with Weasel tonight?" He grimaced. "You could see him tomorrow… Or after tomorrow? Or even next year?"

"What's wrong? Adele stood you up for tonight?"

"Is that what you would like?" He grinned.

"Oh no, far from me such a thought ô master Draco" she laughed, rolling her eyes at him. "But anyways, yes I have to go out with Ron tonight. He's been planning this dinner for the past month and honestly, I'm hoping tonight will be the night and that he'll finally ask me to marry him…"

Slowly letting his hand drop to his side, Draco straightened up.

"I see… Well I'll see you around I suppose…" he said, his voice cold for the first time in a long time.

Dumbfounded, Hermione stood in the middle of the room, wondering what she had said that could've possibly angered Draco.

Once more asking herself how she would manage to stop seeing him if she ever married Ron, she slowly made her way back to her desk, her thoughts lost on a cloud of worry.




What did you think? Want to read more? Worth posting the second part? I mean it's up to you to decide so just let me know and if we vote "YES WE WANT THE REST" i'll have it up by tomorrow night... =) So like always, if you hated it, don't hesitate to tell me. If there are any grammatical or orthography errors, let me know! you know how i like being corrected and all! Oh and if you happen to be interested, i posted another OS two days ago, it's called A Million Reasons. Anyways, i need to go sleep! I can barely keep my eyes open as it is!
So... a review? Per favore? =)

'Night 'Night,