Chapter two! **(Hiccups P.O.V.)** -Rated M for mature writing along the way- Enjoy and Review for more chapters.

Chores. Hiccup had been rewarded with his late return home with the duty of doing ALL the chores available for the next two weeks. Great right? This didn't bother the boy too much though, because being the viking he was, which wasn't..well..much, meant he couldn't actually DO ALL the chores himself. He would need help. Now I'm sure by now you're wondering jus WHO had to help Hiccup with these chores? Guessing? WELL YOU'RE WRONG! Unless you guessed Tuffnut Thorton. Then you would be right.

Apparently Tuffnut had cause some damage to the docks yesterday when he was having, yet another, idiotic fight with his sister, Ruffnut. Since he was the one to suddenly tackled the tomboy-ish girl, Ruffnut got off the hook of being in any trouble.

The two boys where at the forge. The chore for the day was cleaning the filthy place and making sure everything was stocked and ready for a dragon raid. They had been there since dawn and it was only barely past noon, but the two were quite tired.

"GOD! Damn that girl and her big ugly face! If she hadn't opened her..." Hiccup interrupted the taller blonde, "But aren't you the one that started the fight? I mean both physical and verbably?" The blonde shot a glare to the smaller boy, whom only chuckled. "Yeah, well, whatever Hicca." As the blonde said this he took another gulp of his drink and shudder. He couldn't get why the older vikings drank this stuff all the time. Tea.

"Hicca?" the question condfused the blonde, but he wasn't the smartest boy around either. "Huh?" Hiccup tried again. "You called me Hicca." The blonde just stared at the other before he replied. "So...?" Hiccup just rolled his eyes.

"What were you doing out in the woods till night fall?" The question shocked Hiccup and caused him to choke on his sandwich. Has he coughed like an idiot and a blush spread across his face. "What?" Tuffnut smirked at the smaller boy.

"That was an interesting reaction to my question. So what were you doing Hicca? Something naughty, maybe?" The blonde raise a questioning brow at the smaller boy. He was always so easy to read. Hiccup could never keep anything from anyone.

"I..I dunno, huh, I mean. I wasn't doing anything. I was just out...side...and I fell asleep!" As Hiccup spoke he was stuttering bad and making a fool out of himself. Atleast that's what Tuffnut thought. He placed a finger over the stammering boys mouth. He went slient instantly and the older boy raise a brow at this and looked the other over.

He was blushing badly, like a rip tomato. He was stuttering and trying to hide something that caused him to be late, though he knew his father would be furious for coming home after dark and at the mear touch of his finger the smaller boy seemed to shudder. Tuffnut thought this was quite the secret and he was directly envolved somehow. This brought his usual smirk upon his lips. The next two weeks were gonna be fun, but he had to make sure he had the right idea.

The finger that had been replaced by the blondes hand that was slowly moving from Hicca's chin to his hair. All the while Hiccups eyes were locked on Tuffnuts. Neither dared to look away. Suddenly the taller boy was leaning in on Hicca and just as there lips were about to meet, Tuffnut pulled away and began laughing rather loudly at the other boy who had a serious glare on his face. A face that was getting redder by the minute.

"Dude, you closed your eyes and everything. Oh man no way. I mean I knew you were weird, but this is.." Tuffnut stopped his laughing the moment he glanced at the boy in front of him. Hiccups face was in the cutest pout the blonde had ever seen. His eyes looked as if any moment he would burst into tears. The blonde chuckled softly and sat himself infront of the other.

Tuffnut ruffled Hiccups hair slightly and smalled down at the now confused boy with question eyes. "I was just messing with ya Hicca. No need to get all worked up." The blonde punched the smaller boy in the arm, jokingly. Hiccup punched back, but with a slight hint of aggression. They both laughed it off and got back to work.

Hiccup sighed begrudgingly to himself. He was at 'Raven's Peak.' After finishing his chores for the day, he decided to head to the 'Peak' to take a dip in the lake. It was getting hotter theses days and a dip in a shaded lake sounded splendid. The only thing that made the auburn boy upset over the idea was that instead of Tuffnut heading off to do whatever he normally did, he had decided to follow Hiccup!

Now the two were sitting in an uncomfortable silence. The fact that they were naked only made things worse for Hiccup. Though he knew he shouldn't have, he couldn't help but peek at the boy that had been invading his dreams lately. He really shouldn't have looked. Now he was sitting naked next to the boy he liked more than a "friend" with a very hard cock hidden between his legs. He sighed again and lowered his head.

Hiccup chanced a glance to the other beside him. Tuffnut was leant up against on of the large rocks that sat at the opening of the lake. He looked to be sleeping. Taking another daring chance, Hiccup tapped the blonde slightly on his left shoulder. Nothing. A stern nudge. A soft snore. He must have been asleep. Taking a deep breath, the smaller boy scooted beside the blonde. He sat there for a moment for he decide it was now or never.

Moving just so, Hiccup came face to face with Tuffnut. He seemed to be in a peaceful sleep. Taking the blondes chin into his palms, the small boy turned the others head to face him. Cocking his head slightly he leaned in and locked his lips with the taller boy. A light moan left Tuffnuts lips which encouraged Hiccup to push on.

Hiccup returned to the others left side. His right hand now trailing Tuffnuts thigh. Pulling the boys leg open he lowered his head and took a deep breath. Hiccup placed a kiss on the boys slowly waking cock. Glancing up through the clear water, Hiccup prayed to Thor in Valhalla that the older boy didn't wake up anytime soon. Taking Tuffnut into his mouth, he felt thick shaft growing in his mouth. With the growing need for air, Hiccup knew he had to be quick. He picked up his pacing and let his tongue dance over the blondes large man hood. He savored the taste as Tuffnut released deep in the small boys mouth.

Before pulling up for air, hiccup made sure to swim a good distance away so not to wake the hopefully still sleeping Thorton twin. The moment he surfaced his eyes shot to the blonde. Other than a please smile on his face he hadn't seemed to notice. For some reason this caused Hiccup to frown.

Hiccup flew up right in his bed gasping slightly. It had been a dream. Hiccup pulled his hands to his face and fall back into his bed with a groan. The small boy knew it had to be too good to be true. 'Damn it.' was the last thought that passed Hiccups mind before he headed to the Bath house to clean himself up. That dream had caused him to make quite the mess..

HAHAHAHAHHAHA! Fooled You! Awh, but I am sorry. I hope you all enjoyed. Please review. :3 Thank you for reading.