Disclaimer: My ownership of this series would require a lot of other scenes that aren't in the series.

When I heard Chesh say that she was with Sportsmaster not by choice, this is what I thought of after learning about the mole and cloning. I'm pretty sure this is why she stays with the shadows, and why she keeps flirting with Red Arrow.

Why She Stays

Cheshire pressed her hand to the glass containing the one thing that kept her in the shadows. Everyone had a reason for what they did. For some it was money. For others power. For her, it was him.

Speedy, Roy Harper, the original.

It was because of her that he was in that tube to begin with. They had gotten close when he was investigating a group she was working with at the time. They fell in love.

Being on opposite sides and wanting to be together… for many reasons… they agreed to run away together, far from the Shadows and the League. Though it was hard emotionally for Roy to leave his mentor and friends, it was harder for Jade to leave the Shadows. Anyone who tried to leave the job was typically killed, even if they had insurance.

The night they were to run away, her father caught up to her. The two of them together had defeated him, but his arrival masked the others slinking into place. During the ensuing fight, Speedy lost his right hand. The shock and blood loss from that injury brought the fight to a close.

Cheshire traded her freedom for his life. She swore fidelity to the Shadows if they let him live. As an archer, he was dead. How could he draw a bow with only one hand? His favorite activity was taken from him. He ran away from the crime fighting community for her. And it was all futile.

But the Shadows double crossed her. They took Speedy with them. Put him in cryostacis, made a clone of him, and made that clone an unwilling spy for their 'Light'. Seeing his so called uncle just standby and watch it all happen, Jade couldn't help but to be furious. But she made her choice. Her life was forfeit in exchange for Roy's.

Roy's and their child.

Jade had given birth just after the Fourth of July. The shadows gave her a couple months to recover then sent her straight to the field. Imagine her surprise when she saw her kid sister while on assignment. Good for her, really escaping the Shadows. Part of her wanted to tell Artemis about her new niece, but knew it'd put both Roy and Lian in danger if she did.

If only there was a way out of this nightmare.

Looking at her lover now, she only hoped she left enough clues in her flirting with the clone to warrant some rescue attempt for him. If Roy were saved, she could free Lian, and possibly herself, from the Shadows.

But this was a difficult game she was playing. So many high risks involved. One false move on her part and everything she loved could die. The only way out of this was if the League was to blame. She already used her sister and her team to get away from her father. Sneaking away on account of superheroes was almost expected. And she was much better at her job now. She could disappear this time.

'Just wait,' she mentally told the frozen young man before her. 'Just a little longer and all can be as it should be. You will have your father again, your life again, and even a child to care for. I'll make sure that happens.'

Jade settled her head against the glass, her heart aching at the sight. 'Just wait a little longer Roy. Just a little more.'


A/N: LIAN LIVES! XD well, that would be the kicker wouldn't it? it'd also make Roy and Artemis family in more than one way now. =P So this is why she stays, why she flirts regardless of him being a clone, and why she teases Artemis more than fights her. Hopefully the three of them can have a happy ending.

Also leaves Red Arrow open for Donna, should she appear. XD