Will played with an orange, sitting at the kitchen table, struggling to keep his wandering mind on the fruit before him. Emma's quiet sobs drifted in from the bedroom, but Will could barely comfort himself, let alone his emotional fiancé. Santana had been missing for days. According to Brittany and Puck, they last saw her wandering into the distance with three thugs. Back to her mother, no doubt.

Will sighed, holding his head in his hands. He'd visited her old barrio a couple of times, but no one would tell him a thing about her whereabouts. He missed her. It seemed he and Emma needed her just as much as she needed them.

Santana placed a tall glass of water beside her mother Maribel's sleepy form, huddled under blankets on the couch. Stirring, Maribel sat up a little, looking up at Santana through tired, squinting eyes. "Santana?"

"Yeah, mamá?"

"I had a dream where they took you away. They took my baby." She placed a hand on Santana's soft face. "Don't leave me again."

"I won't, mamá."

"That's mija. There's bread by the sink, you go make breakfast."

Santana crossed over into the small kitchen space in the corner, threw some bread in the toaster and hunted around for a carton of milk. Before she could begin to ask her mother about the milk's whereabouts, however, Maribel had lit up her crack pipe.

"Mamá!" groaned Santana.

"Go make breakfast, 'Tana. Leave me be."

Suddenly, Santana didn't feel so hungry. "I'm going out. I'll be back to make you lunch."

Maribel ignored her.

"Well, if Santana's isn't turning up then we have no other choice – I'll have to take over her solos!"

Everyone ignored Rachel, and remained in the stony silence that had overcome them during the last couple of days. Santana wasn't replying to their calls or Facebook messages – it was unnatural.

Will sat at the front of the class, too tired to even attempt to lead today's lesson. He let Rachel do her thing, because none of it really mattered much to him anymore.

He sent them home early, and warily made his way to the staff room to grab a much needed coffee before he faced the drive home. As he returned to pick up his book bag from the Choir Room, however, he was met was an unexpected sight.

Brittany sat leaning against the wall, indifferent to Puck's attempts to comfort her. Will remained motionless outside the door, unobserved.

At last, Puck picked up a guitar from the back of the room, and slowly began to strum away. He sang surprisingly softly, obviously soothing both Brittany and himself.

All I want is nothing more

To hear you knocking at my door.
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die a happy man, I'm sure.

Brittany smiled up at him through tears and sang the next phrase.

When you said your last good-bye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in tears in bed all night
alone without you by my side

Together, they sang a harmony that brought Will to tears right where he stood.

But if you loved me
why'd you leave me?

Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody…like you oohh oohh

See, you brought out the best of me
A part of me I've never seen
You took my soul & wiped it clean
Our love was made for movie screens

But if you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody..

oooohhhh.. oooohhhhh.. oooohhhh.. oohh..
oooohhhh.. oooohhhhh.. oooohhhh.. oohh..

If you loved me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is

To find somebody
To find somebody…like you…