Yay! The end of Summer Girl has finally arrived :)

I stand waiting for you forever.

Just like the summers when we always knew,
I would come back to you.

You're my afterglow.
I can't let you go.

Afterglow - Eyeshine

Chapter 20: Epilogue - 1 Year Later

"That will be all for today. You are dismissed," the coach announced to the group of girls sitting on the field. Tatsuki grinned, happy to be done with summer practice for the day. She waved to a couple of her new friends but walked off to shower in the locker rooms alone.

University had been fun, she supposed, but nothing could beat seeing her all her old friends after the time apart. She walked out to the front of the gym and waited.

A sleek black sports car pulled up to the curb in front of her, screeching to a halt. Tatsuki rolled her eyes as the window rolled down to reveal her boyfriend arching his eyebrow suggestively.

"Miss me?" He teased.

"Quit making a scene. Everyone already thinks I'm crazy for dating you." She climbed into the car and kept her eager smile on the inside.

"I think you're crazy too." Renji smirked and kissed her hand. "But I love you."

The car sped off into the city where Renji would pick up some files and notes for work and Tatsuki would purchase some food items before they arrived at the predetermined meeting location.


The sound of dishes crashing in the kitchen caught Uryuu's attention.

"Why don't you just pack up whatever's ready and we can eat the extras later? We're already late, 'Hime."

"Just one more minute! I know they'll love it!" Orihime chimed brightly, making Uryuu smile despite himself.

Their apartment contained two cats, scattered old homework assignments, numerous embroidered pillows and stuffed animals, and now the smell of burnt baked goods filled the air. Sometimes sharing an apartment with his girlfriend on top of managing his schoolwork had been difficult this first year but, Uryuu knew as Orihime walked out of the kitchen with her glowing smile, he wouldn't have it any other way.


"Aren't you done yet?" Karin complained loudly.

"My shift is over at 5. We'll be on time if we leave at 5." Chad answered, hiding a smile.

The younger girl slouched down into the booth. Six empty mugs held the remains of a dark liquid littered the table.

Chad had become well known at the diner for his Mexican hot chocolate recipe. The small restaurant had hired him over the summer and he was content to work and take night classes in Karakura until he got his degree.

Of course, the petite girl sitting across the room impatiently checking her watch would have been reason enough to stay.

"It's 5:01!"

Chad chuckled. "All right. Let me get the grill from the back and we'll go."


The group congregated in the park near the Kurosaki residence. Tight embraces and excited greetings had been exchanged and they were now sitting on at a picnic table, catching up on all the missed time.

"How could I have predicted that they'd be late?" Uryuu gestured to the two empty spots at the end of the table.

Tatsuki smiled. "They're probably arguing over what to-"

"Ichigo! Rukia!" Orihime stood up before her friend could finish. She squeezed the pair in a giant bear hug.

"Hello everyone! It's so great so see you!" Rukia exclaimed before greeting each of her friends personally.

"She's the one that picked out the weird stuff, man." Ichigo shrugged and handed a bag to Chad. Chad clapped him on the shoulder and they exchanged a silent greeting.

"Don't worry about it." Chad put the bags of hamburgers and hot dogs and various other edibles in a cooler beside the grill in the back of his car.


They arrived at the cabin around dark. But that didn't stop them from unpacking, unloading all the food, and setting the table on the back porch just as they had done a year ago.


Once they had finished eating, they sat in the sand, sharing stories and reminiscing. Rukia leaned against Ichigo and let her head rest on his shoulder as she yawned. A barely noticeable smile crossed his face and casually wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close.

The group remained in this familiar scene there until late into the night. Friends that had been new last year were now as dear as old ones and they cherished this rare time that they all could spend together.

Karin had fallen asleep in Chad's lap, Tatsuki was helping Renji make a perfect s'more, and Orihime and Uryuu were looking up at the sky, searching for constellations. Rukia and Ichigo rose silently to clean up and soon after, their friends followed them back inside.




"Today was a good day."


The small girl pulled the sheets tighter around herself and snuggled into the warm body lying beside her.

"I love you." Pale moonlight shone in through the window, highlighting Rukia's slender curves and glossy hair.

Ichigo gently kissed her perfect lips and held her tightly. He knew this week would be just as amazing as before.

"I love you too."

So cute! :) I know it was short; I just wanted to give you an idea of what happened to the group after they left. Thank you so much for reading! I really hope you all enjoyed it and to those who reviewed: I am so grateful to each and every one of you. You really made this worthwhile for me :)

Thanks again!