Title: Partners's Best Friend

Author: applesandcherries | phoenix-cry

Rating: K+ (for now)

Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. I just own the laptop this was written on.

A/N: This came to me while I was trying to fall asleep, around 1am in the morning. Thank you, brain. Also, thanks to pealee for reading this over for me. :)

Summary: Castle decides it is time for him to get a dog. And he wouldn't be Castle if he didn't get his partner roped into his idea, would he?

She glanced up from her paperwork from time to time, only to check that he was still there. She wasn't used to him being silent for more than five minutes at a time, and by now, he hadn't made a sound in – she consulted her father's watch – twelve minutes.

It was creeping her out.

As if reading her thoughts, he made a triumphant noise and looked up from his iPhone, grinning, before holding it out for her to see.

"How about this one?" he asked, as if they had just had a conversation for the past few minutes and she had any clue about was he was talking about. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him and peered at the tiny screen instead.

"Looks cute, Castle. What's it for? Does Rook get a pet?"

He shook his head, still grinning. "Nope, but I might!"

"You? Really? You wanna get a dog?"

He frowned at her. "Don't sound so shocked. I took good care of Royal, didn't I?"

"If you call feeding him a huge steak regularly 'taking good care', then yes, you certainly did."

"Hey!" he protested. "I only did that once! Once is not 'regularly', Beckett!"

Kate held up her hands in mock surrender. "Fine, fine. Calm down. Geez." She sighed and dropped her pen on her desk, leaning back in her chair. She had a feeling this was going to be a longer conversation, so she might as well get comfortable. "So, what made you suddenly decide to get a dog? A golden retriever, no less?"

Castle shrugged, his grin returning when he saw that he had her attention. "I've always wanted one, but when I was a kid, we were constantly moving in order to further Mother's career, or I was stuck in boarding school, no pets allowed. And as an adult, I guess I just never got around to it. And ever since our short stint as dog sitters, the wish has returned full force. Also, don't say anything about Retrievers – they're very loyal creatures. Just like me," he stated.

Kate pondered him seriously. "I dunno, Castle. I've always thought of you more as a Jack Russell Terrier type. Loud, obnoxious and with too much energy to sit still for long." She had to try really hard not to laugh out loud at the affronted look on his face.

"That's not a very nice thing to say about your partner, detective."

"But true."

He pouted at her and she finally let her teasing smile filter through her poker face. "Oh, cheer up, Castle, I'm just messing with ya! You're slightly less annoying now."

"Ha, ha. You know, under these circumstances, I don't feel fully appreciated by you. I will now get myself another coffee, and I may not feel inclined to bring you one." With those words, he got up and stuffed his phone back into his pocket, marching off in the direction of the break room.

Watching him go, a fond look in her eyes, she hid a smile behind her hand. Well, she thought, this ought to be interesting.

Returning her attention to her paperwork, she couldn't suppress the smile that graced her face a few minutes later, when she saw two coffee mugs appear in the periphery of her vision. Looking up at him, just as he settled back in his chair, she raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

He shrugged, sheepish. "Didn't feel right to just make one cup," her partner explained, before burrowing his nose back in his phone, continuing his search for a suitable dog.

To be honest, she could really see him with a Golden Retriever – loyal, friendly, intelligent and good with kids. It was so him. The thought alone warmed her heart. Still smiling, she went back to finish the last few forms from their latest case. When she was done, she could maybe get away with asking him to get an early dinner together.

A/N2: This is just a short prologue. Chapter 1 is already written, so let me know what you think and it might motivate me to get a headstart on chapter 2. :)