Disclaimer: I do not own anything, it belong to Hasbro and Takara-tomy

Devon Wheeler is my Fan Character

AN: This is all about our lovely decpeticons, from all over *Hint hint nudge nudge*. I put in a tribute to my hometown area called "Yankee Lake" cuz I live around Red Necks

Thoughts: Bold


Location: somewhere (Wheeler's POV)

Universe: Bold and Italic

Prime: Nemesis

Knockout, laid back on his berth. What had he seen earlier, he had begun to bring it up with Lord Megatron. But of course the Warlord had shut up his medic's concerns, and dismissed him. The immaculate medic sat up, surely Soundwave would have placed the findings from the mind probe on the main drives to open up space on his own for the rift device to be properly calibrated. Knockout looked up the girl's memory, the mech rolled his optics. "Of course he would have to copy all her memories," Knockout scoffed filtering though the recorded files.

"Boring, gross…. That is vile that poor truck. Those humans just ruined its undercarriage with all that… I think it's mud." The medic said to himself as he fast forward though that horrid event with the "mud", to a few battles. The medic skipped the one, for what the con did see it was on some sort of bullet train. For some reason, the train sent a chill down his spinal strut.

"Devon are you so brainwashed that you can not see they are hurting you. What happed to the 'me against the world' attitude you always had. Have the Autobots broken you that much," an albino man growled. As like with Wheeler, metal coated his flesh. Knockout shook his helm, fast forward the record to see Wheeler murder and drain the albino man of vital fluids.

The medic frowned, she was vicious but she was an… Autobot that is what the albino man said. The autobots that he had "known" would never condone such violence. Knockout just ignored it, then got the where he wanted. The memory of the dimensional space bridge, he made the memory file play as normal.

Wheeler was sitting high up, Knockout assumed that she was on a mech's shoulder, due to the hands in the corner of her vision "So, What sort of… side affects could happen 'Jack I mean there has to be some sort of balance?" Wheeler asked "'Jack" who tilted his helm to look at her. It was the autobot Wheeljack who she was sitting on, they were speculating the possible harm of this project. Just was the 'con medic wanted, a dark smirk came on his well-groomed faceplate.

"Well if what we are theorizing is true then I would say side affects of this could weaken the spaces between realities. But nothing serious should happen, as long as we don't use it to much or try to transport more then a few beings." the mech said the fins on his helm lighting up. Knockout frowned, if this is true then one being is too many. Stupid autobots, they always tried to tamper with things better left alone.

"Ok what should we call this," Wheeler asked holding a data pad and recording the actions that the white mech was doing. "Well we, humans, call the multi-verse theory 'the string theory' so if we go with that strings fray like cloth when weakened so."

"We'll address that hopefully nonconcurring phenomenon as 'fraying', then with the possibility of this 'fraying' the possibilities of uncontrolled rift opening up. I get to name this, I don't have anything creative right now we'll call them 'windows'." Knockout really wished he didn't have to go thought all this scrap to get what he wanted.

The medic vented at the computer, all this took too long. Knockout's patience was growing thinner by each passing klik. "So if this fraying does happen 'Jack what will we do, I mean it would be our fault."

"Well let us hope that it never comes to that, it would be most unfortunate now wouldn't Wheeler." Knockout felt like pounding is helm against the monitor, couldn't these two go faster with this horrible idea and just get to the point. "But if this should happen, I really do not know if there could be done to stop it." Knockout felt as if his optics would fall out of his helm. Did that Autobot really say there may be no way to stop this, he is more of an idiot then Starscream.

He rewound the memory file and played it back over and over. This was taunting him it had to be a mistake or may be he was not far enough forward to hear a new idea that could fix this. He went to hit the fast forward when the computer started to fritz. It went back farther and farther past the train fight, the "mudded" truck and to… Cybertron. The con medic knew she had to have gotten the Cybertronain enhancements somewhere, but Cybertron itself.

Screams, energon curdling screams is what the medic heard, not that he was really affected by them. He had been the cause of many screaming like that, but these where not Cybertronain vocalizers. "Make it stop. Leave them alone," a voice moaned softly, it too was strained from abuse. "Why," it questioned the nothingness of the Cybertronain room "Why us why this pain."

"Shudup, human it's your turn again. It seems that you can take anything Shockwave is will to dish out on you for now the last one… well he could take the heat literally." A gruff voice said, the view changed to face the owner of the voice. The mech was a green seeker, he sneered at the hapless human. The mech pick up Wheeler from the berth that she was restrained too, then promptly dropped her on the ground. "Move fleshy," he ordered as he stomped near her to scare the poor human witless. Wheeler scuttled away from the ped and did her best to stand.

Not that he really cared that this was going on, but it was a human he "knew" so it remotely sickened him. The file continued soon Wheeler and her mech escort where in some lab. "W-12 is ready for testing sir," the gruff voiced seeker said.

"Good, thank you for retrieving my new favorite pet Acidstorm you are dismissed." A large purple mech said, Knockout knew that it had to be Shockwave. "Welcome W-12, you are quite resilient but how much longer can you go? Everyone has a breaking point, that is the whole reason you and your fellow humans are here. If Lord Megatron is to ever use your species as workers we must make you stronger."

"So you going to burn me like the last one," Wheeler choked out.

"No I have made an improvement one the energon mixture, frankly you are the one that can seem to take them without major effects." Shockwave explained grabbing the girl and placing her on a table. Knockout willed her to fight, but she didn't she just laid there like a dead fish.

"Shockwave: Stop," a cold monotone voice said. Again shivers ran up Knockout's spinal strut, as a tall dark blue mech came in view. "W-12: My experiment now, mental capabilities strong possible to with stand mind link."

"Megatron ordered," Shockwave questioned with a hint of disappointment. The mech nodded, and pick up the rag doll like Wheeler.

"W-12: respond." the mech came it full view, he had a face mask and red visor. "W-12: respond your mental functions." Wheeler moaned something unintelligible, "Subject W-12: shows promise proceeding with snake coding." Knockout had no idea what this "snake coding" was but Wheeler went ridged, eyes wide, and a silent scream froze on her face.

The computer stopped showing that memory file and shut down, Knockout then shuddered his optics. The computer was not on the fritz, Soundwave was using it as a whole unit altering what Knockout was using. The medic frowned if Soundwave already used her memory to obtain the rift why would he go thought it again. Knockout shrugged his shoulders, and then laid back down on his berth he could figure it out after a good recharge and waxing.

Prime: Nemesis Soundwave's quarters

The faceless communications officer was puzzled, he was is a remote way connected to the human Cybertronian hybrid. All things seemed impossible about her, he knew nothing of her unless… negative that was an impossible and fleeting idea. But that was an explanation to the strangeness going on within is own processer.

There were ideas that were not his, knowledge of people that he had never heard of. It was taxing not only to try to organize this new information and source it. A small mechanical caw was heard behind him, he turned to face his companion. He was now often disconnected from Laserbeak not wanting to overload the small surveillance drone with is vast information. Soundwave knew when this started to happen he ignored it at first nothing major was going on as he discovered the human. She started this, perhaps "she" could explain it.

His tentacle like connectors extended to the computer hub, directly connecting him to he mainframe. His screen started to play a file, someone was already watching this record. Lord Megatron was busy with finding more energon, Dreadwing was training troops and keeping an optic on the rift maker's construction. That left Knockout, the medic must have simply been curious about the human hybrid and decided to "see" who she was. Soundwave over rode the system and went back in the memory files, filtering though them quickly he found one that seemed promising.

Watching it the gangly mech puzzled then focused all his telepathy on this mute connection to the human. Pushing and prodding at the resisting connection, the link opened. He disconnected from the mainframe, the world swirled around the faceless mech. Laserbeak cawed in concern as her master stumbled and place his servo to his helm.

That was impossible, the idea of that was pure insanity. He pressed again against the link, this time better prepared for the buffet. Soundwave noticed he was now "seeing" though another's optics and it was not the human. He could not control here this other mech or maybe femme was looking but from what he could see, they too where a decepticon.

"Inquire: why are you in my head?" a monotone voice said. Soundwave recognized the voice it was the mech that took the human from the other Shockwave. "Repeat inquire: why are you inside my thought process."

Sondwave didn't know how to respond, the mech knew he was there so ignoring him was not an option. "Suppressed link discovered it when human broke dimensional walls."

"Explanation: insufficient. Why are you here? Not how you got here." Soundwave thought, he really didn't have an explanation on why. He was just curious to this link, the mech stopped focusing on him and returned his attention to his physical world. "Laserbeak return: information obtained, good job." The mech then refocused on Soundwave, Explanation: now."

"Reason: none," he responded. Then it felt as if he was being ripped from something, Soundwave jolted back as he looked around to be "back" in his quarters on the Nemesis. The link was still there less mute but closed off now, had the other mech sent him back to his own body or another? Soundwave looked at Laserbeak then allowed the small drone to reconnect to himself. The uncontrolled information uplink had stopped, Soundwave no longer feared the drone to overload. But what had he seen, why did the other mech call out to Laserbeak? When she was back in his quarters not in his systems.

The communications officer was just a puzzled as he was before, he noted the possibility of the omnipresent mind that he was a part of.

Shattered Glass: Cybertron

Sir Soundwave sat ideally in his quarters, his peds sitting up on his desk. Listening to some stray earth music signals, Sir Soundwave wished he had his old vibe-guitar back. His servos moved as if playing the instrument, Laserbeak head bobbed to the foreign tunes. The white communication officer tilled his helm at his "hipster" cassette. Then looked down to his abdomen there laid Ravage, occasionally twitching and muttering, "text speak". He moved his hand to gently pet the white jaguar, who responded by cuddling more into his boss's stomach.

"Yo boss, what this song called and where is it from?" Laserbeak asked as the song ended.

"It's from a planet called earth. I can't… maybe if I boost, too late sorry Laserbeak."

"That's ok I recorded it, no one will know this song." The cassette wooped and flew off to another perch. Sir Soundwave shook his helm, then he went ridged. Ravage looked at his boss then tilled his helm at the mech.

Sir Soundwave felt it, one of his others broke though the mental block. He had to stop this if his others found out about the omnipresent connection between them all, who knows what horrors they might do. He mentally pushed his way to the offender, they had entered into his direct counterpart. Sir Soundwave let out a blissful vent, he could stop this one without much trouble. He discreetly pushed the offender's invading mind from his counterpart's.

Once the offender was removed, Sir Soundwave harshly shut the link but it was still prominent. Sir Soundwave shook his helm, why in all things good did he think he could handle this by himself. If he knew anything about the offender is that he would not give up till answers were found. The only reason he knew that is because that is what he would do.

G1: Nemesis

He shook his helm, the event that had just occurred completely improbable. He must be suffering from some virus that caused him to view himself as an intruder. Soundwave began to check his firewalls, they show no breaches just stopped viruses that he pulled into a file to possibly use to infect other with during and interrogation.

The blue communications officer although curious about this "other self" was still on duty and could not devote that much time to figure this mystery out right now. The intruder mentioned a human, the only human that could pose such a link would be "W-12" or his human eyes and ears.

He pushed on the mental link with "W-12", nothing. That outcome was impossible, she could not hide her mind fully from him anywhere in the universe. He stopped and thought, anywhere in this universe she could not hide but… Impossible. Dimensional travel was only a theory, it is not a probable explanation. The Autobots must have created some sort of device that blocks her from him.

"Soundwave," a voice barked out from the computer he was using.

"Yes Lord Megatron," Soundwave replied monotoned.

"Has Laserbeak returned?"

"Yes: my lord. He has brought back much information, I am sifting though it."

"Good continue Soundwave," the voice barked again then stopped. Soundwave returned his attention to his work, he could ponder the mystery intruder later and why he could not get a fix on his "human" cassette.

Well I guess it is only about one decepticon really, but there is three different incarnations of him. Yes SG Laserbeak is a hipster, the omnipresent Soundwave is my idea. It is like no matter where you go in Transformers Soundwave is in someway or another a BOSS.

I just decided to make Prime Laserbeak a femme because some people view Laserbeak in general as a femme despite once or twice Laserbeak is referred to as a "He"