Title: A Kind of Twisted Fairytale

Rating: R

Summary: It was a twisted fairytale if there ever was one. Her own prince charming riding in to save the day, a facade of kindness and heroism hiding his own terrible monster.

Notes: This actually started as a drabble, see how out of hand it got. It was my intention to post this as a one-shot, but I'm a bit stuck on how to leave the end. So instead of staring at it I decided to post the first half. It is mostly written. If I'm in the mood I might get it posted tonight. If not I'm hoping on tomorrow. Reviews very welcome! They make me write more. :)

Three weeks. It had been three weeks that she had been held hostage against her will. In the beginning she had resisted. The response to that had been pain. Aneurisms by a witch, vervain to take her strength and make her compliant and the withholding of blood to teach her a lessen. It didn't matter what they did, Caroline would have rather died than become some slave for her monsters pleasure. Except she wasn't ready to die, so at some point she had relented, given in, if only for the time being.

After, things were easier. Every morning she was attended by young woman with bites on their necks who were entirely to happy because of their compulsion. It made Caroline sick.

They dressed her, applied make and fixed her hair. Caroline was a doll in a house full of monsters. The other vampires watched her with disgust, not at all approving of their masters new acquisition. It was one thing to have a human as a pet, it was another entirely to take a vampire as a pet, especially one they looked down upon. She was a baby to them, weak because of her morals. Weak because she bent to his will.

Except she wasn't bending to his will, Caroline was waiting. If she was vervained, hungry and trapped then there would be no chance of escape. Fooling him into believing she was compliant was her only chance. Except he wasn't fooled, not yet at least.

It was her first time allowed out into real public company. Yet he was always close, looking appreciatively at her, like a new toy. Introducing her to friends, awaiting compliments on his most recent acquisition.

She danced with him, smiling slightly, but it didn't reach her eyes. Caroline assumed he realized that, but her true happiness didn't matter to him.

His hands caressed her body until it was tense from the physical contact. Until she was so disgusted with the feel of his hands that she though she might be sick.

At one point he did step away, taking a young woman with him. The witch, much to stoic to be anything more then a bodyguard, stood near her. Even witches she supposed could have an evil spirit.

Obviously, she was off her game, because she didn't realize when he was upon her until his hand touched her hip, his chest pressing into her back. He wreaked of human blood so she exhaled and stopped breathing after that.

"You are quite beautiful tonight."

His hand slid over abdomen, much to low to be proper for the public eye. She tensed. It had been three weeks and he had yet to make a move for her body, yet that threat always lingered in her mind. "Thank you," she said evenly.

"So cold," he whispered into her ear. "I'm sure I could find some way to warm you."

He pulled her back against him and Caroline resisted the urge to shudder.

"Honestly, I'm sure a vampire of your age could come up with a pick up line of more originality."

Caroline gasped, spinning out of her captors arms to face the origination of the voice. Her monster didn't seem to even notice, his attention was also on the new voice...the familiar voice.

"I don't believe we've been introduced."

Then he held out his hand and she released a shaky breath, staring at him as she stretched her hand out to him. He took it.

"My name is Niklaus."

"Caroline," she whispered and he bent at the waist, never breaking eye contact, and kissed her hand. There was a muffled voice, almost tense, but Caroline didn't hear it. Klaus released her hand and turned to her captor, his eyes sharp. She could only make out small pleasantries before Klaus looked at her again and back to the man at her side, the monster that kept her there.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask the lovely Caroline to dance."

Before the other vampire could even answer Caroline snapped into action. "Yes, please." Klaus took her hand again, ignoring the monster. No one told Klaus no. He led her onto the dance floor, securing an arm around her waist and holding her hand in the other. She clung to him. "Klaus..."

"Quite the cryptic message you left me love. I was ready to give you a piece my mind. Something about only calling when it suited you or you needed something. Of course when I got there you were gone." Klaus cocked an eyebrow, but she only stared up at him. "Now look at the trouble you've gotten yourself in. And you call me the psychopath."

"Did you only come to tease me," she snapped angrily, realizing for the first time that she felt like her old self again. Even though she was with Klaus, of all people, she didn't need to fear being herself. As usual, his only response to her ire was amusement.

"Contrary to what you believe, I didn't come to watch this spectacle." Klaus glanced around and frowned before he turned back to her. "Yet, my abilities aren't limitless."

"I know," she sighed in response. In that moment she felt tired, so tired. Regardless of the type of man Klaus was, Caroline could have taken comfort in his presence at the moment, closed her eyes and lowered her head to his shoulder. "The witches."

"Precisely. I don't think now is the opportune time."

Caroline tensed at his words, nervous at what the rest of the night held in store for her. "I can't," she said softly, her eyes pleading. "I'd rather die then..." Yet she couldn't say it. "I can't."

"Come now love," Klaus stepped back with a smile, holding only one of her hands now as he bent against to kiss her. "Have a little faith."

In the time she sat on the bed Caroline had slid a letter opener beneath the pillow, fluffed her hair, readjusted her breasts and fought the urge to spew the blood she had ingested earlier.

Klaus had disappeared, leaving Caroline to her very own scantily clad nightmare. Within hours she had gone from toy to prospective sex toy. Caroline wasn't that weak. Only one of them was walking out of that room alive.

The door clicked finally, opened and he walked in. She didn't go for the letter opener first, determined to play along, let him get close.

"So sorry love, we were busy."

And just like that everything changed. Klaus stepped out from behind her nightmare and shut the door.

"Have a seat," Klaus directed the other vampire and waited before turning back to Caroline with a cocked eyebrow. "I'm assuming this wasn't in anticipation of my arrival."

Caroline looked down at her scantily clad attire and folded her arms over her chest before looking up to glare at him. He only rolled his eyes and then he was shrugging off his black jacket, stepping forward and leaning close so that he could drape it over her shoulders.

"I'm not a voyeur love, cover up." With that he turned and took a seat on the bed, cocking his head to study the vampire in front of him. "Well, what do we have here?"

"What do you want Klaus?" The vampire snarled angrily. "Do you really think you'll make it out of here alive. My witches, vampires-."

"One question at a time," Klaus interrupted. "First, yes, I will make it out of here alive. Your witches and vampires are dead. My brother had quite a time with them."

As he spoke Caroline had crawled forward on the bed and sat slightly behind him,still preferring him between her and the monster.

"And second," Klaus stood and looked down at him, "what do I want? Well," Klaus began again, turning behind him to glance at Caroline, but he said nothing and instead frowned. "Really sweetheart, I said cover up."

Caroline looked down in confusion to where his jacket hung partially open, but it covered her, much more so then she had been just moments ago. Yet even so, Klaus was in front of her in a flash and buttoning it. "Thanks," she whispered, overcome with the gentleness of his gesture. His eyes shot up to her and narrowed. Then the moment was gone and he turned again, facing her captor.

"What do I want?" Klaus sighed and looked around, spotting a bar. "Ah."

In confusion, Caroline watched him walk away. When he began pouring himself a drink she stared in shock, unable to understand this vampire who remained so calm under the scenario she was now in. He took his time, finally making his way back and taking a seat in another chair, directly facing her monster, and looking as relaxed as he would in his own home.

"Now where was I?"

"What do you want?" The monster asked again angrily.

"Yes," Klaus took a sip and rested his arm on that of the chair, "what do I want. I think, maybe, for you to fully understand I might owe you an explanation. You see, before you set your eyes on pretty little Caroline here I met her some time ago. She was a sweet little thing then, high school cheerleader living in a small town. I'm sure you would have loved it."

Caroline sighed in exasperation and he looked at her pointedly, clearing telling her it was his turn. She frowned in response, but said nothing.

"I can empathize with you," Klaus began again, speaking to the vampire who sat compelled to stay in his chair, "I was quite taken with her myself. How long has it been now Caroline. Ten years?" He glanced at her, but she only glared. "That's beside the point. The point I've been trying to make is that I've been waiting quiet patiently for her." Klaus took another sip. "Even though she has been very resistant."

Caroline huffed and he smirked at her, obviously enjoying his little story.

"I'm patient though," Klaus said with a shrug, "I can wait. I have eternity after all. The waiting doesn't bother me." Tipping the tumbler back, Klaus swallowed the rest of the amber liquid before tossing it to the side, the glass shattering against the wall.

In a split second everything changed. Klaus moved forward at inhuman speed, grasping her monster's neck and raising him off his feet.

"What bother's me," Klaus growled angrily, "is you taking her. What bother's me is you torturing her, parading her around like some plaything and taking her to your bed like some whore."

"I didn't know she was yours," the vampire choked out, his eyes wide in fear, finally realizing his error.

"She isn't mine," Klaus snarled, "maybe one day, but not yet. Yet I won't permit her to be treated so cruelly."

Caroline watched with her mouth gaping slightly as Klaus slammed him down into the chair again. Slowly, he walked around it, like a predator stalking it's prey, and then stopped, propped one hand onto the arm of the chair, the other onto the back, and leaned forward to whisper into her monster's ear.

"This hand," Klaus began as he picked up one of the vampires hands, "was this the one you touched her with?"

From the moment Klaus had walked in, eerily calm, Caroline should have known this was where it was going. Yet she still wasn't prepared for the scream the reverberated within the room as Klaus crushed the other vampire's hand. It was when he snapped a third finger clean off that her gag reflex decided to make itself known.

Klaus looked up, eyes black and yellow, and then they quickly receded back to their human color. "Kol!"

Their eyes didn't leave one another, not even to spare a glance at her monster as he sat there panting and whimpering. Soon the door opened.

"Finally," Kol said with a grin as he stepped into the room, "the real fun."

"None for you. Take Caroline."

Without even realizing it Caroline shook her head. "No, I'm waiting for-." You, she was waiting for him, but before she could say it she had stopped. Yet the meaning was clear to him. She knew from the way he stared at her, forgetting the tortured vampire at his side.

"I really don't think torture is your cup of tea, and I'm no where near finished with your new friend." With those words Klaus stepped towards the bed where she still sat and held out a hand.

It scared her how much she appreciated the fact that he always asked permission first, for everything that concerned her. Slowly, she took it and he preceded to help her off the bed and lead her around her captor, his own body between them. As they neared Kol he stopped.

"Straight to the hotel Kol. And leave her alone. Don't touch her and no smart ass comments or I'll skin you next," Klaus snapped.

Kol only rolled his eyes, but he stepped to the side, allowing her access to the door. That must have been sufficient for Klaus, because he released her hand and pressed his own to her back, ushering her to the door. Grasping the door jam, Caroline turned, her eyes beseeching his. "You'll kill him right?"

"Of course," Klaus smiled. "Although, not until he is begging me too."

With that Klaus shut the door. Caroline walked away with Kol leading her. They descended the stairs, and she averted her eyes from the bodies. The dead vampires littering the stairs, the witches who had tortured her, even two of the girls who had assisted her in dressing. They were human, victims too. It bothered her for a moment to see them there. Kol's doing to be sure. Caroline would have compelled them, told them to forget it all, to leave. It was to late for them though, and she couldn't let herself feel guilty for something she had no control over. Not when she heard a blood curdling scream from upstairs and she was practically running from the sound of it.