Chapter one: signs

This is my first fic so please, no flames. I would like to thank Sabrina selene for helping me get started. I have been writing this story for quite some time and my friends think it's great. So without further adew,Sakutia! Please review.

Dicumanter:I own the Teen Titans!*gets hit with a frying pan*ok I don't,geez.

"Mark look at how his eyes sparkle!"Said Mark's wife, Marie .She held her year old son in a bundle of blankets."And his hair, its so beautiful!"

Mark chuckled at his wife's behavior. He gave her a peck on the cheek ,and blew a raspberry on his sons stomach. The child howled with laughter.

"He's quite the looker, must get it from his old man."Marie slapped him on the arm playfully. Mark gave a toothy grin, that made her smirk. Her face suddenly turned stern and serious.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to bring our son with us to Africa? He's just …so young. And there's plenty of viruses and diseases that could…" She trailed off ,not wanting to complete the sentence.

"Nothing's going to happen .We are scientist ,if anything happens we'll know how to cure it, okay?"He said as he placed both hands on her shoulders. She slightly nodded her head.

"your right. I'm just worried is all."

"There's nothing to worry about. We should get going. Our flight leaves in an hour." She nodded again and got in the car, then drove off.

Beastboy woke up in cold sweat. This has been the second night in a row he had a dream about his past. He slowly got out of bed, making sure he didn't bump his head on the ceiling. Like he did oh so many times.

He didn't know why he had a bunk bed when it was just him in the room. He shrugged it off and thought,' it must be animal instincts.' He gingerly walked over the mounds of clothes, rotting food, and comic books that covered his entire floor, and made his way to the bathroom.

He turned on his faucet and rinsed his face off with icy cold water. He tried to calm himself. He took in a deep breaths and even attemted meditation. Being Beastboy, meditation didn't work for him. He stared at himself in the mirror.

His once bright green skin was now a milky green. He had large bags under his eyes from loss of sleep, and he was sweating like a pig. He groaned as he brought his head on the cold counter.

"Maybe this is some sort if sign." He thought out loud to himself."Maybe…just maybe these visions are telling me to go to Africa." He thought for a second longer."Nah. that's not it. Hmm, maybe a robot alien is trying to take over my mind! Yep that makes more sense!"

He then went on with his usual routine, by showering, finding the cleanest pair of his uniform to wear, and brushing his teeth. He looked at his alarm clock and groaned. It was only 6:15, that was five hours until he usually got up. ' Raven should be up by now.' He exited his room, and trotted down to the common room.

As Beastboy entered the room, he could tell without even looking Raven was there. He could smell her a mile away. She smelled like herbal tea and lavender. she was on the semi circular couch reading a book by Aldous Huxley. She was so caught up in her reading she didn't even notice Beastboy walk in.

Beastboy took the the opportunity to scare Raven, hopefully it would help ease his mind. He slowly made his way up to her. Being extra careful not to make a sound, whatsoever. He rose his hads above his head and yelled,"Boo!"

"ahh!" Raven screamed as she dropped her book. She turned around and faced the guy who thought could mess with her."your asking to be thrown out the window." She threatened. His smile remained on his face.

"whatch doin'?" He asked, swinging back and forth on his heels. Raven's nose wrinkled in anger." Ya know, your really cute when you wrinlkle your nose like that." She scowled and and picked up her book.

" if you must know I was in the middle of a book."

"Mmmhhhhh, say would you like to play some video games with me?"

" No." she said pure and simply.

"Try some tofu?"


"Help me prank cy?"

"NO!" A lghtbulb blew up and fell to the floor.

"Uh, I'll be over there." He said pointing at the kitchen. His ears dropped and he slumped to the kitchen.

Raven sighed in relief. Since she wasn't reading, she decided to get some breakfast. And she was just a tad bit guilty for lashing out at Beastboy. She walked into the kitchen, where Beastboy was putting tofu on a slice of bread.

Raven put a kettle filled with water on the stove. She sat down next to Beastboy ,pondering on what to say.

"so…why are you up so early?" she asked out of the blue.

"couldn't sleep." It wasn't a total lie.


"Not exactly…why do you asked?" Beastboy asked.

"you just seem…tense." Raven said unsure of herself."Is there anything wrong? If there is, you can talk to me." Beastboy smiled.

"Thanks." He then got up, and plugged in the game station. Raven walked up behind him.

"so…how does it work?" Raven asked. Beastboy looked up at her in shock.

"you wanna play a video game?" he ask. Raven felt her face heating up.

"Uh…yeah, there's nothing better to do." Beastboy gave a toothy grin.

"Take a seat, and let the master of games teach." He joked. Raven did so, and Beastboy started talking about how the controller worked.

This should be fun.

so.. how was that? pretty good for my first fic huh? my next chapter will be up soon, please review^^