
"Cato! CATO!" clove yelled from beside my bed. "It's time to get up idiot or we're going to miss training." I rolled over and moaned why did she have to do that I mean she could have just shaken my shoulder but no she had to go and yell in my ear. I got up and went straight to the shower and pressed random buttons and stepped in "ARGHHH" it was freezing. After a while I got out and went to have breakfast clove was sitting on the couch so I snuck up behind her and yelled "Clove! Clove" she screamed man I didn't know she could scream like a girl. "Payback" I said whilst smirking "Let's go"

"You kind of forgot to eat breakfast" she said.

"I don't need breakfast my body is a temple" I replied and flexed for clarification. She muttered something unintelligible and we went to the elevator and got in. When we got to the training centre there was about 12 people there so half of them are late. Typical. We waited until the last group got here it was the district twelve tributes trust them to show up last. Atala, the head trainer was explaining some jibber jabber about the stations while I scoped out the competition the only person worth my time was the big black guy from district eleven. I looked over to district twelve the guy, peeta, was paying attention but the girl wasn't. What was her name again Katniss? She was just scoping out the competition and I met her I eyes, she was so beautiful no words could explain how pretty she was I was just staring at her those majestic silver eyes stared at me to it was only when her district partner asked her something did she break her gaze with me. When she walked away she was as graceful as a gazelle but you could tell she was very confident. Once I snapped out of my trance I went straight to swords and picked up a light weight one, but before I could start slashing something tapped me on the back and it was the girl from district one. She had her face caked in make-up and her beauty wasn't natural like Katniss' was. "Hi I'm Glimmer from district one, you must be Cato from district two" she started her little tangent "I must say you are hot shame we have to fight to the death."

"I don't care now shut up and leave me to my swords or I will let clove kill you in the arena and she is sadistic"

She turned around and looked at clove throwing knives and hitting the target every time and decided to leave finally and I started slashing at dummies I went to a few different stations today but I was watching Katniss as well she aced the edible plants test and can climb walls perfectly I was starting to wonder what weapons she could use but the bell signaling that training was over went off. When we got in the elevator I couldn't help but take another glance at her and she was looking at me to so I winked and she smiled and blushed until the door closed. That night in my sleep she was the one thing on my mind so I had some sweet dreams that night.

Review? This is my first fan fiction so it's probably not that great but I would like to know what you think.