A/N: Yeah, I know, haven't been around. In my defense, I'm an idiot who didn't back up work. ALWAYS back up work.

Anyway, this is one that takes place during the 17 months of wandering into when Ichigo gets his powers back. Rukia POV.

Written in about 45 minutes and posted. Got a burst, I guess.

There were nights she was afraid she was forgetting. Forgetting his warmth, those soft, but determined brown eyes... And then there nights her body remembered him all too well. Remembered how softly he touched her, as if she were some priceless antique. Remembered how hard he kissed her, as if he thought she was going somewhere.

He must have known, even before she had. Known that they would be apart for a time, even if it was subconciously.

Known that there would be longing.

There was no such thing now. The fighting was over, they had reunited in their own special way, and now... well, this was a more conventional way, but it still took her breath away.

The way he took control, but would relinquish it to her at any time.

And when he was close, he held her so tightly. She's told herself in the past it was a simple physical reaction, but no, definately not this time; she can't even fool herself.

He's afraid she might leave.

There's nothing she can do to sway him otherwise. She's already sworn once to stay beside him, and couldn't keep that promise, what good are her words now?

But he understands. He knows the situation isn't so black and white. He doesn't tell her this, not with words, but in the emotion in his eyes and face when they met again.

And in his actions this night.

She had come to his room, selfishly wanting to explain, but he wouldn't hear it. There was nothing to explain. He'd missed her so terribly, all that mattered now was making up for lost time.

She wasn't sure what she'd done to deserve him, but whatever it had been, she was glad to have done it.

She kisses him again, allowing him to completely take her over, when he pins her wrists, she wraps her legs around his waist, trying to pull him all the closer to her.

Emotions on highest of highs, eyes lock and they kiss again, starving for one another.

And even when they've calmed, still they cling to each other.

Once is never enough.