Well, here it is: The Sequel! I'm genuinely sorry that this has taken as long as it has, but in my defense, I've got really high expectations for myself and really just want this to be great. I think what I have so far is actually pretty good and I really just hope that you all like it. I'm also quite sorry to inform everyone that I'm not going to be able to update this with a regular schedule like WLJALTL. I hope you won't hate me too much for it.

One really big, important note for this entire story: There is a complete and utter disregard for Season 3. Like WLJALTL, this story is canon only up to Season 2, anything referenced that happens after Season 2, I've completely made up.

Anyways, without further ado, here is Now That We Know It.

August 2015, New York City
Union Square, E 12th and Broadway

After living in New York City for just barely a year, Quinn must have visited the Strand nearly a million times. That may be an exaggeration, but it sure felt like a million times to Quinn. The Strand had been her favorite place in New York since she got there. Today, she felt an anxiousness she'd never felt before as she swung open the door and inhaled the scent of old and new bound paper being wafted towards her. With every creaking step into the store, she felt the feeling grow. It peaked when her eyes landed on what she'd been walking towards since she walked in.

Unable to take her eyes off of what was in front of her, Quinn subconsciously drew her bottom lip between her teeth. After pausing for a moment to adjust her dress under her messenger bag, she took the remaining ten steps that brought her to her destination.

Trying to keep her excitement out of her voice and making it sound as smooth and sexy as possible, she said to the only person near her, "Holy shit."

"Hey, that's my line!"

"I know," Quinn said through a smile as she slipped her hand into a tan one, "but you looked pretty into what you were doing, sexy concentration face and all, so I needed something clever to get your attention."

Quinn watched as a faint blush appeared on the cheeks of the girl standing in front of her. A familiar smirk appeared as the blush faded away and through it she said, "You could have just smacked my ass or something."

"Santana Lopez, we are in public!" Quinn scolded her shameless girlfriend and gave her arm a light smack for good measure.

"Okay, High School Rachel," Santana chided.

"Ooo, that hurts," Quinn said sarcastically as she clutched her fist over her heart.

After rolling her eyes, Santana gave a little squeeze to Quinn's hand and asked, "How was your interview?"

"Oh my god! I was so excited to see you that I completely forgot! I got it!" Quinn said through a glowing smile.

Santana's eyes lit up and she exclaimed, "Babe, that's great!"

"Yeah! She liked me so much, she gave it to me on the spot! You are looking at one of New York City's newest editing interns!" Quinn said still beaming.

"I am so happy for you!" Santana smiled and then right in the middle of all of their favorite Classics, she grabbed Quinn's face and kissed her.

"Thank you," Quinn said breathlessly as their lips parted.

"It was just a kiss," Santana said through a cocky grin.

"The happy for me part!" Quinn scowled and smacked Santana's arm for the second time this outing.

Through a soft laugh Santana said to Quinn, "Come on, let's get you a celebratory blueberry muffin."

"Can we walk around for a little bit?" Quinn asked as she wrapped both of arms around Santana's right, "I need a new book."

"You do not need a new book," Santana said as they made their way to the towering bookcases.

"Yes I do! I've read all the books in the apartment already!" Quinn pouted and steered her girlfriend towards a large table located between the stacks.

"Just so you know, I refuse to build you another book case," Santana said letting go of Quinn's hand and crossing her arms.

"You don't have to. After this, I probably won't have time to read for myself anyways," Quinn shrugged and then caught sight of a title she'd never seen before.

"I'm getting you a Kindle for your birthday," Santana huffed.

"No you are not! That's what's putting book stores out of business! Besides, I'm serious about probably not being able to read for myself anymore," Quinn responded, genuinely sad at how true the statement was. Between an internship and the schedule for the upcoming semester she had to make in order to graduate on time, she actually wondered if she'd have time for Santana, let alone a stranger's words.

"It's also preventing apartments from looking like this place," Santana said, broadly gesturing to the shelves around them.

Without looking up from the table and with a hip bump, Quinn said in return, "You love this place."

"Right, I love this place. I would not love for our home to turn into it, though. I'm really hoping I'm not in love with a hoarder," Santana joked.

"I'm getting this one," Quinn said defiantly waving a book at Santana.

"Whatever you want," Santana said and then turned around to walk out of the section.

Quinn followed but directed her eyes back down to the book to reread the blurb on the back. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her left foot.


"Holy shit!"

"We did that already and ow!"

"I know," Santana said and shook her head a little, "I'm sorry, babe. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I think amputation can be avoided," Quinn said with her classic sarcasm. Noticing the worry on her girlfriend's face, however, she quickly became concerned, "S, what's wrong?"

"Look beyond the book case and to the left, in the Classic section," Santana said as she grabbed Quinn's hand and pulled her towards the edge of the book case.

Not seeing anything particularly worrisome, Quinn turned her head back to Santana and said, "What are you talking about, all I see is a red... head..." Quinn trailed off her sentence suddenly knowing exactly what Santana was so worried about, "Mackenzie."

So, what'd you think?