Don't Want to Resist You

By: Liv-x-Lex4Ever & E. Scribbles

Chapter 1: Where She Least Expects It

Casey sighed, walking into the court building. She'd just been back for not even a day from suspension and already Liz Donnelly had requested to see her. She sighed. She probably wanted to look over her shoulder constantly or have people report to her of her progress so as not to step out of line again.

She was a top-notch attorney for the Special Victims Unit, but it just... the last case she'd gone too far, overstepped too many boundaries to catch the bad guy, and had been suspended.

She knocked on the door.

A man opened the door. The worst sort of man. One with greased back hair and a fake smile on his face. "Hi Ms. Novak, come in." He opened the door wider to reveal Liz sitting at her desk, and Alex sitting on another chair, glasses on as she read through something.

She smiled, trying to be civil. "Hi," she said, taking a seat next to Alex.

Alex looked up, offering a smile, before looking back down to continue reading as Liz turned around in her chair to face her. "Casey, first day back."

"Yeah, feels pretty good, though being as you requested me I can't help feeling like it's my first day on the job and needing to be watched," she answered, trying not to sound snooty. "I'm sorry. That last part was uncalled for. Though I am curious."

"That's why I've brought Mark in here. As part of the agreement to let you come back, you're going to be reporting on a daily basis to him. He will then report any concerns he may have to Ms. Cabot, who will then assess the situation."

"Not that I anticipate any," Alex offered Casey a reassuring smile.

She nodded. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Alex. So, how am I to go about this? Will he be monitoring my every move?"

"He will- One moment." Liz sighed as he phone rang, answering it by barking her name. "The short answer to that question is yes. The long answer is something I think I'll leave the room for. Good luck." Alex gave Casey a smile, signing off on what she'd read before leaving the room. Mark offered Casey another one of his greasy smiles.

Casey sighed. "So," she said, folding her hands in her lap, "is there a right and wrong way? A yours and my way, if you will?"

"I have my own cases to deal with, so I'm not going to be looming over you all the time, just give me a call if you're heading out, going to make any deals, that sort of thing, and come to my office at the end of every day so we can have a chat. Nothing too scary." He once more flashed his veneers.

"Yeah, sounds great," she rolled her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm used to doing things my own way and not having to tell people like a 5-year-old, but, for what it's worth, I suppose I can try." She shrugged. "It probably sounds worse than it is."

He gave a nod and smile. "Great. Well, I have court in a short while, so I'll leave you here and see you before you go home. My office is across from Ms. Cabot's."

She nodded, offering a smile as he walked out. As soon as the door closed Liz walked back in and Casey let some of her posture down. She sighed. "So, how long will this last? A month? Six months? A year? I understand why, really I do..."

Liz put her hand over the speaker of her phone. "That's up to Alex. I've put her in charge of your case. You can go now."

She nodded, leaving the room to go find Alex. She really was curious about that aspect. She walked down the hallway, turning left at the end and knocking.

Alex looked up hiding the crossword she'd been doing under other paperwork. "Come in?"

Casey opened the door, walked in and closed it behind her. "Busy?"

"Doing a crossword, actually. You caught me."

She waved it off, sitting down. "I was wondering, how long this Mark will be watching over my shoulder? I understand why, after the stunt I pulled, but it just feels like..."

"Unfortunately, there are guidelines to follow. If it were up to me, I wouldn't be doing it, but we have to make sure you're not going to do something terrible like put away all the bad people."

She smiled wryly. "And how is that bad? Oh wait, you mean let the squad do their job and I do mine with the evidence they give me?"

"Yeah. I mean, if we were all to do that, imagine how terrible it would be. Zero crime rate means no jobs, Casey. So, for the time being, dot your i's and cross your t's. T! That's it." She pulled out her crossword and scribbled something in.

She sighed. "Alright. Sounds simple enough."

The next day, Casey walked out after reporting to Mark. She sighed. It sucked having to report to someone who hadn't been there as long as she had. She was now exhausted because she'd had to report every detail of the case and it was grueling.

Alex's door was open, and she had her back to it as she browsed the bookshelf, hands on hips.

Casey walked in, knocking on the frame. "Hey," she said thoroughly exhausted. "Do you have a few minutes?"

Alex turned to glance at her, then gave a nod. "Sure. There's fresh coffee by the side if you want any. You look like you could do with some."

She nodded, grabbing a coffee cup and pouring herself some before sitting in the chair in front of the desk. "I don't know if I can do this. I hate having to report every single detail at the end of the day. But, to get this job back, means the world to me. But after one day - one - I'm just too tired," she said, sipping at the coffee.

"It doesn't help that you have to report to Mark. I know, remember? I had to do it after I got back as well."

"So...who is he, really? Any why does the meeting drag on and on and on...?"

"He likes to talk. Mostly about himself and how amazing he is. Then he likes to try and make you feel like he knows more than you do. He had to sit the bar exam 3 times before he passed, not that I was the one who told you. Liz just needed someone and he was the only one available."

"Oh, don't worry. Won't hear it from me. It's just so weird to be back. In a way, it's like nothing's changed, but then I get to court, or go to see him and everyone criticizes me for every little thing!"

"I haven't."

She sighed. "Yeah, but something tells me... I know you side with Liz on this, because you have to. I don't expect any special treatment." She knew the line was blurring, but it was hard for it not to.

"I know what it's like to feel like no one is on your side, but even if just one person is on your side, it makes everything seem so much easier, so just think of me as that person who is on your side. Any trouble you're having just come to talk to me about it. Forget about Liz. I'm here for YOU."

"Why?" It was a simple enough question that had been buzzing in her head all day. "Why just me?"

Alex was silent for a moment before answering, "Because I respect you. And I have faith in you."

"Wow, that-that really means a lot. Especially after what happened that actually got me suspended. I-I don't know what to say."

"Say you won't let me down."

She nodded. "Will you accept the words 'I'll try not to, but I might be a little rusty'?" she asked with a sheepish grin.

Alex smiled back, "I think I can accept that."

Alex was sitting at her desk a week later, going over a closing statement when she heard yelling. Walking to her door, she pulled it open and frowned as the yelling became clearer, "Are you stupid? You know why you were suspended in the first place and you think it's ok to do something like this! I cannot believe you! I know I was told to babysit you, but I didn't realize you actually had the intelligence of an infant!"

"What makes you think it was like that! That child was terrified on the stand because he saw his mother being murdered! I had to do something else! I know I had the evidence. I know! But how would you have done it, Counselor? Tell me because, obviously, I'm not up to your precious standards!"

"Well, I certainly wouldn't have-" He went silent as he saw Alex appear in the doorway.

She turned, seeing Alex. Her eyes immediately changed. She almost looked...ashamed. "Alex, I-"

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" When Casey went to speak, Alex held up a hand to silence her, looking towards Mark. "You're meant to be supervising her, not voicing your views. If there were any issues, you're supposed to come to me!"

"Supervising? More like babysitting! I don't know how she ever managed to do this herself! She has no dignity, no respect for her superiors! Now," he said, looking to Casey, "out of my office!"

Casey went to leave, but Alex grabbed her wrist as she left. "What? I can a lashing."

"Wait in my office."

From inside Alex's office, much as Alex had heard, Casey could hear Alex giving Mark a tongue lashing. Several minutes later, she walked in, her face a little less serene than usual.

Casey bowed her head. "I know. I messed up, but you didn't have to do that. I'm used to digging myself into holes I can't get out of, really."

"You were just an excuse, really, I've been dying to yell at him. He annoys the hell out of me." She sat down, blowing hair out of her eyes.

She sighed. "Thought you said you respected me," she replied, sitting in a chair. "So, now what?"

"I do. And now nothing. You did nothing wrong. Did you just take his word for it, or read it over yourself?" Alex held out the paperwork to Casey. "Because as far as I'm concerned, there is nothing wrong on there. What's wrong is that he just lost a case and the person who he's 'babysitting' has an airtight case."

She smiled gently. "Would you have done that though? I feel like the worst person in the world for it."

"No. I don't think I would have done it. Because I wouldn't have thought of it. I think it was a really smart move, Casey."

"Yeah, but we both know how unreliable kids are. They get traumatized easily, forget things... He's just...intimidating."

"Stop going over it, Casey. I was talking about the case today. You need to forget the other case. You can't change it. And Mark...I think I put him in his place."

"I hope so," she said with a sigh, "I really do."

"You know what? I think it's time for a drink. Go and get your coat."

She smiled. "Okay."

Author's Note: This is our new story. What do you think? Chapters will range in length.

I figure since my story, In Her Eyes, gets so many reviews that is should be an actual relationship story, I'll write this one for that purpose.

In Her Eyes will continue to be a purely A/C smut story.

Beta'd by: me

Please read & review!

Liv-x-Lex4Ever & E. Scribbles