Vergil fell to his knees as he panted hard; his vision waning once more. Sparda put his hand on his son's shoulder, as his breathing returned to normal. At this rate they would be with their loved ones with in the next twenty-four hours.

"That was quite a burst, my boy. Your old man had a hard time keeping up with you." Sparda laughed.

Vergil chuckled lightly. "I wanted to take advantage of my sight while I could. It lasted longer this time."

"You could feel her, couldn't you?" The Dark Knight asked. "I could sense your mother, briefly. It was like a small slice of heaven."

Vergil nodded getting to his feet again. "We are so close. Please tell me you do not want to stop." He implored.

"As long as you feel you can make it. We will carry on. Come." Sparda gripped his son's forearm and they continued onward.


Mary paced around the room wringing her hands. She was anxious, nervous. Hopeful that what she felt wasn't her imagination. Kalina Ann watched her daughter with concern. "Honey, you need to relax. You are going to wear holes in the floor."

"I can't sit still Mama. I know it was him, I know it." She said excitedly.

"I know you are anxious, but it may be some time before he gets here. You need to get some rest before Jayden wakes up." Kalina Ann urged her to sit down, but it was useless.

At that moment, Dante burst into the room, stopping short when he saw Mary. "Did you feel it?" His eyes were wide and begged her to confirm what he knew. Mary nodded and a huge grin split his face. He snatched her up and spun her around before setting her down and running out of the room again.

She shared a look with Kalina Ann and both women shook their heads. At that point Jayden decided to make her presence known. Mary picked her up out of the bassinet and held her close. "Your Daddy is on his way." She beamed. The baby gave a soft coo.


The midday sun beat down on the travelers as they made their way through the wooded area. It was a pleasant feeling. They were close enough for the twins to reestablish their connection. Dante was elated to feel Vergil brush his mind. Yet, he had the damnedest time convincing him to stay with the women. Dante groused mentally but saw his reason. "Soon Dante." He whispered. Reminding himself to stay calm as well.

Stumbling, Vergil came to sit on the forest bed. They had traveled all night. 'We can rest when we get there.' Sparda knelt down in front of his eldest son. He had pushed too hard, but knew the excitement and yearning he felt at being so close. The Dark Knight ran his fingers threw Vergil's hair, dislodging a few leaves that had tangled themselves in his locks.

"Rest Vergil, catch your breath."

Vergil nodded in agreement for once. "We are very close Father. An hour tops." He grew quiet, contemplative. "I wish I could see them when we arrive."

"We will work on getting your sight back, it may take time but it will happen." Sparda assured him.

Vergil shook his head. "It matters not and is unimportant as long as I am able to be with them."


Brilliant blue eyes gazed out over the open landscape scanning the horizon from his sentient place at the window, arms crossed as to not fidget. He was close. He was—here?

"Dante come eat." Eva fussed, it was unlike him not to scarf down anything put on the table.

Slowly he made his way to his girls and holstered them, just in case this turned out to be a trick.


"Stay here Mother." He headed towards the front door.

"What is it?" Eva's voice filled with concern.

"Just give me a minute." He had felt another presence with Vergil; it was only now that he recognized it as his father. "I'll be right back. Go ahead and eat." He hoped his words were reassuring. Eva gave him an assessing look and returned to the dining room.

Walking cautiously towards the crest of the hill, he ran down the slope when he saw his brother with his arm around his father, leaning his weight into him.

They had made it, Sparda wanted to pick Vergil up and carry him the rest of the way so desperate to reunite with the rest of his family. He wouldn't disgrace his son like that and let him move under his own power. Looking up the worn path his eyes resting on that of his youngest son, red coat flapping in the sudden breeze that surrounded them. "Dante."

Vergil smiled as his twins emotions bombarded him through their connection, he almost laughed at Dante's giddiness. Dante came to a stop in front of him and grasped the back of his neck. Sparda separated from them. Vergil lifted blind eyes to where his twin was standing as not to startle him. The younger brought him into a bone crushing hug. He let out a breathy laugh as Dante flooded his mind with so many questions. "Slow down brother, there is time."

Vergil let go of Dante and he turned to his father. Sparda stared at his youngest not sure what to do next. He wanted to embrace him, apologize for all the wrongs he had caused, all the pain. He wanted to beg for forgiveness. Dante quirked the corner of his mouth, "Hiya Pop." At that he pulled Dante to him holding him tightly.

"Dante, oh my Dante. I am so sorry. Please forgive me my son. "Sparda begged.

"What the hell did you tell him Verge?" Dante patted his Father's back.

"The truth."

"It's ok Pop." Dante pulled away.

Sparda looked over his shoulder to what he was sure a delusional vision. Eva stood at the top of the hill, her dress flowing about her ankles, long satiny blond hair blowing in the breeze. The Dark Knight dropped to his knees. Dante instantly went to help him. "No my son, I'm alright. H-help your brother. He has lost his sight." Sparda scrambled to his feet and made his way towards his vision.

Eva met him halfway, tears streaming down her face. He reached a shaky hand up to tuck a golden lock behind her ear. "My love, milady." He whispered before kissing her lips tenderly. He was home. He was finally home.

Eva could not believe it. Her love, her life stood before him. Her stubborn little boy had brought him home. They were complete. They were a family again. As Sparda kissed her lips, she could feel him flow through every fiber of her being. Throwing her arms around him, she held him closer… She was complete.

Dante turned to Vergil. "What did he mean you lost your sight?" He gripped Vergil's shoulders, just now noticing the unfocused stare off in the distance.

"It's a long story. Where is Mary?" Vergil asked, the desperation bleeding into his words.

Dante looked up behind him towards the house. "Well, seems like she's on her way down now." He smiled, stepping aside as Mary came running down the hill at full speed. "Get ready."

Vergil laughed and stepped back with one foot to brace himself for impact. "I've never been more ready for anything in all my life." At that moment, Mary slammed into him full force throwing her arms around his neck. Vergil wrapped his arms around her waist picking her up, spinning her round. He set her down as she buried her head in the side of his neck crying uncontrollably. He shushed her as he held the back of her head to him. "I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'll kick your ass if you ever leave me again!" She said between sobs.

"There's my Mary." He smiled and kissed her cheek. Sighing happily he held her tightly, stroking her hair until she calmed.

Mary lifted her gaze to his, but found his eyes cloudy and unfocused. Brushing her fingertips across his cheek, "What happened, Vergil?"

His smile slipped away knowing of what she spoke. "It is a tale for another time, my love. One I will regale at a later date, but now, I would like to hold my child, if I could?"

Mary nodded, "Ok." Pressing a kiss to his lips she held him closer not wanting to break the embrace. I love you.

I have never loved anyone more than I love you. My sweet Mary. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks as she tangled her fingers in his hair, drawing him closer still.

"Ok, this is just getting awkward." Dante said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Vergil couldn't help the belly laugh that escaped his throat as he doubled over in laughter. Elated that he was with his family once again, it was all he could do. Mary scowled deeply at Dante for ruining the moment, but eventually smiled at Vergil's merriment. The laughter subsiding, with Mary on one side and his twin on the other the trio made their way up the hill where Kalina Ann waited, babe nestled in her arms.

AN: ugh, had issue with how this turned out. It came close to how I envisioned it, but not quite.. y'all let me know what you think… I feel it is anti-climactic, but that's just me… take care! Besos!