Chapter 4

The news of Romano's discovery was not going to be kept a secret to the world.

After spending one night with Spain at the hotel, Romano went back to his homeland the next morning and told Veneziano what he knew. In the room was also Germany, who was visiting the house to check on Veneziano while Romano was out, and when Veneziano gave a dry laugh and said that Romano was being mean again, he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder gently.

"You're lying…" Veneziano squeezed out his voice and watched Romano shake his head slowly. At that, he finally raised his voice hysterically, tears filling his eyes. "But… You and I are Italy together! Why is fratello… Why are you leaving me too!?"

It didn't take long for Veneziano's voice to start struggling with his words. Soon he seemed to give up and started screaming. Germany gently patted Veneziano's back in hopes to comfort him, then pulled him into an embrace, allowing the brunette to cry into his chest. Germany didn't cry, but his eyes showed the same pained expression as he glanced up to look at Romano. He didn't need to say anything; Romano knew what Germany was asking. Why was it Romano that had to disappear?

"I'm sorry."

Hearing Romano apologize, Veneziano cried louder than before.

No, don't go, fratello, no, why…

Romano bit his lip as he heard his brother repeat the words over and over in his cries. He felt as he was about to cry as well, but he bit his lips tightly, fighting the tears that were teasing their way into his eyes. Instead, he muttered "Sorry," each time his brother voiced one of the words, only being able to glare to the floor as if it was going to suddenly cause everything to change around him. After enough time, Veneziano soon stopped screaming in his sobs and looked straight at Romano with the eyes that leaked with large droplets of tears. As if he would be able to look right through a lie that his brother would possibly be telling him, he stared in the hazel hues with his own amber. Romano stared right back, unable to produce words that would explain it more than being able to just show his younger sibling that he was indeed telling the truth by doing so. There was a long silence between the brothers, and Veneziano soon scrunched up his face once more when Romano didn't change his own expression.

"Why…?" The knuckles on Veneziano's hands paled to white as he gripped onto his own pants. "Why am I always the one being left behind…?"

Romano imagined the current image that his brother had in his mind; the image of a young blonde boy in black and gold, but he couldn't really find the exact emotions his brother had in his heart. He wasn't ever really close to the young country and thus, couldn't remember how he looked exactly. So instead, he turned his attention to Germany, who tried to sooth his friend by rubbing circles onto Veneziano's back. After he figured his brother was in safe hands in case of another mental breakdown that could come any moment, he took a small breath before speaking.

"…I'm going to our boss… I need to tell him about this."

"I'll go with you," Germany spoke up suddenly, "I can't trust you walking out on your own right now."

Romano turned his attention to the German nation once more. The blue eyes that usually filled with anger or impatience were now swirled with emotions of compassion and worry. Romano couldn't help but to let out a small laugh at the change.

"Idiot, you stay here and watch Veneziano for me."

"I'll go too! Fratello, take me too!"

"What the hell are you talking about? You're finally getting better; if you push yourself you'll go right back to being sick. Then I'll have to do your weight of work as well…" Romano stood up, put a hand on his waist, and glanced to his brother. "If I did your portion, I wouldn't be able to go to Spain's place…"

Hearing Spain's name, Veneziano's eyes widened immediately. His honey-colored hues sparked in the light from his tears. "Does big brother Spain know about this?"


"…What did he say?"

Romano took a deep breath, remembering Spain's reaction from the night before, and closed his eyes. "He was crying, just like you." Possibly more… He might've been more heartbroken at the situation… "But he understood."

Veneziano dropped his eyes to the bed's sheets upon hearing that, slowly muttering a tiny "Oh…" before looking up to his brother once more. He tried to force a bright smile on his face, but the tears got in the way of that attempt, his lips twitching struggling to keep the fake posture. Seeing that, Romano gave a tiny chuckle.

"You look horrible." He reached out and pinched Veneziano's cheeks.

"Hehe, fwatewo, that huwts.."

As Veneziano laughed with tears still flowing from his eyes, Romano too, felt a tear roll down his cheek.

Romano let out a tired sigh once he was out his boss's room. His boss didn't cry like Spain and Veneziano did, but he didn't seem to believe Romano to begin with, either. He kept asking if he was telling the truth, and each time, Romano patiently told him that he was not lying. After several minutes that seemed like hours, his boss finally seemed to accept it and mutter out, "I see…" before continuing, "Do you know when…?"

"No, sir… It could be a year later, or it could be tonight. I really don't know, but I sense that it won't be long…"


"And… So I want to ask a favor…" Romano watched as his boss slowly nodded, motioning for him to continue in silence. Romano swallowed the nervous lump in his throat, feeling the saliva travel down. "…I wanted to see if it was possible for me to get less work for the rest of my time…"


"I want to make some memories… Well, it sounds weird if I say that, but I want to clean up around myself before I leave… Talk to friends, write out some notes, things like that… I understand that I can't avoid all my work, but I was just wondering if it was possible for me to get less…"

Would he be asked of how foolish he was? Suddenly feeling that his request was one that was childish, Romano shifted his gaze to the window, unable to meet his boss's. The bright sun shone in his vision, causing him to narrow his eyes slightly in hopes to block it out.

"I understand."

Romano, unable to comprehend the answer at first, was unable to immediately answer back when his boss gave the answer to his request. "I'll only send the minimum to your way."

"…Are you sure?"

"Don't ask me that. You're the one who requested it. Or are you saying you will be able to do all the work I send your way as you have been doing so?"

"No, but…"

Seeing Romano struggle with his words, the man slowly smiled and entwined his fingers, resting his elbows on his desk. "I owe you at least this much for protecting this country for so many years." He closed his eyes slowly, "Thank you."

The words filled his heart. Not knowing what to say, Romano just gave a small nod, tears blurring his vision once again. Trying to refocus his attention to something else, he sidetracked his thoughts to wondering why he doesn't become mummified for crying so much in such a short time frame, causing his brows to furrow slightly in thought. Seeing that, the man in front of him gave a small laugh.

The news of Romano's situation went across the world from Romano's boss telling the others.

After the news went out, Romano's cell phone rung continually. When he couldn't pick up due to already talking to one, the nations then would call the house phone or Veneziano's cell phone. The once quiet Italians' house was now loud with constant talking and phone ringing. Romano and Veneziano each decided to work on their own phones and asked for Germany to take care of the house phone since he was still staying in the house for now. Even Veneziano, who had cried so loudly that one would think he would lose his voice for good when Romano told him he was disappearing, stopped crying with all the phone calls and having to explain what was going on and confirming that the news was real. After the thirteenth call on his phone, he even managed to give an exhausted laugh. "It's like we're having a festival…"

All the calls were the same, they all asked if what they heard about Romano was true. If told yes, they all would say "You're lying…" or "You're joking, right…?" When told no, some would begin crying, while others would still say "I can't believe it!" or "That can't be true!"

It took several hours until silence once more filled the house. The last one to hang up his phone was Romano. The call was from Austria, who knew the Italian ever since he was a child. It seemed Hungary was also nearby, and each time Austria lost his words, Romano heard sniffling in the background, and every time it clenched Romano's heart tightly, making his chest slightly painful.

"…Come by soon."

Austria finally managed at last, and Romano only answered in the end with "Will do."

The sun already set and soon wind began to tap on the glass window. Listening to it, Romano turned to Veneziano and Germany.

"Sorry about all the trouble."

"What are you saying, fratello? It wasn't trouble at all."

"Ja, don't worry about it."

Veneziano and Germany were so kind. Romano figured he wouldn't have to worry about his brother after disappearing if Germany stayed by Veneziano's side, and with that in mind, Romano took his phone once more and began to tap the buttons. Veneziano, watching it, whimpered almost silently.

"…Are you going to big brother Spain's…?"

Romano gave a small nod at his brother's question. "Si. I was asked to live with him again."

"…Oh." Veneziano's expression clouded over, but he quickly asked right after, "Can I go and see you at big brother Spain's house from time to time?"

"Come whenever you want. I'll be waiting."

Hearing his brother's answer, Veneziano gave a relieved smile. After returning the same smile to him, Romano selected Spain's name from his contacts list. The ringing was heard on the other side of the line and after a few, Spain's voice answered. Romano paused momentarily, hesitating to say so, but soon managed to squeeze his voice out.

"It's done."

Hearing only two words, as if Spain understood everything with it, he answered with "Alright," and followed it with "To tell you the truth, I'm in Italy right now. I'll go pick you up now."

The call only lasted a few seconds. As Romano hung up the phone and put it in his pocket, he felt Germany's stare on the back of his head. He turned around, wondering what it was all about, when Germany asked hesitantly, "Is he coming?" and Romano gave a small nod.

"When Spain comes, I'm leaving…"

"Well, it's actually a bit late already tonight…" Veneziano spoke, his voice barely above a whisper once more, "How about you and him stay here for the night and leave tomorrow?"

"But…" Just as Romano was about to respond, the trio was quieted with the sound of the ringing doorbell. They all faced the door then back to one another, just as the sound rang through the house once more. With a sigh, Romano headed for the front door. "That was way too damned fast."

"Hehe… To tell you the truth, I was already here waiting for your call." The Spaniard said with a small laugh when Romano opened the door.

"Idiot, your nose is bright red."

"It was so cold!" Spain whimpered. He walked into the house without hesitation and used his gloved hands to slowly begin to unwrap the scarf from his neck.

"Veneziano said it's late and offered for us to stay the night."

"Really? Well, then I think I would like to do that… I haven't seen him in a long time, too!"

Romano raised his brow and closed the door behind Spain. As he watched Spain shiver in the warmth, the Spaniard blinked and smiled brightly. "I just wanted to be with you, anyway. I don't care whether it's at your place or at mine." As Romano nodded, Spain welcomed himself into the living room, opening the door with ease. Romano followed in after him. "Italy? You in here?"

"Big brother Spain…" The response came, soft. Veneziano didn't know whether he should be happy to see Spain after a long time, or if he should feel saddened about the situation they were in to begin with for them to see each other.

"Haven't seen you in a while, Italy…" Spain replied with his own voice just as soft as the younger nation's. Hearing that, Veneziano couldn't help but to give the tanned male a saddened smile.

He just couldn't get comfortable.

When Romano and Spain got into the single bed together, that was Romano's first problem. Beside him, Spain was already fast asleep, snoring lightly. As Romano watched the Spanish nation sleep, he felt something warm spreading in his chest. Spain attempted to stay awake for the sake of Romano, who was unable to sleep by now at all, but after Romano tried everything he knew of that could lure one to sleep, he finally gave in. The kindness itself was enough to make Romano feel happy; he didn't need the other to actually really stay up for it at all. With a small smile on his face, he leaned in and gave a small peck on Spain's lips gently.

Romano knew his senses were almost fully gone. He wasn't sure he if he could even have sex with the man in bed with him. It was hard to even ask, knowing that it might be impossible.

"…I don't know if we can do it, but do you want to try?"

For the first time in their entire relationship, Romano was the one who asked about it first when they climbed into bed. When he did, Spain's eyes glazed over with worry, and he muttered to himself, "But…"

"It's okay…"

"…Are you sure?"

"If I can't do it, I apologize beforehand…"

"I won't get mad."

The two looked each other in the eyes and pressed their lips together. Though the kiss got deeper, Romano didn't feel his body heating up from its affect as it used to. In fact, he couldn't seem to get any heat in his body ready to continue, and it caused him to tilt his head in worry.

Spain slipped his hand under Romano's shirt and slowly moved up. The fingers danced against the skin, rubbing and finding its way to Romano's ticklish spot. Even when Spain attempted to give the other a teasing tickle, Romano's body didn't react one bit.

"This is just weird…" The one who laughed about it first was Spain. "You're warm and soft, but it's like you're not here at all."

Romano silently reached for Spain's hand and pulled it out from his shirt, then guided it to his head. Spain allowed his fingers to tangle with the brown locks, occasionally sliding his fingers to the stranded curl as well. Romano however didn't make a sound or give any reaction to it.

"Did your skills drop?" Romano smirked, trying to hide his fear.

"Romano, that's mean!" Spain pouted and dropped his hand to his lap, frowning. The two looked at each other and finally chuckled, giving up and laying in bed instead, holding each other's hands.

Ok, I have 2 things to apologize about xD

First, I'm sorry this chapter took FOREVER to get uploaded! I've had a terrible writer's block and didn't want to mess up the story by forcing myself to write lame. Second, I'm sorry the length of this chapter is short compared to the others! Dx I thought it was a good part to cut it off, seeing I wanted to upload it as soon as possible as well... I think the next chapter will be a bit longer than this again... xAx Bare with me please...


Review, please! Those keep me going with my stories! ^_^