a/n: I guess I should be apoligizing for the lateness of this chapter, but I seem to be doing that in all the fics I have lately... All I can say is that I do not have spell check on the computer I'm using , so I'm really hoping that there aren't a lot of errors, but if there are, let me know and I'll bug someone into checking it for me.

disclaimer: I have not, will not or currently do own Harry Potter and all releted trademarks

warning: nothing major in this chapter

dedication: I dedicate ths to QS basically cuz I can. I like to dedicate things to her.


McGonagall glanced around the common room, glaring at the mauraders on principal. It took her a minute or so to find Harry, and when she did so she called him over.

"Harry, I need to speak with you for a bit," she noticed the Mauraders glancing at Harry and looking as if they were going to follow. "Alone, Harry. He'll be fine," she continued to Remus, Sirius and James.

Harry stood up from his place on the couch and followed McGonagall out into the hallway and than into a small suite of rooms off of the Common Room. He looked around with interest and Mcgonagall, noticing his interest spoke, "This is the room the Head boy or Head girl would receive if they are from Gryffindor. Otherwise, if both prefects for Seventh Year from Gryffindor are of the same sex, they'll share this room."

Harry didn't speak as he looked at the paintings on the walls and noticed the elaborate carvings on the bed in a room off of the common area. He walked closer to the paintings and noticed that the man who had shown up in that dream of his was there and that the label underneath it said Godric Gryffindor.

"Dumbledore asked me to test you in Charms, Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and basic herbology. Another professor will be here as soon as I finish testing you. He will test you for History of Magic, Divination, and Potions. You will be expected to do your best." She calmly stated. "Any Questions?" she asked.

Harry didn't answer, preferring to get on with the testing.

McGonagall quickly summoned the test, having been told by Dumbledore that Harry most likely would not really speak to her. He just hadn't had enough time to learn to trust her like he had learned to trust James, Sirius, and Remus.

McGonagall gave him the comprehensive test, and than sat down at a desk she had transfigured from an extra chair so she could grade the papers that had been handed in today.

Harry started the test, staring at some of the questions with no comprehension on his face. He had no idea what plant could cure petrification or how to stop Devil's Snare. He didn't know how to get rid of a boogart, though he did know how to get rid of a dementor.

Harry stared down at the parchment before answering and worked on the rest of the test, taking little over an hour to finish the test.

He handed it to McGonagall, who graded it with a flick of her wrist, finding out that he knew everything from third and fourth year, some from second, and hardly anything from first year. It was as if someone had decided some memories were more necessary than others and had gotten rid of the unnecessary ones.

"Well Harry, you will find out your schedule after the next group of tests. The Headmaster will be giving you the next and final test," she said before turning and leaving the suite.

Harry stood up and went back to looking at the picture and the inscriptions when the door opened and Dumbledore came into the room.

"Ah, Mr. Potter, I see you are looking around? See anything you want to learn about? After all, that is the purpose of this place, to erase some of the cobwebs that have grown in your head."

Harry looked at Dumbledore as if he was crazy before he went back to his desk to sit down.

"I'm not going to test you, I'm sure you'll do find and if you have any difficulties, your housemates shall surely help you. I just wanted you to know that whenever things get a bit to trying or you want to have some peace and quiet that you'd be allowed to stay here."

Harry nodded.

"Then if you want, you can go back to the tower or you can stay here for now. The only condition I have is that only those you trust be allowed in on this secret."

Harry nodded again, feeling idiotic at the movement, before he followed Dumbledore out of the room.

Harry wandered back into the common room, where he was meet by a thunderous scowl from Peter. Harry wondered why Peter was mad at him, but he didn't say anything as he went up to the dorm room and went to sleep for several hours, waking just before dinner.