Chapter 1
I know I have another story but this idea just wouldn't leave my mind. BTW I got this idea during a school assembly. Yeah I was that bored.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything or anyone. (Except Caitlyn)
Chapter 1
Today is an exciting day. It's the first girls' basketball game of the season and my first time performing as a cheerleader. My best friend Madison convinced me to try out and apparently i was good enough to join the squad. We were playing against our biggest rival the Lincoln High Lions.
We are currently on the bleachers watching our team warm up and waiting for the rest of the cheerleaders to get here so we could change into our uniform.. The other team hasn't gotten here yet but the stands are getting crowded on their side of the bleachers. They all look excited for this game. Like I said, they're our rival so naturally both schools are excited.
The game starts at 7:00. I go to my bag to look for my phone to check what time it is but i don't find it.
"What's up Spence?" Madison asks me. Madison has been my best friend since Kindergarten. She was named Captain of the Cheerleading team this year. To everyone she seems like a bitch but under that she is a sweet and caring person.
"I think I left my phone in your car"
Madison goes to her own bag and takes out her car keys and tosses them to me. "Hurry up and get it. I think those nasty cats are arriving now and the game starts in 20 minutes."
"Thanks Mads" I say before jogging out the gym. I'm only wearing a black t-shirt and jeans so the coldness doesn't affect me right now. The parking lot is kinda far from the Gym so it takes me a while to get there. I spot Madison's car and make my way towards it. I quickly unlock the car and get my phone. Making sure I locked the car, I jog back towards the gym. I turn a corner and slam against someone sending me to the ground.
"Shit" I murmur hitting the ice.
"Are you okay?" A husky voice asks as I remain laying on the ground.
I open my eyes and see a gorgeous brunette standing above me. She has curly brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen. She is wearing a white v-neck with a grey zip up hoodie and a black leather jacket over it. Her ripped black skinny jeans with black converse complete her look.
"Yeah I'm fine" I say as I sit up. She offers me her hand and helps me up. I feel these weird tingles going up my arm but they leave after she lets go of my hand.
"I'm sorry about that" She tells me as she picks up my fallen phone.
"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going" I say. Our fingers slightly touch as she hands me my phone. I place it in my back pocket.
"Are you here for the game?" I ask
"What are you doing out here then?"
"I like the snow" she says looking up.
It's then that I notice that it's snowing I look up and smile. I always liked the snow. It's one of the reasons why I liked Ohio.
"Were you heading inside?" The brunette asks
"Can I walk you?" she asks cutely.
I smile at her "Sure"
We start walking at a slow pace back to the Gym. The coldness is starting to affect me and I shiver a little when I feel the snow hitting my skin.
The beautiful stranger takes off her leather jacket "Here" She whispers and holds the jacket behind me. I am about to protest when she cuts me off "It's cold out here and you could get sick just wearing that T-shirt."
I slide my arms in the jacket and she adjusts it a little before continuing to walk.
"Thanks" I say as I fall into step with her.
She just smiles at me and I see her perfect white teeth.
"So why is this game so important?" She asks
"Are you new around here or something?" I joke
"Actually yeah I am"
"I moved here a month ago from L.A."
"Oh cool. And to answer your question, Lincoln High and North Shore have been rivals since the schools were built. The schools don't get along very well. "
"So it's Lions against Knights, the never-ending battle?"
We are close to the Gym entrance now. I look around and don't see anyone around. I guess everyone already made their way inside. We walk under a light post and i slip on the snow-covered ice. Before I could hit the ground, I feel arms wrap around my waist.
I open my eyes and I am met with deep chocolate eyes.
"Careful" She whispers.
I break our eye contact and look past her head and see something hanging on the light post. Is that mistletoe?
The beautiful stranger follows my gaze and turns back to me.
"That's a random place to put mistletoe" She whispers.
"Yeah" I barely breathe out.
Her eyes meet mine then to my lips then my eyes again. She starts to lean in a little.
I found myself leaning in as well. My eyes flutter closed and I feel her breath on my lips.
I feel her soft lips on my own. I could have sworn I felt a spark.
She seems hesitant to keep going but before she can pull away, I kiss her back and she seems regain her confidence. I deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around her neck. .At this moment I forget everything. it's like nothing else matters. This just feels so… right. She slowly pulls away and rests her forehead against mine.
I try to catch my breath and open my eyes. She is still holding me by the waist and it feels so natural.
Before either of us has a chance to say anything my phone rings from my back pocket.
She slowly lets me go and I answer the phone.
"H-Hello?" I ask still a little dazed from the kiss.
"Spencer where the hell are you? The car isn't that far away."
"Sorry Madison I'll be right there"
"Hurry up the game is about to start'"
I hang up and look up to see gorgeous stranger
"I'm sorry to leave like this but I have to get going" She says walking backwards to the Gym.
"Yeah I have to get inside also"
"Maybe I'll see you some other time?" she asks. She looks so cute right now.
"Definitely" I say smiling at her.
With a satisfied smile she turns and runs to the Gym doors.
I looks at my phone and notice I have a little more than 5 minutes to change into my uniform. I also notice I still have the mysterious girl's jacket on. I was about to call after her but she was nowhere in sight.
Maybe I will see her after the game.
I jog into the Gym and get my bag then sprint to the locker room to change. I put my stuff into the locker including the leather jacket.
I run back to the Gym and the amount of people that are there surprise me. The bleachers are full and everyone is cheering for the game to begin. The Lions are all huddled up in the sidelines on the Visitors side. Our own team is huddled up talking about a strategic plan.
"Finally Spencer. I was about to sent a search party after you" Madison says
"Sorry got a little held up"
"With what?"
"I met someone" I said shyly
"Who?" Madison asked excitedly. Ever since I came out, Madison has been trying to get involved with my love life.
Before I could respond, Sarah, another girl in the cheerleading squad, came up to us.
"Did you guys hear about the new girl on the Lions' team?"
"No" Madison replied dryly
"She is supposed to be extremely hot"
"Don't care"
Sarah's smile fell and she went to join the others on the bleachers. The cheerleaders had their own little section. I looked at the cheerleaders on the other team and noticed they were all staring dreamy eyed at someone in Lions' team. I tried to figure out who it was but I couldn't see who it was.
"Alright Ladies and Gentleman, The game is about to begin. The Lincoln High Lions versus the North Shore Knights."
The announcer got everyone's attention. Everyone took their seats and Madison and I went to sit in the bleachers.
"So who was it?" Madison asked
"Who was the girl that made you almost late?"
"I didn't get a name but she was really sweet, and kind, and-"
Just then, the mysterious girl walked to the center of the court. She had a Lions jersey on with 'Davies' on the back and the number '10'.
"and that's her" I finished staring at the girl.
Madison turned her head and saw her on the court.
"Damn girl, the fact that she is hot almost makes up for the fact that she is a Lion" Madison says
Suddenly her eyes go wide "Holy shit Spence. a Lion?"
I don't respond, I am still in shock myself.
I kissed a Lion.
Ashley's POV
Holy crap. I just kissed an angel. Those blue eyes of hers made me feel something inside of me. I never felt anything like this before. Not even in L.A. Its kinda like, I want to get to know her better, be around her, hold her.
Ok I have only known her a couple of minutes and I am feeling this way about her. Something is wrong with me.
Alright I need to focus.
After I left my angel I had to run to the boys locker room. The school let the cheerleaders and the basketball players use the boys locker room to change. When I get there I spot Caitlyn next to her is my bag of stuff.
"Ashley where have you been? Coach was getting pissed"
"Sorry I got a little distracted" I say as I begin to change.
"Distracted by what?" She asks while I put my shoes on.
"I'll tell you later. Right now we have a game to win"
"Let's do it!" With that we go out to the Gym and go to the rest of our teammates and coach.
"About time Davies" Coach tells me.
Coach is probably my favorite authority figure at school. She keeps up with my behavior while others get fed up with me. They all say I'm a 'rebel' or 'troublemaker' but coach doesn't seem to care what I do as long as I show up to practices and learn the plays. She is probably the only teacher I have respect for. She doesn't stake shit from anyone. I am the only person who get away with doing whatever I want. Anyone else and they have to deal with her wrath. She saw me playing basketball once drink P.E. and told me to try out. I was so good I was named captain.
"I told you I would make it on time." I told her.
"Ok This is the first game of the season make sure it counts" We go over our plays and strategize. Everyone huddles up.
"Alright, First game of the season, give it your best. Remember, we are Lions. We can't let anyone tame us" I tell them
"Lions on three" I put my hand in the middle and soon everyone puts their hands in as well.
"one, two, three, LIONS" Then we go into the court to start the game. I go to the middle for the jump ball. The ref throws the ball up and I jump for it along with the other girl.
The game has been pretty good. The Knights really know how to play. They are trying their hardest to win. The score is 59-57 with our team winning. Wait now its 59-59. There is 8 seconds left on the clock and I don't want to let my team down. Right now the knights have the ball. I quickly steal the ball and make my way down the court. I throw the ball on the three point line.
The Lions on the bleachers go wild and run to the court to celebrate. After a couple of minutes of celebrating we go back into the locker room to get dressed. I change into track pants and white T-Shirt with my grey zip up hoodie over it. I put my uniform in my bag.
Caitlyn and I walk to the parking lot and look for my sister Kyla and my best guy friend Aiden. They came to support the team tonight.
Once we get there Kyla starts talking "Ashley I have been calling you for like ten minutes. Why didn't you answer?"
I look for my phone and then I remember. My Angel has it. I left my phone and car keys in the jacket I gave her.
"Shit. Kyla let me borrow you phone"
Spencer's POV
"Oh my god, that's Ashley Davies." Sarah says from beside me.. We are currently watching the game. It's pretty intense.
"Ashley Davies. Number ten. She is Ashley Davies"
"How do you know that?"
"She's famous. Her dad is in this band and she is always popping up in magazines and stuff."
"Oh" I spent the rest of the game watching her play like most of the people in this Gym.
After a disappointing defeat I change into my regular clothes and put the leather jacket on. I forgot my own in Madison's car. I meet up with Madison outside of the locker rooms and we start to go outside and to the parking lot. Telling her about what happened with Ashley.
She was so shy
Till I drove her wild
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
You were hanging in the corner
With your five best friends
You heard that I was trouble
But you couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
"Spence, I think the jacket is singing"
I reach into the jacket pocket and pull out an iPhone it read 'Kyla"
"Should I answer it?"
Madison shrugged.
"Um Hello?"
"Thank goodness you answered"
"Yeah you didn't give me a chance to give you your jacket back"
"Can you meet me in the parking lot next to my car?"
"Sure but how do I know which one is your car?"
"I left my keys in the jacket as well. Just press the unlock button and the lights should light up. "
"Ok" then I hung up.
Madison and I make our way to the Parking lot and we see light light up when I press the button.
Ashley's POV
"Alright she is on her way" I tell everyone.
"Ok we are gonna go ahead and leave to get ready for the victory party." Kyla says.
She and Aiden get into his car and leave. I am left standing in my car with Caitlyn.
I tell her what happened with the angel while we are waiting.
The lights light up and I prepare myself to see the beautiful angel again.
I see her walking with another girl.
"That's her" I whisper to Caitlyn.
She is still wearing my jacket. Then I notice the bag she has slung over her shoulder. It has the word 'Knight' across it.
"Dude, she's a Knight" Caitlyn whispers to me.
Hmm that might be a problem.
Ok That was all for now. Review and tell me if you like it so far.