AN: Okay so lately my Bleach obsession has gone to an all-time maximum, it seems to be all I can think about and it leaves me realising how truly boring my own life actually is. I have found myself thinking a lot of what ifs these past few days and can't help but think what if I woke up and my life was just a dream and that the manga/anime of bleach was just something of my memories of my real life. Sounds crazy? Yer I think so too… But still what if? I thought this would be a great time to write my very FIRST fanfiction… Please be kind and give nice reviews.

I tossed my heavy backpack onto the floor as I entered my bedroom, yet another boring day at school was over and done with. Don't get me wrong I was good at school and kept up good grades as it was my final year of high school but I couldn't help but find it extremely boring.

Everyday was the same, get up go to school, come home, perform chores around the house, go to sleep and repeat. I didn't get how people could go through their lives without going insane from the monotony of life. Where was the adventure and action that I found so often in movies, books and manga?

I sighed as I collapsed onto my bed, grabbing the manga I had been reading the night before off my night stand. It was Bleach, one of the most incredible stories I had ever read. I had lost track of the many times I had read this specific manga, it had given me strength when I felt like life was worthless and now I had read on the internet that Tite Kubo had decided that it was going to end. That had made my heart sink as I did not know how I would survive with out it. I read my old manga for ages, it was up to the part where Ichigo says his goodbyes to Rukia when he loses his shinigami powers. I was lost in the book until my older brother barged into my room.

"Dinner is ready" He said as he scowled at me, his blonde hair was rather unkempt and looked in dire need of a brushing and his skinny frame looked rather lank in his large work clothes.

"Why are you still reading that children's crap?" He asked scowling at the book I held in my hands.

I frowned at him, we'd been through this argument too many times for me to waste my breath starting it again so I merely walked out of my room silently and made my way to the dining room where my parents and little sister were already seated and waiting.

I had been told by many people that I took after my mother with my looks, I had her long wavy blonde hair and light grey eyes but I had managed to get my father's fair skin but luckily minus the freckles. I had a tall and athletic build which ran in our family, my sister was a natural runner, my father was once an extremely good footballer and my brother was just good at any physical activity that he attempted. I on the other hand, despite my build was horrid at any form of sport what so ever.

I finished dinner as quickly as I could and went into the lounge to watch the anime episode of the manga I had just read, when I pressed play the familiar opening music began and I started to hum along happily. However the weirdest thing was, the screen suddenly went blank and the lights went out. I let out a surprised yelp as this happened, expecting someone to come in to check on me or state there was a black out but no-one did. There was just silence.

I frowned and got up but as I did I heard a voice.

"Hana? Hana wake up!"

I screamed as i noticed that this voice came from within my mind,

"Go away! I am awake!" I shouted into the darkness, expecting my family to burst into the room at any moment however this did not happen.

Next thing I new the floor disappeared and I was falling, I closed my eyes and screamed in fear as I knew that this was surely the end of my life. I cursed myself for wanting excitement in my life. That's it I want my boring life back, at least that was safe!

Suddenly I stopped falling and I became aware that I was laying on a rather soft matress and I could see the light through my eyelids but I was still too afraid to open them.

"Hana?" There was the voice again, it was softer this time and no longer in my head, it was also very familiar.

I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was in a small bedroom with a large window on the opposite wall.

"Hana! You're awake, it's about time." I heard the all too familiar voice speak to me in a relieved voice. Slowly, I turned my head towards the person whose voice seemed to be the reason I was in this mess and froze. I knew this face. I knew those brown eyes and that spiky orange hair.

It was Ichigo Kurosaki from the manga bleach. This can't be happening, I thought to myself, I'm dreaming. I pinched my arm to test this and dread flooded through me when real pain went through my arm.

Ichigo frowned at me with a concerned look;

"Say something at least." He said in a firm voice.

I couldn't help myself then, this had gotten too freaky and weird.

I ran for it.

Author Note: Okay thanks for reading! I will hopefully upload really soon if I get good reviews and if I don't I will think long and hard at how to improve this horribly written story. Haha Anyway give me your thoughts on this and remember this is my first attempt at any form of fanfiction so please be kind!