Here it is! The final chapter of Made For You. This was so hard to write and I do hope you enjoy it! I have a few other stories posted that are in progress! I do hope you all take a look and leave some feedback! It would mean a lot to me! Thank you for being so patient with the updates for this story!

"Grandpa, can you tell me how you met Grandma?"

Six-year-old Alexander stood at his grandfathers' side, staring up at him with curiosity and innocence. Pavel chuckled and nodded, patting his knee.

"Come," he said, helping the boy up onto his lap. "I vill tell you a story."

A few hours later, Natalia found her father and her son sitting in the recliner near the fireplace. She smiled as her father spoke of her mother, describing one of their many adventures on the Enterprise.

"Did you and Grandma really fight aliens? And did Mama really live on the ship with you?" Alexander asked, as Pavel ruffled his trademark curly hair.

"Da," Pavel nodded. "Your mother vas born on the ship and your grandma almost didn't make it to medical in time."

Natalia chuckled, for the tale of her birth was widely known and always repeated at family functions. Her Uncle Jim made sure it was told every year for her birthday, as he grinned and tickled her. She also knew how popular her parents were; the story of how they met and fell in love was a common bedtime story that her parents told her over the years. Even her Aunts and Uncles told their love story over the years, smiling and teary-eyed.

"Alex, it's time for dinner," she said, announcing her presence to them. "Go on up and wash your hands."

Alexander groaned, "But Mama! Grandpa was getting to the good part!" he whined, as Pavel hushed him.

"Nyte, do what your mama says," he helped him down. "Ve vill finish the story after."

With a nod, the boy headed out of the living room and upstairs, leaving both father and daughter alone.

"He loves your stories about the Enterprise," Natalia smiled. "And about Mommy."

Pavel nodded, "He vould be a good addition to Starfleet. Weary smart and strong."

Natalia nodded and sighed, "I miss her."

"I know, my knyazhna," he nodded sadly. "I miss her too."

Shortly after his proposal and a few weeks of healing, Admiral Pike in his office, in front of their close friends, married Pavel and Alice. Six months later, after the Enterprise completed its repairs, they headed back up into space for more adventures. A year later, both at the age of twenty, they welcomed their first child Natalia. The first child to be born on the iconic ship, Natalia came into the world screaming and kicking. She also came quickly, as her mother barely made it onto the bio-bed in time to deliver her. The first few months were filled with stress and sleepless nights, as the young couple went from working to caring for their daughter. The pressure of raising a family in deep space was difficult, but it didn't stop them from having more children. Three years later, just after Alice's twenty-third birthday, their son Dmitri came into the world. This time, Alice was on a bio-bed and went through a long labor and delivery as she brought him into the world.

At the end of their five-year mission, the couple took some time off to raise their children in San Francisco with yearly trips to Russia and Australia for holidays. As they got older, the trips up into space grew shorter and shorter. Alice and Pavel kept their posts on the Enterprise, only joining them during short missions while the children stayed with Pavel's parents in Moscow. By the time the kids hit middle school, they were in their mid-thirties and tired of leaving. Eventually they put in request forms for a leave of absence and settled into a normal life.

Years went on and the kids got older, going to college and getting married. By the time they hit their fifties, they settled on a two-some in their big old house. Grandbabies came and the once empty rooms were filled with toys and laughter. Their friends, who long retired by this point, came and went. They were never surprised at how strong their love was, after all these years. How happy they continued to be ever since the moment they met up in the twinkling sky.

When Alice turned sixty-one, she started getting sick. Headaches that would leave her bedridden for days, concerning her husband and children. Finally, a few months later after a nasty migraine that kept her from opening her eyes, Pavel finally called his dearest friend Leonard. The doctor, in his mid-eighties, was in town for his daughters' birthday and stopped by with his medical kit. After a few tests, he suggested that they see a doctor and Pavel agreed.

It was after many more tests that they found their answer. A tumor. His sweet Alice had a tumor in her brain. After a long talk with the doctor, they both realized how their story would end. Months went by and she got sicker from the medicine and her hair falling out, leaving her with nothing but silk scarves around her head. For eight months, Pavel stayed at her side and helped take care of her. He fed her, bathed her and held her as she slept. Natalia and Dmitri came everyday with the kids, spending the final weeks and days with their parents as she slowly slipped away.

At night, Pavel cried and watched as she slept. He held her hand and begged her not to leave him. He almost lost her once when they were teens and he barely survived it. And now she was going to leave him and his world was falling apart.

"Don't cry, Pavel. Please don't cry," she would say, holding his hand in hers. "I don't want to leave you but I have to. You've made me so happy for all these years, Pasha. You have me two beautiful babies and a wonderful life. I'm the luckiest woman in the entire universe."

Just two days shy of his sixty-second birthday, Alice passed away in her sleep. He was at her side, holding her hand like he'd always done and cried. When his children came to the house, without the grandbabies, they cried with him and helped with the preparations. Their Aunts and Uncles- those who were still alive after all these years- were called upon, and they made the trip out to San Francisco for the funeral.

That was nearly ten years ago, and now at seventy-two, Pavel continued living in the big old house that he and Alice raised their children. He could never sell it, for it held too many memories within the walls. The fights, the makeups, the wear and tear of two hyper children crashing through the house. It was a lifetime of love, sadness, and growth, all packed into two stories and an endless amount of rooms.

"I'll see her again," Pavel said, as he stood up from the chair. "My Alice is vaiting for me up there."

Natalia nodded, a flash of sadness and fear upon her face, before managing a small smile. "I know, Daddy," she said, kissing his cheek. "I know she is."

Dinner and story time came and went and Pavel was finally alone, walking along the empty hallways of his house. Many years ago, at this hour of the evening, the hallways would be filled with pitter-patter of small feet and the sweet laughter of his dear wife. The two young parents chasing their babies from room to room, trying to settle them down for bed. Pavel made his way into the master bedroom and got ready for bed, another night alone.

In the darkness, he laid on his side of the bed, facing the empty spot next to him. To anyone else, it would be a sad picture of an old man alone. But Pavel knew she was there next to him, watching him and protecting him. Every night since her passing, Pavel would dream. As he closed his eyes, he was transported back to the gleaming hallways of the Enterprise, eighteen and filled with energy that he hadn't felt in so long. He would walk along the hallways and up towards the observation deck- one of many places that he and Alice would run off too when they could- and that's where he would find them.

Their friends, all who've passed on, turning around to face him. Kirk, Leonard, Christine, Scotty, Pike, Nyota, Spock. His best friend and godfather to Natalia, Hikaru would grin at him and hug him tightly. They were all young again, dressed in their Starfleet uniforms and the absence of what took their lives was apparent. Old age, accidents and illness, that claimed them all. He would smile at them and they would nod and step aside.

And then he would see her. Looking just as beautiful the day he met her. The day he married her and when she brought his children into the world. She wore the same thing- her dark green summer dress she wore the night they gave themselves to each other, so long ago. Her hair was long and brown again, her eyes twinkling like the stars just outside the window. She would hold out her hand and smile at him.


And like always, he would take her hand and pull her into his arms. And he would kiss her like it was the first time again, as the Enterprise floated within the twinkling abyss.