A/N: It's been a very long time to me since I've written a fun, light-hearted fic for everyone so in this fic we re-enter school and get to enjoy the lovable natures of all the characters. The drama I'll tone down in this fic so just enjoy the scenes, predictable or not, I may even play with cliché scene that I've seen done a million times in here with my own twist of course XD

It's my 7th anniversary! I can't believe it's been this long already but it has :)

I'm happy to have come all this way with all of you faithful reviewers who stuck through the thick and thin with me. This mass update is for all of you as a thank you.

Thank you again and Read/Review for me as usual!

Loving You

Rated: M

Summary: Love is never a priority in Ryoma's life, it's a burden. Sadly he can't seem to get away from it.

Ch I: Natural Prodigy

Mitsukawa Boarding Academy



No other comment was made even as the principal continued to preen and boast about the percentage of students that graduated and the superiority of his establishment compared to other schools that catered only to parents.

The dark green mass of hair lifted slightly as the winds picked up but the sixteen year old boy didn't care if a typhoon decided to hit at the moment. When he had mentioned to his parents and grandfather that his life was boring him; he didn't expect them to lay out pamphlets of private high schools around Japan for the rich and mighty telling him to choose one to bide his time. He was thinking maybe they'd climb out of his hair, let him take a nice long vacation to some sunny place and let him be.

Definitely NOT the same vision his elders shared.

He had entered the family company early striving to be like his brother. He didn't need to go through elementary nor junior high at all because he hadn't felt the need to make "friends" outside of his childhood ones he grew up with and his parents didn't think it was a requirement since he had private tutors and was advancing like a little prodigy anyways.

"Maybe you'll make friends there and business associates for the business like your brother did at his high school."

His mother had sweetly told him that to lessen his rebuttal about not wanting to go kill time at such a place. Despite how much he looked up to his older brother, he hadn't wanted to attend school, a place he avoided all his life… till now.

"Maybe you'll find your future bride seishounen!"

His father had jokingly said since Ryoga had found and married his bride when he went to school. But Ryoma wasn't looking too forward to that. He was starting to think that he might be asexual since he wasn't particularly joyous over being married. Play he could do, charm he could do even better when it suited him but forever, no.

"The degrees you get will make you look more prestigious Ryoma."

His grandfather had inserted that into the long winded reasons why they thought best to ship him to an elite BOARDING school. He'd learn something, he'd do something, and he'd start to MISS them. The reasons went on but Ryoma had already known they weren't going to let him out once they had him in the hole and even the help he called had turned against him.

"You'll like it Chibisuke! It might take a while but it'll be an experience you won't ever forget. When you get there, you look hard for the one you want to be with because it beats sitting around here and getting arranged by mom and her friends."

So his brother had said but he hadn't minded that he had someone just waiting to dig her claws into his coffers because he was going to have lots and lots of it to use. Then again when they all decided to quadruple team him, he figured it all out as well. Fine! He'd get out of their hairs for a while since his brother was still honeymooning even though they had been married for half a year now and his parents were re-entering that stage. But he wasn't going down without having some fun. So he did his research in the school, found he could take along two to three servants if needed and decided on the two he would take.

They had gone on to use "love" as an excuse for doing what they did for Ryoma but he wasn't fooled by it. It was just reaching to the point where Ryoma was working too hard in his mother's eyes, too blunt and sarcastic of moods to hang with his grandpa, too bratty for his dad's leisure tennis matches they had every week and bothersome on Ryoga and his precious Suri. He'd refuse to go to the school that housed his brother for his high school years and vouched for an even more prestigious one though their entrance exam was harder.

"-You are transferring in a bit later than everyone else since the school years has already started but you placed extremely high and will be able to graduate next year with our second years if you continue to do so well."

"Principal," Ryoma said turning bored, gold eyes in his direction. "I'd like to NOT announce who I am for the sake that I like my privacy so everyone will therefore refer to me as Echizen Ry instead."

"But how- Take-"The Principal sputtered trying to make sense of the request. Never in his years has he heard a student request to keep his family under wraps instead of flaunting it like all the other little brats here. Better yet, this boy was not just prestigious; he was from a well respected family.

"Principal, before I even stepped through these doors, you had no idea Takeuchi Takahiro even had a grandson my age." Ryoma stated in his blunt, business tone. "Our family hides more than reveals more due to lack of privacy with the lifestyle. My brother wasn't even known until he officially joined the company last year as the heir to the Takeuchi fortune."

"But the students would treat you better if-"

"Honestly Ry-sama doesn't care if the students treat him better or not," The young man following Ryoma said with a small smile.

The Principal merely swallowed and nodded his approval then. He had felt as if he was under speculation ever since the good looking youth walked into his office this morning asking for enrollment. Though he walked without a care in the world, his suit was custom-tailored to a trained eye and the way he walked commanded respect and obedience.

The people that followed him didn't make him feel easier either. The young man who followed behind the young master was no doubt the butler. He was dressed all in black suit showing a bit of a white shirt underneath with no crest to show which family he belonged to. It was probably for the same reason that the young master was being secretive about his origin. Yet nothing could hide that he was a good-looking man himself with coal black eyes and jet black hair. Even his impressive height above the young master by a couple inches gave him a look of dignity.

The young lady beside them both could've been a refined young lady as well if not for her maid uniform and hair pulled back in a no nonsense bun. The glasses that perched on her delicate nose gave her certain seriousness as well. Her grey-blue eyes held a tint of wisdom yet innocence as well.

"It is as KAi says," Ryoma said with a slight smile and looked back at the boarding rooms. "So, which one is mine since I'm sure the rest of my servants are tired of waiting to unload my stuff and leave."

"Yes, of course." The principal said snapping out of his awe for them. "I'll have them assign you a decent size room since the bigger ones is already taken and so forth."

"It's doesn't matter as long as there is three bedrooms and a bathroom connected." Ryoma said with a sigh. "Come on Kai, Shizuka."

Both followed walking as if they were far beyond their station and the principal wondered slightly as he signaled his secretary forward. Were all servants in the Takeuchi household trained to be that proper?


Dorm Room

"Why don't you go get comfortable first Shizuka," Ryoma said dropping onto his bed. As he watched the Takeuchi servants work their magic for his smallish room.

"You should be able to get a bigger room in the upper stories young master," the elder butler said as he oversaw the changing of the room.

"It's fine as it is," Ryoma said through a yawn to his grandfather's butler. "Don't let them worry about it. After all they told me to take it how I like it."

"I honestly don't think you know the first thing looking after the young master but you are his choice." The elder butler said with a sigh as Kai walked into the room with Ryoma's personal luggage.

"Don't be such a worrywart Maxwell," Kai said with a smug smirk. "I'll just do what you do since we've known each other for years."

"I'm sure each time you weren't paying attention to properly care for young masters and guests either." The elder said with a disapproving look. 'You'll get you just desserts."

"I hope it's good," Kai said with a grin before turning to Ryoma. "So? Remind me why you have to have a maid as well? Do you not trust me to care for you?"

"Shizuka is useful to me." Ryoma said getting up to stand by the window. It seemed some of the kids were out of class already since they were moving back towards the dorm and others were headed elsewhere.

"Yeah, good and all but how come I have never met her before?"

"Since when did I have to consult you if I want a maid out of the usual staff at home?" Ryoma questioned with a raised brow at Kai.

"Don't give me the authoritative look Ryoma, we grew up together." Kai said with a slight frown.

"Pfft," Ryoma let out as he turned his head to the maids and footmen's running back and forth bringing in his favorite books, to his small wardrobe since this school did have uniforms. He inspected the tablecloths they laid out to remind him of home and turned his bed for him before each bowed and left.

"Thank you Maxwell, tell Oji not to worry and the others not to miss me too much since they brought this upon themselves." Ryoma said with a dismissive smile.

"Very well young master," Maxwell said with a bow. "And IF you need to have your butler replaced, call anytime I will find a substitute immediately."

"I'll keep that in mind," Ryoma said with a suppressed smile as he saw the sour look Kai gave Maxwell from behind.

As chaotic as it had been just a little over an hour ago, everything settled as the three footmen, Maxwell and two maids left and all that was left was Shizuka and Kai with him.

"Tomorrow will be an exciting, boring regular day." Ryoma predicted as he viewed his uniform all pressed and ready to be worn tomorrow.

"Shall we say peaceful maybe?" Kai asked as he poured all three of them tea. Ryoma had stressed within the bedroom they were to be informal unlike everywhere else in the school and dorm.

"Hopefully," Ryoma said taking his tea as he smiled at Shizuka and Kai. There were going to be a great number of secrets but it didn't matter to Ryoma as long as it was going to be enjoyable on his terms.

A/N: Hopefully this story has sparked some interest so leave a quick review on how you like it so far and that will determine how enthusiastic I will be about bringing this story to all of you.