Hello everyone. This is the end. The finale. It is with both sadness and joy I click the "complete"-button. I really hope you enjoy this and that you understand what everything is about. The song is from MIKA and it's called Heroes. This represent everything what Harry Potter is about and what LIFE is about. I love you all so much, thank you for your support through this long process of writing. I really hope you leave a review of the story and what I should think about the next time I write. I actually have to stories in my head I really want to write, and I hope I'll have the time soon to write them. Choose Author Alert to see my updates. I love you so much. Thank you from Sweden. xx Lovisa.

As you walk to the toll of the bell
You'll be fighting for our heaven with hell

And you don't understand
Why no one else can see

And you know heroes aren't meant to survive
So much harder to love when alive
Walk with the devil in your head
You would think you were better off dead

Where can you go?
We fight we earn
We never learn
And through it all
The hero falls

I wish there was a way
To give you a hand to hold
Cause you don't have to die in your glory
To die to never grow old


I was fast asleep when I was awoken by someone jumping in my bed. I complained by moaning but the jumping continued and giggly laughter joined the thuds.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wake up!"

"I'm up sweetheart, where's daddy?"

"You are not up! I see you are still in bed. Dad is in his shop with Uncle George." I was always surprised when our sweet baby Rosalie knew how to put her words completely correctly at her young age. She continued "Come on! I'm hungry as a hippopotamus!" Well, almost always. I climbed up from the bed; it was difficult since I was expecting another baby soon.

"What are we going to do today?" she asked eagerly – not entirely understanding the concept of pregnancy. She was a fantastic mixture of Fred and I. She was undeniably skilled, especially with words, but she was eager and filled with adventurous eyes. I hadn't a hard time guessing which part she got from whom.

"What about joining dad and George today? You can help dad rearrange the shelves while I res- I mean help George to come up with a new idea." She nodded thoughtfully and she reminded so much about me at that age.

"We can't see Lily or Albus today?"

"The Potters are coming for dinner, honey. Don't worry about it!" She lit up and continued to eat her breakfast while singing a new song. I assumed she had the music-gene from Fred as well. Wonderful!


Since Fred and I had a baby we had moved to a house instead of the apartment above the shop. It wasn't far from the Diagon Alley which was nice. We could walk there in 5 minutes– it was nothing! We opened the door of the shop and laughter escaped from Rosalie's mouth. She loved the shop. She saw Fred, screamed and ran towards him who held his arms out to greet her. I smiled; it was a lovely picture. I greeted Fred and he kissed my cheek and ran his hand on my belly.

"You look fantastic."

"You too. Take care of my baby for a while? I'm kidnapping George to the back!" I said and winked. He knew I needed to sit down a lot. "Remember Harry and the others are coming tonight, so please remember to come home in time?" He promised and kissed my cheek again.

"'Mione!" George greeted me and took my hand to help me. I smiled back.

"Hey. I just wanted to invite you to our dinner tonight. I don't know if Fred had the manners to invite you yet?"

"He actually did! You should think higher of him you know."

"How did he say it?"

"He sprayed it on our mirror in the bathroom with our new toy foam."

"Is it weird I'm not surprised?"

"Not at all, milady." I giggled and sat down in the back.

"So how's it going? You seem a bit tired…"

"Yeah, it's a lot to do right now. We're launching new get-out-of-school stuff next week, just in time for the school to start."

"Right. Fred told me about it. It sounded awesome though."

"It is!" He said and smiled mischievously.

"I'm not testing any."

"I know…" and he stopped smiling. I laughed out loud – he was too easy to understand. We talked for a while and I was so happy I still had this bond to him even though my life had changed since Rosalie's birth.

"How old is she now? 3?"

"She's turning 4 next month…"

"Wow, she's growing fast. And you?"

"I'm due in 2 months…"

"A late birthday present then!" He rubbed my belly and I laughed.


It was a marvelous adventure being pregnant. I had stopped from work just some weeks ago; I really loved the work I did and I had hard time leaving it behind. But my belly grew really big quickly and I wasn't able to do the job I was supposed to. I mean – you have to sit down at some point in your pregnancy. I hadn't time for sitting down today, though; hence dropping Rosalie off at the store. I had to go shopping for food and presents till the latter dinner. Today was May Second. That meant it was 10 years ago we defeated Voldermort. We always celebrated, and honored, this day publicly but as this year, it being an anniversary, we had chosen to be together as a family.

I had chosen to cook roast beef with Yorkshire pudding. It took the rest of the day cooking the meal, and dessert and I finally felt like a true Mrs. Weasley. I giggled in the silence and told myself that I wasn't a housewife – I was a worker and a mother. When Fred and Rosalie came home I was almost done. Fred helped her get dressed and she looked absolutely stunning.

"You know she has your beautiful eyes?"

"She is from both of us, honey. And all three of us are equally beautiful. Isn't that right Rose-pie?" Fred said seriously and swung Rosalie around. I loved him so dearly.

After a while guests were dropping in and our feast began. It was a wonderful dinner and meeting Harry, Ronald and Ginny again was absolutely delightful. We didn't get together as often as we wished to, due to our professions and such but we all had the life that we had dreamt of. Our kids seemed to love each other and since my first and Harry's last were the same age it meant that they were going to Hogwarts together. That was the best feeling in the world. Having relatives and family close at all time seemed to be the one thing I really wanted for my children and loved ones.

"So how far ahead are you Hermione?" Ronald asked me

"I'm due in 2 months actually… It's… It's just amazing. I'm so happy."

"I'm happy for you too darling. I love you so much!"

"I love you too Ronnie. You've been the best mate I ever could've had."

"Hey!" George said and grinned.

"Oh hush it you, all of you around this table is fantastic and it is because of you I am still sitting here today with my beautiful baby running around and another in my belly. I am so grateful. Forever grateful."

"That being said," said Fred "I think it is time to honor the fallen." Everybody silenced and raised their glasses. "To Lupin and Tonks. We will be forever grateful for their sacrifice and we will always keep an eye out for Teddy." Harry's eyes started gathering tears; this was so difficult for all of us. Fred continued "To Sirious, for always knowing when to show his loyalty." Harry cried. "To Albus Dumbledore. The finest headmaster Hogwarts will ever know." Some more began to cry, and the children listened carefully. "To Severus Snape. For his love, devotion and mind blowing games." Harry stood, thanked Fred and raised his glass above our others. "To Hedwig." He said and Ginny started to cry. Then I rose and all went silent again – it was unusual for me to bare this kind of sadness, yet speak upon it. "Percy. I want to honor you, still living, for helping the love of my life survive. It was only because of your family loyalty he is still alive and with us today. So thank you. And thank all of you, for helping us three," I rose my glass to Ronald and Harry "defeat the horror it spread around us. Thank you."


The true heroes do not wear capes or masks, true heroes are those who see the light in the darkest of times and wish upon their life to embrace all new possibilities. True heroes live around us, and embrace the world with words and kindness. Harry never used a death spell, and neither should the world during war times. I, Hermione Weasley, will always be the one I was born to be. A hero or not, I am still the woman I always been. Always.