Blair Waldorf sat on the met steps with coffee in her hands, watching her classmates and other's that went to her school walk in and out of the school gates, they still had half an hour until school officially began and that meant they could do what they wanted until that bell rang. It was their senior year of high school and Blair was excited, she just needed to continue to keep up her already perfect grades to get into Yale, she did the extra-curricular activities and now all she needed was that letter to say that she's accepted. She had her life planned out, she had to tweak her plans every once in a while when things didn't go her way but she knew where she was going and she didn't care who's toes she would have to step on to get there.

Beside her, her boyfriend of almost a year sat lazily. While she prided herself on having the proper posture he didn't mind slouching, today he was sprawled out, his elbows on the steps above them and his legs as far down as he could stretch them and glasses to cover his probably closed eyes, he was not a morning person. Blair rolled her eyes when she looked at him but smiled because she loved him and people in love make sacrifices to be with each other. If anyone had said Chuck Bass would be in a committed relationship with her a few years ago she would have laughed in their face, in fact the whole world would have laughed because Chuck was the ultimate playboy, he was never one to be tied down but she had her ways and he fell in love and that was that.

Glancing back to the school gates she saw her best friend since as far back as she can remember, Serena van der Woodsen, the Upper East Side's Golden Girl. She was constantly in the spotlight, she was a socialite, everybody wanted to dress like her and be like her, have the scandals she's had. The gossip site Gossip Girl started with Serena, the site posted things on all their lives but mainly Serena, her every move, every mistake, her latest being Daniel Humphrey, a boy from Brooklyn of all places, Blair shivered in disgust as she thought about it. It started a few months ago after Serena decided to turn her life around after a particularly bad night with resident bad girl Georgina Sparks which landed Serena in hospital and Georgina shipped off to some religious camp.

Serena stood at the gate for a few seconds after Blair spotted her, she searched the crowd until she found what she was looking for and smiled. Nathaniel Archibald or Nate, to everyone who wasn't his grandfather or Chuck, he and Chuck were best friends almost as long as she and Serena were. He was the Upper East Side's Golden boy, all the girls and many guys wanted to have him, blue eyes, blond hair and ever present tan made it impossible for people to resist his charm. Blair had the biggest crush on him when she was in her early teens but dreams of being with him were quickly squashed when she saw that he only had eyes for Serena, how they didn't end up together was a mystery to Blair. As Blair watched Serena and Nate embrace she knew what everybody else did, even though they may date other people they would always belong to each other.

Blair smiled as a plan formed in her head, she nudged Chuck a few times before giving up and pulling his glasses of his face. Chuck groaned as the harsh light hit his closed eyes that had to have been one of the cruelest wake up call's he had in a while.

"Morning honey," Chuck said smiling at Blair and squinting to see her through the light.

Blair laughed and kissed him lightly because they already greeted each other when he met her on the steps earlier, "Morning." She waited a few moments for him to shake the sleep from his eyes and drink half of her coffee before she told him what she'd been thinking. "So it's our senior year of high school and next year we're going to be all over the place so I want to do something nice this year, like a project."

"Should I be worried?" Chuck asked looking up at her and taking another sip of coffee.

"No, it's nothing devious," she said her eyes going back to the school gates and their best friends. "I just think it's finally time to get Nate and Serena to see what the world has known since they met."

"I love both of them but neither blond has the mental capacity to figure this out for themselves," Chuck drawled, now also watching Nate and Serena at the school gates.

"And that is why I said this is going to be a project," Blair said with a smile and Chuck raised an eyebrow. "We are going to get Nate and Serena together."

"Why now?" Chuck whined there were so many opportunities when she could have done this when both the blonds were single. More than that he just wanted a relaxing care-free senior year were he could spoil his girlfriend and hang out with their best friends and get it over with as fast as they could. He really didn't want to try getting Nate and Serena together because getting them to see what was already in front of them would take time and a lot of effort.

"Because before we leave at the end of the year I want Serena to be happy and taken care of and Nate's the only one who'll love her enough to give her everything she needs and wants," Blair said, nodding and then she thought of Dan. "No matter how much she wants to believe in Humphrey, it's a fairytale waiting to fail."

"This is all about protecting Serena when you can't? You know Nathaniel will do that anyway right?" Chuck asked, using his shoulder to nudge Blair slightly. For her entire life she and Serena were like sisters, they always looked out for each other. The one thing Blair didn't want was for Serena to be unhappy when Blair herself was happy and she felt that the only way to ensure Serena's happiness was to get her and Nate together.

"I know but if they're official, it would just put my mind at ease knowing that they're together and they're happy and no stupid Humphrey is going to work his way into our group," Blair said clenching her jaw.

"Ah I get it," Chuck said and Blair glared at him. "Relax, the non-judging breakfast club will never be infiltrated by sneaky Brooklyn spies."

Blair slapped Chuck on the back on his head for teasing her and he laughed. Of course Chuck would love for Serena and Nate to get together like they should have done years ago but he wasn't going to mess around with their carefully constructed friendship, they were extremely close and in tune with each other yet they were absolutely oblivious to the other's feelings, whether it was by choice or they really didn't know, Chuck couldn't say.

"Blair it's ridiculous, just let them be," Chuck said rubbing his head. "They will see it eventually, someone will point it out and they'll look at each other and have an 'oh' moment."

"An epiphany," Blair corrected immediately and Chuck rolled his eyes.

"I know what word to use Blair but would you call that an epiphany really?" Chuck said and Blair twisted her mouth a little, she had to agree, their attraction to each other was hardly a kept secret, everyone could see it, she was sure people wrote stories about it that's how out there it was. "It's not a sudden feeling, it's something that already there and they are just too involved or scared to really acknowledge it."

"Urg speaking of involved," Blair said frowning as Dan Humphrey walked up to Serena and kissed her. Nate looked away from the kissing couple and straight at the Met steps, probably looking for them.

"I think Nathaniel needs our help," Chuck said smirking and standing up, he reached down and helped Blair up as well before leading her down to their two best friends.

"Hey guys, we were wondering where you were," Nate said happily when they approached them, Nate playfully punched Chuck and hugged Blair. Serena smiled at them, her arm linked with Dan's who just scowled, Blair wanted to comment but she didn't want to get into another fight with Serena over her obvious dislike for the curly haired boy.

"We were on the step's trying to sleep," Chuck said mock-glaring at Blair.

"You could have slept last night like normal people do," Blair snapped back and Nate laughed.

"Online games do that to you," Nate said and Chuck smirked.

"Killed you in the first five minutes," Chuck said wiggling his eyebrows and Nate frowned.

"Only because somebody kept distracting me," Nate said with a pointed look at Serena who shrugged. Blair nudged Chuck and smiled as Dan bristled at the news that Serena was Nate's distraction. "And then I got sleepy, sorry man."

"You were paying more attention to the game then talking to me," Serena said and Nate rolled his eyes. "I am more important than those weird games you play with Chuck."

"What were you talking about," Dan asked with raised eyebrows, obviously needing to know why Serena would be talking to Nate instead of him.

"Well I was trying to talk to him about going to the Hamptons soon," Serena complained poking Nate, not noticing the jealous glare her boyfriend was giving them. This summer she skipped going to the Hamptons with her friends to stay with Dan and now she realizes just how much she missed being there, it had become a tradition of some sort. "I was thinking that we have to go before it gets too cold to swim."

"The school has a pool Serena," Blair told her still smiling at the look on Dan's face. "But the Hamptons are always fun."

"We'll think of something," Chuck said as the bell rang. "See you after school, oh and Nathaniel we have basketball practice this afternoon."

"Oh yeah I have to tell you about that game I watched the other day," Nate said as Chuck steered him in the direction of their first class listening to something that happened during the game that Nate found amazing and taped for him to watch, Dan kissed Serena goodbye and trailed behind them.

Serena and Blair had class on the other side of campus, their classes were separate for girls and boys so they only met up during break. Serena tapped her pen against her textbook as she waited for the bell to ring, it was going to be another uneventful day, she could feel it. When the bell finally rang she met up with Blair and they made their way out of school. It was nice to have some girl time, Blair was always with Chuck and Serena was either with Dan or with Nate so they barely got to hang out together.

Serena's little brother Erik was already at their apartment by the time she got there, Serena spent a little time with her brother and decided to do her homework to pass the time. She'd finished her homework and made sure Erik was set for the next few hours she made her way to the Archibald's home a few blocks away from her apartment. She and Nate hadn't spoken properly in a few days (texting didn't count) so she decided to pay him a visit and hoped he wasn't too busy.

"Hey Mrs. A," Serena called when she entered the house. She'd been coming here for so long she didn't need to knock to enter and Archibald was too long of a surname but Howard and Anne learnt not to mind their son's friends when they came over anymore.

"Hi Serena, Nate's in his room," Anne called from the couch where she was reading.

"Thanks," Serena said running up the stairs and into Nate's room only stopping when she jumped onto the bed. "Hey Natie," she squeaked.

"How much of sugar did you have today?" Nate asked laughing, thankful he wasn't on the bed when she flopped onto it.

Serena rolled her eyes and shifted so she was sitting up on his bed and watched him move around his room. "Since you ignored me yesterday when I was texting you I decided you can't avoid me when I'm sitting right in front of you."

"Watch me," Nate said smirking and plugging his headphones in when he sat down at his desk.

Serena frowned and pulled the earphones out of his ears, "I'm right here," she said putting the earphones to her ears. "You weren't even listening to anything."

"Yeah I know, I just wanted to annoy you," Nate said and Serena glared at him, throwing the earphones onto his table and jumping back on the bed. "So what have you come running into my room to say?"

"Nothing much, I just miss you," she said shrugging.

"I'm right here S," he said ruffling her hair and she scowled at him as she tried to set it straight. "That is not my fault anyway because you my dear were ignoring me for a boy."

"Ah but it was your fault," Serena said pointing a finger at him and Nate crossed his arms and waited for her explanation. "I called you so many times to come hang out with us."

Nate laughed, "Serena you were with your boyfriend and you were inviting another guy to hang out with the two of you," he said cupping her face in his hands and shaking his head. "Guys don't like that, plus he looks at me weirdly."

"Weirdly how," Serena said pouting as Nate sat down on the bed next to her and Nate raised an eyebrow because how could she not see the death glares he gets from one Dan Humphrey.

"He just looks at me like I'm going to steal you away from him or something," Nate said putting his arm around her shoulders.

"But you aren't, right?" Serena asked softly resting her head on Nate's chest. Nate shook his head whispered no and Serena tilted her head so she could look at her best guy friends' face. "So why don't you guys hang out, for me?"

"Serena, I don't think that's how it works," Nate said and Serena got up to pout at him.

"Please," she asked giving him the puppy eyes she knew he could never resist. "It would mean a lot to me because you're my best friend ever and I know he's not exactly what we're used to but I think there's something real between us and I want him to feel comfortable around my friends, please Natie."

Nate groaned when he looked at her, he could never resist her when she looked at him that sadly. "Fine, I'll think about it," Nate said and Serena squealed and hugged him tight knowing that she had him.

"Thanks Natie you're the best," she said kissing his cheek and jumping of the bed. Nate just shook his head and laughed. "That's his number," Serena said programming Dan's number into Nate's phone and jumping again. "This is awesome, it'll be good for him."

"How does this benefit me exactly?" Nate asked as Serena sat back next to him and wrapped her arms around his arm, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"Well if you guys get along then you'll see a lot more of me," Serena said with a huge smile. "And you'll get a new friend."

Nate smiled for her benefit but he doubted that's how it will be, he and Dan would get along for Serena and that would be it. "That sounds awesome S."

"I know," Serena said squeezing his arm. "Thanks for being my best friend Natie."

"You're welcome," Nate said leaning down to kiss Serena on her head.

"I have to get back to Erik," Serena said after a few moments of silence. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Nate said nodding as she got up.

"Love you Natie," she called as she left the room.

"Love you too," he said shaking his head, that girl could really make him do whatever she wanted.

A/N ok so that's the set up for the new NS story I have, it's not too long and I think the other chapters are shorter than this but right now it's basically just the outline and I'll fill it up soon lol I wanted to give you guys a chapter a day with this story but I've decided to add more to it so you may have to wait a little longer, since the chapters may come out quickly I'd like to ask that you review every chapter you read please.

This story is AU it follows very little from the show and I think it shows a more book like Serena and Nate I'm not sure I havent really read the books but anyway it's a fun story that's going to be really fluffy with ver few dramatic scenes

Oh before I forget the title is from the Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat song 'Lucky' which I do not own, neither do I own Gossip Girl

I hope you enjoy this please review and if you havent seen yet, 'Worth the wait' is complete and 'Just checking' is a short oneshot that I posted yesterday so please review those as well if you havent. OMG I feel kinda wierd begging for reviews lol but its nice to see if people enjoy your work so please review

Until next time (^^,)