I SAID IT'D BE UPDATED AGAIN. BETCHYA THOUGHT THE STORY WAS DEAD DIDN'T YA? Well lo and behold it's not! I now present...chapter 5!

[After Biteology, it was time for lunch for the Monster High students...and for the author...it's been five years since the last update and she's been starving like crazy! However, the Creepateria was only serving raw steak and the infamous Mystery Eyeball Soup. The author sighed in relief. Good thing I brought a PB&J. I need to find Frankie! The readers are counting on her for the next piece of the story!

She scanned the entire room and jumped when she saw the ghoul. Then, the author proceeded to do the unimaginable.

"FRANKIE! OVER HERE! IF YOU DON'T KNOW ME THAT'S COOL TOO BUT YOU REALLY SHOULD, AFTER ALL I'M THE ONE WRITING THIS SCENE!" Frankie Stein stopped dead in her tracks -hehe pun not intended- and scurried to where the author was sitting, which sadly happened to be next to a trash can considering all the seats were taken already.

"Oh my gosh please stop yelling!"

"But you just yelled."

"No I didn't!"

"You're still doing it. I'm refusing to yell because I'm an obedient child of the school system, mwehehe."

"Agh whatever, anyways what are you doing here? It's been five years since the last update and we're all starving."

The author looked up with pleading eyes. "The readers really wanna know what happens next! Please Frankie please continue the next part of the story."

"Wait what exactly is the next part? I thought that we finished it with the breakup."

"I mean yeah we did but I figured how you were in the aftermath was important too."

Frankie sighed. "Okay, fine, but let's continue the story out in the hallway so I can at least eat my lunch."

"OHMYGOSH YESSS THANK YOUU!" And with that the two went off into the hallway. Frankie took a bite of her lunch and began.]

When I finished the short walk home, I didn't even bother closing the front door behind me as I entered. My mom, brewing coffee, and my father, reading the newspaper, both looked up at me.

"Frankie, you're supposed to be at school right now! We dropped you off half an hour ago, what are you doing home?" My mom inquired, while Dad nodded in agreement.

"I…", I sniffed, "…I just forgot something in my room."

The redness in my eyes and the tears falling down my face didn't go by unnoticed. Mom walked over and enveloped me in a hug, stroking my hair in a comforting manner.

"Oh, honey, what happened? Why are you crying? You know what? Go wait in the backyard, I'll be there in a second."

"T-thanks." I dried up the still never-stopping teardrops. As I stepped outside, I felt comfort in the scene around me.

My father was praised for his work in electrical engineering, so it wasn't a surprise to anyone that we owned a bigger-than-usual house. Our huge backyard was practically a maze in itself (well, the maze was more towards the left side of the yard). All along the ornate white iron fences were growing plants of different varieties, from blooming tiger lilies to fresh lavender, to sweet honeysuckle and elegant roses. A pond filled with glimmering koi fish sat near the far right, while palm trees guarded the entrance and shot upwards to meet the sky. Everything was a sight to behold, and I chose to take my seat at one of the brown woven wooden chairs next to a round coffee table of the same color. Sitting as a tiny figure in the middle of such a colossal paradise, I, for the moment, forgot about the painful memory of that earlier morning.

After about ten minutes, my mom returned, and in her hand she carried a tray piled high with almost every type of dessert imaginable.

"How….how did you-"

"Never question a mother's cooking, dear. Here, eat up." Mom gestured to the mountain of sweets. She sat down and took a few chocolate chip cookies for herself, while I chose a cinnamon roll, still fresh and warm from the oven.

"Now, tell me what happened."

"Well," I started, nibbling on my cinnamony delight before continuing, "it's Jackson…"

"Ah, him. Has he asked you to the dance yet?"

"No, and it's about something other than that. I was walking to the gym, and…and when I opened the doors and went inside…I saw him kissing another ghoul!" A fresh wave of tears erupted from my eyes, while my mother kept a neutral expression. After about two minutes, my sobbing had slowed, and I had started to stare at my mom in a quiet confusion, wondering why she hadn't reacted.

She was silent for five full seconds before she threw a cookie at my face.

"….What was that for?!"

"You were being stupid."



"Um okay...but what should I do?"

"Have you talked to him?"

"Why would I talk to him after seeing that?"

"You never know, maybe it was a misunderstanding."

At this point, I was started to get frustrated. Very frustrated. None of this made sense, and none of it probably ever will for the moment. But for now, I was angry, and I decided to express that anger accordingly.


"...Okay then, what do you think?"

"I don't know, to be honest." I sighed. Two minutes and thirty seven seconds (yes, I was counting) had passed and my mother was already being cryptic. Maybe I should've just asked Dad for advice. At least his advice made a bit more sense.

After a long time of both my mother and father insisting that I stay home for the day, I had finally taken them up on their offer, and had decided to just spend the day and pretty much the entire evening in bed.

I loved my parents and how they cared so much for me, but sometimes they could be a bit too caring. It was just a broken heart, it's not like I wouldn't be able to function in class, whine and cry about it all day to the author, followed by hunting down Jackson/Holt (I had always considered both personalities as one person, not two different people). My hurt and anger wouldn't take over if I was just walking along and spotted him in the hall, probably with Toralei hanging on his arm. Sure, it would hurt like crazy, like a knife twisting in both my heart and stomach, turning more and more with each step that the new couple would take, with each new memory resurrected in my mind, and with each step that I myself would have take in order to just get to one class. Yes, it would hurt, but...but I would get over it...

Suddenly, my texting ringtone had started to blare from my iCoffin. Bringing the cellular device out from under my pillow, I saw that it was a text from Draculaura.

Draculaura: HEY GHOULFRIEND! Hey listen, what's wrong? Nobody has seen you today and it's already lunch now. We haven't seen Jackson/Holt/WHOEVER I DON'T CARE either. I asked around, but no one else knows what's going on either. T_T Just say what happened. I'm already getting worried and I'm too worried to think about eating right now and I'm seeing red and I can already smell Deuce's blood and IswearifClawdeendoesn'tholdmebackI'mgoingtoalkdfhaldhfna,sdchiaskjdf

Frankie: Uh hey Draculaura O.O Yeah...we're not together anymore… I'll explain it to you later. I'm sorry I can't be there and I'm sorry for worrying you guys, I'm just not in the mood to really do anything. I need some time to myself for now, but thanks for checking on me.

And with a tap of the "Send" button my problems were now out to my friends, which will probably end up spreading throughout the school like a wildfire in a few seconds given Draculaura doesn't strangle Deuce first. I sighed. I'd probably end up returning to school tomorrow, but for now all I wanted to focus on was clearing my mind. Pulling the covers up and turning off the nightlight, I drifted off into the comfort of sleep.

[Frankie had a faraway look in her eyes, and had barely touched her lunch at all towards the end. The author was about to put a hand on her shoulder but realized that considering she was wearing a metal bracelet, doing that would probably get her electrocuted. Instead she decided to move to sit in front Frankie.

"Hey Frankie? Can I ask you a question?"

Frankie slowly looked up with the beginning formation of a tear in her eye. "What?"

"Would you ever take Jackson and Holt back?"

She sighed. "I don't really know, it was such a long time ago...I guess maybe if I actually stopped to listen to Holt when he said it was all a misunderstanding, we'd probably still be together. Nothing has really happened since then though, we all just kind of carried on with life, so there's not really any more to this story. I made the choice though, so I guess I just have to deal with it"

The bell rang for the last class of the day. Frankie gathered her things and left for her next class, leaving the author feeling very very conflicted about the entire situation. Suddenly, she shot up from where she was sitting with an idea in mind.

"I got it! I know just who to visit! Mwehehe watch out, here I come!"

Well well well I don't have much to comment on at the moment, I've gotta work on chapter 6! See ya soon you lovely readers!