Disclaimer: I don't own, I make nothing off of it. KP and the gang are out of my hands. (But always in my heart.)

Author's Note: Has anyone ever wondered what could come about from Bonnie's ill temper and snarky bad attitude? This is a senior year story centering on what could transpire from too much snark. Enjoy.



Chapter 1

The Problem


"Nice routine, K!"

The irritation dripping from the highly sarcastic voice of the teal-eyed brunette was almost palatable today. Beside the irritation and sarcasm, it was also had just a hint of superiority, menace and disdain. "I'm sure we'll win the Regionals with it."

"Bonnie," Liz spoke up for once, usually being the quieter redheaded cheerleader when it came to standing up to Bonnie Rockwaller's sarcasm, "the routine is great. It's creative and fun and I think it'll be more than enough to win the competition." The wavy red-haired girl didn't like to get between Bonnie and Kim Possible (or any argument for that matter) but the tanned girl had been getting on everybody's nerves recently with her snark and someone had to stand up to Bonnie. Lord knows Kim had been battling the infamous Rockwaller negativity for years.

Fortunately for Liz, the other five girls backed her up before Bonnie could spin in place and verbally tear her apart.

"Liz is right, Bonnie," Marcella stated, stepping forward and defiantly crossing her arms over her chest, also finally getting feed up with the brunette's incessant sass. "We look really good performing this routine and it will win us the Regionals." The other four girls: Crystal, Hope, Jessica and Tara all loudly added their "I agree" and "Yeah" to the discussion.

"Are you all nuts!" Bonnie exploded, throwing her hands in the air in exasperation. She screeched, "We'll never win the competition with this lame routine! We'll be laughed off the gym floor!" She turned to Tara and continued to yell, "And you Tara, my best friend! How can you side with them?"

Before the beautiful blue-eyed blond girl could answer there was a loud male voice that echoed throughout the entire gym. "Rockwaller, settle down!" The voice was followed by the large, barrel-chested Vice Principal who stepped out from behind the bleachers and swiftly moved over to the squad at center court of the gymnasium. "Explain yourself."

"I think we're wasting our time doing these lame routines that Kim always comes up with for the last four years," Bonnie spat to the large teacher.

"That's not what you told me the other day," Tara firmly countered, finally having the courage to stand up to her lifelong friend. "You said the routines are great and the only thing you didn't like about them was that Kim came up with 'em."

"Is that true, Rockwaller," Mr. Barkin suspiciously queried.

The teal-eyed brunette withered under the intense stare coming from the big school administrator and sometimes substitute teacher... not to mention the other girls standing center court in the gym. They were all intently staring at her. She mumbled, "Well, I might have said something like that to Tara."

Mr. Barkin took a measured breath before he slowly let it out, all the while his intense stare never wavered from the well-tanned, teal-eyed girl. "Miss Rockwaller, I've recently received some highly disparaging, written reports of your attitude from more than one member of the cheer squad... as well as quite a few other students in the school. As a matter of fact, all but two of your fellow squad mates have informed me that your disruptive attitude was unbecoming that of a cheerleader. Because of those reports, I've been covertly watching your practices and have come to a decision." He extended his large right hand out and said, "You are no longer on the team. Hand over your pom poms."

Except for Mr. Barkin, there wasn't a closed mouth in the gym. Eight girls were wide-eyed and had their mouths agape from the news. Kim was the first to come out of the shock and said, "But Mr. Barkin, the team needs Bonnie if we're going to compete in the Regional Competition next week. The routine calls for eight people. We just can't do it if she's not on the floor."

"I don't care, Possible," Barkin retorted as he snatched the pom poms out of Bonnie's quivering hands. "You'll just have to miss the competition. The cheer squad is supposed to be a positive influence that supports the school's sports teams. I will not have a disruptive influence on any of the squads at Middleton High."

"Well, I hope you're satisfied, K," Bonnie snarked to the redhead. "Thanks for leading the revolt and getting me kicked off the squad."

"Bonnie, I..." Kim started before she was cut off by Mr. Barkin.

"Miss Possible was not one of the six who filed complaints against you Rockwaller."

"What ever!" Bonnie snapped and stomped off toward the girl's locker room.

"And Rockwaller, be sure to turn in your uniform to the main office before you leave the building," Mr. Barkin yelled to the quickly moving girl as she disappeared behind the door to the locker room. "It's school property!"

"Now," Barkin gruffly queried as he turned to Kim and the rest of the girls, "can you put together a routine or should I call the Regional Competition Committee and withdraw Middleton High from the competition?"

Kim looked at the six other girls trying to gauge their sentiments to the question. What she saw on their faces was only supportive, positive smiles. She looked to the only male in the gymnasium and, with a cheerleader bright smile, said, "I'm not sure if we can win, but we'll give it all we got, Mr. Barkin."

"That's all I can ask, Possible, but I'll need to know in two days. That's Friday, if you don't have a calendar on you." With that said, Mr. Barkin quick-marched out of the gymnasium, obviously still in a very foul mood. He did manage to drop off the pair of pom poms before he barged through the doors to the hallway.

"What now, Kim?" the blue-eyed, platinum blond girl asked as the seven girls huddled up close at center court of the basketball floor to discuss the situation.

Before Kim could answer, Marcella asked, "What about our alternate? Don't we have an alternate cheerleader waiting in the wings in case one of us gets sick or is injured or something?"

"No, we can't ask Cindy to join us," Kim automatically answered, shaking her head in the negative as she thought about the current sitch. "She's a member of the gymnastics squad and we don't want to take away from the other school teams. We're here to support them, not make their squads less competitive by taking someone from their roster."

"Is there anybody else who could fill in?" Crystal, the green-eyed brunette begged. "What about Ron? He knows most of our basic routines from when he was the Mad Dog Mascot last year."

"No, we don't want to take him away from the football team," Kim said before she straightened up with pride of her boyfriend who was already setting school records during only his first year playing the game. "He's doing a great job as the running back so we don't want to ruin their team dynamic."

"Well, I can't think of anyone else who could fill in on such notice," Jessica, the other blue-eyed blonde, (the one with the cute freckles) sighed in exasperation. "Can any of you?"

The other girl slowly shook their heads in the negative, the overall demeanor of the squad suddenly heading south. All of them had been sure that they'd win the Regional Competition and then move on to take the state title as the best cheer squad in Colorado. There were even a few who thought that they'd place high in the National competition, if not win it.

Now it appeared likely that they wouldn't even get to compete in the Regional Competition unless they came up with a routine for only seven girls.

"Can we alter the routine to work with only us?" Hope begged with a little... hope, in her voice.

"I really don't think our routine could work with only seven people," Kim said as she slowly shook her head after thinking about it for a few seconds. "There's no way the pyramid can be safely made with only one spotter. And since the rules state that there must be at least two spotters for any aerial maneuver, the judges would definitely deduct points, if not outright D.Q. us from the meet."

"And Bonnie's wormed her way into being vital in the rest of the routine," Crystal, the only brown-haired girl left on the squad since Bonnie was just ousted, vehemently spat. "She always tried to make it seem as if she was the star of the show."

"She certainly acted like she was the top of the pyramid," raven-haired Marcella snarked, "even though she wasn't."

"Now hold on guys," Kim stepped in before what she thought would happen, did happen. She knew the six other girls were upset with Bonnie and her snide ways, but she didn't want this to become a lynch mob. "Bonnie brought this on herself but we can't totally blame her for the sitch we're in. We'd be in the same situation if Bonnie, or any other one of us, sprained an ankle or broke an arm or a leg from a fall. We're cheerleaders so we're suppose to be upbeat and support every single person in our school, no matter how badly they treat anyone else."

"Kim's right," Tara piped in." I'm not going to abandon my friend just because she's been a little off her rocker lately and got kicked off the squad. We need to find out what's going on in Bonnie's life that's making her so mean."

"While you do that," Kim said with a ton of determination in her voice and demeanor, "I'll draw up a new routine for only seven girls. I should have something ready by tomorrow."

"Can we learn a new routine by next Saturday?" Liz questioned with a bit of trepidation in her voice. "I mean that's only like ten days."

"We're Mad Dog Cheerleaders," Kim firmly cheered, putting her hand out in the circle of girls, "and we can do anything!"

The other six girls nodded and smiled at the redhead's enthusiasm and all put their hands in the circle.