Sooooooo sorry this chapter took so long.... I really do try to work on this, but things come up... things with blonde hair and alternative piercings.... growl.


I left the room while she changed. Not because I felt bad about getting an eyeful of semi-nude Makoto, because how could anyone feel bad while looking at six feet of breathtaking poise and power... Mostly because I was afraid she'd notice. That would be bad.

So I went around the other rooms of her small apartment, cleaning a bit, checking the doors and windows, looking at her old ornaments and examining some newer ones.

She had a recently framed picture on her bookshelf of our last trip to the track. It was where Haruka and Makoto had attacked me after a practice run. They were draped all over me, shiny from the heat and effort of competing against one another. Michiru had taken the shot and the other girls had been smart enough to stay away from them and avoided their somewhat smelly attentions. I had been reading a particularly stimulating, er... uh... riveting story I had found on the Internet, and had completely forgotten about the rest of them. And Michiru caught the moment, the one second, when I couldn't help but smile at her in a way you shouldn't smile at a friend. I know what I was thinking that exact moment, but thank the gods no one else does. I can't believe Makoto has never brought it up. Is it just me? Am I getting paranoid? .....Probably. But it's ok to be paranoid if everyone really is out to get you.

Wow. She is really hot in this picture... I wonder if Michiru has another print... Good gods she's sexy when she's all sweaty and flushed.... which of course brings to mind all of those fantasies that are breeding grounds for embarrassment. As soon as I start thinking about romantic interludes with Makoto, something happens. It's all a big conspiracy to keep me from ever having any fun... I wonder what she fantasizes about?

"Hey Ames?"

"Yi! Uh, yes?"

Makoto stepped into the hallway outside her room. She was braiding her hair in preparation for bed. She gave me an odd look from around the doorway. "What're you doin'?"

"Nothing! I mean... just uh, looking."

She cocked an eyebrow and I swear I died for a moment. I think she does that on purpose.

"Well look tomorrow. It's one in the morning and time for all good little senshis to be in bed." She finished the long braid, snapped on a rubber band and flipped it over her shoulder.

I hate her sometimes. How can someone look that gorgeous flipping their hair? I've seen Minako and Usagi do it for attention, but I just didn't get the appeal. I do now.

"So when do naughty senshi sleep? Because I don't think I qualify for 'good little senshi' right now..." I muttered.

"Eh? What was that Blue?"

"What was what?" I replied. If I said 'Nothing' again she'd start on me. Play dumb. Always a good plan. I added a slightly wide-eyed look I pinched from Chibi-Usa. If it worked for her...

"Must be the stereo. Come on. Time for bed."


"Geez Ames! Scoot over. You're hogging the bed."

"You keep stealing the blanket Makoto! My bu- my back's freezing. Why is it so cold?" It wasn't quite summer weather yet, but it was getting close. The nights were still chilly enough to make you think different.

Makoto stopped tugging at the blanket I had partially wrapped around me. I turned toward her. Her hair was falling out of the braid. There's more daydreams in the making...

"The heating's busted. My landlady keeps sending people to fix it, but the damn thing needs to be replaced. It breaks all the time." She huffed and blew her bangs off her face. "She's waiting for me to do it myself, I know she is. That woman's evil."

"Big baby. Mrs. Smiley is very sweet."

"Evil I tell you."

I sighed in mock exasperation. "Do you have anymore clean blankets?"

She pointed vaguely in the direction of the linen closet. "Washed 'em Saturday."

"I doubt it." She stuck her tongue out at me like the overgrown child she was. I just sighed once more and trudged from the tepid bed to the freezing hallway. "Jimminy Cricket... it's freezing. I should have made her go. She has more insulation then me anyway..." I smirked at that comment and was tempted to repeat it again within her hearing range. But then I remembered the possible repercussions for doing so. And never let it be said Ami Mizuno went looking for death. My mind wandered back to Makoto's curvy body as I turned on the light and pulled out two of the thickest blankets I could find.

Goddess. What a figure she has. A sin, that's what that is. It should be illegal to be that sexy. She has the kind of body that you'd like to cover in whipped cream and... maybe it's just me that wants to do that.



I jumped a foot in the air at Makoto's voice right in my ear. Her mouth was close enough for her to send ghosting breaths across my neck and cheek. I let out something that sounded like a cross between a moan and a mouse squeak.

"You've been gone for five minutes. I figured you got lost or something." She took in my red face and startled eyes. Then I saw that glint she gets just before she starts torturing me. "So what are you out here thinking about?"

My mouth dropped open. "I-I-I-I..." Her eyebrow raised again and I almost fainted. She's taking the same classes for looking hot without trying that Haruka takes, I know she is.


I swallowed hard. "No one..." A split second too late I realized my mistake. Twice. Twice in twenty-four hours I've fallen for that trick.

"I didn't ask who Ames... and this time I've got no homework to keep me from finding out."

Asking my brain at three in the morning to think of a plausible way to explain my little Freudian Slip was a bit much apparently. I was grasping at straws. Think of someone, ANYONE, who is not her and you could be thinking about at this time of night... or morning as it was.

"Thinkin' about Urawa huh?"

Anyone but HIM!

"NO! Ick nononononononononono-"

"OK! Not Urawa! Chill."

My eyes must've looked like dinner plates.

"I think you need more sleep Ames."

I just nodded dumbly. She reached past me to pull on the chain dangling from the ceiling that turned off the overhead light. Bringing her VERY close to me. Specific parts of her in particular. I could feel the nosebleed beginning.

She pulled back and took the blankets from my slack hands. I was still in shock.

"Geez Ames. Whoever it was... I think you're drooling."

"I am not!"

"Sure. That's what you say. All I have to say is whoever it is, you better introduce me, 'cause I wanna meet whoever got our resident Ice Queen all hot and bothered."

"I am not hot and bothered!"

She just looked at me.

"I'm not!"

"Sure Blue."

She turned and walked back to the room with blankets in hand. I followed slightly behind. Muttering all the while.

"I'm not hot and bothered. I'm Ami Mizuno. Ami Mizuno does not get hot and bothered."

"So you've said."

"Hey! Do I listen to you while you're talking to yourself?"

There's the eyebrow again. She does that again and I might just lose it.

"I don't remember talking to myself lately. I'm sure you wouldn't listen anyway. But it's funny when you talk to yourself." She gave me a sweet smile as she spread the blankets over the bed. "I suppose it's true, that there's a thin line between genius and madness. And Ami my dear, you're straddling it."

I didn't allow myself to think of straddling. I am Ami Mizuno. Ami Mizuno is a good girl. She does not think about sex all the time. My body's been storing up hormones for seventeen years and has suddenly decided to release them all on me at once. That's the only explanation for my sudden interest in the more ...prurient... aspects of a relationship with Makoto. I didn't used to think like this all the time. My daydreams were warm and fuzzy and consisted of picnics and dancing in silk and satin. Leather never entered into the equation until recently.

"OK Ames. Bed's made. Time to mess it up again."

DAMNIT! I'm being punished. This is divine punishment. I did something very wrong. I slighted some deity and now my punishment is to be around this...exquisite creature with all the appeal of a goddess and suffer. Damnation... This bites.

"Are you gonna sleep out there?" Makoto asked as she crawled back in bed.

With the demeanor of someone readying themselves for the executioner's axe I crawled into the bed. I guess Makoto was oblivious to my inner turmoil because she was asleep within minutes. I sighed and settled in for a long four hours.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

I thought it was going to be a long four hours. I actually dozed off a few minutes after Makoto. Surprise there.

I woke up slowly to my internal alarm. I'm so used to getting up at 6:30 for workouts and cram classes that I can't get myself out of the habit. Even though I don't go to either regularly and haven't in months.

I tried to turn to shut off the alarm before I noticed Makoto draped over me. I slapped the alarm button with my right hand and settled back down to stare at the mass of chestnut locks on my chest. She had her head resting on my collar bone and one hand curled up close to her mouth. She almost looked as if she was sucking her knuckle. One leg was flung across both of mine apparently, since I couldn't move them... Not that I'd ever want to.

I couldn't help but smile. This is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. Slowly, not wanting to wake her up, I wrapped my hand around her to pull her a bit closer. I froze when she moved in my arms. But she only turned herself more fully into my side and let out a small sigh. She settled back to sleep with the cutest little smile on her face.

I got comfortable as well, with a matching, though larger, smile. I wasn't moving until she woke up, and not even an act of Gods and Congress could change my mind about that. Idly I stroked the top of Makoto's head, vaguely wishing she had left her hair down last night so I could just bury my fingers in it. I stroked her cheek softly, with just enough pressure to keep my touch from tickling her awake. This has to be the beginning of a very good day.