Here we go. Last but not least Part Three of Clumsy. I'm sorry it took so long, but a lot of ugly things had been going on through summer break. But finally you get some more Naruto, a little bit of a raging Karin, some insight to Sasuke's point of view and a special guest appearance. Naruto's part went quite good, Sasuke's... not so much. So please bear with me.

My roomie read over most parts, but he isn't flawless, so sorry for any mistakes left.

Special thank you to zlash08 for the emotional review. I'm glad you could feel with Naruto and that you liked it so much. I hope this chapter will be just as good.

Thanks to anyone who reviewed and faved and followed this story. I really really am thankful that so many guys were interested and read my work. Thank you so much.


Author: Eisfuchs

Summary: She hadn't expected this change between them, but now, seeing his guilt, there was only one thing she could do. She would lie for his sake…AU, SasuFemNaru ThreeShot

Part: 3/3

Rated: M (PG-16), for smut and some swearing

Disclaimer: Naruto © belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, Clumsy © belongs to Uemori Yuu


Pretty azure eyes blinked.

Naruto's eyes were fixed on the ramen bowl in front of her. The steam was still coming off it, partly hindering her eyes to make out the delicious toppings on top of the broth and noodles. She was still able to make out the cute little fishcakes right in the middle. Usually she would have long ago eaten up what she considered the food made by gods, but this time she was too confused and stunned to even think about it.

Beside her, she could hear the quiet slurping sounds Sasuke made while he ate the new tomato flavoured ramen he had ordered. Naruto couldn't even remember Sasuke liking ramen. As far as she knew he had hated the stuff since forever. So, she couldn't understand what they were doing at Ichiraku's eating food Sasuke loathed.

Blinking again, she stared at Sasuke with uncomprehending eyes.

Finally taking notice of her unusual behaviour, he put his own bowl down and turned to her with a questioning expression. One hand was lazily leaned against the side of his face and he seemed as bored as Shikamaru was known to be. It weirded her out even more.

"What?" Sasuke asked and she finally looked away, not able to decide if she should blush or get angry. She had definitely not counted on him taking her out when Sasuke had asked her to meet in front of school. Naruto had thought that they would go to the hotel like they had come accustomed to. She hadn't imagined something like this. It almost seemed like a date. She could feel herself cringe just by the implication of the word.

Ignoring the traitorous thoughts, she tried to focus on her bowl of ramen again and stared at it emptily. She just didn't understand what they were doing.

They hadn't been going out as friends in years; only doing so when they were accompanied by their classmates, but this time there was just her and Sasuke. It made her nervous and scared and angry. Was Sasuke playing her a fool?

An annoyed sigh from Sasuke's lips caught her attention easily and she instantly looked up at him with wide blue orbs. She needed an answer to his strange behaviour and only the Uchiha knew what was going on. Only Sasuke knew what they were doing at Ichiraku's eating ramen.

"You like ramen," he stated and it bewildered her even more, because Naruto didn't understand how she should react to his words, how Sasuke wanted her to react. Her liking for ramen wasn't a secret, but she didn't see what that had to do with anything. His statement did nothing but confuse her; Naruto felt at a complete loss and she was sure Sasuke could tell.

A sensuous growl left Sasuke's lips and she blinked when he turned away from her wholly. The hand he had rested his head on came up to cover his mouth, but neither action could hide the impossible bright blush he tried to hide from the blonde. Naruto couldn't imagine any reason for his apparent embarrassment, so she remained silent.

He glanced at her shortly, but turned away before she could read into any of his expressions.

"What's with the dissatisfied face?" He grumbled then in irritation. "You still like it, don't you?"

Nodding uneasily, she returned her attention to her bowl. The steam was gone now that it had cooled down. Not knowing what else to do, she carefully dipped her chopsticks into the broth and fished for some of the slippy noodles. Out of the corner of her eyes she could see a small smile bloom on Sasuke's lips as he watched her discreetly.

Taking the bowl into both hands, she took a sip.

"These things are fine sometimes, too," he whispered and she nearly choked on some broth, understanding drawing on her. Clumsily she put the ramen back on the counter and coughed into her hand.

Sasuke had wanted to cheer her up. That was the only reason he had taken her out. After showing him her weak side so openly and avoiding him afterwards, he had thought about a way to lift her mood, perhaps getting her track of mind off her imaginary boyfriend.

Somehow, it made her happy. After so much time Sasuke cared for her wellbeing once again; enough to take her out to her favourite food-stand. On the other hand, it reminded her also of something she would never receive, because if Sasuke had been interested in her… This could have been considered a real date. If they weren't just friends, this could have been more.

She didn't know if she preferred the occasional sexual relationship she forced onto him to this illusion of something more. Her body had already become so used to Sasuke's touches, warmth, kisses, she already feared what would happen if he found someone else. She wasn't sure she could just forget the mark he had left on her body and soul; if she could find someone else to love when he left her once again. There was no question about that, Sasuke would leave her eventually.

Her hand grasped painfully into the fabric over her stomach.

The thought alone hurt; was unbearable.

She couldn't and wouldn't hinder the Uchiha when he found a new love. As much as she wanted him to stay by her side, she wanted Sasuke to be happy. For a few hours, for a few weeks, Sasuke had given her a taste of her greatest wish, had given her the feeling of how it could be to be loved by Uchiha Sasuke. Despite her own insecurities and self-doubt, he gave Naruto happiness. She wished for him to find his happiness, too, and that it would last his entire lifetime; even if it wasn't with her.

She would hold onto him as long as she was allowed to.

Feeling the flush built over the bridge of her nose, she smiled for once in content and took another bite of her noodles.

"What are you thinking?" There was a bemused undertone in Sasuke's voice.

Surprised, Naruto looked up at him, a few loose noodles hanging from her mouth, and became suspicious when she saw the mischievous gleam in pitch black orbs. Swallowing the delicious treat, she narrowed her eyes in challenge at Sasuke's playful behaviour.

His face turned completely blank upon her reaction and her eyes focused on his lips when he opened his mouth slowly. His voice was low and purposefully indifferent when he spoke.


She could feel every sound dying, the lone word echoing inside her ear, as she stared at Sasuke unblinkingly. It took a while for Naruto to register what the single word actually meant, but when she did, she screeched in embarrassment and blushed from head to toe.

Another squeak left her lips when she noticed the other guests were staring at her and she tried to hide behind her hands quite ineffectively. Sasuke started to chuckle lightly and she swore revenge on her best friend for humiliating her this way in front of so many people.

It's just one word…

The weeks that followed their weird not-date, as Naruto liked to call it, they met more and more often. To Naruto it almost felt like they had returned to their middle school days.

Sasuke saw her. After years where he had only noticed Sara, Sasuke finally realised she was still there. During school time he more often than not could be found around her, whereas before, he would most of the time hang out with the guys or his ex-girlfriend, eating Sara's self-made bentos.

They also started to meet after school more often. At first it had been uncomfortable to Naruto, meeting Sasuke and not heading to the hotel. The last weeks had consisted of nothing but their 'forced' sexual encounters and when Sasuke had wanted to meet for fun activities, Naruto hadn't known how to act. Her feelings had been messed up about this matter.

She had relaxed after noticing Sasuke also enjoyed their time together and wasn't forcing himself. It was the first after weeks that she felt free; free of the depressing thoughts that had plagued her mind for years, free from any worries about the future, finally free from the mask of pretend she had built around herself. Those 'not-dates' gave her more happiness than all the kisses, the skin-on-skin contact and the sex she had forced out of Sasuke, because Sasuke wanted to be with her. Sasuke wanted to spend his time with Naruto. It was on his own free will.

Naruto was sure she damn near had reached heaven. And at those times, when the little small voice inside her head whispered cruelly 'If Sasuke would just feel the same', she squished those insecurities, because for once she wanted to live again. Naruto finally had enough of vegetating away.

There was also the reaction of her family.

They were finally beginning to relax again.

The haunting eyes of her mother had given way to the warm ones Naruto remembered from her childhood. It seemed Kushina had realised that her daughter's rebellious phase was over and had no qualm about showing it to the world with happiness. It felt good to have her mother trust into her unconditionally again, especially after everything the girl had done to make her think otherwise.

Kurama, her beloved older brother, might still throw her some doubting glances, but the times he waited silently in front of her door, listening, fearing for her to run off into the night again, became shorter day by day. Before she had made a ruckus on purpose, so he wouldn't have to stand there too long, because as much as she couldn't regret her actions, Naruto couldn't stand the concern in his eyes either. It didn't suit him. It didn't suit him at all.

Then, there was Minato; her father.

Perhaps, no one would believe her when she said he was the most distrustful of her whole family. He might have pretended to accept her phase, but she had noticed the change in his behaviour. Minato no longer believed in his daughter and he wouldn't forgive her for the heartache Naruto brought upon her brother, her mother, upon Minato.

Naruto was Minato's little girl.

He would have done everything for her.

Naruto knew Minato would have given and would still give his life for her.

But Naruto hadn't seen it in herself to trust the person who had protected her since she had been born. Naruto hadn't trusted in the person who had sworn to shield her from the evil of the world when she had been nothing but a baby. Naruto hadn't trusted in her father.

And now, she would have to work for his forgiveness.

With time coming Minato would forgive her, she didn't doubt that. His promises lasted a lifetime, a trait, a dogma, she wanted to make her own. Moreover, Naruto would always be his little girl, his only daughter. But he would teach her a lesson even though it hurt them both.

And Naruto was glad for it.

She appreciated her mother's forgiveness. She was thankful for her brother's concern. But more than anything she felt relief from the punishment her father gave her. It was a lection she needed to learn, because she had acted on her own decisions and she had made the people closest to her suffer for selfish reasons. Now, that she had hit the end of this road she would have to take responsibility.

Therefore, she would bore with her father's cold rejection. It was the only way.

Sasuke might have been the reason Naruto had sunken into this devastating maelstrom. But, he was also the person who finally really pulled her out of it.

Looking back on her behaviour, Naruto felt more than guilty about her actions, how pathetic she had been to fall into despair just because of an unrequired love.

She might love Sasuke. She might really love him, but that was no excuse for what she had done to her mind and body and most of all, what she had done to her family and friends. She couldn't put the blame on Sasuke or on anyone else for that matter. She had been nothing but selfish.

It was time that she grew up and stopped with this childish façade.

She wanted to be herself again.

, but I can't say it…

"You seem different."

She couldn't afford to send Sasuke a questioning glance; she needed to focus on shooting the zombies from the game she was playing. It had been Sasuke's idea, too; to head to the arcade even though he thought it as silly. Before, Naruto had actually managed to convince Sasuke to play with her one time.

Afterwards Naruto had accused him of cheating, because no one could be that good on their first try. The Uchiha had only shrugged, a small content smirk on his face. Since then, the blonde had tried to surpass his highscore, quite miserably. Now that she almost had reached his points, she couldn't believe he would use such cheap means to distract her from winning.

The funny sound from the machine jolted her out from her thoughts, alerting annoyingly loud that she had lost to Sasuke with a gap of a mere seven points. She screeched when her name was listed right below the Uchiha's, again. She couldn't find it in herself to feel embarrassed about the sight of her name filling out every spot on the highscore list with the exception of Sasuke's number one. There was only anger and envy.

"You asshole, you did that on purpose," Naruto hollered and turned to the startled Uchiha. After throwing every insult coming to mind at the Uchiha's head, she turned around and left the bewildered teen behind.

Honestly, she wasn't really that angry. There sure was a little jealousy; it was just her luck the Uchiha outdid her in something she was supposed to be the best in. But she could handle that. She was way happier Sasuke had invited her to the arcades. In the last weeks he had done a lot of things for her; things he didn't like. It thrilled her to say the least.

"Dobe." His voice held amusement, not fooled by her exasperated act, and he caught up to her quickly. He grasped Naruto around the upper arm and whirled her around to face him.

Forcing herself not to blush at the small distance between their faces, she had to cross her eyes to look into Sasuke's ones clearly.

Naruto couldn't even remember how long it had been since their last physical encounter.

Sure, Sasuke touched her sometimes, to get her attention or to slap the back of her head for a stupid comment, but there hasn't been more since the time Naruto had cried. She remained of touching him too much as well. She wouldn't want the Uchiha to realise her feelings after becoming friends again. She had promised herself she would accept Sasuke's leaving.

"Dobe," he whispered and Naruto's blue orbs fell to the outline of Sasuke's lips, easily reminding her of the taste of Sasuke, the feeling of his sinful kisses on her skin. Immediately, she forced her eyes upwards, back to blazing onyx ones. "I wasn't teasing you."

Naruto gulped heavily.

"I know," she whispered breathlessly. Sasuke was so near and Naruto could feel her heart beat erratically at the close proximity. "I know."

Caught in his piercing gaze, she could feel her body heating up. Where Sasuke touched her wrist and his chest grazed outlines of her clothed breasts, she could feel a gentle prickling starting up. Her body was still too used to his touch, she realized. It had been so long, but her body had not forgotten one second of the pleasure Sasuke had given her.

"Dobe," her eyes focused back on his face. There was something in the way he looked at her, something familiar. Naruto was sure she had seen the same expression on his face before, but she wasn't sure what it implied. Sasuke was hard to read and even so she was more than adept in doing so; this look, it made her uncomfortable.

Sasuke's eyes were lowered, hazy while he searched in the depths of her own blue orbs. His hand loosened steadily and brushed over the sensitive skin on the inside of her forearm.

Naruto froze.

Before this could go any further, she slipped out of his reach, pretending she hadn't noticed the change in the atmosphere. Her act was easily ruined by the nervous chuckles leaving her throat, but she ignored that, too. She had finally remembered that look in Sasuke's eyes.

"Hey bastard, let's get something to eat," she turned away from the Uchiha, not eager to see his reaction after her obvious rejection. She couldn't deal with his advances when she wanted to give up on Sasuke. It might make her a hypocrite after what she had done to him, but she was rather conscious of the difference in their situations. Love had been her drive to cheer Sasuke up, which was not necessarily an excuse, but it was a logical explanation for her behaviour.

Sasuke was driven by something else entirely.

"You still owe me after ruining my score," she proclaimed loudly; apparently a little too loudly, because people turned around to look at her curiously. They turned away when she glared at them, telling them silently to mind their own business.

Naruto couldn't hear Sasuke following her, but she knew the Uchiha would, eventually. Sasuke just wasn't used to her turning him down. His fangirls had always been more open in fulfilling him every wish and even though Naruto had done it more secretly, she had been the same. Insults and complaints had effectively hidden her pathetic desire to please her best friend.

A small happy smile bloomed on her features when she finally could hear his footsteps. It didn't take long for him to fall into her steps. A grunt accompanied his appearance at her side.

Naruto didn't dare to look over to Sasuke. She could almost feel the displeasure radiating off his person.

It easily killed her good mood.

However, she knew she had done the right thing for once. If she had allowed Sasuke to continue to touch her this way, they would have returned to that place.

Now, after it had hit home, she remembered all too well what she had seen in Sasuke's eyes. She had seen it for the first time after she had come accustomed to the darkness and Sasuke had opened the tiny towel hiding her body. She had seen it countless times just before he had entered her. She had always seen it in his throes of ecstasy.

It would have been the first time; Sasuke asking her for comfort.

Because what she had seen in Sasuke eyes had been lust.

, because of our relationship.

Nothing had changed between them after that day. They still hang out like before. At first, Naruto had been nervous how Sasuke would react after what had happened, but the Uchiha hadn't treated her any different. It was easier for Naruto that way. Her feelings hadn't faded out, yet, but the blonde did her best to see Sasuke only in a friendly way.

"Aren't you guys getting along very well lately?" Naruto looked up from her cards at the speaker. Beside the table, where they had been playing cards for the most part of their free lesson, stood an imposing Ino. One of her eyebrows was raised in question and she sent Naruto and Sasuke, who was standing right behind her, enquiring looks.

"Yeah, I thought so, too," said Kiba, who sat opposite of the pair. The way he confirmed Ino's question implied he had thought so for a while, but hadn't dared to ask himself. He seemed almost relieved when Ino had started the topic, so they easily fell into a discussion.

Ino nodded enthusiastically. "Right? There had been fewer useless fights."

"I wouldn't call them useless," mumbled Kiba. "Naruto had always been the only one to stand up to Uchiha's bastardness."

"That isn't a word, stupid," said Ino and turned back to the pair, staring at them curiously. Naruto blinked at her school friend.

Suddenly, Ino's face lit up. "How about having Sasuke-kun stay close to Naru-chan?" Her voice was laced with excitement as she regarded first Naruto and then her best friend, before nodding positively. Naruto could feel herself stiffen at the suggestion. "Naru-chan is free anyway and Sasuke-kun could finally get over his break-up."

"Yeah, Uchiha can finally get over his dark past. And Naruto is hot!" Kiba declared. Blushing from head to toe, Naruto turned with widened eyes to the brunette. Her gaze made the Inuzuka visibly uneasy, so that he wiggled on his chair nervously. "What? It's true."

"Hn," grunted Sasuke and Naruto hid her eyes behind golden bangs.

"See, Sasuke-kun thinks so, too," Ino practically gleamed, interpreting Sasuke grunt thoroughly wrong. Naruto almost moaned in misery. She had tried so hard the last weeks and Ino destroyed that with just some well-placed sentences. She wanted to be Sasuke's best friend and not some sort of substitute. That phase she had already left behind her.

"Enough of this," she interrupted that ridiculous conversation. "Let's return to the game. Ino you're also playing!" Naruto would do anything to get away from the topic.

"But-" Ino tried to butt in and Naruto could tell she wanted to continue talking about Sasuke and her. The girl could be quite stubborn if it considered gossip and relationships. Naruto had to find a way to stop the blonde, so when Karin and Sakura walked by their table, she hollered to them to partake in their game.

It distracted the blonde enough to forget about her attempts at matchmaking.

Naruto could tell that Karin had wanted to do something else, but participated nonetheless. Nodding gratefully at her cousin, Naruto turned back to the cards. The next round Sasuke also took part in the group activity and Naruto could see him smile once in a while. Perhaps, he really was just a little shy.

She giggled at the thought. She had known the Uchiha long enough to know he was anything, but shy.

Surprised, she froze, once she noticed dark eyes watching her intently. The spark in those endless orbs made her breathless, so that she had to shake her head to get out of Sasuke's spell. The Uchiha probably didn't even knew how seductive he was without even trying.

And as if he could read her thoughts, he smiled triumphantly in her direction.

The bastard, she thought and pouted. His smirk only widened at her reaction.

Glancing discreetly at their fellow players, he leaned into her personal space and Naruto had to bite her tongue to not tell him to get away, because he was way too close for comfort. She had gotten used to his proximity, but her body still reacted to his every touch, to his masculine smell invading her every being. He was so handsome and he smelled so good and they could call her a pervert for thinking so, because it was nothing but the truth.

How would she ever be able to not love this man?

She was still lying to herself.

"Dobe," Sasuke whispered into her ear, warm and soft. How so often she imagined other words leaving those sensuous lips. How she wished for him to say her real name instead of that nickname he had given her. Naruto would do the same if she was allowed to.

Before she could stop herself, his name had already left her mouth in a breath.


At least, she had thought it had been her, but the voice had been louder, stronger. Her small attempt at calling Sasuke's name had been drowned by someone thought to be gone and Naruto feared for what was to come.

No one had thought of the return of Sara.

The girl Sasuke was in love with.

Seeing her standing at the opening to their classroom, looking as beautiful as ever, Naruto could feel herself falling into utter despair. Blue eyes focused on the girl, followed the slim figure, the charismatic face and the luscious red hair. She could feel the ugly feelings of envy soaring up inside of her, diminishing every effort she had made to become a better human, to become a better friend for Sasuke. Everything destroyed within one tiny moment.

Naruto feared facing the Uchiha. Her eyes squeezed shut when she thought about his reaction, about the way he would welcome his ex-girlfriend. She feared of what the girl's appearance implied and what it meant for Sasuke's and Naruto's new bond. Would it be as easily broken as the improvements of her sullied character? She could already feel herself turning back to the woman, who would run away from her problems and find solution in alcohol, who made her family worry and avoided her friends. She didn't want to become that selfish girl again. She couldn't become that girl again.

Unintentionally, Naruto's eyes fell on her cousin, begging for her help, to find a way to escape that hopeless situation. But Karin wasn't looking at her. Instead her eyes were focused on the Uchiha, who sat directly beside Naruto. She could see a sudden dislike in her cousin's eyes she hadn't noticed before and realized that Karin knew who had been responsible for her selfish actions in the past. She might even have known what had transpired between Sasuke and Naruto in the last months.

Embarrassed and ashamed Naruto looked down upon her hands, which were still holding the cards of their little game. A small sad smile rose on her face when she saw the king of hearts, the queen of hearts and the queen of spades. There was definitely a queen too much.

With a supressed sob, she put the dark queen down.

"Naruto." She almost flinched. This hasn't been the situation she had imagined when wishing for Sasuke to call her by name.

Breathing in deeply, she forced a smile on her face.

Before he could open his mouth, she said: "You should go with her." She leaned back in her seat and looked up to the classroom's ceiling. "You want to, don't you?" An uncomfortable silence filled the air, which wasn't necessarily her fault alone; their friends must have also been as shocked as Naruto herself. Nobody had imagined Sara would appear again after throwing Sasuke away for some other guy.

As much as Naruto hoped Sasuke wasn't stupid enough to take the girl back, she knew far too good what love made people do. Her experience on that matter would last her for a lifetime.

Eventually she faced Sasuke directly and gave him an encouraging smile.

His face was carefully blank as he studied her body language, but Naruto knew he wouldn't find anything. She felt empty. She had no longer the power to pity herself or fight a lost battle. Sara's return showed her, that it was time to give up and finally move on.

"Just go, Sasuke", she said and picked up her king of hearts and queen of hearts. There was mischief in her azure eyes when she showed him the cards. "Get your lady back."

For a few seconds his gaze fell on the two cards she held in her hand. When he didn't make a move to go over to Sara, she put them directly in front of the Uchiha. Leaning over, she whispered into his ear. "At least one of us should get their happy ending, don't you think so?"

She felt relief when her cell phone started to ring and gave her an opportunity to leave. Pulling it out of her pocket, she smiled when she saw the caller's ID. Kimimaro must have had some kind of radar that alerted him of her awkward moments, but she could only feel glad about the coincidence. Her 'exclusive' friend had saved her once again. As thanks she would have to pay him a visit.

Because, this would be the last time.

She owed her girl friends a goukon with some hot military guys.

"Sorry, I gotta take this," she told her group of friends and pointed with her finger past Sara into the hallway. They could only watch dumbly as she left.

I'm such an idiot…

Sasuke felt exhausted after returning from his conversation with Sara. Just like Naruto had told him to, before she had gone and disappeared, he had talked to his ex-girlfriend. However, he hadn't been able to concentrate on Sara at all.

The way Naruto had acted after the redhead had appeared in their classroom had been more than worrisome to him.

After those many weeks they had spent time together, Sasuke had noticed that he no longer knew the girl he had once considered his best friend. He couldn't remember when he had missed all those changes within Naruto. There might have still been those little quirks she had had since middle school - the way she touched her neck when she became nervous or rubbed under her nose after a successful prank – but, most of the time it had felt like a completely different person had been standing before of him.

Naruto had felt like a stranger.

The first thing the Uchiha had really become conscious of that day, that day he had taken advantage of Naruto's offer, had been her physical appearance. What had awaited him under that fluffy towel had been womanly curves and soft soft skin. Her small frame had been embraced by locks with the colour of woven rays of sunshine that had caressed alluring caramel skin.

And her eyes… Those beautiful blue eyes he had always thought fascinating had sparkled in sadness and pain and determination, hunting him, enthralling him, …

He would have never been able to say no to the sight.

Then, the next day he had come back to his senses and had given Naruto the fault. He had felt cheated. Sara had broken up with him, had left him for some other guy and he was sleeping around with his supposed to be best friend not even 24 hours later. He had felt disgusted with himself. He had felt disgusted with Naruto. This should never have happened, he had thought.

Through Naruto's accepting nature they had managed to overcome that obstacle in their friendship, but afterwards everything had changed. He became conscious of Naruto, more than he had ever been before.

When she hadn't been looking, he had watched her every move, how she had interacted with their classmates, with their friends, with her cousin. As far as he had known, Naruto and Karin had not always been getting along as well as they did now.

He realised that while the cousins had gotten closer, Naruto had distanced herself from their friends. She would still talk to them and joke around with some of the guys, but Naruto had become secretive, answering questions evasively, and avoided any personal information. Sometimes she had seemed to be indecisive about how to react in certain situations, like that one time when Sasuke had talked to Kin and Tayuya.

It had not taken him long to realise Naruto was acting. She was pretending to be someone she no longer was.

And no one had noticed.

Not even himself.

The thought made him sick.

During the last weeks, he had met up with Naruto often to get to know what had happened to the former clueless blonde. He had wanted to learn the reason for Naruto's change in character and just who his best friend had become.

Before he knew it, he had started to enjoy those afternoons they hang out.

He liked Naruto's presence.

And he didn't know how that would be affected by Sara's return.

For almost three years they had been a couple. Sasuke had been devastated when she had told him she wanted to break up, because of someone else.

That moment seemed so long ago. The time he had spent with Naruto had effectively distracted him from his bad break-up.

Now, Sara wanted to get back together.

But, somehow, he no longer cared.

He wanted to stay beside Naruto.

"Hey, Sasuke."

Hearing her voice, his heart skipped a beat.

Speaking of the devil, he thought and looked up at her.

It wasn't only Naruto. Apparently, Naruto and some of the other girls were skipping the last lesson. The blonde nodded at Sakura, Ino and Hinata and then walked over to him. Smiling at Naruto in return, the girls made their way over to the school gates, where they probably would wait for the blonde.

Sasuke could feel himself frown.

Naruto and he had planned to go to his house, because she hadn't been over for years. She had been nervous over his offer, but he hadn't been deterred – his mother had missed the loveable blonde and had wanted to see her again – and eventually Naruto had given in.

Naruto wouldn't stand him up, now, would she?

"Welcome back", she said and shoved her hands into the pocket of her sweater. A small smile was on her lips and her eyes were dull as she stared at his face. "How did it go?"

He wanted to step forward, but he stopped when he saw her twitch at the close proximity. She hadn't allowed him to touch her since some weeks ago and he didn't know the reason. Even though he wanted to touch her, to run his fingers to her soft hair, he didn't. He didn't even know where that need to be near Naruto came from.

Forcing those absurd thoughts away, he answered her.

"She wants to get back together."

The smile on her face widened, which made him frown.

Tilting her head slightly she scrunched her eyes together, still that terrible smile on her face. It made her ugly, he thought.

"I see", she said and he could hear her voice hitch at the end. "Aren't you glad?"

No, he wasn't.

"With this I'm useless to you know."

Sasuke's eyes widened at that statement. It sounded like she had seen herself as some kind of distraction, substitution, like he was using her, because he couldn't have Sara.

He no longer wanted Sara and he had enjoyed their time together, still enjoyed his time with Naruto.

Wasn't she able to see that?

Did she not want to spend time with him?

Didn't she feel the same?

Anger welled up inside of him. His brows drew together as he glared at her small frame. His heart was throbbing in pain and he just couldn't understand what Naruto – what that dobe – was thinking. Why would she say something so stupid?

Just why didn't she feel the same?

He almost flinched, finally understanding why he was reacting this way; the reason for his worry over her, the anger, the throbbing.

"As I thought, we shouldn't have become something like that," he said monotonously. He knew it had been a mistake, not in the way she had thought at the beginning, but still a mistake. Over the weeks his feelings had changed to his supposed best friend. Slowly but surely, the blonde had crawled her way into his heart and now she denied him before he could even act on his feelings.

They shouldn't have had sex with each other.

"Then, let's pretend nothing happened," she spoke, a pained expression on her face. There was still that ugly smile. "I won't say anything, so you should just go out with your girlfriend again, Sasuke." Nervously, she grasped after the soft strands of her neck.

He gritted his teeth in fury, but Naruto kept going.

"I'm pretty relieved. Let's just forget about everything."

And then, she was gone and he stood there alone.

Left behind, once again. This time by a girl he just had realised he had feelings for.

so goddamn stupid…

When he returned to the classroom, he ran into Karin. The redhead was obviously angry, because an ugly snarl was on her face.

"Everything is your fault!" she screeched into his ear.

Sasuke gave her a confused glare and came to a halt in front of the girl.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. Karin and he had never been the best of friends and over the last years, since she had lost interest in him, her affection seemed to have had grown into immense dislike overnight. He had never understood why she had become that harsh with him and at that moment he had not the patience to endure her anger.

His thoughts were still with Naruto.

"She's gone to that stupid friend of hers again and that's your fault! You call yourself a genius, Nevermind that, you dare call yourself her best friend, but you don't understand anything!" she raged, wavering her arms around all the while.

"Karin", he growled. "What are you talking about?"

Instantly, she glared back at him, shutting him up.

"Naruto's had an alcohol problem, did you know that?" She asked. Before he could answer, she continued. "Of course, you did not! Her parents almost divorced, because they had no control of her anymore. She disappeared for days and almost had to repeat a year, because her grades were that awful.

"Didn't you notice any of that? You, her best friend?" This time it almost sounded as if Karin begged him to deny everything; that he had noticed, but just hadn't acted on it. He didn't know which one would be crueller: ignorance or indifference. He didn't have to decide, because he really hadn't noticed.

It shocked him to his very core.

"You really didn't know, eh?" Karin whispered, her voice filled with great disappointment, which he could understand. He felt sick with himself. He had really no right to be called Naruto's friend. Naruto might have not told him anything, but as her best friend he should have noticed at least something.

"I didn't know", he said.

Karin's anger was back.

"Of course, you didn't. You were too occupied with your girlfriend to give a flying fuck about Naruto!" A shove to his chest followed her accusation and he stumbled back, surprised by the redhead's action. "And now that's she's back, it's going to start all over!"

Karin hiccoughed.

"Why couldn't you have stayed away? Why did you allow her to build up false hope?"

Her cheeks had turned red, but he could see that she was forcing the tears back. Karin really was worried for her cousin, which was why he felt even guiltier. He still couldn't fully comprehend what was going on, but he was willing to listen to Karin.

The Uchiha was also worried for Naruto.

"If she ends up like that again, Uchiha, I swear," she scowled, but didn't finish her threat.

There wasn't anything he could say to her. After what Karin had told him, he wasn't even sure how to react. He would have never thought Naruto's character change had been going on for so long, that she had caused so many problems. The old Naruto had been naïve, a little clumsy and brash. She didn't seem that much different, but Naruto must have been a better actress than he had expected. He couldn't even imagine what would have led to such dramatics.

"How?" He wanted to know. He needed to know the reason.

At first Karin drew back in surprise, but then, she sent him a pitying look, shaking her head once more in disappointment. Afterwards, she sighed, before facing him again.

"You know," she started. "I've watched the both of you those last weeks. You surprised me; the both of you did, actually." Her eyebrows narrowed, remembering those last days where Sasuke and Naruto had been glued to each other. He himself knew only too well, how they had interacted, how he had been instinctively drawn to Naruto's side. However, he wasn't able to recall Naruto's behaviour, what exactly might have surprised Karin.

"You're falling for her, aren't you?" she asked eventually.

Instantly, he jerked back.

"You know if you would use that brain of yours for once, you would get why Naruto acts the way she does."

With those last words Karin returned to the classroom.

After that conversation, Sasuke didn't bother to get back to their last lesson. He wouldn't be able to concentrate anyway. His mind was full of Karin's words. The redhead' blatant disregard of his intelligence insulted him, but he couldn't deny that he didn't know the answer to his question. He had no idea what had been responsible for Naruto's fall.

The Uchiha strolled along the empty hallways, trying to remember anything involving Naruto, involving a lead to her behaviour. Uzumaki Naruto had become a mystery to him.

They had spent weeks together and he didn't understand Naruto at all.

It hurt.


The screech echoed of the hallways walls, startling Sasuke, so that he momentarily lost track of his thoughts. Just about to turn around, he halted when a younger girl with long brown locks passed him, followed by a younger brown-haired boy. A marine blue scarf was wound around his neck, which seemed awfully familiar to the Uchiha. He had a hunch he had seen the boy somewhere before.

Deep dislike welled up inside of him, seeing the joyful pair. Their image didn't match his mood and reminded him of the last weeks with Naruto, while they had still had fun together. The time he had still thought he finally understood Naruto.

The pair came to a noisy halt when the boy caught the girl around the wrist and pulled her back into his chest. Sasuke watched them tumble to the ground, the girl within the boy's lap.

A memory was tickling at the back of his head.

"Got'cha!" the boy cried in excitement and small feminine chuckles left the girl's mouth.

This picture seemed familiar, almost like a fading déjà vu.

"What's with you smiling so brightly?"

It had been the day Sara's had broken up with him, he remembered.

"You're wicked, because you're alone."

He had also chased Naruto around the classroom, because she had stolen his boxers. She had also been happy that day; at least he had thought she was.

Had really been so ignorant to not realise her pain?

"Then, why don't you warm me up?"

Yes, he had been.

"It's fine. I don't mind."

But she should have minded. Even that day in the rain, she had shivered. He wondered if she already had been scared, hurt by his words. Had he been to numb to realize-

"You should have refused!"

-that Naruto hadn't been able to deny him?

"This relationship is my decision."

-But, it hadn't been-

"You don't need to think about those things."

-because Naruto had only tried to save their bond and he had been angry and it had been the only solution-

"Who is the guy that dumped you?"

-the only way she could have reacted, because it-

"Even if you ask me, I don't know what happened, but now I have a hunch that everything already-"

-Had started years before, because Naruto had been acting. For years she had been pretending –

"Sometimes you make a face like you're about to cry."

-This whole time she had been acting for him-

"In the end, I found out that he loves someone, so it was impossible for me,"

-Because the one she loved-

"Do you remember him?"

-Had been too blind to see-

"At least one of us should get their happy ending, don't you think so?"

- that Naruto had been in love with him all along-

"She wants to get back together."

-And he had kept ripping her heart apart.

"With this I'm useless to you know."

The laughter of the younger couple sounded like mockery in his ears.

the both of us are.

They had been going at it for hours and Naruto wondered how she could have ever thought they wouldn't get along. Sakura and Kimimaro matched brilliantly. The pair had flirted since they had set eyes on each other, leaving the rest of their group to enjoy their time alone.

Ino had been completely flabbergasted, Hinata had blushed quite red and Naruto had been too dumbstruck to say anything. The only thing left for her had been her responsibility to introduce the other girls to the twins, Sakon and Ukon.

Right at the beginning Hinata had loudly confessed that she was taken and so Ino had been swarmed by both guys, while Naruto had watched. Her fellow blonde had seemed overwhelmed by the sudden attention she had received, turning her into blubbering red mush.

Naruto had accused her of imitating Hinata quite badly, which had relaxed the atmosphere around the group quite effectively.

They had talked some time, before Juugo had arrived to fetch his girlfriend.

Then, Sakura and Kimimaro had returned and proposed to go to a new club. Ino had declined the offer and left, accompanied by her new admirers.

After the group had split up so quickly, Naruto had thought of leaving too, because Sakura and Kimimaro were obviously having fun without her help.

But the thought of leaving scared her, because she would remember about Sasuke.

When he had told her Sara wanted to get back together, she had almost broken down. It had taken her everything to stay composed and not to beg him to not leave her again. Her eyes had burned awfully and the sick had been crawling up her throat. She had hurt everywhere.

So she had gone with the pair, hoping to distract herself for a little longer. On the next Monday, she would have had to face Sasuke again and she would need to get her act together until that point in time.

For hours she had watched Sakura and Kimimaro with amusement and envy. She hadn't been drinking any alcohol and instead had hoped for Sakura that for once the girl would have luck. Her friend had been so depressed since her break-up with Neji.

Eventually they excused themselves to go to the dance floor and Naruto let them.

And her depressing thoughts returned.

For a long time she had told herself she would remain Sasuke's friend, but after Sara's appearance she had realised that it wasn't possible. She might have tried talking herself into burying her feelings, but that had been the proof of her inability to pull through with her words. She was unable to forget about what she felt.

Maybe, she really needed to break contact with Sasuke. Not that it would be too hard; Sasuke would quickly push her out of his mind like he had done the years before, now that he was back together with Sara.

They might have had enjoyed their days together, but that time was over and she would have to accept it.


She blinked in confusion at the call of her name.

Puzzled, she turned around to face the caller and flinched when she came face to face with Sasuke's brother, Uchiha Itachi. It had been years since she had seen the older boy the last time.

They used to get along quite well, but she hasn't seen the young man since Sasuke had shooed her away. Uchiha Itachi was the same age as her own brother, Kurama, which had been the reason she felt comfortable in the man's presence.

But at that moment his arrival hurt her.

Itachi reminded her way too much of Sasuke. All along they had had similar features and the same quiet character, which hadn't had seemed to change during their years apart.

"Itachi, what are you doing here?" she asked eventually, conscious about the fact she wouldn't be able to get out of their sudden reunion.

The young man observed her silently and eventually shook his head.

"It's nice to see you, too, Naruto-kun," he greeted her.

Blushing quite red, she bowed her head and mumbled her greeting in return. She was embarrassed about her rude behaviour.

There was the screeching of a chair and Naruto cursed silently when the Uchiha sat himself right opposite of her. Reprimanding herself for not leaving earlier she sighed in resignation and gave her full attention to the young man. She could at least be that respectful to someone she once held precious to her.

"How have you been, Naruto-kun? It has been some time," Itachi began their conversation, his dark eyes boring into her.

She tried to avoid looking at him, but his searching gaze made it impossible for her.

"I'm good. I'm with some friends of mine," she answered and pointed to the direction where Sakura and Kimimaro seemed to eat up each other faces. She felt embarrassed for her friends' sake when Itachi frowned at their deeds.

"I see." She felt herself shrink at his dismissal. "I have to tell you I'm a little lost."

Naruto didn't dare to ask why that might be so. Itachi had a bad habit of asking unpleasant questions when someone was on the run. The only thing she was running away from at the moment was the topic of Sasuke and she didn't want to talk about the guy with his own brother. Actually, she hadn't the urge to talk with anyone about Sasuke.

She had no such luck.

"There were some talks that Naruto-kun would come for a visit," he said monotonously. Naruto kept silent, but averted her eyes, so Itachi continued. "Mother had made preparations for dinner." Scrunching her eyes in guilt – Mikoto-san had always been like a second mother to her – this time she turned away fully from Itachi. "My dear Otouto must have been mistaken when he had to..."

"I just can't!" She interrupted Itachi. She couldn't stand how he was guilt-tripping her into answering him. "Itachi, I just can't. I'm sorry, but it's better this way."

Even so there was playing music in the background, she couldn't hear anything. She could almost feel the silence that was engulfing their table and it unsettled her. A few days, she had only wanted a few days to get a hold of her thoughts, of her feelings, but it wasn't possible when Itachi was antagonizing her.

"Why would that be?" he asked after some time, but Naruto was too agitated to play the man's game.

"What do you want, Itachi?" Her azure eyes were glaring at him, but he didn't seem perturbed by her anger. Instead a bemused smile formed on his face and he leaned back in his seat, scrutinizing her. They stared at each other, fighting a battle of wills; Naruto thought for sure she would lose. She always had been stubborn, but Itachi got serious when his little brother was involved. As far as she knew, that was the only reason Itachi took the trouble to find her.

"If this is about Sasuke, I'm leaving." There was no other way to handle the older Uchiha. Donning her jacket, Naruto stood up angrily. She didn't even sent Itachi a glare to show him just how angry she was with him. Instead her eyes searched for Kimimaro and Sakura.

"If you are searching for your friends, they have left some minutes ago."

Naruto flinched at Itachi's close proximity. She wasn't surprised that Sakura and Kimimaro had left together. It was bound to happen.

Ignoring the young man hovering over her shoulder, she turned to the barkeeper and paid her tab. The man saw her off with a satisfied smile and blinked at her subtly. At first she was confused by this action, but realised his implication when her second shadow followed her every step.

They stepped outside into the cold night and Naruto breathed in the damp air. She didn't understand how she could have enjoyed those nights so much. Now, they were just exhausting.

"Shall I drive you home?" Itachi finally broke the silence between them.

Hanging her head in defeat, she looked over at the tall figure of her love's brother. His face was illuminated by the faint glow of the street lantern and his black eyes seemed dulled. She had never been able to read Itachi. It might have been the age gap – even so Kurama was easy to read as a book – or it might have been the Uchiha genes – despite her skill to read Sasuke's emotions. Itachi had always been a puzzle.

"Just what do you want Itachi?" She sighed.

He turned away from her and moved to his vehicle. Naruto followed his step, awaiting his answer. They entered his car, Naruto hesitating only for a moment, and the car was already moving.

"Sasuke has been searching for you."

Instantly her head whirled around to the Uchiha. She must have misheard.


"He's been running around town, quite pathetically, too, if I might add." By the way he spoke; she could imagine how bored he was by their teenage problems. "Apparently, our poor Sasuke is too stupid to find a little hormonal girl, a hormonal girl that is supposed to be his best friend. Isn't that just sad?"

Widened blue eyes stared at the Uchiha in shock. Naruto knew Itachi didn't like to intrude on their relationship. He was one of the few people who actually could comprehend how Naruto felt and had, until now, respected the way she handled Sasuke and her bond. She couldn't understand why he was insulting the both of them now.

"Instead of calling your brother, he just searched on his own." He started again, but Naruto interrupted him.

"You called my brother?!" She screeched alarmed. "Are you fucking crazy?"

"Language," Itachi said and Naruto wanted to strangle the bastard for lecturing her, when he had been the one to tattletale on her family. They would think she would go nuts again. They would lose their trust in her again. Those damn Uchiha were destroying everything.

"I talked to Kurama-san. He has said some enlightening things." For the first time since they had entered the car his dark eyes found her and she flinched at the knowledge he might have gained from their conversation. "I didn't know you were such a rebel, Naruto-kun. It was a surprise, indeed."

She hung her head, unable to stand his gaze any longer. She felt angry and embarrassed.

"Also, I assured him that he had no reason for worry, that you and Sasuke had some conflict of opinion, he was planning to resolve and that everything would be alright by the end of the night."

Naruto doubted Itachi was able to hold that promise.

"So, I hope the two of you will act like adults and solve that problem. I wouldn't want to be called a liar, wouldn't I?"

Confused and against her better judgement she looked at Itachi once more, but he was already turning of the motor and leaving the car.

Looking around curiously, she expected to see her family's small house, but froze when she was fazed with the Uchiha manor.

We won't be able to turn back now…

Itachi had to drag her inside the cursed building. On the way up to Sasuke's room she had even caught a glimpse of Mikoto's surprised face in the kitchen and Fugaku's curious gaze in the hallway. The day turned out to be hell and it wasn't even over yet.

Itachi had blatantly refused to let her go and she was way too scared to think clearly about a way to get out of her predicament.

She didn't want to see Sasuke.

Before she knew it, they arrived at the youngest Uchiha's door and she was shoved inside. Naruto didn't even look for her classmate. After stumbling into the room, she turned around immediately and grasped desperately after the handle, but before she could turn it even a centimetre, there was a silent 'click' that told her Itachi had locked the door.

Naruto stilled for a moment.

"Are you – are you – " she whispered before kicking and screaming at the door as if it was Itachi himself. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Even so it was useless, she grasped after the door handle once more and tried to open it. "Itachi! I swear by god if you don't open that fucking door this instant, I'm gonna smash your ugly visage in. Do you hear me?!"

"Now, now, Naruto-kun, be a good girl and solve that lover's quarrel the two of you have." Those words were the last ones that came from the other side of the door and shortly afterwards Naruto could here silent footsteps leaving.

One last time she kicked against the sturdy door. "Fucking Uchiha."

Turning around, she almost screeched in shock when she came face-to-face with Sasuke, who was sitting on a chair; his eyes opened wide in confusion.

They watched each other in silence and it took Naruto some time before she could finally relax again. In her rage she had completely forgotten the reason why she wanted to get away. Now, she remembered clearly and it gave her only more reason to flee the damn building.

Looking around the room for some kind of escape, she noticed a few things that had changed since she had been in Sasuke's room the last time. The Uchiha had dozen of books and some new furniture. Even his old computer was gone. Instead a notebook was perched upon the desk the Uchiha was sitting in front of. The dark blue carpet was no longer, but a plushie burgundy one. His bed stood no longer under the window. Now it was shoved right against the wall.

Then she noticed something.

Ignoring Sasuke completely, she walked over to the window right beside the desk. Sasuke's eyes followed her every move, but she ignored that also. Opening the window fully, she looked down. The height make her gulp, but she was sure, she could climb down the tree that stood against the side of the building.

By the time Naruto put her knee on the windowsill, Sasuke found his voice back.

"What are you doing?" The Uchiha asked.

Naruto sent him a short look out of the corner of her eyes. Like so often, there was a frown on Sasuke's face. She wondered if she had ever seen him laugh or smile. Then she remembered the time Sara had come to get Sasuke for lunchtime.

She really needed to get out of there.

"What does it look like? I'm leaving. It's not like I wanted to be here in the first place," she answered.

Sasuke stood up and took only a step to reach her side. "Don't be ridiculous. Come down, dobe," he said and snatched her around the waist.

"No! You don't touch me, alright!" She snarled and wiggled out of his grasp. The places Sasuke had touched her burned.

Slowly, Sasuke retreated and watched as if she was a wild animal. She couldn't blame him, she was behaving like one.

"I won't touch you, so come down, dobe." There was some emotion in his voice Naruto couldn't read, but she did as he said nevertheless. She climbed down the windowsill and closed the window. Somehow, she felt embarrassed by her behaviour. Sasuke wasn't out to hurt her on purpose.

Reluctantly, she sat on Sasuke's bed. Another few seconds later, Sasuke sat back down in his chair. An awkward silence embraced the pair.

Trying to make the upcoming conversation at least a little bearable, she put her foods on Sasuke's bed frame and put her arms over her knees. The way she cowered away from him, showed her anxiety to him so openly, made her feel vulnerable. But, there was no way she would start to talk. She had been honest, she didn't want to be there; with Sasuke.

"Where have you been?" Sasuke eventually asked.

Naruto shrugged. "Around. Sakura wanted to meet some friends."

"You mean some of your friends." Sasuke asked further, almost growled his words.

Naruto didn't say anything. She had no reason to answer him. Those were her friends and she had every right to meet them, even if she had sworn it would be the last time. Sasuke was in no position to forbid her from seeing her friends.

"What?" Naruto looked up when she heard the ugly sneer in his voice. "Don't want to talk about your precious drinking buddies?"

Shocked by his accusation, by his knowledge, her feet slid back down to the ground. Her arms found their way around her middle and she turned away from him. She didn't care how Sasuke got to know, it only mattered that he knew. Finally, Sasuke knew how ugly she was.

"Did you fuck them, too?"

Deeply hurt she looked up at him through dark eyelashes. She felt horrible and the tears were coming up again. She forced them down and glowered at the Uchiha. As much as she loved Sasuke, she wouldn't allow him to treat her that way. She didn't whore herself to anyone.

"What does it matter to you?" She glared furiously.

He was on her in the blink of an eye. Pushed down by his weight, either knee beside her waist, he leaned over her small frame. Her face was grasped tightly in his strong hand, while her own ones pushed desperately against his chest. Sasuke wouldn't buck an inch.

An ugly snarl tainted his beautiful face. His midnight dark bangs hung loosely over his eyes, casting a scary shadow over his alluring eyes.

"Did you let them fuck you?" He asked once again.

Glaring through azure eyes, she forced her nails into his forearm, relishing the moment a pained hiss left his lips. "I'm not a slut, you bastard."

The grip around her chin tightened. "Did you or did you not?"

"No, god dammit," she snarled.

A small smile lit up on his face that froze Naruto momentarily. At that moment every tension in Sasuke's muscles left and he crumpled down over her small form. She croaked in surprise as his full weight pressed her down into the mattress of his bed. He must have noticed her discomfort, because he rolled onto his side, slinging an arm around her waist to take her with him.

Now, they were both lying on their side, staring each other in the eyes, every trace of the previous anger in Sasuke's ones gone. The hand on her waist slowly wandered higher, leaving a scorching path behind on her skin, until it reached her face. Sasuke's onyx's orbs followed as his digits stroke through golden strands and eventually settled on the warmth of her cheek. Naruto flinched at the contact, but Sasuke didn't seem to notice.

"Why did you stand me up?" He asked, eyes staring right through her.

She waited for him to realise that his question was wrong. That she hadn't stood him up, because he wasn't supposed to be here. Sasuke was supposed to be with – Sasuke was supposed to be with Sara.

When she didn't answer, his eyes found her azure ones, staring directly into them, to force an answer out of her.

She gulped.

"You and Sara- " She began, but he interrupted her immediately.

"There no longer is a 'Sara and I'" Sasuke said. His thumb caressed her lips, outlined them in a sudden fascination. "Don't you remember? It's already been months. I can't even remember the day anymore." A dry laugh left his lips and his thumb returned to the hot skin of her cheek. "I've been so busy with finding my best friend that I completely forgot about the break-up with my girlfriend. Aren't I pathetic?"

At the mention of that word, the word that became torture when associated with Sasuke, she recoiled. Sasuke stopped her by grasping her neck almost with force.

She could feel the tears welling up again and scrunched her eyes together. She wouldn't be able to force them back this time. It was habit that brought a small smile on her face. "You're making no sense, bastard. I've been by your side this whole time, haven't I?"

He didn't move, didn't do anything. Only after the silence became too unbearable and she started to hiccough, Sasuke replied.

"No, you haven't. My best friend's still gone." He said and Naruto hiccoughed once more, loudly this time. "Sorry for not noticing earlier. Sorry for being too blind to see your hardships. I'm so sorry, Naruto."

It was cruel, she thought. It was so cruel of him to notice now; after everything she had done to save their bond; after everything she had done to save 'Sasuke and Naruto'.

It was gentle force that brought her face to his chest. Tears slid down her face and she grasped his shirt in desperation, not able to say anything.

"All those years you've been in love with me and I didn't notice."

Naruto froze.

Then, she pushed herself violently out of his arms, slapped the hands that tried to force her back; back into Sasuke's embrace.

How dare he? She thought and pushed against their tangle of limbs. She wanted to get away from the bastard, to get out of that house. She wanted Karin too console her. She wanted her family to beg for their forgiveness for being in love with such an asshole. She wanted the alcohol she had declined only two hours before. She wanted to get away from Sasuke.

At the limit of his patience with the blonde, Sasuke growled. "Goddammit Naruto, calm down."

"No, you bastard! You don't get to tell me what to do," she cried and wrenched away from the Uchiha, ready to run for the door or the window; ready to run anywhere just to get away from the asshole that was her best friend. With an annoyed grunt, Sasuke pulled her back and she fell down against his chest. She wouldn't stop wiggling anyway. Naruto was desperate to escape.

"Naruto, just calm down," Sasuke said again. His arms finally caught her body and her wiggling arms, so that she could no longer slap him. Now, she was sitting in between his spread legs, her head firmly pressed against the side of his neck. Seeing the still fresh tears on her rosy cheeks, he cooed her gently. She could feel the warm breath on her burning cheek.

They stayed that way until Naruto had settled down.

Eventually she slumped against his form, too exhausted to fight Sasuke any longer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked then.

Laughing tiredly, she said: "Why should I've done that? We've been friends for years, now." She closed her eyes and leaned further into his strong chest. "Best friends. Why should I risk that rotten friendship for a guy that already had a girlfriend? Do you hate me that much too ask such a cruel question? You really are a heartless bastard, Sasuke."

She felt the tremor running through his body and smiled at the thought that she could hurt him. She had been hurt worth in those last years. She had reached the limit of what she could bear of his ignorance and selfishness. Everything she had done had been for Sasuke, to keep that friendship he had destroyed for his girlfriend. That was the end, now she wanted to show him what she had turned into for his sake. An ugly monster filled with jealousy and inferiority complexes.

"You and I, we aren't rotten," Sasuke replied.

"There is no 'Sasuke and Naruto' anymore, don't you realize that?" Sighing in defeat, she looked over her shoulder, searching for Sasuke's deep black eyes. "This friendship we had died the moment you threw me away. I finally understand that."

The arms around her loosened and she easily slipped out of Sasuke's embrace. Naruto stood up and turned around. Only a step was separating them, but it felt like a cliff had opened up between them. At least to Naruto it felt that way.

"I never threw you away."

Naruto smiled sadly. "Yes, you did, Sasuke."

The anger in Sasuke's eyes returned swiftly and he also stood up. "Then, why? Why did you let me embrace you?"

"That didn't mean anything." Because Sasuke had already said it had been a mistake and Naruto had realized the truth in his words a long time ago.

"No, you're wrong." He started and grasped after her wrist, pulling her back into his reach. "It meant everything, don't you get it? Can't you be honest with yourself for once?"

She didn't want to hear those words. Everything was already over.

"Naruto- " he tried again and searched for her eyes.

She gave in, glaring at him in furiously.

"NO! What does it matter?! You regret it! You regret being with me!"

Now, she was crying again, wiping away the tears so hard that it hurt.

Hands cupped her face and forced her to look up. Only an inch parted their lips and azure eyes were caught into blazing onyx.

"I love you, too, stupid. Get it already."

And he kissed her. There was anger and desperation and need in the way he pressed his lips against her ones. His fingers drove into her golden locks and drew her face even further in as if to never let go; to devour her whole being. And Naruto grasped after his hands, imaging it to be true even if it was only for a minute, for a second, because she had wished for years Sasuke would be hers and hers alone.

When she felt the sensation of his tongue caressing her lower lip, she gave way for Sasuke. She welcomed him with her own tongue, welcomed the familiar taste and feeling she hadn't allowed for weeks. Her hands reached for Sasuke's dark bangs while she tried to burn his touch, his taste, his everything into her mind once again. Because she didn't want to let go. Because she had loved Sasuke for so long and was too weak to resist the man she had completely fallen for.

And then she could feel his hands wander, down her sides, to her back and along her spine, before pressing her body fully against his lean one. Her skin tingled everywhere and burned all at once and it felt so much better than before, because Sasuke had said he loved her, too. She didn't care if it was real; she didn't care if she hurt afterwards again; because she had wished for this moment for so long.

After what felt like an eternity their lips parted from each other. Naruto trembled all over, but she wouldn't dare to look away from those beautiful black eyes. Sasuke had said he loved her.

"Do you mean it?" she asked, still unsure, but not too stupid to call Sasuke a liar.

"Yeah, I do." And he brushed his lips against her temple and breathed in her sweet scent. "I fell in love with you."

She hid her face in his chest. "Then why did you say it was a mistake?"

One arm dropped around her shoulders whilst he run the fingers of the other hand through his hair. "I don't regret doing it with you." The same hand then caressed the left side of her face. "I regret the order we went in."

And finally she could smile a true smile. It had taken her years and a lot of pain, but Sasuke finally returned her feelings.

That was reason enough for her to kiss him again, because she not only wanted to, but was finally allowed to as well. So she kissed him. It was short and only the press of lips on lips, but it made it so much sweeter.

"Naruto." There was a silent question in the call of her name and the blonde could tell easily what Sasuke was waiting for. So she cupped his face gently and pulled him down to her height and whispered those words she had waited for so long, words she didn't want to deny him.

"I love you Sasuke."

because we have already fallen too deeply.

The End.

Yeah, so that's it. Open ending, isn't it? But I'm quite pleased with it actually. Hope you like it, too. I also want to announce here that this is the very first story I finished ever. Honestly, I feel quite proud, even so it took me half a year to finish it.

Well, I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading my work^^
