As season 1 starts to wind down, we are starting to see more revelations in the story line, and possibly some foreshadowing of things to come in season 2. However, this story won't have much to do with much in season 2, but it will close an unanswered question.

Sari and Rex, along with the original four teenagers, go to Detroit as she plans to once and for all straighten out the disappearance of her father, Isaac Sumdac and restore him to his rightful place as the head of Sumdac Systems, only to have Porter C. Powell rise against her. Just a small note: prepare for some feels!

Sari had just gotten a message from Agent Harv. It was news on the whereabouts of her father. News that she had been waiting for... for a long time. The report said that he was being held captive by someone named Masterson. It was all Sari needed to motivate her. She packed what little she had and summoned Rex.

"Miss Sumdac" said Optimus Prime. "Where are you going?" Optimus demanded as she saw her and Rex trying to sneak out.

"Optimus" said Sari. "I appreciate all that you and the Autobots have done for me. But it's now time for me to leave. My father has been found, but as usual no one can do anything about it! Which is why me and Rex must go and do it ourselves... as always."

"Miss Sumdac" said Optimus with a compassionate voice. "I do not wish to stop you, only to ask that you take additional backup."

"Additional backup?" said Sari as she and Rex looked up at Optimus.

"Our mutual human friends have been dying to go on an adventure for some time" said Optimus. "I fear their time here with us may be near it's end for there are things brewing on this side, that we cannot allow them to become involved in. It will be easier on them if we allow them to handle a human conflict with you. But that is not the only reason."

"Why else?" said Sari.

"Yeah" added Rex.

"Because I fear that it's only a matter of time before the Decpticons learn the location of our base" said Optimus. "I fear for their safety. Because my spark aches at the possibilty of harm coming to them in anyway. I fear that not even Harv can help in our upcoming battles."

"They will come with us, Optimus" said Rex. "You have my word."

Sari agreed and went to go wake them up. They had been having a sleepover at the base, since they had nothing better to do, it being the summer time.

Sari entered into their lounge and saw Liz and Jesse, sleeping on the couch, holding hands. She thought their relationship was cute, and they looked right for each other. She saw Jackie sleeping by the tv, she had been watching a horror flick, presumedly after the others had fallen asleep. But Andre, the one who had a crush on her, wasn't asleep. He was wide awake, reading something on his iPod.

"Andre" said Sari.

"Sari!" said Andre. "Where did you go last night? When you didn't come back, I got worried."

"I was... okay I'm going to tell you the truth" said Sari. "I got a report that they found my dad, but he's still being held captive. Rex and I are going after him."

"I'm going too" said Andre expecting her to refuse his offer, and prepared to force his way into it. But to his suprise she agreed.

"Yes, you are all coming" said Sari. "I simply can't do this without you. Now let's wake the others."

The other three were woken up, and they had been summoned to the main room, where it was usually Optimus who gave the orders, but the leader in this case was Sari.

"Okay Jesse, Andre, Liz, Jackie and Rex" said Sari. "You are my team. Together we are going to Detroit to save my father. Optimus tells me you have been dying for a mission, so here it is."

Jesse and Liz couldn't contain their excitement. They were actually going to go on a mission, their first official mission as a couple. Jackie was also excited. She couldn't wait to kick some bad guys butts and show off her Karate skills.

"So we are going to Detroit?" said Jackie. "Awesome!"

"Yes" said Rex. "We are going to Detroit to straighten out a crime lord, who has gotten away with too much over the years."

"I just hope he hasn't done anything to my dad yet" said Sari, looking down. Andre walked over to her to comfort her.

"It's okay, Sari" said Andre. "We'll find him."

"Even if we have to remove a building!" said Jackie. She got weird looks from everyone else, even Rex. "We should bring Ironhide too." She added as she started to put her fingers through her brown hair.

"I'm afraid that at this moment, Rex is the only one who will be able to accompany you" said Optimus, showing up. "Even I have a mission to tend to shortly. There is one thing you should know before you embark upon this mission, and that is... that it may be your last..."

"What?" said Jesse confused, everyone else was just stunned at what Optimus said. "Why?"

"Because the Decepticons are growing ever closer to discovering the location of our base, and when that happens... I don't want any of you to be here. We could all be destroyed!"

"But!" said Jackie with tears in her eyes. "We don't want to abandon you when things get bad!"

"I don't see it as making you abandon us, Jackie" said Optimus. "I see it as keeping you five safe, which is paramount. It is looking to get so chaotic, that not even Aent Harv will be able to assist us in combat."

"Optimus is right, guys" said Liz, she was the one the most on edge of the whole idea in the first place. "We have to face facts! We've been in over our heads from the beginning anyway."

"I don't think so" said Andre. "No I won't hear of it, Optimus! We would be separated from Sari and Rex and well, the whole Autobot team!"

"In times of crisis, we must do what is necessary to protect those we care about" said Optimus. "Including cutting off their stay. I am sorry, but it is what is best."

Sari looked at the despare on Andre's face. He wasn't happy about this one bit. Sari walked over to him to try and comfort him, but he pulled away and walked over to Rex, who had just went to vehicle mode, and hopped in.

"Alright everyone" said Sari, feeling a bit sad because she had come to like all of their company. And now it looked like their time was running out. "Let's go!"

The others piled into Rex's car mode. He then drove into the ground bridge that Optimus opened up and they prepared to go searching for Isaac Sumdac.

They had arrived in an alley, not far away from the Sumdac Inc building. Emotions were brewing from each and every member of the team, Andre hadn't said a word since they left, which was quite unlike him. He quickly realized, though that if this was truly the last time, he'd get to see the Autobots... or Sari, that he'd better make the best of it. Rex decided to let the kids out so that he could do some monitering around for any sign of suspiscious behavior.

"You guys go ahead and see what you can find out here" said Rex. "I'm gonna do some scanning."

"Wouldn't you like to have someone come with you?" said Liz, she didn't like the sound of going into the building if it had a crime lord in it.

"Well..." began Rex, after thinking it over. He figured a human or two might be good company. "Alright, you can come along with me, you too Jesse... if you wish."

"Sure why not?" said Jesse as he and Liz both climbed back in. "Besides a car driving around without a human might draw some unwanted attention."

"Prepare to drive like you've never driven before" said Rex.

"Don't show off too much, ya big lugnut!" said Sari.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah" said Rex peeling out of the alley with Liz and Jesse, safely buckled in.

"I don't think stealthy is his game" said Andre.

"You'd be surprised" said Sari. "Now come on let's go pay our friend, Powell, a visit."

Sari, Andre, and Jackie walked to the building wearing hoods, so no one could recognise them. They weren't super suspicious looking, just inconspicous enough to not get their faces seen. They had just went to a local store and found some cheep, but styling looking hoodies. They didn't want to risk Sari being recognized by one of the security guards, as Powell had no doubt marked her a menace to the company.

As they entered the building, all seemed normal. The receptionist lady sat at her desk, watching videos on her phone. She didn't see a whole lot of people, but her job was to sit there and that's what she did. Sari walked up to the desk to speak to her.

"Excuse me" said Sari, getting the receptionist to look up.

"How can I help ya ma'am?" said the receptionist.

"I'd like to speak to Porter C. Powell please?"

"Do ya have an appointment?"

"No... but..."

"Sorry, kid can't help ya" she said. "He's not here anyway. He went across town for a meeting."

"A meeting..." said Andre to himself. "Well, well, well."

Jackie suspected the same thing Andre did. Powell was obviously off talking to the captive, Isaac Sumdac, which meant that Rex could scan buildings to hear their voices and find where they'd been keeping him.

"Okay, thank you ma'am" said Sari. "Sorry for wasting your time."

"Have a good day, miss" she said looking back down at her phone. After they had walked out, she dialed Powell's number. "Mr. Powell! The young Sumdac is back, and she's got a gang!"

"Why am I not surprised" said the voice at the other end, belonging to Powell. "My newest colleague will handle them. If they come back, just let me know."

"Sure thing boss" said the receptionist, haning up and going back to her YouTube.

Meanwhile, Rex was continuing to go through the streets looking for sound bits belonging to Isaac Sumdac or Powell. Nothing. Just then Sari's picture showed up on his screen as she was calling him. Jesse pushed the button to answer the call.

"Rex this is big!" said Sari. "I just found out that Powell is across town. Perfect place to hide my dad."

"Great!" said Rex. "I'll come get you!"

"Not necessary" said Sari. "I'll fly the other two over there with my jet pack, you just get there to scan the buildings for him and I will meet you there shortly."

"Done and done" said Rex as Sari hung up.

"Alright you two, hold on to each other and your seats" said Rex, starting tense up a bit. "This is gonna get wild!"

"Why?" said Jesse. "Why is it about to get wild?"

"Two reasons" said Rex. "One because Sari is going to be there shortly and I want results before she shows up, and two... well number one might be delayed because of number two because we have a follower."

Jesse and Liz looked in the rear view mirror and they saw a green camaro following them. It didn't look friendly either. It didn't even have a driver.

"Decepticon?" said Jesse.

"Worse" said Rex. "It's Wasp!"

"The guy who kidnapped Megatron and Optimus?" said Liz, this made her feel even more uneasy. She wished she had the bravery and confidence that her little sister, Jackie, had.

"Oh yeah" said Rex. "Hold on, I've gotta lose this sucker!" Rex turned his wheels hard and made a U turn, then pounded the gas. Their persuer, did the same. "Oh yeah this is definitely Wasp! What the scrap does he want with us?"

"He might be working with Powell, knowing that creep" said Jesse.

"You might be right" said Rex. "Wasp hates all Autobots and Decepticons... especially since the cons stole his army of Insecticons."

"Let's lose this loser then" said Liz.

"On it, madame!" said Rex making a sudden sharp turn onto another street, making it difficult for Wasp to follow. "Oh Sari... please don't be angry with us!"

Sari, with Andre and Jackie hanging on for dear life, had finally made it to the other side of town. Andre was relieved to be back on the ground, but Jackie loved flying. Sari used her bluetooth to call Rex again. "Rex... come in Rex" she said.

"Sari" said Rex. "This is kind of a bad time."

"What do you mean? You were supposed to be here before us!"

"Wasp is on my tail!"

"Should I call base and see if Optimus has anyone who can help us?"

"Please do" said Rex. "I fear I'm tied up at the moment."

Rex had to hang up so he could concentrate on losing the crazed bot.

"Well that's just great!" said Sari.

"What's wrong?" said Andre.

"That punk, Wasp is here!" said Sari.

"Scrap!" said Jackie. "What will we do?"

"I'm calling base for backup" said Sari. "Optimus... come in Optimus."

"Sari?" said Optimus. "What is wrong?"

"We need backup Optimus" said Sari. "We've got Wasp making things difficult for Rex to meet back up with us."

"Understood" said Optimus. "Bumblebee is on his way."

"Thank you Optimus" said Sari as they hung up their conversation.

Bumblebee arrived quickly and hopped out of the ground bridge that appeared, prepping his cannon as he was still in robot mode.

"Bumblebee calm down" laughed Jackie.

"Sorry" said Bee. "I don't know what gets into me some times."

"We need your help, Bee" said Sari. "Could you scan some of these buildings and see if you can hear my dad?"

Bee Transformed back into Camaro mode and began scanning the buildings with is systems, playing what he heard through the radios so that Sari and the others could hear too. They did this for a few minutes, but it was at an abandoned ware house, that Sari heard two familiar voices. She almost cried when she heard her father's voice.

"Dad!" said Sari with tears starting to run down her face. His voice sounded strained, he had obviously been deprived of food for a while. "That punk, Powell is going to get it!" said Sari in anger, and she ran towards the building.

"Sari, wait!" said Andre, trying to get her to calm down.

"Sari come back!" said Jackie.

Sari just kept running, ignoring the pleas of her friends and made her way to the building, when suddenly a giant robotic foot stepped in her path. It belonged to a Decepticon seeker, but what would one of the seekers be doing here today? When she looked up to see who it was, she had hoped that it wasn't Starscream. It wasn't, though had a weird head on it, nothing like the Decepticons at all.

"Don't go any further, little Sumdac" said a voice from inside the head. The head was obviously man-made. "Say hello to your destroyer, Henry Masterson!"

"Henry Masterson?" said Sari. "Sorry, that name doesn't ring a bell."

"Ha!" said Masterson, as he transformed the head to where it revealed him sitting in a chair. He was a freak! His hair was a mess and he wore big goggles, a lab coat and khaki pants and appeared to be in his late twenties. "It should, your father basically told me that my idea for war machines was a stupid idea! Now me and Powell are going to give him... and you what is coming to the both of you."

"Where's my dad you creepazoid?" said Sari.

"Where did you get that body?" said Bumblebee.

"Aw... it's one of those Autobot things" said Masterson, ignoring Sari's question and mocking Bumblebee. "Thanks to your friend, Rex I know all about you tin cans! I found this Decepticon body lying near the grand canyon and brought it here to detroit so I could make my ultimate war machine! Say hello to the Headmaster Warbot!"

"Andre, Jackie" said Sari. "Get out of here! It's about to get dangerous!" Sari turned on her armor and jet pack again, preparing to fight this punk who stood in her way.

Andre and Jackie decided to sneak by the brainless brute and go after Powell, themselves. Bumblebee and Sari stood their ground, while waiting for the Headmaster Warbot to make his first move.

"Sick dude" said Bumblebee. "Even if it is just one of those Starscream clones!"

"Let's take him down, Bee!" said Sari.

People on the streets were astonished by what they saw, but they decided to vacate the premisis because they knew a fight was fixing to happen. The Headmaster Warbot posed in one of the stances from karate movies, using his fingers to motion them forward.

Rex was having no luck shaking Wasp. He knew that to lose him, he'd have to abuse him. He hated to do that, but it was going to be the only way to shake him off. He reluctantly stopped by an alley and opened his doors.

"Sorry you two" said Rex. "But this is where you get out!" Rex. "Go hide!" said Rex as he turned to face the ex-Autobot. Jesse and Liz ran to the nearest alley and hid behind a dumpster.

Wasp drove up to Rex, then stopped and transformed into his robot mode.

"Hello Autobrat" said Wasp. "Wasp knew you'd come here! Wasp knew that you would come to assasinate Wasp."

"Wait! What?" said Rex. "If you were truly hiding from us, you just blew your cover for no reason! We actually came here for something else! And what the scrap happened to your voice?"

"SHUT UP" said Wasp. "You will die today Autobrat! All Autobots and Decepticons will pay for what they did to Wasp!"

"You just don't give up, do you?" said Rex deploying his sword. "Let's tango then..."

Wasp pulled out a mace and began swinging it around, hitting buildings and cars and anything that got in his way.

"You know... you're no different than a Decepticon" said Rex. "All you do is destroy things... You're not doing anyone any favors sitting in neutral that's for sure. You may want to be an Autobot again, but as long as you stay bitter, you're nothing more than a psycotic Decepticon wanna be."

"WASP WILL KILL YOU NOW!" said Wasp as he charged at Rex, swinging his mace even faster. Rex was not prepared for this sudden change in pace, by the other bot and he was hit before he could propperly defend himself.

"You caught me off guard, Wasp" said Rex, picking himself up. "That won't happen again." Rex put his sword up and deployed his favorite toy, the plasma cannon.

"Aw you like guns too?" said Wasp. "Wasp has BIGGER GUN!" Wasp pulled his out and shot aimlessly at Rex, who was able to successfully put up his shield this time.

"STOP IT!" said Rex. "You're endagering the lives of innocent people here!"

"Wasp no care about stupid humans!" said Wasp. "Humans are just insects that just get in my way!"

"You are a Decepticon!" said Rex. "There is no in between. It's either a black or white standard... and you sir are in the black zone... Once a traitor, always a traitor."

"SILENCE!" said Wasp as he charged his cannon.

"No!" said Rex. "Turn that off and face me like a mech! If you kill any humans, your beat down will get worse and worse... come on. Face me servo to servo... only weapons we use are our standard blasters."

"Wasp accepts your terms" said Wasp. "This could be fun..."

"You really have a screw loose in your processor" said Rex.

"And Wasp like it that way... DIE!" said Wasp charging after Rex, blasting him with his standard blasters. It was kind of like fighting an evil version of Bumblebee. He resembled Bee closely. His head was shaped a bit different, kind of like Cliffjumper was as well. They all three shared the same bodies, but had had different shaped heads and were three different colors.

"You really are a big bucket of stupid" said Rex, finally swinging and hitting Wasp in the face.

"Pay for that" said Wasp as he swung and tried to hit Rex back, but it was just countered by another hit by Rex. As Rex hit Wasp, small parts of his body armor flew off, including a piece that held one of his grenades. The grenade landed on the ground and rolled over to Jesse and Liz, who were still hiding in fear. They noticed the grenade and backed up a ways. They kept moving slowly back to avoid being seen by Wasp. When they realized the grenade wasn't going to go off, they had an idea, Jesse grabbed it and figured out how to activate it. He then ran over and placed it on Wasp's leg, while Wasp was down, having taken a pretty big blow to the head.

Wasp was taken aback by the beeping noise that had started, as a result of this. He looked down in horror as he noticed that one of his grenades was attatched to his leg. He then reached down to grab it, but it was too late. It exploded on him, messing him up pretty bad.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he said as pieces of his leg flew all over the place, metal and cement going everywhere.

Rex transformed and grabbed Jesse and Liz. He knew that Wasp was no longer going to be a threat. He didn't have time to finish him though... not when Sari needed his help.

Wasp lie on the ground, screaming with pain. His leg wasn't completly gone, but it was for the most part. He used one of the last gadgets he had left to bridge back to where he had been hiding to go make repairs on himself.

"I hope we aren't too late!" said Rex, hammering his gas pedal.

The Headmaster Warbot was thougher than Bumblebee and Sari could have ever imagined. Both were tossed away by a swift swing of the arm.

"Man!" bragged Masterson. "Whoever's body this is... they had fast reflexes. You lame-os are doomed, now!"

"On the contrary" said Bumblebee. "We're just getting warmed up." He charged his standard blaster and began firing rounds at the Headmaster Warbot. "Hope you like energon flavor!"

"NO!" said Masterson. He had forgotten about the blasters... but he had also forgotten about Decepticon blasters... "Aaaaaaaaaah... Looks like you're not the only one with heavy munitions." A rocket was launched from the arm of the Decepticon body and was aiming towards Bumblebee. However Sari, protected by her armor, flew up to the rocket and upper cut punched it, sending it upward... it eventually exploding in the air. "SUMDAC!"

"What's the matter, Masterson?" said Sari. "Too fast for ya?"

He was about to do it again, when he got a huge blast in the back from behind...

"REX!" exclaimed Sari excitedly. "You made it!"

"Thanks to Jesse, here" said Rex. "It was quite easy to get rid of that punk. Props, kid."

"It was nothing" said Jesse, grabbing Liz's arm and they both ran off to hide again.

"Two Autobots and a little girl in super armor" said Masterson, almost sounding a bit worried.

"You should be" said Bumblebee. "This here is Rex, he's legendary for taking down big bots! So you might want to hop out of there while you can. We'd hate to be responsible for the death of a human."

"You're bluffing" said Masterson.

"Try us" said Rex.

"Luckily for me, I don't have to stand for this kind of humiliation!" said Masterson. "Try fighting me from the air!" Masterson used the Starscream clone body to transform and fly up in the air, but not without Rex managing to jump on and go along for the ride.

"I have to help him" said Sari.

"No!" said Bumblebee. "With all due respect Miss Sumdac, the jets on that jet mode might be too much for your battle armor to handle, should you accidentally get close to them."

"Nonsense" said Sari as she flew off after them.

"Nobody ever listens to the yellow guy!" said Bumblebee, as he stood and watched.

Meanwhile, Andre and Jackie had successfully snuck into the building. They had to get past a few guards, but they were astonished at how stealthy they could be. It's a good thing they had a good taste in shoes that didn't have slick rubbering on them, or they would have never pulled it off. As they walked through the coridors, they found a door that had a piece of paper taped to it. It read: "Keep out... anyone who enters will be sorry". Poorly written message, but it looked promising.

"Looks like the place" said Andre as he opened the door and Jackie followed, gently closing it back. The room was pretty dark, but the light from the windows, lit it up a bit. They could see someone sitting in a chair and he appeared to be tied up. Their hearts dropped as they saw him, feeling pitty for him. He was a a chunky man, but he still looked like he hadn't eaten anything in days. It had to be Sumdac. The man had a small mustache and his hair was slightly messy. He had on a business suit, but it had been soiled because of possible attempts to escape. The ground was pretty dirty so that made sense.

"Mr. Sumdac?" whispered Andre.

The man awoke to see two teenagers standing in front of him. "Yes?" he said wearily. "Who are you?"

"We are friends of Sari Sumdac, your daughter" said Jackie. "We are here to bail you out of here!"

"Sari?" said Sumdac. "Is she safe?"

"You bet she is" said Andre. "That girl can really handle herself, now."

"Such a relief" said Sumdac as Jackie and Andre released him from his bonds.

"Well, well, well" said a voice coming from behind them. They assumed it was Powell.

"Powell!" said Andre in an angry hate filled voice. "You would show your ugly face here!"

"Who then, might I ask, are you?" said Powell.

"We're the guys who are going to kick your butt!" said Andre.

"I'm a girl" said Jackie.

"You know what I mean!" said Andre.

"You two?" said Powell. "I have security guards all over the place. What makes you think you'll be able to..."

He was stopped by the sound of crashing walls. Bumblebee had apparently picked up the sound bits from outside and jumped in to help, breaking down the walls to the building.

"What is it with Autobots and breaking down walls to my property?" said Powell.

"Put your hands in the air, where I can see them Powell!" said Bumblebee.

"A friend of Rex, I presume?" said Powell.

"Not near as dumb as you look, punk" said Bee.

"You can't be serious" said Powell. "I am very powerful in this town."

"We'll see how powerful you are behind bars, where you belong!" said Jackie, kicking him in the side.

"Ow you delinquent!" said Powell holding his side.

"You're one to talk" said Andre.

"Join us outside" said Bumblebee. "NOW!"

Powell nervously walked throught he big gaping hole in the wall with Bumblebee holding him at blasterpoint. His days of crime in this town appeared to be numbered.

Rex rode the jet for what felt like forever. He almost let go when he barrel rolled through the sky. He knew that Rex was on him, and he wanted to shake him off. Masterson knew that Rex wouldn't be able to hold on forever.

"What's the matter, Autobot?" said Masterson. "Headmaster got your... whatever you guys use for a tongue?"

Rex didn't answer, he just held on. He found himself looking up slightly to see Sari Sumdac trying to get beside him.

"Rex!" said Sari.

"What are you doing up here?" said Rex.

"No bot gets left behind!" said Sari. "Now start ripping this thing apart! I'll start blasting him with my energy spheres! He won't be hard to take down if we work together... like we always do."

"Yes Miss Sumdac" said Rex as he started to dig his servo into the body of the jet, pulling away metal plating by metal plating.

Sari then let go and turned her jetpack back on. She proceeded to fly around at a distance so that the aero from the Headmaster's jet mode wouldn't sweep her away. She decided that taking out one of the engines would help ease Rex's victory, so with a charging up of an energy sphere, she cast her die and shot the right engine.

"See ya later, Headmaster!" said Sari as she cast the sphere.

"Warning right engine terminated" said the computer from inside the warbot.

"No!" said Masterson. "Time to eliminate this girl and this blasted robot once and for all! Hope you like robot heaven! Wait a minute, what did I just do? Oh scrap!"

Masterson released a heat seeking missile that once it lifted off, came straight back around and hit the jet, blowing it to smitherenes.

Rex found himself going in free fall mode, falling towards the earth at a rapid speed.

"Hey Optimus" said Rex. "Think you could sent a ground bridge from up in the air? I'd hate to make impact on the ground."

"Rex, this is Ratchet" said a familiar voice. "Hold still, you're chariot awaits!"

The bridge opened up underneath Rex and he went in. As the bridge closed, a flying burning pile of metal could be seen going into Lake Erie. It was over. The Headmaster Warbot had been destroyed, and it had been self inflicted.

Sari Sumdac flew back down to the city and landed on the street, where her father was.

"Sari?" said Sumdac. "Sari! Oh my how you have grown up!"

"Daddy!" said Sari, embracing her father. "I've missed you so much! I am so glad that we can finally be together again!"

"As am I" said Sumdac. "I am so glad that Powell finally got what was coming to him."

They both looked over to their right as Powell was being put into a police car. He didn't fail to let the Sumdacs know what he thought of them as they watched them force him into the car. He looked over and stuck out his tongue at them. How dignified, right?

"He's going away for a long time, dad!" said Sari.

"Good" said Sumdac. "That traitor got what was coming to him."

Suddenly the ground bridge opened back up and out walked Rex and Ironhide to join Bumblebee and the humans.

"Rex" said Sumdac. "I want to thank you for watching over my daughter!"

"It was nothing" said Rex. "It was like having a partner, really. That girl is in no danger when me and her are together. We make an unstoppable team."

"Be that is it may, Miss Sumdac" said a familiar voice, belonging to Agent Harv. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to step away from the bot."

"What?" said Sari. "No! You can't make me leave my best friend!"

"Trust me, Miss Sumdac" said Harv. "I do not want to do this, but it is something that the government has decided. All humans, including myself are to leave any ties we have with the Autobots, due to the recent events that have occured across the globe. They deem these bots as dangers and menaces to the society."

"Why those ungreatful..." said Ironhide but he cut himself off as he remembered his place.

"When we return to base, the parents of the humans will be waiting for them" said Rex, sadly.

"So I guess this really is good bye" said Jesse, walking up to Sari, and they shared a hug.

"I didn't have a chance to know you or the rest of you guys for long" said Sari. "But you have become good friends, and I'll always remember you."

"As will I" said Jesse. Liz and Jackie both also shared a hug with Sari, then they all looked to Andre. He was having the toughest time with this.

He finally walked up to Sari and shook her hand. "It's been an honor, Miss Sumdac..." he said as his eyes traveled off her and looked to the ground. He walked away slowly. Sari knew that he wanted to say more but he was keeping it quiet. She was disappointed. How could he make it so obvious that he liked her and then choose to walk away? Of course given the current circumstance, she could see it more clearly now.

Andre felft guilt rising up, as he knew he had to say something to her. Something else... He then turned around and faced her again.

"Sari Sumdac" said Andre, finally gathering up the nerve. "I just want you to know that from the moment I first met you, I have kinda had a crush on you. And I do not feel that it would be right for me to leave you without telling you how I feel."

Sari then walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the lips. It was nothing like Andre had ever dreamed it would be. It felt comforting. As they stopped, Andre held her close and whispered words of hope into her ear.

"We are meant to be together, Sari" said Andre. "We will find away back together. I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that" said Sari, as they both let go.

Andre joined his human friends as they started to climb into Rex's vehicle mode again. Jesse and Andre were the last two to climb in.

"Good job, bro" said Jesse, brohoofing Andre.

"Thanks" said Andre. "It had to be done."

They both nodded as they entered the vehicle.

Sari walked up to Rex, to say her final goodbyes.

"You take care now" said Sari. "Don't stay up too late!"

"Noted" said Rex. He was in vehicle mode, but she could tell that he was choking up. "Stay away from crimelords."

"Noted" she said, patting the hood of his car mode. "See you around big guy."

"I'll be back someday, Sari" said Rex. "Don't you worry."

Rex, Ironhide and Bumblebee all drove into the portal, leaving Sari and Sumdac standing in the street by themselves.

"I know how hard that must have been for you" said Sumdac.

"More than you know dad" said Sari. "But I am glad to have you back, at least!"

Sumdac and Sari shared another hug before returning home.

As the Autobots entered the base, they were greeted by agents with guns and assault vehicles.

"Alright release the humans and no one gets hurt" said one of them.

"Put your weapons down!" yelled Optimus Prime. "We will not fight you. Autobots, release the humans!"

Rex opened his car door, allowing Andre, Jesse, Liz and Jackie to climb out. They were each greeted by their parents, who would probably scold them on the way home. It was definitely an akward situation for the Autobots, and a painful one. They hated to see their human friends leave.

Jesse looked up at Max, Max returned the sadness that Jesse expressed in his leaving. Max had been kind of a partner to him. They had done several races together, although it was against Optimus' rules. Jesse would miss him and Ironhide the most.

"Ironhide" said Jesse, making the big weapon specialist look down.

"I'll never forget what you did when we first met" said Jesse. "I owe my life to you and Bumblebee."

"Take care, my friend" said Ironhide. "And don't let any Decepticons run you off the road anymore..." Ironhide cut himself off yet again, because he noticed that unlike the last several times they spoke, his parents were standing there. "Good luck, kid."

And within minutes, the humans were pulled away. Agent Harv had also been taken away. There was no humans who would help them now. It was all on them. The Autobots knew that they would have to move this battle somehow, and they knew exactly where to move it to, but what they needed was a plan and a means to get there.

"In this dire time of war, we have made a few enemies but gained new friends" said Optimus. "Our human companions may no longer be with us, in terms of presence, but they will never cease to reside in our sparks. We will be reunited with our friends from Earth again. What lies ahead for us, I no longer know. But I do know this, the Decepticons will not stop until they have taken over this planet, and we will do everything in our power to protect it, and keep the AllSpark from the clutches of Megatron!"

Megatron watched the monitor that displayed surveilance of what had just unfolded in Detroit. He stared at the screen with anger and dismay. Although no Decepticons were involved, he was still outraged at the fact that

"Those Autobots have become too poweful for their own good" said Megatron. "They've even managed to send a few Autobots back to Cybertron, I see."

"What is it that you require, Lord Megatron?" said Soundwave, as he was the one feeding the footage.

"There is only one thing left to do" said Megatron. "Weed out the malfunctions, and bring in some more seasoned soldiers to our fold. Starscream has failed me one too many times. He has outlived his usefulness. Organize a meeting between Slipstream, Shockwave and I."

"It will be done, master" said Soundwave.

Knockout had been in the room as well, and he didn't like the sound of what Megatron had said. Although he was under servitue of Megatron, he was also a Starscream loyalist. He didn't know what to do.

"Things have just gone to the scrap yard" said Knockout to himself.

On an island, across the lake from Detroit, a small metal cage had landed and made hard impact to the ground. However, the human it contained was still very much alive.

"Oh the power of safety restraints" said Masterson, climbing out of what remained of his Headmaster unit. "Oh well, it's destroyed. It isn't like I don't have antoher one. Those Autobots and that Sumdac family will pay for what they have done to me! They will all pay!"

As the sun set, the angry laughter of a partially deranged Masterson could be heard from the people out on the boats in the lake, but most just ignored him.

Sari finally found her dad, and Andre finally revealed his feelings for Sari. What a great way to send the kids off. But don't worry they'll be back. I haven't abandoned the kids just yet. Judging by the end of the chapter, though Megatron's got something planned and it doesn't look to turn out good for Starscream.

Well that chapter is done. Sorry it took so long for me to update. I have extended the life of Season 1 to yet another chapter as we return to Cybertron for an exciting two part season 1 finale! You won't want to miss it! Return of Arcee, Wheeljack and Bulkhead.

As always reviews are appreciated!