A/N - I took this story over for AFspouse. If you haven't read the first part of the story, you can do so on her page, or you can find the story on my favorites list, also titled New Start. Check out her other stories too - they're all great!

If you're following this story from before, welcome! I hope you like what I've done with it and I hope I can do the story justice!

This story is Alternate Universe, mixed with some story lines from the show, many out of order, etc. It's not cannon!

If it's been awhile since you read the first part of New Start, or you're not in the mood to read another 14 chapters first, here's a quick summary to remind you what happened:


Jess Tyler, who has been in and out of foster homes her entire life, moves to Charming from Santa Barbara after finding information on her birth mother's sister, Rose. Her mother Daisy wants nothing to do with her, but Rose is still living in Charming and welcomes Jess with open arms. Upon arrival, Jess gets a job working for Luann Delayney as a waitress at a Gentlemen's Club called Cara Cara, where she meets Lux Morrow, daughter of Gemma and Clay, as well as the rest of the Sons of Anarchy.

A few weeks later, she moves in with Lux, who has an apartment directly across the street from the MC. Her and Jax have a couple one night stands, each slowly falling for the other, until Jax chooses safety and familiarity over a new adventure and new possible heartbreak, and gets back together with his ex-girlfriend, Tara, mother to his son Abel.

Jess pretends to be fine with that, and tries to start dating other people. She even sleeps with Happy at one point, which does not sit well for Jax and he forbids her from hooking up with any other sons. He also scares off her date one night after talking Happy into beating the crap out of him in the ring, leaving Jess frustrated and angry.

Tara takes off with Abel, devestating Jax. Jess finds her working in Santa Barbara and talks her into letting Jess bring Abel back, so long as she doesn't tell anyone where she is.

Zobelle shows up out of the woodwork at Cara Cara, threatening the sons to quit their enterprises before using Jess to get away. Jess and Lux's window at their apartment get blown out with gunfire, Jess getting shot in the leg and Lux wounded by a huge piece of glass. The sons are sure Zobelle is behind it. Jess decides to give Jax another chance and they start dating.

The last story left off with Cara Cara getting burned down and Luann murdered inside. Lux is getting arrested for Luann's murder.

Clay was pacing back and forth at the police station. I watched him like a tennis match, my eyes going back and forth. Finally he leaned against the counter, resting his head in his hands. I felt so helpless, sitting in a chair, leaning against Jax. I had barely had time to mourn the loss of Luann before Lux had been arrested for her murder. After raging at the cops who were arresting Lux, Gemma had raced down to the morgue to identify the body and we hadn't heard back from her yet. A small part of me was hoping against hope that the cops had gotten it wrong – that it was some stripper skank that had been wheeled off in that body bag and not Luann. I was not looking forward to Gemma's call that would confirm it.

I looked around the small room. Tig was sitting in a corner looking panicked, but behind the panic a fire burned in his eyes. I'd never seen him this angry. Opie was sitting next to him, eyebrows pulled together, clearly deep in thought. Juice, Chibs, Bobby, and Happy were back at the clubhouse, assumedly rounding up the usual suspects to help with retaliation. It was clear who had done this. We all knew it, and I knew it was killing each and every man in the room that they couldn't wring his neck for this. Not yet at least.

Because Lux getting arrested made killing Zobelle a non- option at this point. Killing Zobelle would mean killing the chance for proof that Lux didn't do it. For the first time, the club was going to have to work with the law (somewhat) to prove it before they could carry out their own outlaw version of justice. After that, Zobelle would be lucky if his death was quick.

I thought back to the army Zobelle had had at Cara Cara and looked up at Jax's face with worry. He leaned his head down, kissing the top of my head as I laid my head on his shoulder. How many of my boys were going to get hurt trying to bring Zobelle down? I thought back to Jax's words to LeRoy at Cara Cara – it was going to be bloody. I shook the thought out of my head. My first and only concern should be Lux right now.

I thought of her in the interrogation room, where she was right now. Clay had immediately called the club's attorney, a guy named Rosen, who had met us at the station and was in the room with Lux right now. I threw a quick prayer to God, Allah, Buddha, the Universe – whoever the hell could help me out at this point – that Rosen was as good as Jax had assured me he was on the way over here. I knew when murder charges were brought against someone, they didn't often make bail. Especially when any prosecutor would bring up Lux's obvious ties to SAMCRO.

I heard footsteps coming from down the hall and jumped up when Rosen came around the corner, briefcase in his hand a sobering expression on his face. He looked around at the men and then back at the cops sitting behind the counter.

"I think it'd be best if I debriefed you all at the clubhouse," he said. Clay, looking more ragged than I'd ever seen him, pulled himself together and nodded curtly. We all filed out of the police station and I took one last look at the hallway, almost hoping to see Lux walk down it, free and clear of all charges. When that didn't happen, I turned and followed Jax to his bike.


We all pulled into the Teller-Morrow parking lot several minutes later and hopped off the bikes. I saw Gemma's car in the parking lot and figured Clay must have told her to meet us here. We filed inside and saw Gemma, Juice, Happy, Bobby, and Chibs standing around waiting for us. I immediately went to the bar and started passing out beers – I knew we'd need them. I handed Gemma her beer and silently asked her the question I knew I did not want answered. Her eyes filled with sadness as she brushed my cheek with her palm.

"I'm sorry, baby," she said quietly, and pulled me in to a hug as my shoulders sank. I buried my face into her shoulder and sobbed. I felt a hand on my shoulder to see Jax standing there, ready to take over for his mother as official comforter. He led me to the couch and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his strong arms around me as I rested my head on his shoulders. Nobody said a word as we waited.

Rosen arrived a few minutes later and we all looked up at him expectantly as he pulled a chair over to speak to us.

"The evidence they have against Lux is pretty overwhelming. They found what could be the murder weapon in her car – a bat with what appears to be Luann's blood on it, as well as this 'anonymous call' they got identifying Lux's car fleeing the scene. Now without a forthcoming witness, one with a name and face, the anonymous tip is going to get thrown out – I'll make sure of that. However, we can't discount Zobelle paying some "witness" to come out of the woodwork and testify against her. They're running tests on the bat now to see if it is Luann's blood," Rosen explained.

"It will be," Jax growled. Rosen nodded.

"Well they'll also be dusting for prints," he added, "If Lux's prints aren't found, it will be difficult for them to pin this on her."

"We can't bank on that," Clay said, suddenly all business, "Zobelle's not stupid. He could've found a way to get her prints and transfer them onto the bat." Rosen nodded.

"I thought of that," he said, suddenly turning to me, "Are you Jessica?" I nodded.

"Lux told me she was with you this morning when it happened," he said, "Is that true?" I looked to Jax, surprised. Everyone knew I had been with him the night before and all day today. If Lux was lying about her alibi, where had she really been? I looked quickly at Tig, who I assumed she'd been with, and he just shrugged. I turned back to Jax, who gave me a small nod.

"Yes, she was with me all night," I said robotically. Rosen nodded curtly.

"Would you be willing to testify to that in a court of law?" he asked. Testify? In court? Perjur myself? Taking a deep breath, knowing beyond all doubt that Lux would do the same for me, I nodded.

"Absolutely," I said, with much more bravado in my voice than I actually felt. Rosen nodded again.

"Her bail hearing has been set for tomorrow. She'll be detained until then but if all goes according to plan she'll be out on bail until trial," he said. We all breathed a sigh of relief. Until this moment, I had been worried that bail wasn't going to be an option. I needed to talk to her as soon as I could. Rosen stood and turned to me.

"I need to speak with you, Jessica," he said.

"Me?" I squeaked, surprised.

"In private," he added.

"You can use the chapel," Jax offered and I stood, following Rosen into the room. He closed the door behind me and sat down, opening his briefcase.

"Sit," he said, and seeing the frightened look on my face added, "please." I sat next to him and he pulled some files out of his briefcase.

"I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but as the club's attorney I also act as executor of most of their estates, including Otto and Luann's," he said. I nodded slowly.

"With Otto on death row, he transferred all rights to his estate and property into the sole hands of Luann," he continued, "A couple of weeks ago, Luann called me down to make changes to her will," he looked me dead in the eye, "She left you everything." I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand and willing the new tears forming in my eyes not to fall.

"It includes Cara Cara, which now that it burned down means you will inherit the insurance money that you may do with as you please, as well as her house, cars, all of her possessions, and somewhere in the ballpark of $500,000 in the form of stocks, bonds, and cash," he said. I sat, shell shocked, not sure I even knew what do with this information.

"With the insurance money added to the $500,000, you will receive somewhere in the ballpark of 5 million dollars," Rosen concluded. 5 million dollars? I couldn't even fathom that much money. I'd never had more than a couple hundred in my bank account at one time in my life. 5 million dollars could keep me set for the rest of my life.

"Of course, it's up to you if you want to rebuild Cara Cara," Rosen told me, and I looked at him, only half hearing what he was saying, "The sons of course are part owners. They'll get a share of the insurance money, but it probably won't be enough for them to rebuild on their own, and if you decide not to rebuild, you'll need to take it up with them." I nodded, my mind racing through everything he'd just told me. I'd known Luann for less than a year, and she'd left me everything. Everything. A new thought just occurred to me and I felt a shiver run through my spine.

"This will make me a suspect," I stated blandly, not needing Rosen's nod of confirmation, "And she told the police I was her alibi." I groaned. What a stupid thing to do. Not that Lux could have known I'd just inherited millions of dollars from Luann – a fine motive it would be for Lux and I to conspire murder.

"Tell me what to do," I begged, looking at this man, with his black suit and yuppie haircut, as if he were my only hope.

"Lux didn't tell the police you were her alibi," he said, "she told that to me under lawyer/client confidentiality. I'm assuming now that it's not true." I nodded slowly.

"I thought she was with Tig," I told him, "I don't know why she said she was with me."

"Probably because you're one of the few people in her life without a mug shot hanging on the wall outside," Rosen said simply, "Felons don't often make the most reliable alibis." I nodded.

"But if we all say we saw her here last night, they'd have to let her go, right?" I asked, almost pleadingly. He shrugged.

"It couldn't hurt, but I'm telling you now, a bunch of sons and family is not going to make an airtight alibi. We'll need a lot more than that to get her off," he said, "But she hasn't given an official statement yet. With the story she has right now, and you inheriting everything Luann owns, it sets both of you up. You've got motive, she's got the murder weapon. You cannot be each other's alibis." I nodded and he stood up. This meeting appeared to be over. I followed him out to where the rest of the group were huddled together, speaking in low murmurs.

"I'm going to go back to the station and talk to Lux," Rosen announced, "Find out where she really was last night."

"I'm coming with you," Clay said, immediately standing up.

"Me too," Gemma said, standing up. Clay looked at her.

"No," he said pointing at her, "Not this time. We need her to tell us the truth, she's not gonna open up if we're both there." Gemma narrowed her eyes, hands on her hips as she glared at Clay.

"If you think I'm just gonna sit here-" she started before Clay interrupted her.

"DO NOT ARGUE WITH ME RIGHT NOW!" Clay bellowed, causing Gemma to jump slightly back as she looked at him, shocked, "I'm gonna go and figure all this out. You need to start getting Luann's funeral together." Gemma pursed her lips and nodded, grabbing her purse and walking out of the door.

"Would you mind if I came?" I asked Clay, "I really need to see her." She had given me as her alibi when I definitely wasn't; I needed to know what was going on.

"Sure," he replied, "I think she might have an easier time if she has a friend in the room with her." Jax looked over at me, asking me with his eyes if I needed him to come, too. I shook my head and he turned to the rest of the group.

"Church," he called, "NOW." Rosen and Clay moved towards the exit while the rest of the group moved towards the chapel. I grabbed Tig's arm before he walked away. He turned to look at me.

"She was with you, wasn't she?" I asked, praying this answer would be the one I was looking for. Praying that Rosen was right – that she didn't give him Tig as her alibi because she thought I'd be a more reliable witness. But Tig shook his head.

"I was with her most of the night at the party, but she disappeared sometime around 2 or 3. I asked around – nobody knew where she went. I even checked the apartment and tried her cell. She came back to the clubhouse right before the cops came and arrested her. Jess- I have no idea where was last night."

My shoulders sagged as I ran to jump in Rosen's car, fighting as hard as I could against the thought creeping its way into my brain. Lux had gotten into an argument with Luann last night, and I knew she could be bat shit crazy when times called for it. But murder? I didn't want to think she could be capable of that, but if I was honest with myself, I just wasn't 100 percent sure about anything.

A/N This is my first try at FanFiction, so please review to let me know how I'm doing! The more reviews I get, the more motivated I'll be to get more chapters uploaded quickly. I've got tons of ideas in my head, so I may have another chapter up here in the next day or so!