This chapter is a bit on the short side, it's a little explanation before the story continues ^^ So that you all get to know Len a bit better. This story is not a mystery, so I see no reason why I should hide is past? Though more in debt stories will come in the future.

This chapter was written for my dear friend Fer20Diaz, who is an amazing person and you should all read her stories :D

I do not own Utaite or Vocaloid.

And Please leave a review ^^ I know I've been dead for a while, sorry about that. I'll try to update a bit more regular.

Len stared at his reflection. He started to have bags under his eyes. Which really was no surprise, just looking at his terrible sleeping habits said enough. But those bags under his eyes weren't his biggest problem. No the thing Len hated most about himself was the thick rimmed pair of glasses resting on his nose.

There used to be a time where Len had loved his glasses. He had been six when his parents found out he had a bad eyesight. His teacher, a moody old lady, ready for retirement had marked him Stupid and Not ready to study yet. While the truth was much different. Because it wasn't that Len couldn't read what was written on the blackboard, rather it was that he just couldn't see there was something written on the blackboard.

He had been so proud of his first pair of glasses, they had been a bright yellow color and he just loved how clear everything was. Trees had leaves, the white lines on the blackboard became words… life was much easier.

His teacher had not liked to be proven wrong.

Len was sure that she didn't even want to let him pass that year. But ever since a young age, he had been good at studying. He loved studying.

The moment he returned from school, he wanted do nothing more then finish his homework. So he passed that year as the best of the class.

It was stupid really, to still be upset over something so small. Len sighed while he turned away from the bathroom mirror. Kids get bullied all the time- That they picked him out of all kids wasn't because he was different. He just happened to wear glasses and loved studying.

Kids needed something to bully you with.

They just happened to chose that aspect of him to pick on.

And yet, no matter how much Len repeated those words to himself. He still hated to be seen with his glasses on. At school he pretended that nothing was interesting, he didn't study and made sure everyone knew that he didn't.

He left the small bathroom and went back into his bedroom. He hoped that no one would bother him. Today was one of those days where he just wanted to disappear.

Piko was right, Piko was always right. Len was just too stubborn to admit this. His friend had always been there for him, he supported him through his entire primary school years, he even supported him when he went to high school and some bullies followed.

And then he followed him two years ago to Vocaloid academy. Even though Piko didn't have much money and had to request a scholarship, he never stopped following Len to make sure he was going to be okay.

Even when Len changed and stopped acting like his true self, even then Piko never left him.

And how did Len repay his kindness? With nothing but cruelty.

He deserved his friend's anger. As a matter of fact, Len knew that it was Piko's right to stop talking to him. He didn't owe Len anything, it was Len that owed Piko so much. So so so much. A lifetime wasn't enough to repay for his kindness.

And yet when Luka complained to him about Piko, calling him ungrateful and selfish, all Len did was nod. "Yeah, Piko can be stuborn sometimes."

"He even went behind your back! What kind of friend is he?"

To which he had shrugged.

What a joke of a friend he was. Len thought while he crawled under the covers. He didn't want this; he didn't want of this.

All he ever wanted was for the bullying to stop. He didn't want to come to school and see his locker broken down. He didn't want to find his P.E clothes in the nearest fountain. He didn't want notebooks to go missing, didn't want to buy a new pair of glasses every month... he didn't want any of it!

So when the more popular kids took an interest in him, he went along. He climbed his way to the top, he talked like them, dressed like them and made sure he would always stay up there. Len had built an actual wall around him, made of people.

Because lying about who he really was, sounded so much better then ever getting bullied again.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. Lenka's head appeared from behind it, "I've been calling you for a while now." She said.

He didn't respond and instead kept still under the bedcovers.

"Dinner is ready," she said

When he didn't respond again she quietly left, assuming he must have fallen asleep or something.

He was hungry as a matter of fact; he just didn't want to talk to his older siblings. They would probably ask about his fight with Piko. It was none of their business. They didn't need to know.

The blond sighed and closed his eyes, hoping he that he could just fall asleep and forget everything that ever happened in his life.

"No, no you're joking." Akaito laughed, he almost tripped over his own feet, which only led to Kuroneko laughing harder. It was already late, the moon hung high in the air. Kuroneko and Akaito were the only ones left of their small group of friends. Everyone had split up after having finished their meal at Ai's restaurant.

When Akaito had offered to walk Kuroneko home, she hadn't protested. Soon the two friends started to make jokes and now they couldn't stop laughing.

"No, no really. And then he forgot-" Kuroneko got interuped by her own laughter, "Pffrt- and then he forgot that he put;…." Now it was her that tripped over her own feet.

The ground was frozen and their breath came out in small clouds, the girl continued talking, "He-he forgot the fish, and… and after two weeks it smelled horrible so like-"

Akaito had to try very hard not to interrupt her by barking out a laugh, everything was funny once you started laughing.

"And so this kid's locker smelled like rotten fish and it was horrible!"

"I'm sure."

"And of course the teacher finds out it's Tenchou, 'cuz how can it not be him?" she made some big gesture that led to another laughing fit.

"And at the parent's conference at school she goes like 'We do not tolerate this behavior' and his dad goes like 'I agree'. But his mom was like 'the hell you talking about'?"

"Oh no," Akaito shook his head, "He didn't."

"He did!" Kuro cried, "He didn't tell her, he was in so much trouble like I kid you not!"

"Dude that's like…"

"I know!"

And they laughed together.

They had reached her house. Both knew that it must have taken them longer then usual but neither seemed to mind. "Do you want to come in for a sec?"

As much as he wanted to, Akaito had a worried brother waiting at home. He shook his head, "Next time."

"I'll keep you to that promise!"

Akaito laughed, "Y'know, now every time I see Tenchou I'll be thinking about that fish." He said while already turning around so that he could leave,

"Dude all I will think about when I see Rinto is the toilet story."

"Don't tell him I said that!" Akaito told her, "He'll kill me."

"I promise I won't!" she made a V sign.

The redhead rolled his eyes and then left, he bid her farewell over his shoulder and she waved him off. Until he disappeared behind an apartment complex. Only then did she go inside. It was late, her parents had already headed to bed so she silently crept up the stairs, making sure she wouldn't wake them up.

When Kuroneko had made it safely into her room without waking anyone up, she made a small victory dance.

Her phone buzzed twice. When she checked it, she saw that she received a lot of messages without noticing. Most of them from Tenchou.

"Typical," she murmured,

From: Lenka 3
You having fun? Xx
Received 21.03pm

From: Rin_to
Len's pms'ing
Received 21.07pm

From: Rin_to
I think
Received 21.08pm

From: (unknown)
Hi Kuroneko,
It's Ai, you gave me your number at the restaurant. I hope it's the right number, 'cuz you were pretty distracted. Lol, imagine if this was the wrong number? That'd be awkward. Oh if this is the wrong number… hi? Haha whatever, text me back!
Received 21.09pm

From: VIP-T
DD: suddenly u're gone?
Received 22.54pm

From: VIP-T
How come evryne knew u wre gona excpt me?
Received 22.56pm

From: Kogeinu
Tench is having anothr drama episode

Received 22.50pm

From: Valsheeee XXX
ill tell you everything next time we meet ^^
Received 23.01pm

From: VIP-T
Received 23.01pm

From: VIP-T
Whateeeeeever, today was still fun
we shold do this again sometme ! XXX
Received: 23.09pm

From: Piko/u_idk?
(File attached)
Dude, look at Akaito's face, he looks drunk. Lol
Received 23.09pm

From: (unknown)
P,s you should totally teach me how to do my nails like yours! Xx
Received: 23.10pm

From: Akaito_The_ONE
Had fun today!
Night night
Received: 23.23pm

From: Akaito_The_ONE
Yo wth? Did u see that picture of me as well that Piko took? I look like im high or something.
Received: 23.25pm

From: (unknown)
LOL, just realized that if this is really the wrong number u must be soo confused. Xx
Received: 23.26pm

It took her two texts of Akaito before she realized how he had entered his contact in her phone. She rolled her eyes and quickly changed it to:

From: Akaito Not So Sly Fricker
OMG no one must know this pic exists! This shant be my legacy! I refuse to die like this
Received. 23.32pm

She decided to answer her phone tomorrow, right now she was too tired and all that she wanted to do was sleep. She was exhausted and still had school tomorrow. It was almost midnight and she suddenly remembered she still had some homework.

She hesitated for a second and then shrugged her shoulders. Kuroneko made a mental note to herself that she had to copy Lenka's tomorrow.

Her phone buzzed again, the girl let out a frustrated sigh. She thought about ignoring it, if it was Tenchou begging for attention she was going to ignore him. She loved the guy, but Kuroneko loved sleep more!

From: Piko/u_idk?
Len send me 'we should talk'
so serious
much wow
Received 23.44pm