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Drabble 10: Lipstick

High heels… Pale, pale skin… Shoulder length silk gloves… Thigh high silken cream white stockings… The black etchings of a parasitic innocence lacing a spiral around a pinkish shoulder… A lanky body stretching like a cat…

All this under a flower print kimono tossed haphazardly on the cold hard wood floor.

Tousled silver locks splayed over the reddened scaring on the rounded pale face… A smile on plump lipstick covered lips… Lust glistening in metallic silver hued eyes…

A tong slipped out and ran over full lips, catching lipstick as it went.

Kanda drooled.

Allen smirked.

"Come and get me."

Whoo Hoo! All Done! Hope you enjoyed!

With Love

Lady BloodDove