Another chapter I only just finished. Is it just me, or are these chapters shortening as we go along? Not to worry, though, I'm gonna keep going with this.

"Well, you never answer your phone!" Rory protested mildly from his car.

We were in a field. Amy and Rory had summoned us with the word 'Doctor' in said field. And any second now, a red car would come speeding towards us.

An engine rumbled. I glanced over at where it was coming from, and smiled. Here comes Mels, I thought.

Mels? the Doctor asked me silently.


He went back to the newspaper, but didn't notice the car until it was almost too late. He screamed, as did the Ponds, and they dived to the ground.

"You said he was weird…" Mels said as she got out of the car. "You never said he was hot."

I snickered behind my hand and glanced at Ruby. Shockingly, she looked jealous. Clearly, things were getting out of hand there.

"You never said I was hot?" the Doctor whined to Amy.

The redhead did not respond.

Mels pulled out a gun suddenly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" everyone except Mels exclaimed.

"Take me with you," Mels ordered.

"W-where?" the Doctor stammered.

"Well, you've got a time machine… What the hell. Let's kill Hitler."

"Oh crap," I said suddenly.


"Has the TARDIS ever made that noise?" I asked the Doctor.

"What noise?"

"The 'THWACK!' noise it just made!"

"As a matter of fact, no." He bolted out of the door, with me close behind.

We were in a large office, and there was a man lying on the floor. Although, he did have some robotic parts lying around him. It was then I reminded myself: this 'man' was a Tesselector.

Amy, Rory and Ruby got out of the TARDIS behind us, but we didn't really pay much attention to that, because, sitting at a desk, gun in hand, was Adolf Hitler.

"Thank you," he said to us. "I believe you just saved my life."

"Oh shit," Ruby and I said in unison.

"I agree," the Doctor murmured to me.

Then Mels came out of the TARDIS, still clutching her gun, and pushed past us. Hitler reacted instinctively to a person with a gun, raising his and shooting Mels in the stomach.

Rory ran towards Hitler and smashed him across the face with his fist. In my mind, I heard the words 'FALCON PUUNCH!'.

What? the Doctor asked me.

Long story. That phrase was quickly becoming my 'Spoilers'.

Hitler was in the cupboard. Mels was dying. But not for long.

Amy and Ruby were comforting Mels, but I could see that the regeneration process was beginning.

"Amy, Ruby, get back," I warned them.

"Why?" Amy asked me hoarsely. "So we can watch our friend die?"

"Um, not really."

As if on cue, Mels started to regenerate. Despite the pain that I knew would be involved, she seemed to revel in it. And soon she was River.

"That's River…" Rory murmured.

"But River's…" Amy continued.

"Your daughter? Yes," I finished for them.

"You named your daughter…after your daughter…" the Doctor stammered.

"Now that is wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey," I marvelled.

Reviews are appreciated! I've got a few more chapters in mind, but methinks this is coming to an end soon.

I know, I'm sorry! But everything has its time.