
"Hey look, I think I see our cabins!"

I watched my girlfriends face light up immediately seeing the place we would be staying for the next few days. Graduation was coming up in a few weeks and Mr. Shue had the brilliant idea to go on a camping trip out North. "One last hoora!" I think he had said. However tacky and stupid this whole thing was, I was glad to be given this chance to enjoy myself one last time with my friends. Although, I would never admit that to anyone.

We were sitting in the back of the coach bus that the glee club had paid for through fund raising. Bake sales, selling toffee, washing cars—guys paid lots of money for that one—And basically anything we could to earn money for this trip. It was a trip to go down in the books, and I'm glad I get to spend it with the best girl in the world, and my friends of course.

We had just turned into the camp ground we reserved for the weekend and I could feel the excitement rising throughout the bus.

"There it is! We're here! We're here!" Rachel was screaming a couple rows ahead waking up her sleeping boyfriend beside her. The whole glee club rose out of their seats in anticipation. I didn't bother to look out of the window I just took Brittany's hand in mine and smiled at her cute face. She was grinning widely and I just looked into her blue eyes and tried to freeze time. It still amazes me to this day how lucky I am. I know I don't deserve anyone as caring as her but as we pulled into the lot I felt her hand squeeze tightly around mine and I couldn't help but feel infinite.

I wanted to kiss her right then and there but I could already hear Mr. Shue giving out instructions on cabin numbers and stuff like that. Plus I could see Puckerman's eyes staring at us from the corner of my eyes and I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.

"Girls are in cabin 4, Boys in cabin 6. Now I don't want any funny business this weekend. I am still a teacher and I am allowed to give out punishment—"

"Yeah, yeah Mr. Shue can we just go know?"

He sighed then smiled and said, "Sure Santana, have fun. Lights out at 11." I couldn't help but giggle at his little rule, knowing that we would not be sleeping tonight.

We all scampered out of the bus after sitting for so long and headed in different directions. I waited outside of the bus for Brittany as she was thanking the grumpy bus driver for not getting us in an accident. When she got out she reached for my hand. My heart caved in.

"Where to now?"

We walked all throughout the camp ground with our pinky's intertwined perfectly. Somehow we ended up at the end of a dock with our feet grazing the surface of a lake. Conveniently, the sun was setting and everything was picture perfect.

"You're beautiful." She said simply. I couldn't help but smile.

"You're beautiful." I said back. She smiled as well and nudged me softly. We sat there for a while, quietly. It was peaceful. Different from back home in Lima it the best ways. Time seemed to stop and the silence that we shared wasn't awkward in the slightest. After what felt like hours and seconds at the same time she said, "I'm scared." I then turned to her and looked her in the eyes, "Why Britt? I'm here, I'll keep you safe."

"Thanks. But it's not like that, I'm scared of what's coming up next."

I was confused, "What, like what we're doing tomorrow?"

"No, like after graduation."

All I could manage to squeeze out was a quiet, "oh."

I knew what she meant by that, I was going off to college and she was staying at McKinley for another year. It's not that she didn't pass, because she did. Her father is making her stay because he wants her grades to improve like her brother. He thinks I'm a distraction.

"Brittany, look at me. Forget about all of that. This is our weekend. We'll sort out everything later, I promise. But for now, let's just enjoy our time together okay? We were given this opportunity of a lifetime, let's not waste it."

"I love you, you know?"

"Yeah." And with that I kissed her. It used to be hard to kiss her outside of our bedrooms but it was getting so much easier now. We melted into each other. There was no other way to describe it other that it felt right. So right.

"Hey guys! Its dinner time!" We broke apart quickly and turned around to see Mercedes, Tina, and Mike Chang staring at us. I blushed immediately, but they just turned around and chuckled.

"You ready to make this weekend ours?" I asked Brittany.

"So ready."

We both stood up and walked off the dock holding hands leaving the sunset behind.

I had never felt better.