Alpha. A small word with such a great meaning. In most people cases it's just that, a word but in mine, it's a life style. That's me, Santana Lopez, Alpha of a small pack of werewolves in Lima, Ohio. I experienced my first change on my 16th birthday as all cub born or full blooded wolves do.

I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I was scared yet excited at the same time. You know that feeling you get when waiting on line for a roller coaster? Well just imagine that but ten fold. The first time a shift occurs it's extremely painful. Envision having every bone in your body broken at once. That's literally what a human transitioning into a wolf has to endure. It's really pure agony. After bypassing the initial change, you can turn as you please pain free. That's where my excited feeling came in.

My adoptive brother Puck and myself where the youngest in our pack at the time of my change. Puck is a mere month younger than me. He like me is a cub born wolf with both of his parents being full blooded wolves as well as my own. My parents and his were lifelong best friends and pack mates. Pucks father was second in command to my father, the then Alpha. One faithful day a herd of rogue wolfs ambushed the hunting grounds and Pucks father lost his life protecting the pack. Months later his mother passed from the heartbreak of losing her mate. My parents took him in a raised him as their own.

My best friend Quinn Fabray and her twin brother Sam had their change a month prior to my own. I was not allowed to been there for the actual transition because of tradition but I was there for their first hunt and it was incredible. They appeared so relieved and free as they chased small creators through the woods and howled at the moon. I couldn't wait to experience that for myself.

In our pack it's tradition for a mother wolf to be there for her daughter as is for a father wolf to be there for his son during the process of becoming a wolf to make sure the newly turned wolf was safe. After the first shape shift the newly born wolf is considered amongst the pack as a pup or cub. Sound cute doesn't it? Well it's not, a pup is the most dangerous preternatural there are around for the simple reason their urges are running wild. Everything become most heightened, clearer for them and that takes some getting used to, also their hormones are going crazy. One second a pup can be really relaxed and the next they can be trying to rip out your throat. It is the elder wolf's job to make sure the pup stays in line and doesn't lose control.

With the sun ready to set and the moon waiting to show its face, my mother and I entered my father's woods. At the current time with my father Alpha which meant the woods were his and his alone and our clan was the only allowed to hunt in the territory.

I remember when the pain first started, once the moon was the only light you could see, my mother rushed to my side and helped me out of my cloths so they wouldn't rip. God, the pain was excruciating. It's almost felt like I was on fire but worse. With tears in my eyes and my spin breaking ever so slowly, I kneeled over and let out the most animalist scream my body would allow. The entire process took about a half hour I'm told but to me, it felt like a lifetime.

My mother's face as she first witnessed my wolf will forever be imbedded into my memory. Her eyes were wide, jaw dropped, and she just blinked then proceeded to kneel down and bow her head to me. To say I was stunned by her actions would be a understatement. A wolf bows to no one but their Alpha. It's hadn't hit me yet, I don't know if it was because my impulses were kicking in and I wanted to case a rabbit that was about a hundred feet away from myself. I could hear that rabbit's heartbeat, I could smell that rabbit's blood and I wanted it.

I was so blinded with desire that I didn't understand what was happening, all I knew was I wanted to hunt and my mother was bowing to me so I stayed put and waited for an explanation. Seeing my confusing and need my mother go to her feet and continued to pull out a pocket mirror, finally I understood what got into her. Staring back at me were the most golden eyes and the blackest fur I have ever seen on a wolf.

Now both of those traits are very rare. No one in our pack has either of these features,. A golden eyed wolf is known for being extremely cunning and intelligent, with the most advanced skills and the fastest of instincts. This kind of wolf comes once every couple hundred years or so but a black wolf is almost unheard of seeing as though it hasn't even been seen in thousands of years. A pure black wolf is the strongest of any species there are right beside the pure white wolf. It has the strength of more the ten wolves combined, and there I was black as night.

I couldn't believe it, every instinct was telling me to run wild but I stayed put and controlled myself and my thoughts. Here I thought Quinn's wolf was pretty badass for being dark gray with hazel eyes or even Sam's for being gray with brown eyes. No, I had them beat; I had them all beat including my father, the Alpha. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was now Alpha. There is only one type of wolf that can measure up to my own and that would be a pure white wolf with blue eyes. Like my own wolf it hasn't been seen in almost forever so no one out ranked me. Not a wolf in the world could beat me.

Normally after initial change passes the Alpha would mark the pup as a member of his or her pack but under the circumstances that would prove to be unneeded, as I was now leader and I had to either fight my own father to the death or he could surrender and bow down to me. That thought worried me most, not because I was afraid of losing, there was no way I would lose but because I didn't want to be the end of my own blood.

In order to inform the other members of my pack they were needed to the hunting ground, my mother called to them, and I don't mean called them on a cell phone, she spoke to them telepathically. Wolves are bonded to their pack in such ways as; yes we can read each other's thoughts and also use them to get in contact with one another. We can also sense when one of our own is in trouble or in need all together.

Wolves began to appear left and right. Quinn, Sam, their parents Russell and Judt with their niece Harmony were the first to arrive. Soon after my father, along with Puck, Holly Holiday and Will Schuester, her mate. After Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang Artie Abrams, the three remaining members of our small pack show, we're complete and it was now time to inform every one of the change in hierarchy. As I emerged from the brush not a sound was made. I guess they all were too shocked because even with my heightened senses I could hear nothing but breathing and heartbeats going wild.

When the basic awe started to subside and inner instincts came about, one by one each human began to transform into their wolf form, besides Puck whom was still unturned. Each wolf bowed, all expect my father. He stood in front of me in what looked like a mix between being proud and enraged. I could tell he was at battle with himself, his instincts were telling him to fight for his leadership as were mine.

After my father shifted I was starting to almost go into frenzy with my conflicting urges. In my father wolf state he's even intimidating then in human form which was pretty scary as well. I will forever be grateful that my father bowed his snout to me that day.

That my friends is the day my badass became a badass Alpha werewolf and also the day I marked Quinn as my second and heir to the pack if needed. Quinn is the third strongest in our pack, that's right she also out did her parents. My father of course came in second but he could not serve as a second because he has already been a leader.

After Pucks change I was more than relieved to find that his wolf was not above Quinn's so there was no way he could challenge her for Heir right, which I knew he would have done. His wolf is a light brown with a black strip going down his back and had brown eyes also. He was pretty upset he didn't have a chance against Quinn, I think he felt that since he's my brother he should be my second but it doesn't work like that, thank god.

Once Puck changed his whole personality did with it. He saved his head to what he likes to call "The Hawk"; he goes around trying to mark every female that walks passed him. I can't even tell you how many times I've had to bail him out of something. He can be a real pain in the ass from time to time but I know that if I needed him, he'd die for me, and I for him also.

Sam's not much better then Puck, I think he may have even showed him the ropes in the first place. He also is the ladies' man but keeps himself in check more than my brother does. He doesn't so much look for trouble as he says, trouble finds him. I once had to stop him from almost killing some guy for looking at me wrong. He's very loyal and has a good heart but just not someone I'd entrust to lead.

Kurt even though he was not cub born would have been my second choice to be heir. He's very trustworthy and responsible. He can also be sneaky when need be but that's a good trait in my book so I made him my third. His wolf my not be the strongest but I know he can take care of himself. Kurt was bitten born, which means a rogue wolf turned him for the hell of it. That is why his wolf resembles that of a weaker breed, being brown with brown eyes. With training his wolf grows stronger every day.

Mike and Artie were also bitten born but for a while they were feral wolves, which means they were out of control and forgot their human self. They both stuck together which is odd for a feral but not unheard of. My father found them a year or so back on our ground and instead of putting them down, he helped them find them again. Their wolves weren't high ranked either with Mike being dark brown with black eyes and Artie being reddish with brown eyes. I could trust them both with my life and I do.

All in all Quinn is the perfect wolf to for the job, she very smart, acute, and dependable. I know she'd do anything for me. She and I have always been close and we've always had a bond between us for whatever reason that is. The kind of bond where if I needed bailing out she was their without any questions and I did the same for her. It's almost fate.

Now today's the first day back to school after summer break, it's also more than half of my packs first time in a crowd as wolves. I, Quinn, and Kurt are on high alert. We need to keep everyone in order and calm today. Seeing as though we are mostly pups so our urges are messing with our heads. This is a dangerous situation with four pups roaming around, yes I included myself because I've lost control once or twice before. We cannot risk being exposed, the results of that would be horrible. It's either kill or be killed and that something I never want to happen.

With Quinn and Kurt on sides or me and Puck, Sam, Mike, Artie, and Harmony trailing behind, we make our way to the first class of our junior year. As we walk through the hall of McKinley, we attract attention. Some look at us out of fear thinking we're in a gang or something, I can smell their fear. Other just tries to avoid us as much as possible.

It's a plus having two of our own working at our school, both Will and Holly work as teachers here and they were able to put all of us in the same classes together. It was hard but it had to be. We cannot risk to be separated at a time like time, so I put the order in, Will and Holly took are of the rest. With everything that happened over the summer, me becoming Alpha, Quinn second, and Kurt third, for us to take orders it's not going to be easy. Every instinct is going to tell me to rule and them to follow my wants and needs. Great, we're already late because Puck and Sam felt chasing girls was the correct thing to do. Entering our class five late, we received one of the dirtiest looks I've ever seen and that's coming from me, the best friend of Quinn Fabray.

"Would you like to explain to me why all of you are late?" I Swear I heard someone behind me growl at this guy but I'm not sure which one of my clan it was but my moneys on Quinn.

"Nope, not really." Speaking of the devil. She replied with a similar glare as Miss Carlson, wait that's a female? I double check the bored. Yeah it's a lady. I swear I've never seen so much facial hair on a woman before and that nasty mile was not helping her at all.

With Satisfied smirks on our faces, we make our way to the back of the class so we wouldn't be bothers so much. Just as we were about to take our seat I notice Quinn stopped moving. Something doesn't seem right, something's really wrong here. Trying to break into her thoughts was proving useless; she must have blocked me out. I hate when she does that. Only she and Kurt can and it's annoying as hell when they do.

I don't think Quinn's even there anymore. I'm starting to get scared now because she was passing over traits and her wolf eyes are showing. She's not losing control thought, if she was she would have changed all together, she just seems paralyzed. What's going on? With all my attention on Quinn I didn't even notice the rest of the class is watching us.

"Is there a problem girls because I would love to start my first lesson if you don't mind?" I really hate this teacher and she's pushing my urges right now a little too much. I turn my attention back to Quinn to distract from my desire is disembody our new teacher.

"Q snap out of it now, everyone's watching!" I whispered harshly to her. I try to grab her hand thinking maybe my touch will bring her back.

Then next thing I know Quinn's pushing passed me and making her way back to the front of the classroom and proceeds to walk out leaving everyone in the class dumb founded. I shot the teacher my signature glare.

"Lady Issues, it's not really something you'd understand I'm sure." I say in almost a warning tone so she wouldn't push the issue. I really don't need to go all wolf on her right now.

"K, watch the pack and keep them in line, I trust you." I project to Kurt, and she looks at me pointedly and nods. With that I'm out the door on to find Quinn.

"Second! Stop now that's an order!" That got her; she stopped and turned to me. Her eyes are all wolf but I can tell she's back though.

"San, my mate is here, I could sense it, I can even smell them. It's the sweetest smell I have ever encountered." Now everything makes sense.

"I have to see who it is, can I please go Alpha, I need to meet them, just please?" I sigh and gave a slight nod.

We're on our way again and I can feel Quinn excitement, her need. She wants somebody so much and doesn't even know who this person is. That's the funny thing about mates; the bond is always there, even before you meet them. It's almost creepy. I could never say no to Quinn in the first place, she means the world to me and I want what she wants. Also you never want to get between a wolf and their mate. It's dangerous; a mate will kill for their love, die for their love, and only lives for their love.

"Q if he's in class you can't just barge in, declare you undying love, and imprint on him. I can tell by the fact I don't smell any wolves besides pack that this is a human we are talking about here, just keep in control please, got it?" I warned

"I promise to behave, just one thing. Please stop calling my mate a he; I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate it in the least." Wow this is new did not see that coming.

"It's a girl? Really? Your mates a female? Like with a vagina and all?" She sighs and nods.

I could already hear Berry's annoying voice going on about something I'm sure Will doesn't care about. When we reach the choir room we stop and yep I was correct, I can feel Will does not care and is even a bit annoyed. Why is Quinn stopping here? Aren't we supposed to be on a mission to find her lady? Wait. Oh god no! Please say it isn't so. Please say there's someone else in that room. Quinn busts through the door. Crap! At least Quinn's eyes are back to normal.

"Rachel Berry! It's Rachel Berry? San its Rachel Berry." Quinn screeched.

Well at least that got man hands to shut her trap for once. Oh no wait.

"Well Hello Quinn, it's nice to see you and Satan, I mean Santana it's nice to see you as well. I trust that you're both here to speak with Mr. Shue about rejoining glee club this year. Of course you are, it wouldn't be the same without you're lovely backup vocals." Oh hell no. Wait did she just call me Satan?

"Okay listen here midget..." I'm cut off by Quinn growling at me. At me! Can you believe it?

"Don't speak to her like that!" Wide eyed I nod and try to control in instincts.

What else can I do with the damn hobbit in the room? Berry seems taken back by Quinn's actions but recovers quickly.

"Why thank you Quinn but your services are not in need here, I can most certainly take anything Santana has to throw at me. I really should be off now, I'm sure Finn is waiting for me, Mr. Shue we will finish discussing my future solos another time, good day ladies" and with that she's gone. Who talks like that really? What year is she from?

"Will leave us." Yes I just kicked him out of his own classroom; I need him gone to speak to my second alone.

I could have sworn Quinn was going to lose it when Finn's was mentioned. I need the room to calm her down, I can feel her wolf wanting to break free and most likely break Finn next. None of this makes sense, all jokes aside. Rachel, Quinn's mate? No they hate each other; they even spent the last two years fighting over that over grown man child Finn Hudson. I swear I feel bad for Kurt every time he has to go and have him there. Now with Will and Berry gone I can get this straightened out and my heir relaxed. Maybe she got it wrong, maybe Finn is her mate and she went to Rachel because she had Finns scent on her? Maybe? Hopefully? Please?

"Q, I get that you're on the verge of frenzy right now but next time you growl at me I will destroy. You're lucky I can control myself or else I would have already ended you right then and there!" I snarled at her

"Now come here!" I demanded

For wolves touching is normal, it's comfort. The touch of an Alpha is like home to wolves, its safety. To people in the outside world it may seem sexual but it's not. Quinn walks into my arms and I hold her closely getting as much out of her as she is me. I can feel the calming effect taking over both of us but I don't want to let go yet and neither does she.

"I'm so sorry S, I don't know what came over me. I just couldn't take how you spoke to her. I could feel you hurt her feelings. I felt it. She seems so strong on her high horse but she's not, she's hurt and vulnerable. I had to protect her. God why did it have to be her? Out of everyone, my mate had to be Rachel Berry?" I'm not sure she took a breath anywhere during that.

Great berry is starting to rub off on her already! I pushed Quinn a bit so I could see her face and cup her face with one hand while the other still around her.

"Q, I didn't think so at first but she is definitely your mate, just from the way you can feel what she's feels proves that. You've never had feelings for her before the change?" I asked.

"No! Well I don't know because Finn was always in the way blocking my view, ugh! I hate him S. I swear if he touches her I'll kill him!" Wow scary Quinn.

"Calm down, we'll get your hobbit…" she hissed.

"Girl, I mean girl. We'll get her for you Q." I corrected myself before she got even more agitated and pulled her closer to myself again. If some were to walk by this might look odd but I don't care, I need to keep my second together. She nuzzled into my neck.

"How can you be sure, we don't even know if she likes girls? She is with a guy right now and all I've ever seen her date are Finn and Puck." She said through gritted teeth.

"Because, that's the interesting thing about a mate bond, even before the imprinting is done they still feel connected. Human or not, they feel so something. Remember when Holly turned Will? He said felt drawn to her and could even somewhat sense her feelings. Not like his wolf can of course but enough for him to confront her about it. Hell I bet Berry can even tell you're upset right now." Quinn's head shot up.

"She's coming back S, and fast, she seems worried about something."

Just then Rachel walked back in the room, what are the damn odds and doesn't she have class or something? That reminds me, we missed nearly all of first period, oh well I'll have Artie fill me in later. He's a nerd after all.

Just then Rachel walked back in the room, what are the damn odds and doesn't she have class or something? That reminds me, we missed nearly all of first period, of well I'll have Artie fill me in later. He's a nerd after all.

"Um Quinn are you okay?" Rachel asked with raised eyebrows. Why is she looking at us like that? Oh yeah I'm still holding Quinn. This probably looks more than friendly.

"Told ya!" I snorted and pushed her a little away but not completely out of my grasp. I'm going to have fun with this and Quinn doesn't even notice because this is so natural for us.

"Yeah, why do you ask Rach?" Rach? Since when does she call Berry Rach? Oh yeah, since she wants to make lady werewolf babies with her I guess.

"I just had a funny feeling, it's the strangest thing. I was nearly to my class and something told me to turn around and check on you. This just proves my theory that I, Rachel Berry am not only incredibly talented but also do in fact have a psychic ability. Also Santana is holding you pretty closely." I couldn't stop my eye roll if you paid me.

Quinn pulls out from my grasp and just like that my calm feeling is gone with her embrace. Great thanks to the garden gnome my wolf is getting restless again.

"Listen Berry, it's really sweet of you to come and check on my girl Q and all but you leave because I got this. Your services aren't required here." I mimicked her voice for the last bit.

I can see her knuckles going white as she made fist and her heartbeat picked up a bit there as well. I must really have pissed her off. This mate thing is cool. I wanted to see what would happen if I said "my girl" and there you go, a red smurf. What's even better is she's most likely confused as hell right now wondering why she's even this mad. Who knew a human can feel a wolfs call like that.

"With all due respect Satan, when I have a gut feeling I go with it and that feeling is telling me to be here. Also I do not believe my question was directed to you in the first place. I'm sure "your girl" can speak for herself." She's really just air quoted, who even does that?

Berry doesn't realize it but she just challenged me by undermining my authority. I told her to leave and she refused, my inner wolf is growing more aggressive by the second. I can feel my nails lengthen. Quinn quickly sense anger within the room and take my hands to sooth me. It's unwinds me a bit but seems to have the opposite effect on Berry.

"Hey Rachel, I'm fine really. I think you should be going, I'll see you around." She still didn't budge, just stood there with a scowl on her face and her eyes fixated on our hands.

"Are you two dating?" She blurted out. Really is she asking that? Ugh gross, Quinn's like a sister but I can't pass up this opportunity.

"What's it to you Berry?" I huffed out.

"So you are dating." Seriously this girl must be bi polar because one minute ago she looked like she was ready to go in the ring with me and now she looks like someone stole her gold stars or something.

"No, Santana and I are not dating. She's like family. Didn't you say Finn was looking for you before? Shouldn't you go find him?" Quinn said in a almost defeated tone. I swear she's the only person I know who can make someone feel better then worse in then ten seconds. It's always been a skill I admired.

"You're correct Quinn; I really should be running along. I apologize for intruding in your personal matters. I would however like to inform you that if ever you do find the need of assistance I would be more than willing to comply, no questions asked. Once again, good day ladies." Once again she's off. She's like a walking, talking dictionary I swear. It's annoying as hell.

"Well that went great. I can see it now, loud mouth Berry part of my pack. It's going to be hell, I swear Q give me the silver bullet and I'll do the honors myself." The sad thing is I'm completely serious.

"Stop being dramatic S and let me enjoy the fact that she was so jealous back there. Her adrenaline was going crazy. She really doesn't like you at all; the things she was thinking about you were hilarious!" She said through laughing.

Great Ru Paul hates me, the feeling is mutual. Good thing Quinn didn't listen in on my thoughts back there or else she would have known I wanted to eradicate her little girlfriend. I can't believe she can already hear her thoughts, their bond is getting strong fast.

"You're welcome for that by the way and when we go hunting later, you're in charge of Puck and Sam. Enjoy." That'll teach her to growl at me, she can deal with dumb and dumber tonight. I gave her a sickeningly sweet smile and pulled a dazed Quinn out of the. We really should get to class.

As the end of the day neared I am ready to go home. Today was more than testing. My wolf is on the verge of frenzy and I'm sure the rest of my adolescent pack members are also. Earlier Puck destroyed damn water faulting while checking out some girl. Harmony almost disembodied a cheerio for bumping her and Mike tried to bite, yes bite, some football player for checking me out.

Other than that not much happened but this whole Berry thing really threw me a curve ball. I'd rather have Sugar Motta in my pack then Rachel Barbra Berry. I swear every time we passed her, she was staring at Quinn like a piece of meat. Gross. Of course Q claims she didn't notice but I could feel her enjoying every second of it. Grosser.

Now we're all in the parking lot ready to head out and I hear it, the only thing worse than hearing the hobbit. I kid you not; I can feel the ground shacking under my feet.

"Kurt! Kurt! Wait up bro!" It's Finn freaking Hudson dragging Berry with him. Literally dragging her.

"What is it Finn, I've got things to do." Kurt sighed and put his hand on his hip.

"Can you do me a favor a drop Rach off on your way home? You pass her house anyway so it wouldn't be going out of your way. I have football tryouts so I can't do it myself. I'll owe you one bro." He smacked Kurt's shoulder. I really don't know how he deals with this daily, I'd lose my mind.

"Fine but I told you don't call me bro, I hate it and it's tacky." Kurt sighed.

"Yeah sure bro, thanks a ton." See! This is why nobody likes him but man hands over here.

"Bye baby, I'll call you when I'm done and we'll get together for dinner tonight. I'm thinking breadsticks." He leans over and kisses her. Nasty. Oh shit wait. Where's Quinn, she was right next to me a second ago.

"Quinn what are you doing!" Found her. She has Finn pinned to the side of Kurts hummer.

"What the hell Fabray, let me go!" He's trying to push her off but it's not working.

"Quinn release Finn this instant!" Still nothing, she even pushed him harder into the car. It may even be dented at this point. Finn looks scared now, ugh what a punk. I bet she's not even really using her strength on him. He goes to move and gets nowhere still. I guess it's time to step in.

"Quinn! Stand down now!" I use my Alpha tone and it works. She let him go and drops her head.

"What the hell was that?" Finn exclaims. I don't even know what to tell him but it looks like I won't have to say anything.

"She's been having a bad day and with you here I guess it made it worse so if I were you I'd just leave before she decides to do something worse than pushing you into a car." Artie says nonchalantly as if Quinn being able to pin a guy more than double her size to anything is normal.

"Whatever, I'm out of here." Thank god he's gone

I notice Quinn's frenzy getting out of control. We need to go before something else happens. I don't know how she was in control enough to let him go at all. She must be getting better at controlling her wolf. Damn mating and damn instincts. I hear a gasped. Now what?

"Quinn, your eyes." Of course Rachel would be the one to notice. Damn over traits again! The gig is up. This is not good at all, how can you explain a human with wolf eyes? Come on brain think.

"Happens when she's not feeling well, it's a family trait. Same thing happens to my uncle all the time." Harmony shrugs. She's always been quick on her feet with things like this.

"It'll go away soon; I just have to go home and rest. You ready S? I really am not feeling too great and I need you to drive me. Sam I'll see you at home." I nod my head and keep eye contact.

'Put your head back down, I don't need anyone else noticing your damn eyes." I spoke telepathically to her.

I'm pissed. This can't happen. Twice in one day her wolf has shown through and that unacceptable. Yes Puck causes attention but never like this. No one has ever seen part of his wolf but pack mates, and here my second is in public nearly turning. I understand Finn is an ass and Berry is her mate but she needs to learn control before she gets us all exposed.

"I'm sorry." She replies out loud and enters the passenger side of my jeep. Berry's still just standing there in awe of what she's seen.

"You ready Rachel? Like I said I got things to do and places to be."

"Yeah sorry, one moment Kurt. Santana?" She turns to him then back to me.

"What?" I snap.

"Please take care of her and get her home safely." I can tell she's really worried. If I didn't hate her guts so much, I'd think it's nice that she cares so much about Q but I just find it annoyingly gross.

"Sure thing Berry, I got her now run along." I revved my engine and peeled out just to be a bitch. This whole mess is her fault after all. My best friend is sitting here feeling like crap because of her.

"You just scared the hell out of her; she thinks we're going to get into an accident." I sigh and shake my head.

"I did it on purpose, listen I know you're stressing about this whole mate thing but you need to keep yourself in check. It's okay Berry seen what you did today because you're going to have to tell her soon enough anyway but not an entire class of people or that t-rex resembling jackass." I say in an even voice but I know she can tell I'm pissed.

"I know S. but it's so hard, you don't understand. It was difficult enough trying to control my urges before but now Rachel is everything. She all I can think about and want to think about. He touched my everything San. I couldn't help it. I think I should talk to Holly about it, maybe can give me some input considering she went thought something similar with Will."

"I think that's a good idea but for now let's head home and relax until sunset. I really cannot wait to run tonight and release all the stress today has brought. I'm sure you're feeling the same way." I know she understand what I'm talking about. When you're in wolf form it's so freeing and exhilarating.

"You have no idea; hunting isn't going to be as enjoyable because my wolf will wonder where its mate is." She explained as she stared out at the housed passing by.

After a few hours of doing nothing but lounging while Quinn avoided Rachel's phone call. How she got Q's number, I will never know. It's now time to head to the hunting grounds.

"Okay everyone, it's time to go. I'll see you there in fifteen and we have a few things to discuss before the run." I projected to the entire pack at once.

Getting out of my jeep with Quinn and Puck, I can see my clan is all here and waiting patiently for us to arrive.

"Hello everyone, Mami, Papi I'm glad you were able to get out of work also Judy and Russell" I addressed them knowing that each one had to leave work for this hunt. They nod and I continue.

"Since this is a matter that will affect us all but mainly Quinn I'll let her inform you of this new development. Second you may take over." I pat her on the back as encouragement.

"I found my mate today." Quinn started and everyone looked excited for her to proceed.

"Well my mate is a human, as you could have guessed so they'd have to be turned." She paused again. I can tell this is really hard for her so I step behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and she leans me.

"It's a girl, my mate is a girl." I look around and see everyone a little taken back but not too much so. You can't pick and choose mates, they understand that. Same sex mates aren't uncommon but this is the first time it's happening in our clan.

"Her name is Rachel Berry and I'm more then sure most of you if not all know her. She's my life now and I'm having a hard time because she has a boyfriend. I lost it today when I saw them together so Holly I need your help. I remember you going through something like this."

"Anything for you sweet cheeks. Trust me it gets easier. The best thing you can so is either keep your distance tell her the truth." Holly told her.

"I've decided to wait a little before I tell her, I want to befriend her first then tell her everything. I don't want to throw it on her and possibly risk losing her." Quinn explained.

That made sense. I would do the same if I were in her shoes. Losing one's mate is like suicide for a wolf. No matter what you feel dead on the inside. I've heard stories of wolves that really died of a broken heart just like Puck's mother. I can't let that happen to my second so it looks like operation "Make the midget fall in love with a werewolf" is a go.

"Really Quinn, out of everyone it had to be my ex-girlfriend?" Puck starts. He's looking for a fight and if he's not careful he's going to get one.

"You know damn well it's not a choice pup and you will from now on refer to my mate but her giving name and nothing else. My mate is my mate and I am your second, you will respect that or you will deal with the consequences." She growled in his faces, wolf eyes ablaze but he's not backing down.

"You challenge me wolf and if you do not mind yourself soon I will be forced to put you down." She pushed into him and he snarled.

"Puck you will stand down now and you will bow to your second, that's an order!" I stepped between the two and watched as Puck did as I told.

"Now is anyone else has a problem, tuff shit. Rachel is going to be part of this pack soon enough and you should all start getting used to it." I informed the group.

"I for one am more than willing to help get her away from my step brother. She's always been too good for him if you ask me; also Quinn and Rachel is a much better match." Kurt stood next to us. This is why he's my third; he always speaks his mind and stands for what he believes no matter who he hurts.

"I could help out to; we're kind of close cause of glee. I can put in a good word or two for you cus." Harmony proclaimed.

"You know we got your back second." Artie spoke for him and Mike nodded along.

Sam walked up to his sister and enveloped her into a hug.

"I'm so happy you found her sis, you deserve to be happy and I'll do anything in my power to help you get there." Their parents were soon to follow with hugs of support.

"Okay guys we all had a rough day, let start our hunt." I announce.

The group of humans started discarding their clothing and started shifting, turning into a clan of wolves. Beautiful but deadly. Each other them scattered into groups. Kurt with Harmony, Mike with Artie, Quinn with Puck and Sam as I ordered, and all the mated pairs went their own way. Normally I would hunt with Quinn by my side but tonight I wanted to run alone.

I love being on wolf form more than being in human. I feel more myself as a wolf, like if I was born wolf and turn human by day.

I'm off to my favorite spot in the wood, the river side. With only to moon lighting my way I dash there full speed. With the wind whipping through my coat, I'm free. I'm home. On my way I dodge trees and jump over rocks, even snip at the lighten bugs passing by.

Finally I'm here; this is what I've been waiting for. I dive into the river and bask in the cold water that moistens my coat. I tilt my snot up toward the moon and let out a howl for my pack and each of them return the gesture, that's normal but the pained scream I heard in the distance isn't.