ohayou minna! This is my fairy tail fanfic so please be gentle. Review if you want me to continue this fanfic. Gruvia is my favourite pair in Fairy Tail. Arigatou :D Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail (unfortunately)

It was just an ordinary day in the Guild. Mirajane was by the bar serving drinks to some Fairy Tail members, Cana was sitting onto a table hugging romantically her barrel of beer, Lucy was discussing with Levy about novels and writers and Happy was eating a fish next to Erza who was eating her usual strawberry cake. Elfman was giving his speech about being a man to his younger sister, Lisanna, and Natsu was fighting with Gajeel and Macao without any particular reason actually. Just for fun. Only Gray seemed out of place. He still had his clothes on pointing that something was wrong with him. At an ordinary day –for him- he would just strip off his clothes and join the battle with the rest of his nakamas. But today was different. He was searching with his gaze through the Guild to find something out of the ordinary, but he could not find a thing. What was really bothering him? He felt a void in his heart that he couldn't explain.

Lucy saw her friend really worried and hurried to see what was bothering him.

"Gray are you ok? You seem a little worried." Lucy asked him with genuine concern in her voice.

"I don't know Luce. I feel like I missing something really important, but I don't know what it is."

"Have you lost something or maybe you can't pay your rent? We haven't gone on a job for a while, but I have some savings. I can help you if that's the problem…"

"No Lucy, it's not that." Gray hurried to say, even though he had forgotten about the rent and he had to pay it until the end of the week.

Before Lucy could ask him what else might was bothering him, Cana shouted to Mirajane something that caught his attention.

"Mira, how long has it been since Juvia went to a mission?" the card mage asked while drinking from her barrel.

"I really don't know Cana. Juvia took her last mission, when I was on a mission as well and she didn't inform me about what kind of mission she chose. I have started to get worried cause it has been two weeks already since she left."

"Don't worry about her, sis. Juvia is tough and can overcome every difficulty she may face. She will be alright." Lisanna managed to say, while Elfman was still occupied with Evergreen and had stopped his MAN speech.

Suddenly Gray realized what was bothering him. Juvia was not in the Guild and her happy and weird personality was missing from the Fairy Tail puzzle. His cute stalker had gone on a mission, leaving him alone with no one to stalk him and treat him like she did. At first, when Juvia had joined the guild, he found her stalking habit a little annoying and irritating, but now he didn't want to admit that he actually missed her. She was the one who always treated him with respect and loyalty, she was the one that knew the right way to cheer him up, she had promised to protect him from everything and everyone and she did save his life some times (at the Heaven Tower and The Tenroujima Island). She was his blue Angel… His WHAT? Since when Gray felt that Juvia was his angel? And why did he miss Juvia so much? She was only his nakama, like Natsu, like Lucy, like Erza, like… What was wrong with him? Why he was thinking so much about Juvia? He never thought of a girl so much before, even if it was for Erza or Lucy. He knew his concern was genuine, but it was only a concern of a friend? He thought her as a friend, right?

A loud crack on the guild door threw Gray out of his thoughts of Juvia, letting him dumbfounded and in complete shock when he saw who was standing at the entrance. Juvia had returned in the guild very wounded and suffering from the pain. Her hair was really messed up and had changed color from the dried blood that was on them. Her clothes were torn apart with fresh blood on them. Her face was full of bruises and her hands and legs had a lot of wounds. Her left leg looked a little twisted, like it had been broken and her blood was leaking from a wound in her right arm and slowly rolled through her fingers forming a little red pool beside her. Pain was obvious in Juvia's face and bloody tears began to leave her eyes and fell onto her chest.

When everyone realized that someone had entered the guild, stopped their occupations and watched carefully the entrance. They saw Juvia in this horrible state and all her nakamas hold their breaths for a few seconds before starting yelling, screaming and running towards her.

"Juvia!" Gray yelled and run to her side, catching her in his arms before falling to the cold floor. She was starting to lose her senses and this was not good. Erza, Cana, Mira and the others gathered around the two of them with worried looks on their faces, draining all the available oxygen from the room. Gray understood that this was really bad and he had to bring Juvia to breathe more.

"Get away from us right now!" he yelled angrily, still holding Juvia protectively in his muscular arms. The rest of the guild followed his order and took a step backwards living enough of free space for Gray and Juvia to breathe.

"We will go and make the preparations in the infirmary. Please bring her in Gray. And be cautious." Cana and Mira raced quickly across the guild and disappeared behind a wooden door.

He tried to pick her up gently, bridal style, and carried her carefully to the infirmary. She was too wounded and he didn't want to make a sudden move and make her situation worse. After five very agonizing minutes and the whole guild following him all the way, Gray managed to bring her to the infirmary bed. He let her smoothly onto the mattress, and stood beside Cana and Mira who tried to cover her wounds. When he saw that Juvia's state was deteriorating, he went out of the room searching desperately for Wendy. She was the only one that could save her.

"Where the hell are you Wendy?" Gray screamed but Wendy was nowhere to be found. He returned to the room where Juvia was fighting for her life. He should do something to save her. He suddenly came up with an idea.

"Gajeel, Natsu, Erza go find Wendy. Without her, Juvia may not survive." he ordered his friends with an absolute tone in his voice.

"We are going to find her, Gray." Gajeel said with a serious face and left with his two guild mates to search for Wendy. In other circumstances Gajeel would have called Gray stripper or ice-pants, but not now. Now his best friend's life was in danger. He had to fulfill his task for her sake. Even though, he didn't like to show his emotions, Gajeel loved Juvia like his little sister and had sworn to himself that he would protect her, no matter what. Natsu and Erza left with Gajeel without complaining at all for Gray's bossy behavior. They understood his feelings, cause they felt the same way.

After seeing the chosen team leaving the building, Gray turned to the rest of his nakamas. "And YOU" he shouted "GET OUT OF THE ROOM NOW!" his friends understood his worries and fears so they did as they've been told without hesitating.

"That applies to you too, Gray." The take-over mage stated calmly to her friend, even though her eyes were full of worry and pain.

"But I wanna stay…" the ice mage started to complain, but stopped when he saw a tear escaping Mirajane's left eye. He left without saying another single word. He knew that this situation was very difficult for all his comrades and he certainly didn't want to make things worse. He stood outside the infirmary's door with his hands covering his face. Lucy came near him once again and tried to console Gray without success. She threw her arm over his shoulders bringing him close to her and patted his hair with her free hand.

"She will be fine Gray. Juvia is strong and knows how to fight for her life."

"I am not so sure about that Lucy." His voice was full of despair.

Without wasting another second Wendy rushed through the crowd and entered the infirmary room with Charle and the track team following her. Before closing the door behind her, Mirajane kicked out Erza, Gajeel and Natsu.

"I know you are worried about her, but only the necessary people are allowed in here. No one else." Mirajane stated and locked the door behind her.

During all this time Wendy was trying to save Juvia's life everyone was sitting on burning coals. Some of them were trying to figure out in what mission Juvia had gone, others were thinking why she went alone and others were just praying for her life. Gajeel, Levy, Gray and the rest of the Natsu team were sitting in a corner right outside the infirmary door.

"Who would do this to Juvia? Why someone would try to kill her?" Erza asked with a serious face.

"If I find whoever did this to Juvia, I will torture them to death. I will break all of their bones, I will cut all of their limbs and then I will drown them. Finally I will cut them into pieces and I will feed them to the dogs." Gajeel's threatening tone gave a chill to Levy who was standing next to him.

"They will regret the day they had been born." Gray hissed without realizing it. The raven-haired teen got lost in his thoughts and stopped hearing the voices of his friends. He was now in his own world, trying to figure out who was the bastard that had dared to hurt Juvia. Why she had to go to a mission by herself? Why did she act so stupidly? She should be more careful, because Fairy Tail had a lot of enemies. He knew she was strong. He had confronted her while she was still in the Phantom Lord and he almost lost. But she was still one single person. She couldn't deal with a very dangerous situation and this had been proven with her current fight for survival.

Maybe the job came up too dangerous. She maybe didn't get attacked by enemies. She probably had a screw up in the mission, making things difficult to handle. And what was that mission she had chosen? All of a sudden the memory of that day emerged to his mind, making him relive it.

Juvia was smiling with her ocean blue eyes scanning the guild. Her blue hair was tidily curled on the edges and rested to her elegant shoulders. Her blue dress was flowing through the room, while she was wandering around. When she found her beloved Gray-sama she grinned and came close to him. She had something to ask him, but he just wasn't in the mood.

"Good morning, Gray-sama."

"Morning, Juvia." Gray replied clearly agitated by something.

She waited for him to say something, but he didn't say a thing. So she took the opportunity to ask him the question she wanted.

"So Gray-sama, Juvia just wanted to ask you about something…" before completing her sentence he saw a certain fire mage throwing a fire ball towards Gray.

"Please not now!" he barely dodged Natsu's attack and subconsciously stripped himself to his boxers. He started a fight with Natsu completely forgetting about Juvia. Before attacking Natsu with his ice make hummer he caught a glimpse of Juvia and saw tears in her eyes. Even though he saw her being sad, he continued his fight with his stupid best friend. After that, Juvia picked a random job from the board and left the guild.

Why he behaved like an ass? If he had listened to her, he may have prevented this from happening. Juvia would hang out with them and she would be fine. She would be healthy and safe. She would be with him. He felt somehow guilty for this turn of events and blamed himself for Juvia's current health state. He maybe was indirectly guilty. If he showed his feelings for Juvia more… HIS FEELINGS FOR JUVIA? What the fuck? He thought he had started to lose his mind.

Finally the unpleasant news reached Makarov's ears and he appeared clearly angry in front of the infirmary room.

"Who did that to one of my children?" he demanded trying not to lose completely his cool.

"We don't know Master. We found Juvia this morning. She was barely conscious when she reached the guild. She couldn't say a thing." Erza stated with her tone implying that she was sharing the same emotions with her Master. After all the things they've gone through, Erza thought Juvia like her sister, like Lucy, Natsu, Gray, Mira and the rest of her guild mates. They were her family and no one hurt her family. She was the well-known and fearsome Titania and she would make them pay.

After a lot of time of agony and despair, Wendy came out of the room with Mirajane following her. Cana had declined to leave Juvia's side yet.

"What's the situation, Wendy?" Master Makarov questioned anxiously.

"I did everything I could Master. Now it is up to Juvia. Only she can define her destiny." Wendy was ready to cry and Charle hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry Wendy. You did fine. I am very proud of you." Master Makarov said and left murmuring something that was impossible to hear.

"Gray?" the silver-haired mage reached him.

"Yes Mira?"

"She constantly called out your name, while Wendy was trying to heal her. She is unconscious, but I think that it would do her good if you just stood there for her." she advised him.

He started to take his first step towards the open door, but he suddenly froze. That was what he wanted all this time, he wanted to see her. He wanted to give her courage and let her know that he would be there for her. That he would protect her. But now with this newfound guilt, he hesitated. He could not look at her and know that he could have prevented it if he only had listened to her.

"Is something wrong Gray?" Cana stepped out of the room with tears in her eyes.

"No, I am going in." he should shallow his guilt for now. His feelings didn't matter. The only thing that mattered this very moment was Juvia and only her. He stepped quietly inside and he closed the door behind him leaving his friends and his guilt behind as well.

He sat in the chair beside her bed and watched her sleeping form breathing slowly and steadily. He noticed that her hair had gone back to their normal color with all the dried blood cleaned and her face was almost clear of the bruises and the wounds. All of her body was wrapped up in bandages, not a single trace of her skin beyond her neck uncovered. He was relieved that she seemed to sleep peacefully, but he knew inside that she was giving one hell of a battle to keep herself alive. Watching her in this state made him feel helpless and powerless. She looked so fragile, not reminding at all his Juvia. His Juvia was strong, mighty…His Juvia. Maybe he wasn't thinking her only as a friend. Maybe he had deeper feelings for her. But how he could possibly know? He had never fallen in love again. In love? He was in love? He was so confused with his feelings, he almost missed Juvia's hand which moved slightly. Almost. He approached her hand and caught it into his own. He felt her warmth while her skin was touching his and he suddenly knew that she would wake up. He was sure that she would survive. She would do that for him. He wished she was awake right now, but it was too early for that.

He let himself fall asleep in the chair not caring about his discomfort. He only cared for his Juvia.

Almost a month had passed before Juvia finally awoke.

She felt weak, oversensitive, unhealthy… but happy she was alive. She had survived after everything she went through. She had been attacked ferociously by the enemy and she knew that she had almost been killed. She had fallen straightly to a trap and she did the best she could under the circumstances, but she still lost. She still got beaten to death. But that wasn't important now. She had succeeded to reach the guild before it was too late. She saw her friends again, her beloved Gray-sama. And then she lost her senses.

Now she was finally back. Back to life, back to her friends, back to the love of her existence. When she finally woke, Cana was with her. She left a happy little scream and then she hugged her with all her strength. Juvia let a small moan cause she still felt the pain of her wounds. She wasn't completely healed yet.

"Easy Cana-chan. Juvia is still weak." Juvia said smiling.

"Gomene Juvia. I was so excited you finally woke up and I couldn't help myself." the card mage blushed with being clumsy.

"I will let you rest now. I will gonna tell everyone the good news."

"Cana-chan, can Juvia ask you a favor?"

"Of course Juvia."

"Please do not let Gray-sama to come and see Juvia. Juvia wants to get fully healed and become beautiful again for him."

"You are already beautiful Juvia, but if you wish me to, I will keep him away from your room for a little longer."

Before leaving completely from the room, Cana turned and talked again to her friend.

"But you should know something Juvia. All this time that you were in a comma, Gray constantly visited you for hours. He even stayed for days in your room without leaving your side. Bye." She tossed the bomb and left a dumbfounded Juvia behind.

Cana ran happily through the guild announcing the fortunate news. In the next few minutes the whole guild had learned about Juvia's recovery. As if she was doing it on purpose she left Gajeel and the Natsu team for the end.

"Juvia woke up." She cheered to her friends.

"Thank God." a sigh left simultaneously from everyone's mouth. The sad faces got replaced by big smiles and grins about Juvia's come back from the dead.

"Can I go see her now?" Gray said eagerly.

"Well especially you, Gray, will have to wait."

"Why?" he didn't like the fact that he couldn't see Juvia.

"Don't worry lovebird. You will see her soon." Cana said and left to reunite with her barrel.

"Hey, why did you call me that?" Gray yelled and blushed.

"I can think of one reason." Lucy added and giggled.

"Oh, shut up." Gray said and left the guild to take some fresh air.

Juvia was happy to see her friends again. Almost everyone had visited her in the infirmary except for the people who were in a mission and a certain ice mage, as she had requested. She wanted to look pretty again for him so as to erase her bloody image of his mind. So she had to wait to see her beloved Gray-sama. When Master Makarov came and visited her, he asked her what happened during her mission, but she didn't say a thing. She told him that she couldn't remember anything of her assault, instead. She just wanted to forget what had happened, leave the past behind and continue to live her life with her loved ones. With her Gray-sama.

She was currently resting to the bed of her "room", when a slight wind flew through the window and brought a piece of paper in her hands. She curiously opened the piece of paper and read the first words written in it. When she finally understood who sent this message, a shock of pain hit her heart. Her mouth had opened and she put quickly one hand to cover it before starting screaming. She read it again and again, think all its possible meanings and all the possible solutions to this problem. But she finally understood that there was only one. One problem. One meaning. One solution. She opened one of her wounds and she used her blood as ink. Trying to overcome the agony and the pain she felt, she wrote her response with bloody letters. Then she threw the letter out of the window and it flew away with her response. There was no turning back. She had sealed her destiny. Now she only had to fulfill it. She left a tear slip through her eyes and then promised that she wouldn't cry again. She had to be strong for herself and her loved ones.

Gray couldn't sleep. His thoughts were far away from his body and were wandering outside of the infirmary door, where Juvia was resting. He remembered her hand enclosed carefully into his own, her voice murmuring softly his name while she was asleep… All the time she was in a comma he visited her a lot, he even slept by her side. He didn't want to leave her alone through the difficulties she faced. Gray knew that before joining Fairy Tail, Juvia was very lonely and sad, she had no one to care for her. But that had completely changed. She had a lot of people to care for her now, her whole guild was her family.

Since he couldn't sleep, he went for a walk. He thought his mind would calm down if he could just breathe some fresh air. Without even realizing it, his steps led him to the guild, where Juvia was currently staying (it was dangerous to move her to her apartment until she had fully recovered, so Master Makarov had persuaded her to stay to the guild for a little while). Why he had come there? He couldn't see Juvia so what's the point? And why he couldn't see her? This whole situation was a little complicated.

An idea suddenly stroked his mind and he was going to execute it. He was stubborn and he wouldn't leave before seeing Juvia. He started to walk like a cat, half-naked(he had already stripped his shirt) and entered quietly the guild. He threw away his pants and walked across the empty room only with his boxers on. He finally reached Juvia's room door and he opened it with a loud crack.

"Shit". He told to himself and slid slowly to her room.

Juvia was sleeping until then, but she heard a noise coming from the door and woke always being in alert. She was full of magical power but still exhausted from the long-time recovery. She pretended to continue sleeping so as to take the intruder by surprise. Out of a sudden, she rose from her bed and aimed her water-lock to the enemy.

"Who's there?" she demanded watching to the shadows.

"Juvia relax. It's me." she heard a voice and saw a half-naked Gray Fullbuster coming out of the shadows. When she saw him only with his boxers on she blushed a little, but she quickly forgot this feeling. She should forget about Gray and fulfill her destiny. Well, at least she would finish soon with the most difficult part of her mission. She thought that encountering Gray would be her death sentence, but now it seemed the only way to keep him alive. His life meant more to her than her own. She unconsciously grinned ironically and Gray raised his eyebrow in question.

"Why do you smile so widely?"

"It's nothing." she came back to being serious again.

"How are you feeling? I was so worried…" Gray started to say awkwardly but Juvia cut him off.

"Please, leave Gray-sama. Juvia doesn't want you here. Leave and don't come back again." She felt her heart hurt so much, she thought it might break. Even though she knew that this was the only way, it was just too difficult for her.

"What? Why?" Gray asked clearly dumbfounded.

"Because…" Juvia started to say but her voice ended up a whisper. She had to find the strength to do it. She was the only one who could keep them all safe.

"Why Juvia?" Gray seemed a little angry and offended.

"Because Juvia hates Gray-sama."

SO? How did you find it? Did you like it? Please review to let me know your opinion :D Write your sincere opinion and mention my mistakes so as to correct them. Arigatou :D