Breaded Beast

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS CAME ABOUT! Seriously, none! Anyway, I hope Ours-Breadly is not too OOC in later chapters. Live long enough to stay alive,

-The Girl with the Dagger (Lupus)

My worst nightmare yet happened, just moments ago. I dreamt of a blond wolf, hungrily pacing around a rabbit. The rabbit's blue eyes widened with fear, it seemed to call out to me to save it. One word echoed in my mind as I stared at the hare.


The wolf seemed to be at war with itself, or so it seemed. It shifted from a hungry snapping of jaws, to a confused, almost scared expression; like it didn't want to take a life, but was obligated to.

All at once three things happened; the wolf lunged, the rabbit ran away, and a snake appeared. The snake seemed to egg the wolf on as it sprinted after the bunny, a cold, gleeful look portrayed in the snake's eyes. In the distance I could a pained yelp, and the sound of gunfire.

I watched this scene with frantic confusion. I knew this wasn't just a dream, for I had had similar ones before. One happened a month before my father died, another a week before the reaping; telling me what would happen. I learned over the years that no matter how hard you try, it always comes true in the end.

The snake slithered over to me, hissing with tales of woe. It opened its blood-red jaws, poison dripping down its fangs. It seemed to say, yes, yes! I can find you, hunt you down, and let you die slowly. No one will know, who will care if a whipped cur died in the streets? You have no one, even your mate is gone; I will kill him myself, your turn!

It then lunged at me, jaws agape. I woke up with a start, shaking in fear.

Don't worry; next chapter will be up soon! Until then, may your weapons stay sharp!
