AN: It's been a while since I've looked over this story. I've made a large change to the story and I apologise in advance because it's a big one. I changed the OC's name from Hairiyu (nothing to do with her family's undies-based names) to Corset (a type of undergarment worn around the torso). This was something I'd been considering doing for quite some time but never really got around to doing it. I felt it was important to try and stick closer to the spirit of the character's names in the Dragonball world.

For those of you who've read this story before, I apologise and realise just how irritating and confusing this may be for you guys. For those who are new to this story, I hope this clears up any confusion you may have if and when you read the reviews. If they're talking about Hairiyu, they now mean Corset.


Prologue – Birth of a fighter

Age 757, 25th May

The walls of the roomy hospital echoed the loud screams and strained groans of one of its patients. Being rich had its quirks; a private room had been designated for the heiress of the Capsule Corporation although now she'd been taken to the delivery room it didn't matter so much. She'd been through a lot over the past year, the current reason for her being in hospital being a big contributor to that!

The hours ticked by, the sun fell and rose over the West City skyline and still the ordeal went on. She'd been here for nearly six hours now; a further two hours had been spent at home and travelling to the hospital with an increasing amount of painful contractions along the way. Now she had been fully dilated for an hour and still no breakthrough.

"Alright Ms. Brief, the baby's almost out now. Give us a strong push."

Another half hour of hollering and struggling went by before finally, finally the deed was done.

Bulma had given birth.

Dr Brief and his wife were huddled around their exhausted daughter, Mrs Brief gently wiping her daughter's fringe from her eyes. "We're so proud of you honey; I'm telling you now that is the hardest, most painful thing you'll ever have to do in your life! Why do you think we only have one daughter?"

"Mama could you please stop telling me scaremonger stories?" Bulma protested, flinching a little from the stitches and aches her exhausted body had acquired. She'd been told by others that it would be the single most painful experience of her life. She'd acknowledged the warning, assuming that it was right. Only by going through it had she really taken on board what it'd meant. Bulma'd been naïve to just nod along and agree. She reclined back into her pillow and sombrely sighed to herself. "... Anyway it's ok, I can't see me popping out any more of them any time soon. We both know Yamcha's not interested."

Her dating life was now over apparently. Helpful words of wisdom from friends and work colleagues. They were haters as far as Bulma was concerned, people who gave up too easily. She could still get herself dates if she wanted, especially with brains and beauty like hers. And if they were put off by her being a mother then they weren't the right one anyway, she told herself.

"Well you got through it and that's all that matters," Dr Brief smiled from the other side of the room. "I do have one question though dear."

"Yeah, what's that?" Bulma tried to sit up, her mother held her down ushering her not to strain herself.

"Well... I can't help but wonder..." Dr Brief folded his arms, treading cautiously through his daughter's trigger points, "...who the father is? I mean, she doesn't resemble you much at all!"

Bulma flinched at her father's comment, hormones suddenly at flashpoint. It was true though. If she hadn't seen her child pop out then she would have sworn they'd given her the wrong baby!

"Her skin's different to yours; she's got dark hair," Dr Brief continued, "... and she has a tail!"

"That terrified the nurses and doctor…" Bulma wryly added to herself quietly. It was only an extra appendage, it wasn't as if it was an undesirable blot on her daughter's physical appearance.

A loud gasp came from Mrs Brief as a thought crossed her mind. "Oh, you know who else had a tail, don't you?"

Bulma was quick off the mark. "It's not Goku's, alright. Trust me if it had been I would definitely not be telling you both I don't know who the father is; I'd be panicking about how Chichi would react Besides he's a married man and I'm not that kind of woman."

"Now now dear, calm down or you'll wear yourself out," Mrs Brief calmed her daughter. "It just seems so strange, that's all. Come to think of it, how did little Goku end up with a tail anyway? It looks so adorable!"

"I don't know..." Bulma sighed feeling rather tired of her mother's constant questioning. She'd just spent the best part of a day enduring her body hijacking itself and trying to expel a large lump of baby through a hole that usually stayed comfortable and content. She sat back slowly, hair flying up slightly as she let her head drop into her pillow, closing her eyes. She didn't mean to be rude, far from it. Bearing a child was exhausting and she needed to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

"Changing the subject back to our little wonder here," Dr Brief turned back around to his daughter and wife, "do you have any names for her sorted?"

"Oh I forgot I was going to ask you about that!" Mrs Brief lit up, clapping her hands together softly, "I thought of some wonderful names in case you were stuck!"

"It's ok Mama, I think I've got one," Bulma opened one eye sharply, knowing full well what her mother was about to suggest. Underwear... the fascination her parents had with the items of clothing baffled her; why she had to be named after such a thing was humiliating! Bulma didn't want to put the burden and shame on her daughter of having a name that resembled underwear like she'd had to. Kids were cruel; she'd be bullied for sure just as Bulma had been during her childhood. No, this child was going to have an unusual name but it wouldn't be anything embarrassing she'd come to resent her mother for… she hoped. Whilst the theme of names within the family was endearing, Bulma had gone through a tough selection before settling on this one. It was highly unlikely a kid would come across this name and know what it was, given that the device itself was barely used… plus there was a cute, mysterious vibe to the name which seemed to fit the infant.

"What's her name going to be then?" Mrs Brief seemed a little down-heartened but interested.

"... Corset."

Dr Brief perked up. "... Corset, eh? Well now, that's a marvellous name, very fitting for a child of this family."

"It is, isn't it?" Bulma nodded. "She's such a unique baby – even for our standards. I thought a name like that would suit her, I mean how many other babies have you seen in this ward with tails? Besides she comes from a family who's been part of the Dragonball Gang for years and has helped to wish people back to life, she has a very intelligent mother and grandfather, and her mother is very adventurous and brave! She'll be a good comrade, she'll be clever and she'll show bravery... those are the qualities I'll want to bring out in her. She'll need them!"

"... What do you imagine she'll be doing?" Dr Brief mumbled baffled. "Bravery?"

"Of course, just like Goku and the guys." Bulma smiled, adding an extra thought to her sentence, '... And with luck, he'll never come back for her. If he does then she really will need those qualities.'